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Chapter 21


“I was waiting for you” Henry stated several days later without looking at the young man who quickly closed the door behind him.


Josh had been forced to spend time with Lance almost non stop because Henry wanted an answer to his question; where is the safe? Josh didn’t mind, he’d spend so much time with Lance already that it really didn’t bother him to be around him so much, he enjoyed spending time with him but the reason why he now had to was the hated side of his visits.


“I’m going to bed” Josh quietly commented before turning right, heading for his bedroom.


“Freeze boy!” Josh stopped dead in his tracks at the harsh tone.


“Get over here” he instructed turning off the TV. Josh reluctantly shuffled into the small living room.


“What did you find out?” he asked gazing up at his step-son.


“I um… I…”


“Well?” he interrupted impatiently.


“Not much…” Josh answered softly before going on defense immediately. “…but give me some more time you can’t expect Lance to show the safe at the drop of a hat”


“I gave you a whole week!” Henry defended, thinking that should have been enough time. He’d never been good with trust.


“But… he has to trust me. I… can’t just ask him where the safe is, he’ll get suspicious… so I’ll… have to do it…. slow” Josh tried carefully, although he’d started out quite confident, at least as confident as he could be around Henry, it still ended in a unsure whisper as he prayed Henry wouldn’t slap him. Lance did trust him but asking where the safe was would be a weird question whether you trust someone or not. Henry nodded.


“Fine you got two weeks” he gave in.


“What? I can’t do it that fast” Josh automatically responded before shutting his mouth abruptly, regretting his back talking immediately.


“I’m afraid you’ll have to” Henry said simply.


“I can’t… um… do it in two weeks. Winning someone’s…. trust is not something you just… do. I need at least…. two months” he reasoned, he was still somewhat confident since he thought Henry was being unfair and he had good points. But standing in front of Henry made him afraid because it had never mattered if he had good points or not if Henry didn’t like what he said he hit him, Henry could care less about being fair. If he was being fair he would have never hit him in the first place. However Henry did think about it, he did want Josh to do a good job and he allowed him the extra time. What was a little extra time in comparison to what he would get; the money.


“Ok you get one month but that’s it” Josh settled for it, already glad he got some more time.


“Ok, yes sir” Josh told him, his head held up high for the first time. He turned ready to leave when Henry called him back.


“Well I gave you some more time, don’t I get something in return?” Henry asked evilly with a smile. Josh turned slowly and cringed.


“Wwhat… do you… want?” Josh asked tentatively. Henry raised his eyebrows in silent message.


“Sir” Josh added when he caught the look.


“Well… I expect something in return. You know tomorrow is Saturday, a lot of kids will be hanging out in the mall, it will be busy and we’ll be there too, guess what we’ll be doing?” Henry asked, excitement in his voice. Josh cringed, knowing exactly what they would be doing. What he would be doing.


“Shopping?” Josh tried hopeful, knowing it wouldn’t be the right answer.


“No, dumbass! We’ll get our income” Henry told him harshly.


“Oh” Josh breathed disappointed, he knew shopping wasn’t an option but he just hoped it could be one, he had to have hope.


“What oh?!”


“Thank you sir” Josh said with a sigh, knowing what he wanted to hear, he wanted him to be grateful, grateful for the opportunity to steal for his step father.


“Good, now go to bed. You need to be fit tomorrow, to get me a whole lot of money” Henry ordered before he smiled at the prospect.


“Yes sir” Josh mumbled before he turned and headed for his room, glad he was excused but feeling so fucking bad for today, what he was doing to Lance and what he would do to the people he was going to rob tomorrow. He begged for forgiveness, he didn’t know who he was asking to forgive him, probably whole man kind….




The next morning Josh woke up very early, he didn’t know why he woke up this early, probably because he was nervous about today and his guilt was torturing him even in his sleep. He hadn’t heard any sound coming from the living room or Henry’s bedroom indicating that he was up so Josh assumed Henry was still sleeping. It was so unfair, Henry was just sleeping, nothing on his mind while Josh was worrying sick, the guilt tearing him up inside. He didn’t know if he could even make it through that whole month he had gotten, maybe the guilt would eat him away before then. Josh sighed and rolled onto his side, staring at the wall, maybe he could sleep for a little while longer.


Thirty minutes later he was still wide awake, he couldn’t go back to sleep and it was only 8am. He groaned and sat up, maybe he could do some homework. It was a strange time but he wouldn’t have time for it later and he would probably have to go to Lance on Sunday so anytime was good enough for him. He was awake anyway why not use his time for something important for a change that would someday get him to college and out of this dump. That was if Henry let him go….




“Wake up boy!!” Henry yelled excitedly as he pounded on the door to startle his step-son. He walked in right after and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Josh already dressed. Josh jumped up as he saw his step father, dropping his pen in the process. Henry took in the books scattered on the desk and the paper at the edge of the desk, the pen rolling on top of it, still moving from just being dropped.


“You doing homework?!” Henry asked scoffing before he erupted into laughter.


Josh merely nodded, waiting for his step father’s reaction.


“You don’t have to do homework boy, some people are forced to work for a living but we’re luckier” he smirked as he advanced on Josh.


“Come on let’s go get our money. Homework is for suckers” he told Josh as he grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of his room roughly.


Josh’s mind went blank and he let himself be pulled. Homework is not for suckers, it’s for people who earn their money fairly. Those people can sleep at night without worries, sure they might have issues at work but at least guilt wasn’t tearing them up inside. It was something Henry wasn’t bothered by either but Josh was and it made him wonder about Henry.


Was he so evil he didn’t care who he hurt when he ordered Josh to steal for him?




Henry pushed Josh towards the hallway to get his jacket while he himself got the car keys.


“Let’s get going” Henry said excitedly rubbing his hands together in anticipation,


“Let’s go get ourselves some money”


Josh nodded as he forced a smile on his face, he stumbled out the door in front of Henry and waited by the car for Henry to catch up. They got in the car and drove to the mall, another working day… at least for Josh. 




“Well get to work Josh, all these people are just dying for you to drop by” Henry told his step-son as he dropped himself in a chair on a terrace.


Josh nodded, “Yes sir”


Henry made himself comfortable and ordered his first coffee of the day with a plate of scrambled eggs for breakfast. Josh’s mouth watered, he was hungry but Henry didn’t care. He just smiled brightly, knowing exactly what Josh wanted but he ignored it, his step-son would have to eat later, he shrugged.


“Now you know what to do; get to work and bring me the wallets. Go boy!” Henry instructed.


Josh nodded and then scrambled off. He walked quickly out of Henry’s sight, walking around aimlessly for a while, stalling the moment he would have to start stealing the wallets of the people around him.




“Hey. Hey! What are you doing?” A woman exclaimed as she spun around swiftly.


Josh quickly retracted his hand but she’d seen and felt his attempt to rob her. It was already late afternoon and Josh was getting tired, he’d asked Henry to quit for today but Henry wasn’t satisfied, he’d demanded at least 10 extra wallets and so Josh reluctantly got back to work. He’d been stealing all day and was growing weary with every extra wallet he stole. This time he’d obviously misjudged the situation. The woman had felt his hand in her bag and caught him. Josh frantically looked around, trying to find an escape route and to see if anyone had noticed.


“He tried to steal my wallet!” the woman said shocked to no one in particular but it did attract attention. Attention Josh wasn’t really waiting for. Two unfamiliar men stepped in and grabbed Josh’s arms to prevent him from running off. Josh struggled in the grip but he didn’t deny the accusation; it was true he had been trying to rob this woman he just didn’t want to get caught.


“Call the police ma’am we’ll hold him down” Josh’s struggles increased as he heard the word police.


No, no, no.


He couldn’t let that happen, he couldn’t get caught, he couldn’t allow them to arrest him. The woman walked away after glaring at the young man. She walked towards the front desk of the store as Josh struggled heavily.


“Let me go… please” he whispered pleadingly.


“No can do” the man on his right answered harshly.


Josh knew this was bound to happen, he hadn’t asked Henry to quit for the day for no reason. He knew himself well enough to know that he was too tired to judge the situation and he was right. Henry would never see it that way though, in Henry’s eyes it would be Josh’s fault and he would also be the one who would get punished for it. The men continued to hold him down till the woman reappeared with a security guard. It wasn’t a cop but it might as well have been a cop because his fate was the same; he would get arrested.


“You better come with me son” the security guard addressed Josh and he looked up at the man, who grasped his thin arm, with a look of fear and shame.


“Thank you gentlemen, you did excellent work” the security guard praised the two men who’d helped the woman and had held Josh down. They let go of Josh when the security guard moved in and grasped the boy.


Josh’s big blue eyes were shimmering as he looked at the small crowd around him. He was overall looking like a lost and scared little boy because that’s how he felt but no one paid attention to how he was feeling. They didn’t know Josh didn’t want to do this but what other choice did he have? They all didn’t know and they also didn’t know Josh saw Henry was only a short distance away and from the look on his face he knew he was in for it now.


He suddenly felt movement, the security guard tugged on his arm and Josh had no choice but to follow. When did he ever have a choice? The man guided him to the back of the store and pushed a security code on a machine that was attached to a door that clearly read; staff only. The door opened and the man tugged him in. He guided him to a small room and placed him on a chair. Josh sat down, he just did, he didn’t think, couldn’t think, he just kept his mouth shut and watched. Watched how the man closed the door firmly and watched how the man walked over to the phone, picked up the horn and dialed.


“We got a pickpocket here at Macy’s” Josh heard the man say and he slumped in his seat. He could only wait till they would come and pick him up.


Nothing to do but wait…


< Don’t Hurt Me >