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Chapter 27


“Joshua” a man’s voice called as he walked down the hall. Josh knew it was his principal even before he saw him.


“Could you come in for a moment?” Mr. Henman said as if it was a request but they both knew it wasn’t. Josh didn’t say anything just walked in, wondering what he wanted now.


“What’s wrong sir? I finished my detention didn’t I?” Josh asked a little annoyed. Last Friday had been the last day, he’d even spent Wednesday; his birthday in detention. He’d copied a lot of pages from the law book and really hoped he hadn’t done anything wrong to have to continue copying that book.


“Yes you did Joshua and that’s just what I wanted to talk to you about” Mr. Henman informed him.


Josh braced himself, fuck, no more detention please, he pleaded in his mind.


“I looked at the pages you copied” Mr. Henman told him.


Josh’s eyes widened in surprise; this man had really taken the time to check his work.


“Yes I did” Mr. Henman responded as if he could read Josh’s mind. If Mr. Henman would just use that time to try and help Josh all these punishments wouldn’t be necessary but punishing was easier.


“It’s all there. I copied it all” Josh defended immediately, thinking the man had found something wrong with it. He wouldn’t put it past him to find a spelling error and make him rewrite the whole page. It could happen.


“I know you did. It was all good”


“But then why am I here?”


“However!” the man continued, letting Josh know he was not finished talking and he should keep his mouth shut. Josh ducked his head, mumbling sorry. He wouldn’t piss this man off, he was not going to copy that book again.


“You being here is simply as a warning. Listen to me Joshua” the man said strictly wanting Josh to meet his eyes. When he did, he continued.


“I know you read some parts of that book while you were copying it and that was just my intention. Now you know what will happen if you do steal again and get arrested. I strongly advise you to not do it again. You are a smart boy, you could do so much better…” Mr. Henman said. Josh could not believe this, Josh could not believe Mr. Henman was saying this to him. Maybe it was just a trick.


Did this man really think he would stop now because he’d complimented him?


Did he really think it was that simple?


“However if you do screw up again, either in stealing something or simply being late; you will know what your assignment will be during detention. That book will be waiting for you. Do you understand me?” Mr. Henman finished finally.


“Yes sir” Josh said sullenly. This man really was clueless.


“Good then you’re excused”




Thursday would be a big day; they had an important test coming up. It would make up 40% of their final History grade.


Josh knew he would not get the chance to study if he stayed home with Henry. Henry would just tell him homework was not important. Homework was for suckers but Josh wanted to do well on the test. He knew grades were the only weapon he could use if he wanted to go to college. Henry would also be on his case if he didn’t spend the evening with Lance. He would hassle him the whole time if he was home and so he had asked Lance if he could come over and they could study together.


Lance had informed him Justin had asked the same question because his parents were having some sort of gathering or party that afternoon and he needed to study some place quiet. Josh didn’t know if he really still wanted to come now that he knew Justin was going to be there too. He could not have him start asking questions. However he didn’t really suspect him to because Justin had not said a word to him about the bruises since that one time when he’d snarled him away. Maybe he really forgot about it. Josh strongly thought he did. Justin wasn’t watching him anymore and things had basically gone back to normal. The only thing that had changed was that Justin in some kind of weird way treated him better. He was not like totally open with him now he was just… less hostile. Josh kind of liked it but he was also very aware of the fact that he needed to keep his walls up. He needed to stay on his guard, you never know what someone might want from you in the end no matter how nice they play.


He’d told Lance he would be there anyway because he needed to study. Lance had smiled and told him they would meet up right after school. Josh had agreed and smiled his thanks, he just hoped he’d made the right decision. Well he would soon find out.




Study day came and it went off without a hitch. They were off early that day because of the big test the following day and started studying almost immediately. It went pretty well, it was almost as if they were all good friends. Josh even enjoyed himself. He was satisfied because he really felt he had the material down caused by the periods of silence to study, the quizzes they took in between and the questions they fired at each other when they prepared a snack. Josh had hated to leave; it was 5.30 and he knew he should really be heading home. Henry would be waiting for him so he excused himself, saying he really needed to get home for diner, leaving Justin and Lance alone.


However Justin got up to leave not too much later. The party or whatever it was should be done by now Justin thought and he was planning on doing some more studying in the evening. When he was about to leave he spotted a history book, disserted on the table where they’d been studying for a while. They’d moved occasionally; change of scenery kept you fresh Lance had said and so they did.


“Oh he forgot his book” Justin said as he pointed towards the book on the table.


“He’ll need it, could you… drop it off?” Lance asked, stopping mid-sentenced. Justin and Josh weren’t exactly friends but they were going better, Lance had noticed it too, still he didn’t know if this was a good idea.


“K, I’ll pass by his house. He lives close to the park right?” Justin asked to be sure.


“Yeah, wait I’ll get his address” Lance said, to come to think of it, he’d never been to Josh’s house. He shook the thoughts away and copied the address from the student address book on a piece of paper, handing it over to Justin with Josh’s history book he smiled.




“Sure, I’ll see you tomorrow” Justin told him as he headed out the door.




“Where the fuck have you been?!” Henry yelled in Josh’s face as soon as he’d closed the front door. Josh automatically cowered away, pushing himself up against the door to create as much space between Henry and himself as was possible.


“I… I was with Lance” Josh stuttered, hoping that would satisfy him. Henry took a moment to think.


“Good, here” Henry approved finally before shoving a shopping list into Josh’s hand. Josh looked down at the list and was startled when Henry grasped his chin roughly, forcing him to meet his step father’s eyes.


“Do it right this time” Henry instructed harshly, the warning and threat clear in his eyes. Josh nodded as best as he could,


“Yyy… yes ssir” he said, wincing at the pain from Henry’s tight grip.


“Go then” Henry instructed, releasing Josh’s chin at once before shoving some money in Josh’s other hand. Josh nodded and quickly spun around when Henry took a step back. Josh shuffled out the door and Henry sighed lazily, satisfied he dropped himself in his chair and waited for the groceries and diner. He decided to pop open another beer can in the mean time.


Josh looked down at the shopping list and compared it to the money he’d gotten. It would be just enough, just like always. Just enough so he couldn’t buy himself something, not that he would ever think about that, he didn’t dare since Henry always demanded a receipt and the exact amount of change. He was never lucky, he never got a little for himself, he was lucky when he got the groceries without much trouble and if he got them right. If he didn’t, Henry didn’t hesitate to beat some sense into him, making sure he saw the difference between Pepsi and Coca Cola as if that was important Josh thought sadly. He shook the feelings away, slowly walking towards the nearest supermarket to get the requested groceries. 




Justin scrunched up his nose as he walked down the street that was scribbled on his paper. It was a mess, he glanced around him to find the right number. It was cold and dark making it harder to find the right house. He saw a house on his left; half of the house was gone, the wooden boards that had once been the right side of the house were now laying on a pile next to it. He searched for a number and was strangely relieved when he found that it was not Josh’s house. He sped up his pace, feeling very uncomfortable here in this neighborhood.


He finally skidded to a stop when the number on the door of the house matched with the one on his paper; 362. He eyed the place wearily, taking in the place that Josh called his home. The car was parked strangely, totally across the lawn that was obviously neglected and had probably been dead for years. The rusty iron garbage cans stood on the edge of the lawn and trash was scattered around it. The house itself didn’t look any better. The paint was plastered off and there were rot marks in the wood. It was a small, one story house. The few steps that led up to the house were made of cement, but it looked very old, there were pieces missing from the edges; the debris next to it.


He checked the number; Josh really lived here?


The number was clearly 362 and the same number stood on the side of the door. It was here but he just couldn’t believe he really lived there. It was about ten blocks from Lance’s house, it made all the difference; they seemed worlds apart.


What Justin didn’t know was that it in fact had been a very good house, it wasn’t big but it was in good conditions. The state it was in now was all Henry’s fault. He was too lazy to take care of it, he didn’t feel like doing it and he didn’t feel the need to. It was not important, the inside was much better, there was many expensive equipment due to the money they stole but Henry didn’t want to waste any money to upkeep the outside. He didn’t bother with the outside, as long as he had his expensive stuff and beer cans within reach he could care less.


Justin stepped onto the lawn and walked the short distance towards the steps, climbing them, he reached the front door and he hesitated only for a brief second before raising his hand and ringing the doorbell. He nervously shuffled from foot to foot as he waited for someone to open the door. He heard footsteps approach and unconsciously took a step back. The door swung open and he was met with a very tall and built man, he was probably in his mid thirties and his brown eyes stood angrily. The man wore a wifebeater, fading jeans and an old blouse. The chest hair that poked from under the beater where the same dark color as the man’s hair and Justin’s eyes grew slightly.


“Yes boy?” the man spoke, growling annoyed. Justin automatically took a step back at hearing the hard tone. The man waited impatiently and did nothing to reassure the young boy who was obviously frightened of him. Justin scraped his throat nervously.


“Um… I… am Justin Timberlake, a friend of Josh. We... we were studying and he forgot his book so yeah… here, I just thought I would drop it off” Justin told him, stuttering a bit as he struggled with the words. He then stretched the book towards the man tentatively.


“Thanks” the man managed as he took the book from the boy, eyeing him from head to toe before beginning to close the door.


“Bye” Justin said totally not at ease. He turned quickly and stumbled away, his legs shaking with fear. 


He was too shocked and slightly afraid to make the link… the angry and definitely unfriendly man and the bruises on Josh’s back…




“You do have an awful lot of friends lately don’t you Joshy?” Henry asked when Josh came into the living room, his hands full with groceries but Henry didn’t lift a finger. Josh winced at the patronizing nickname, not knowing where he was going with the question. He quietly walked towards the kitchen table and placed the paper bags on it, turning back towards his step father as he explained his comment.


“First the rich kid and now what was his name again…Justin yes… that was it”


Josh’s eyes widened in fear, wondering how the hell he found out.


“How… how d..” he stuttered.


“He dropped off your book, said you’d been studying and you forgot this one. Now isn’t that nice of him?” he taunted, Josh merely nodded as he watched as Henry got out of his chair and stalked towards him.


“Another rich boy huh?” Henry asked as he took a hold of Josh’s jacket.


Josh frantically shook his head no, “No, he’s… just…” He tried to say that he wasn’t rich, just like them but Henry cut him off.


“Well I think you’re lying” Henry said raising a hand, ready to slap his burden and Josh cringed automatically.


“I’m not, I swear he’s not rich… please… don’t hurt me, I’m… not lying” he pleaded, trying to convince Henry that Justin really wasn’t rich. But Henry didn’t care, he slapped him anyway.


“Did I ask you to speak?!” Henry asked angrily, getting in his face. Josh stared at his step father, cupping his cheek as he felt the tears building in his eyes. He shook his head no, praying that would satisfy him but Henry wasn’t satisfied he pulled his step-son closer to him, breathing in his face as Josh closed his eyes tightly, the tears squeezed out as he smelled the alcohol in Henry’s breath.


“I think we need to pay your friend Justin a visit as well, I think you should go to his house and see what kind of valuable things he’s got”


Josh opened his eyes at once, he couldn’t betray Justin as well, it was bad enough he had to betray Lance but he just couldn’t handle them both.


“Ssssir?” Josh asked softly, asking permission to speak, sometimes Henry wanted to feel the power, the power that he decided when Josh spoke or not and when Henry wanted that Josh was not going to argue with him. He would always loose the argument anyway.


“What?” Henry smirked, satisfied of the submissiveness of his step-son.


“I… I don’t think…. that that’s wise” Josh breathed the last part, wanting to get it out before he chickened out, he was still awfully close to Henry and it intimidated him but he had to voice his thoughts now or there would be no way back.


“What the fuck!” Henry lashed out, raising a fist this time. Josh cowered away immediately, covering his head with his hands.


“Please don’t, I just don’t think it’s wise when I’m doing the same to Lance. I have to concentrate on Lance, it’s a big house, you’ll get plenty of money. Justin’s house is not worth the risk. Besides Justin is already suspicious of me and if he catches me he’ll call the police immediately and we can forget about Lance’s house, he’ll know and I’ll never get the chance to break into his house again” Josh rattled. Henry’s fist hung in the air as he listened to his step-son reasoning. He brought his hand down, realizing he was right.


A smile broke on his face and Josh’s eyes shimmered with hope, hope that he wouldn’t have to betray Justin like he had to do to Lance.


“Good boy” Henry praised the best he could, he patted his painful cheek and Josh winced as a stinging pain went through his cheek.


“I trained you well, clever my boy” Henry praised himself with the good training of his step-son before releasing him. Josh sighed relieved and for a second he let his defenses down, it was the wrong move. Henry bore his fist in Josh’s stomach and he dropped to his knees gasping for air.


“Don’t you dare to talk to me that way ever again” Henry ordered harshly as he looked down on his step-son on his knees in front of him.


Josh nodded the best he could, even squeezed out a, “yes sir” as he clutched his stomach.


“Good, now put away the groceries, start diner and get me another beer” Henry said coldly before he sat down in his chair. Josh tried to get his breathing under control as he fought against the pain.


“Now! You lazy brat!” Henry spat at him and Josh forced himself to his feet, knowing it wouldn’t end well if Henry would have to get out of his chair. He got the beer first and handed it to Henry who snatched it out of his hands before he shoved him away harshly. Josh barely kept himself from stumbling over his feet as he slowly walked back towards the kitchen table, taking out the groceries one by one and carefully putting them away as Henry once again did nothing.


< Don’t Hurt Me >