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Chapter 20


“Get up!” Henry angrily yelled, he’d woken up moments before and was angry as hell his step-son was still lazing around when there was work to be done.


Josh was immediately awake, the sun blinding him that shone heavily through the back window of the house. Josh had always been a heavy sleeper but he was so much more on his guard now because of Henry. Every unguarded moment could give Henry another opportunity to attack him and Josh never wanted to give him an extra opportunity to hurt him.


Painful Josh scooted backwards on the floor, away from the angry man. He tried to get up on his feet but Henry wasn’t satisfied with the pace. He reached down and grabbed his arm roughly pulling him to his feet. Josh winced at how tight his grip was, knowing there would be another bruise as he stumbled along quietly.


“Clean yourself up and get to work!” Henry ordered, it was still vacation but no reason for his step-son to lounge around when he had a job to do.


Josh stumbled as Henry released him and he hurried towards his room to prevent Henry from pushing him harshly. Josh closed the door to his room and got ready reluctantly, the job slowly sipping into his mind again while Henry lazily plumped down in his chair.




Josh carefully lifted the shirt over his head, small drops of blood were splattered on the collar and as he gazed at himself in the mirror he found the source of the blood; the corner of his mouth had split open with the first slap to his face the night before. It had been the only mark on his face but his chest was looking much worse.


As he stared at himself in the small mirror he flinched involuntarily at the bruises he saw there. His lower ribs and stomach were the worst, angry red marks stood out on his pale skin and a few marks on his torso were already starting to get blue. Here and there you could still see the now yellow marks from previous bruising as an underlay for the new ones. His side and back weren’t doing much better but that was as low as it would get. He had a few already blue marks on his legs but the worst damage had been done to his upper body. It still kind of hurt to breathe but it wasn’t as bad as it had been the night before.


He knew Henry would never hurt him enough so they would have to go to the hospital; too risky. Josh thought Henry would love to do that but the only thing that kept him from beating him into the hospital was the fact that he then would no longer have his easy income. It was at least some guarantee for Josh but it didn’t mean the injuries hurt less, although they could have been worse if Henry pleased.


He wet a wash cloth and carefully dabbed at his mouth, it was the only one people would be able to see easily so he had to at least get the blood away. It wasn’t really swollen but it was apparent enough. He then swept the wash cloth over his stomach, carefully poking the bruises and flinching when they stung back. He wished he could have taken a shower, ease his stiff muscles from sleeping on the floor and in pain but he didn’t dare. Henry wouldn’t give him enough time and he sure didn’t want to provoke another beating, he could not have it on top of last night’s so he settled for the warm water from the wash cloth, swept over his stomach and torso to ease the pain a bit.


Once he was done he hung the wash cloth over his small sink and walked slowly towards his closet, taking out the most comfortable and covering clothes he could find and put those on, covering the evidence of the beating from the night before, he did however nothing for the pain, he by now was so used to, although he knew he shouldn’t be used to pain.


It was not normal, but it was to him.




Exactly thirty minutes later Josh reappeared. He timidly gazed at Henry who was pacing the floor. Josh tried not to be noticed but he knew it wouldn’t work.


“AH! About time boy!” Henry exclaimed and scolded once he saw Josh standing in the living room. Josh nodded fearfully as he stepped back. Henry advanced on him and grabbed him harshly.


“You go to that house right now and find out what else they have what you can’t see and don’t forget the safe. You screwed this up before, here’s your chance to make up for it and you better pray you won’t fail again” Henry said harshly, getting in his face. He’d felt his step-son flinching at not only the words but the touch as well. He knew he banged him up pretty bad last night but he knew Josh could take it, he would have to and not only that he’d deserved it.


“Y… y…yyes sir” he stuttered while still being dragged to the front door.


“You better have something for me when you get back” Henry said while releasing him when they reached the front door. Josh tentatively waited for something else but was met with an angry,


“What the hell are you waiting for?!”


Josh, startled by the angry words, reached for the doorknob and opened the door just wide enough so he could shuffle out the door. Henry returned to his lazy chair and sat down with his paper.




Josh started to run when he was away from the driveway, tears pricked the back of his eyes but he ignored them, just like he ignored the pain in his chest and kept on running as fast as his injuries allowed him to. When he was a couple of blocks away from that dreaded house he bend forward, resting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. When he caught his breath and the stabbing pain in his chest subsided somewhat his mind went back to the ‘job’ he had to do.


Just when Lance trusted him he had to betray him like this! When he’d finally found a true friend, he had to do the thing he hated most; stealing. He didn’t want to, he couldn’t do it but he had no choice at least if he wanted to stay free of some serious injuries. He had a fair idea what Henry would do to him if he would disobey him, hell if he reacted the way he did when he refused in words there would be hell to pay if he refused in actions. He knew it would be very bad and Henry probably wouldn’t care if he beat him so severely he would have to go to the hospital but Henry knowing he would not take him to the hospital then. He would let him suffer to see the consequences of his actions, he would make him pay for disobeying him, really pay. There were worse things he could do then hit him with his hands, his fists, Henry had much more things he could use and Josh was sure Henry wouldn’t hesitate to use them in this case.


He did not want to do this, his heart refused, screamed at him to tell Henry to fuck it but his head knew better. His head knew this really wasn’t a choice he had to make, his head knew this was something he didn’t have a say in at all. His head was filled with images of his broken body, severely bruised and aching and… he just couldn’t refuse. His head would not allow it and his head won once again. He had to turn his emotions back off just when he’d found them again. He had to betray Lance in the worst way, he made him trust him and betraying him would hurt him so much and to think about hurting Lance that much, his only true friend, hurt so fucking much. He couldn’t picture Lance’s face when he would find out, when he would see the thief he trusted betrayed him, just like that.


Lance would probably think he’d planned it all along, he would… he would destroy Lance’s good faith in human kind…. his heart protested, screamed not to go along with it but it was a loosing battle to the images he saw in front of his eyes.


Henry won.


Reluctantly he started walking to Lance’s house focusing on his job and not his feelings.




“Are you mad at me?” Lance asked suddenly during a simple game they were playing. School had started again but homework was still limited since it was only the first week and they happily took advantage of that by doing something fun. Josh looked up, confused.


“What are you talking about?”


“I mean… I hope you’re not mad at me for um… well asking those things” Lance explained hesitantly. He’d noticed something different in Josh’s behavior. He was more distant it seemed, like his walls were back up and Lance hoped he hadn’t gone too far in asking those things about his mother. He’d noticed it the previous days as well but shrugged it off however today Josh acted the same way and Lance did not like it. Josh stared at him, waiting for more info.


“I mean, at the mall last week, when I asked about well… about your mom” Lance said slowly, carefully. Josh shook his head.


“I’m not mad at you” he told him simply before staring at the board in front of him, contemplating his next move.


“Oh” Lance said a bit surprised.


What else could it be then?


If he wasn’t mad then why was he so much more drawn back than a few days earlier?


The thought of Henry didn’t cross his mind and he stared at Josh for a moment. As Josh felt Lance’s stare on him he looked up.


“Why would I be mad at you?”


“I…. I don’t know but…”


“But what?” Josh questioned, wanting to know if Lance suspected something.


“Nothing I… I don’t know” Lance dismissed but he kept staring at Josh and it made Josh uncomfortable. Lance searched his friend for any signs that there might be something wrong, something he wasn’t telling him. Well there was a lot Josh wasn’t telling him but something that could lead to this behavior, maybe Justin had threatened him again or he ran into Brad. It wasn’t logical but so was his behavior.


“Are you ok?” Lance asked, to make sure. Josh met his eyes and smiled,


“Sure Lance why wouldn’t I be?”


Lance searched those blue eyes for any sign but came up empty, nothing told him that there was something wrong but he still felt something. It was just a hunch, a small nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him something was not right. However seeing those eyes light up a bit he believed him, those eyes had never lied to him before and he trusted Josh and his eyes, they never lied. Lance shook his head.


“Forget it” he smiled.


“Let’s play” Josh nodded in agreement, watching as Lance bent over the game once again.


As Lance studied the game however, Josh was studying him. Lance suspected something, felt something different about him and Josh realized he had succeeded in turning his emotions off… a little too well maybe. It was just so easy to close yourself off, however he could not do this with Lance. Lance suspected it, he’d noticed how he’d closed himself off and he could not have that, he could not change like that. He had to still be open to Lance, he had to basically continue to act around Lance like he’d been doing the last few months but that made the assignment that much harder.


He’d thought he could just close off and get the answers and then be done with it, it wouldn’t hurt so much then, now however he saw it was not that simple. He had to keep his walls down, which were so easy to draw back up, and had to allow Lance in, still, even though he was betraying him in his presence. It made it all that much more painful, hurtful and it was so sick. This plan was so sick but he could not let himself slip, the images of his broken body were still there whenever he felt weak and wanted to quit. The moment that happened those images presented themselves in front of his eyes and it got him right back on track. It was scary as hell, Henry was even in his mind to control him. Henry was everywhere and he had to do this.


Lance looked up as it was apparently his turn and Josh quickly shook himself out of his thoughts. He returned the sweet smile, feeling the walls going down as he did so and he was vulnerable again, painfully vulnerable. 


< Don’t Hurt Me >