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Chapter 26


Today was Wednesday.


No big deal right?


Just another start of a new day. However this day was not like any other day. Today was his birthday, not that anyone else would care or even know, but it made the day a little different. He turned seventeen today, he was one of the youngest kids in his class but no one knew just like they didn’t even know when it was his birthday, let alone that they knew how old he was going to be.


Josh slid out of bed, getting dressed and ready for school. He halted in front of the picture frame, the only one that stood on his desk. It was a picture of his mother and he smiled sadly, pretending to hear her say; ‘Happy Birthday Joshua’. She would have said it for real if she had still been alive but she was gone and no one else would wish him a happy birthday.


He shuffled into the living room and saw Henry already sitting at the kitchen table, his head down, eating the cereal from his bowl. Josh sat down opposite from him, sliding in his seat without a word. He grabbed for the cereal and got the bowl that was already on the table, along with the milk and a spoon.


He was about half way through when Henry finally looked up, he’d finished his own bowl and was now staring at his step-son. Josh didn’t look up and kept quiet. Henry suddenly got up and Josh tensed immediately, drawing up his shoulders and ducking his head lower as he heard Henry shuffle through the room. As the footsteps approached Josh couldn’t help the slight bit of panic settling in his eyes. The footsteps stopped in front of his chair and Josh slowly looked up, Henry noticed the fear in Josh’s eyes and he smirked but did nothing about it. Josh just waited for whatever would come but nothing happened, nothing painful anyway. Henry thrusted a 20 dollar bill in his direction, no explanation why he got it but Josh knew it was for his birthday. Henry just didn’t feel like congratulating him, giving him money was enough he figured as he turned on his heel and disappeared through his bedroom door. Josh watched him go and then looked down at the twenty in his hand, whispering,


“Happy birthday to me”




Josh caught up with Lance at their usual meeting point and they walked to school together. They talked a bit but Josh didn’t bring up the fact that it was his birthday, maybe it was easier this way and Lance had no clue.


Once they arrived at school however Josh caught sight of Brad and a few of his lackeys who were surrounding their leader as usual. For a moment Josh had hope they were not waiting for him but that hope was shattered pretty quickly. As soon as he stepped inside the school gates he was pretty much surrounded, Lance already worked out of the circle and held away by one of the lackeys. Josh vaguely heard Lance demanding to know what was going on but he was pretty much ignored. Josh at this point wished he was being ignored; Brad was stepping closer to him and his lackeys blocked all the sides.


“Good morning Joshua” Brad smirked. Josh’s eyes flew around the schoolyard, some kids joined the small group of Brad and his lackeys, curious what was going on, other’s completely ignored it.


“Isn’t it a special day today?” Brad asked, enjoying the feeling that Josh was too intimidated to answer him.


Josh shook his head no, hoping they didn’t know today was his birthday but by the look in Brad’s eyes Josh knew it was no use to deny it; they knew.


“No? January 21st? I could have sworn today was a special day at least for you”


Josh didn’t answer, just waited.


“It’s your birthday isn’t it thief?” Josh cringed at the name calling and the fact that they really knew about it being his birthday.


A birthday was a fun day for everyone, you got attention, presents and people thought about you but for Josh it was not a fun day. The attention was unwanted and it wasn’t even positive attention, it was just another thing they could use to hurt him and to make him understand no one cared about him, no one liked him and no one even thought about getting him a present. He wasn’t worth the attention nor the trouble of finding him a present. He was simply not worth it and Josh got the message, loud and clear.


Josh looked the other way, fighting the tears as he cautiously nodded.


“How old are you turning?”


Josh met Brad’s eyes, pleading to leave him alone but of course Brad didn’t; he was enjoying this way too much to give it up.


“It’s a pretty simple question or can a thief only count money?” Laughter surrounded him and it gave Brad a kick, deciding to make Josh’s embarrassment worse he fired his next comment.


“Or you only keep track of your stolen money and not your age?”


Josh ducked his head, whispering, “No”


“Oh my bad” Brad said sarcastically.


“I turned 17” Josh said with a bit more confidence and strength in his voice. Seventeen, he sighed, he only turned seventeen this year. All his classmates either were already eighteen or were close but not Josh. He’d skipped a grade once; the teachers had been so proud of him and had told his mother he was very promising. A bright kid and so he got to skip a grade; he remembered how proud his mother had been then. If she could see him now…


“So young and already so screwed up” Brad hissed as he gave Josh a shove. He tumbled backwards but kept his balance, he was just caught of guard and he’d flinched when Brad had touched him but no one had seemed to notice that, they were too busy laughing at him. Except for Lance, who was trying to break through the circle and help his friend but he was not allowed in and there was little he could do. He could only watch, helplessly as Brad humiliated Josh in front of a lot of people. Lance was shocked to find out it was Josh’s birthday, he hadn’t known but there was probably a lot he didn’t know about Josh. Another vicious comment drew his attention back to the trapped Josh.


“Maybe we should get Josh a birthday present” Brad said loudly to the people surrounding them.


“Oh wait! I got something, we’ll invite him over and he can just take something; it’s what you always do” Brad smirked satisfied as people around them laughed loudly. When the crowd calmed down again, Brad continued harassing Josh.


“So you got any stolen goods for your birthday?” Brad smirked, getting in Josh’s face. Josh backed up automatically, afraid of him now after the shove. Physical threatening always did the most to him and as he was caught by one of Brad’s lackeys then pushed back toward Brad, he kept his mouth shut.


“Yeah you probably did” Brad said angry, shoving him backwards again, landing him once again in the lackey’s arms. Josh closed his eyes and didn’t see the fist coming his way, it bore into his stomach and Josh doubled over as the lackey released him. They left him coughing as he barely remained standing, laughing loudly and hissing insults; fucking thief, piece of shit, criminal. Josh blocked the voices out and concentrated on his breathing, suddenly he felt a hand on his arm and he backed away, a slight whimper escaping his lips.


“It’s ok, it’s just me” Lance’s voice reassured him and he looked up into those gentle green eyes, he tried to smile but ended up coughing, concerning Lance even more.


“Are you ok?”


“Sure” he coughed again, nodding to support his answer.


“Can you walk?”


“I’m a thief Lance, a criminal, not an invalid” Josh said angrily, taking his anger and frustration out on the wrong person.


“Come on” Lance said, supporting him, ignoring the angry comment understanding where it came from. He left it all for now and led Josh to their classroom, glaring at every single one of their classmates once they walked in, challenging them to say a hurtful word but they didn’t. Some smirked, others laughed under their breath, some where trying to hide it some weren’t but no one said anything.




“So it’s your birthday?” Lance asked carefully as they stood opposite off each other in front of Josh’s locker.


Josh eyed him, then nodded. “Yeah”


“Why didn’t you tell me man?” Lance asked, not waiting for a response as he hugged his friend.


“Congratulations Josh”


“Thanks” Josh smiled shyly and a blush crept over his cheeks.


“Make sure your wallet is still there” a voice, they both recognized as Brad’s, said as he passed them by. Lance glared at him but said nothing. He ignored him as he watched Josh duck his head.


“Ignore him” he said simply. Josh met his eyes and smiled a little before dropping his head again as he heard people sniggering behind him, obviously laughing at him.


“I’m sorry” Josh said suddenly.


“About what?”


“You know this morning, I was just… I didn’t mean it” Josh apologized about snapping at Lance.


“Forget it” Lance dismissed, immediately changing the subject.


“Why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday today?” Lance questioned again.


Josh shrugged, “It’s no big deal”


“What are you talking about, it’s your birthday, it is a big deal” Josh shrugged again.


“You are having a party aren’t you?”


“No” Josh answered shaking his head.


“Why not?” Lance asked a little confused. Josh shrugged. Seeing Josh wasn’t very talkative about this part he changed the subject again.


“So, you got anything nice for your birthday?”


“You mean presents?” Josh asked as if he was just informed of the fact you got presents for your birthday. Lance nodded.


“Yeah um… I got… um some money”


“Oh” Lance said surprised; money was so simple to give he thought, his parents always bought him some stuff he really liked. Josh immediately started to explain as he saw the surprised look in Lance’s eyes.


 “Well um... I just got money and I can go pick something I… like” he said, technically it wasn’t a lie but it was more because it was easier for Henry then considerate towards Josh so he would get stuff he really wanted.


“Oh right” Lance said, he hadn’t really thought about it like that. He still thought it was a simple way out but maybe it was perfectly normal at Josh’s house.


“What are you going to buy then?”


“I don’t know yet, maybe save it” Josh said thoughtful. Of course Lance didn’t know how much he’d gotten; twenty dollars couldn’t buy you a whole lot, at least not as much and as expensive as Lance was used to. Saying he would save it would be safest, not to mention closest to the truth. Saving it would be smart; saving it for desperate times, knowing there were probably a lot more of those to come. 




The rest of his birthday passed by without any incidents. It was pretty much like any other day and Josh preferred it much more than the commotion that morning. Josh felt like his whole life was one big oblivion. No one really paid attention to him and when they did it was always attention he did not want. His whole birthday was pretty much ignored and in some way he liked it but there was also a big part of him that craved for a simple birthday party, to have the opportunity to throw one and to get real presents instead of easy earned money. But maybe he should just be grateful at least Lance truly congratulated him.




However Friday night found Josh in front of Lance’s house. It seemed normal but it wasn’t, at least Lance had been a bit strange about inviting him. He did not really know what to expect but when he heard the music coming from the house and saw the people inside dancing, he hoped but actually was afraid to. He rang the doorbell and Lance smiled at him.


“Hey, Happy Birthday” he said again, hugging him. Josh let himself be pulled into a hug, forgetting to mention his birthday was two days ago but nevertheless allowed Lance to steer him into the living room.


He looked around, eyes wide as he let his eyes travel the room. A bunch of people he recognized from school were spread out over the living room, small groups stood around the room and a banner with Happy Birthday Josh hung from the ceiling. There were tables with food and drinks, it looked like … it looked like a birthday party. A normal birthday party, sure it couldn’t be for him, normal was not in his dictionary but the banner clearly said it was for him. Even Justin was here although Josh didn’t know why. He turned back towards Lance, shocked and happily surprised.


“You…. you did this?”


Lance nodded with a smile, happy Josh liked it.


“For me?”


Lance continued to nod.


“Why?” Josh breathed, suspicion carefully tugged away but it was there; why else would someone do this for him?


“Because it is… was your birthday silly!” Lance exclaimed.


“Right” Josh mumbled, letting himself be pulled into the living room.




“Let’s do presents” Lance announced sometime later. Josh was enjoying himself. It wasn’t because of the fact that there were so many of his friends, no, it wasn’t the fact that he got attention, no, it was the sheer fact that this was his party, his birthday party. Someone had done this for him. It was for him and that made it special.


A boy, Lance didn’t know the name of, called to him, “Hey man you said free beer you ain’t said nothing about bringing a present!”


Lance glared at him. “Then what the fuck do you think you’re here for?!” he snapped at the boy.


He shrugged carelessly, he was only here for the free beer, he’d seen Josh before and he’d talked to him a few times, sure, but he wasn’t here for him at all. Apologizing for bumping into someone didn’t mean you knew that person but Lance wasn’t aware of that fact.


“Get out!” he yelled at him and waved his group of friends away. Soon, everyone filed out of the room, realizing they hadn’t brought a present they quickly disappeared.


The door closed behind them all and the only ones who were left now were a very angry but ashamed Lance, Josh who was also embarrassed but for a different reason, the one being he really had no friends to celebrate a birthday party with and last but not least; Justin, who’d witnessed it all and felt sorry for both Lance and even… for Josh. It was weird to feel that way about Josh but although he still didn’t trust Josh, it didn’t mean he wished this embarrassment upon him. He’d pretty much forgotten about what he’d seen on Josh’s back. He’d been watching him for a while and he didn’t really see anything wrong with him. Maybe it really was nothing, maybe he really had hurt his back. Justin didn’t know, he found no answers and unconsciously forgot about it, pushing it to the back of his mind.


Lance looked up shyly, eyeing Josh, searching for anger in those blue eyes that always held a certain emotion. However he didn’t find anger; he found shame and gratefulness.


“I’m so sorry Josh” Lance told him, regretful. He’d wanted to give Josh a birthday party. He didn’t believe Josh didn’t want to have a birthday party and maybe Josh was just afraid to ask people to come, without actually thinking it over Lance had decided to throw him a birthday party. It hadn’t been easy, he’d observed Josh and tried to find some people he hung out with but it were very few so he just decided to invite a couple of people who wouldn’t hate Josh. Add the free beer and people would want to show up. That would be a good idea but it backfired. Now they only came for the free beer, he’d wanted to give Josh a birthday party but it sucked, maybe now he’d been better off without a party altogether. He would have been spared the humiliation he was sure Josh was feeling now.


Josh shook his head as he swallowed firmly.


“It’s ok Lance”


“No, I’m stupid and I’m sorry. I wanted more people to be here” Lance told him, then bit his tongue, it wasn’t what he wanted to say.


“It’s ok” Josh reassured him quickly, he didn’t want to hear the apology, he wanted to forget.


“I know you probably forced Justin to come as well. You can go if you want to” Josh said to Justin hoping he would leave and he could go home himself and crawl away from the world and all the shame and humiliation it brought him. He’d enjoyed himself thus far but of course nothing could go right in his life. Not even for one night. However for some reason Justin shook his head no.


“I’m good, I’m staying” he smiled a little.


Josh’s head snapped up, his eyes flying to Justin; he actually smiled a little. Josh couldn’t help thinking Lance had paid Justin to be here, why else would he be here? But the smile convinced him otherwise at least somewhat, maybe just maybe he wanted to be here. Lance smiled as well, maybe the evening was not lost; he still hadn’t gotten the chance to give Josh his presents and now would be a good time.


“Let’s do the presents now” Lance announced, glancing from Justin to Josh and back. Justin nodded.


“You bought me presents?” Josh asked astonished.


“Of course! It’s your birthday, you have to have presents” Josh nodded, a sad smile gracing his lips.


“Come on sit down, then we can begin” Lance instructed, waving to the couch.


Josh nodded and sat down, Justin walked over and sat down in the chair opposite of the birthday boy while Lance excused himself for a second and almost ran from the room, eager to get Josh his present. Neither said anything, Josh was afraid Justin would start about what he’d seen in the locker room a little over a week ago but he did not. Maybe Justin had forgotten about it, he really hoped so. Justin and Josh glanced around uncomfortably, both avoiding eye contact, waiting for Lance’s return.


“Justin could you give me a hand?” Lance asked suddenly, poking his head in the room. Justin stood gratefully and went to help Lance.


Josh waited, a little nervous what would happen and he soon found out. Lance and Justin came back out a few moments later, both singing Happy Birthday; Lance carrying a cake, the candles lit and Justin had his hands full with presents. Josh’s eyes grew wide in astonishment. He could not believe this was all for him. Lance was smiling as he walked over to him and placed the cake on the table in front of Josh. Told him to blow out the candles and make a wish as Justin placed the presents next to the cake on the table.


Josh looked at the presents and then in one breath blew out the candles, it was not hard to think of something to wish for; never have to steal again. But it was not likely that he would get his wish, not in the near future anyway. Not if Henry had a say in it and Henry had a say in it, and that was just the problem; it all lay in Henry’s hands and Josh knew he was not going to stop making use of Josh’s swift hands.


It didn’t matter really because wishes were rare to come true but you could always dream, wish your life was just a little better.




For the moment however his life was better; they ate the cake and dealt out the presents. Josh got more shocked with each present he opened, they would do all of this for him.


He could just not believe they would and why?


He asked repeatedly why they would do all of this for him and Lance’s answer was the same every time; because it’s your birthday. It seemed simple for Lance, a normal thing to have a birthday party when it’s your birthday and it had been a normal thing for Josh as well. His mother never missed a birthday and he’d had similar parties like this but when she died a lot of things had died with her. Things he’d taken for granted for years, things he had seen as normal seemed like a blessing now, they were now treats, extra’s; no longer normal. He was lucky if he got through the day without any incidents, without any bruises, without any harassment from the people around him. It had all seemed so normal to be safe, to be protected and to be treated with love and now when it all had been taken away from him he understood how happy he’d really been, how lucky he’d been and how truly fucked up his life was now.


He just hoped it would someday, someday soon all change…. for the better that was. Sure things could not get any worse but he was mistaken, it could get worse, it could always get worse.



(A/N) I do know when Josh’s real birthday is, yes. I’m fan enough to know that but since August 8th is summer vacation (like my birthday always is grrr…) and it’s too early in the (school) year I chose a different date. This one fitted best into the story, it’s got nothing to do with Justin’s birthday.


< Don’t Hurt Me >