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Chapter 29


One week left. Josh had one week left. Friday would be exactly four weeks ago since Henry had given him the job, had given him a time frame. Four weeks he’d gotten and that time frame would expire on Friday. Henry would certainly confront him with it then. He would have to have an answer then but he wasn’t ready for it.


Not by a long shot… he probably would never be ready for this.






Five days left and Josh decided to get on with it. He decided tonight would be the night. Tonight he would ask his question and tonight he would get his answer. It would all happen tonight.




“I don’t know if I could live in a house like this” Josh said, as he glanced around him. He’d been here a lot in the past 5 months but he still could not get over the fact how big it was. Especially in comparison to his own house. His whole house was the same size as Lance’s bedroom, he thought sadly but it was a good opening.


He’d thought about how to start this conversation and he knew. He’d thought of a technique to get to his question and he was pretty sure it would work. He only had to do it now.


Plans were good but actually acting them out was a different thing.


“Why not?”


“Way to big” Josh said with a smile.


“You know if I would live in a house like this…” Josh fantasized and Lance gave a laugh.


“I thought you didn’t want to live in a house like this?”


“Didn’t say that” Josh said mischievously.


“I said I didn’t know if I could live in a house like this” Josh said, emphasizing the word ‘could’ as he smiled fully. He’d practiced his emotions a couple of times. He had to have them under control when he would start this conversation. He couldn’t let his desperation or regret creep into his eyes. Lance always saw right through him and he would get suspicious at once. He needed to keep himself under control. Lance laughed at his friend’s words.


“But if I did live in a house like this I would definitely begin with an alarm system”


“My dad doesn’t like those. Actually he hates them” Lance informed him.


“And you know these huge metal doors” Josh fantasized but he knew exactly where he was going with this.


Lance laughed, “No way. I’d feel like a prisoner”


“Well I’d at least get a safe. You don’t even have that” Josh accused playfully and Lance responded immediately.


“Yeah we do, we got a safe downstairs in the base…” Lance stopped abruptly when he realized what he was telling him. Lance’s heart sank as he saw Josh look away, ducking his head in shame knowing why he’d cut off his sentence so abruptly.




“It’s ok” he dismissed before Lance had a chance to apologize. Josh couldn’t have Lance apologizing to him. It would be too much.


“No, I’m sorry” Lance insisted on apologizing and Josh cringed internally because he deserved anything but an apology.


He smiled his thanks nevertheless, “It’s cool”


“You’re my friend and I trust you and I’m sorry” he continued.


Josh couldn’t take it, needing to chance the subject.


“It’s fine, lets just forget about it”


Lance nodded.


“Is there anything on TV?” Josh asked casually, he needed the time to let it all sink in. He’d just taken the first step; the first step into betraying Lance, betraying him in the worst way.




As Josh walked home that night he couldn’t help but walk slower. He was almost not moving at all or going backwards it seemed. He just couldn’t get himself to move any faster.


He knew the answer; the safe was in the basement. Although he would probably still have to search for the safe in the basement he at least now knew where to look. It narrowed it down definitely, making his job easier. His assignment was over, he knew where to look.


He didn’t want to tell Henry what he’d found out because his friendship with Lance would no longer be needed. Not only that, it would also mean he’d have to betray Lance in a matter of days. That’s why he decided to postpone telling Henry about the information for as long as possible. Hoping he could stretch it out for at least one week and if he were lucky maybe more. He knew there was no escaping, it was inevitable, sooner or later he’d have to inform Henry but the later the better.




“I hope you’re close Joshy” Henry stated when Josh walked in the living room Thursday afternoon. One more day but Josh already knew the answer. Henry didn’t know this of course and he was planning on keeping it that way.


Josh looked away without a word.


“You are close aren’t you Joshua?” Henry asked stricter now, noticing how Josh avoided eye contact.


“Well… I... um” Josh stuttered, shuffling his feet nervously.


“What?!” Henry demanded, coming dangerously close.


“He… um… doesn’t trust me yet” Josh lied but he was now able to make it sound like it was the truth.


“You had a whole month to make him trust you, you worthless piece of shit!” Henry growled as he fisted Josh’s shirt and took a few steps forward till they reached the wall, pushing Josh up against it he winced as his back made contact with the wall.


“I… I know but… you know… rich boys…” Josh stuttered, producing an excuse although he didn’t know what had possessed him to bring this up, he should have just said he was close! He didn’t know why he didn’t say that but it was no use to think about it now. He had already brought it up, asking for more time and he couldn’t back down now. He had to ask for more time. He wanted more time. He didn’t need it, he just wanted it to dread the day he would have to rob Lance for real.


“He’s opening up…. I swear…. it won’t be long. Another month?” he asked hopeful, praying hard Henry would go for it.


“You were supposed to have it by now” Henry growled, pushing Josh higher against the wall.


“I know…” Josh cringed. “But… you want me to do a good job right?” Josh dared to ask, he didn’t know where this courage came from. Maybe from the prospect of having to rob Lance.


Henry punched him in the stomach with his free hand, the hand on his shirt preventing him from doubling over but it didn’t prevent him from gasping for air as Henry punched the air out of his lungs. His breathing came in gasps as he listened to Henry’s angry voice.


“You piece of shit! Don’t ever talk to me like that! You’re not negotiating here. I decide when you have the info not you. Do you fucking understand me?!” Henry said, his voice dangerously low and his face only mere inches from Josh’s.


Josh nodded, whispering, “Yes sir”


Henry eyed his step-son for a few moments. Josh at first too busy to breathe didn’t notice but once he regained his regular breathing he was well aware of Henry’s gaze on him. Josh kept his head low, after a few minutes of not speaking and Henry was still looking at him Josh thought maybe he should say something.


Or maybe not.


He could try… maybe.


“Sir… please…” he whispered, completely tense and his eyes were shut tightly, his head still ducked as he spoke those first tentative words. Anticipating another punch or shove but till his surprise nothing came and he dared to go on.


“Can… I please… have just one more month?... I swear I’ll have the info by then” Josh’s voice was still soft, afraid of Henry’s temper directed towards him if he said something wrong but once again Henry didn’t do anything. He was still staring. Josh started to squirm in Henry’s grip, afraid and uncomfortable under the intense stare. Suddenly he spoke and it made Josh flinch, startled at the sound.


“You get two more weeks… but you better have something for me by then or you’ll be fucking sorry and if I find out you’re holding something back you’d wish you were never born” Henry finally told him.


Josh swallowed hard, fear paralyzing him, however he managed to nod; satisfying Henry who released him before shoving him back against the wall. Josh sighed from relieve but it was misplaced. Henry’s fist once again bore into his stomach and this time he did double over. He was gasping for air once again and with one shove from Henry Josh found himself on the floor.


“You make sure you have something for me in two weeks” Henry warned, punctuating his words with a swift kick in the side.


“You better pray Lance opens up and tells you because two weeks is all you get and if you don’t have the info by then nothing will be able to save your sorry ass. You got that?!” Henry threatened. Josh was too busy trying to breathe through the pain and the words were lost on him, he didn’t notice Henry was waiting for a response and Henry was not pleased. The boot contacted with his already aching stomach and he gasped loudly.


“You get that?” he demanded.


Josh managed to nod, pressing out a faint, “Yes sir”


“Good” Henry said satisfied, setting his boot on top of his step-son’s thigh and giving it a hard shove causing Josh to slide across the floor a few feet, ending up on his back. A final kick to his other side satisfied Henry and he then walked out, heading to his bedroom leaving Josh aching on the floor. Josh rolled back onto his side, pressing his face to the cold tiles of the living room.


He closed his eyes tightly, biting on his lip to breathe through the pain as only one thought filled his mind; Please God don’t let him find out.


< Don’t Hurt Me >