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Chapter 34


There he was. Alone, very alone. Sitting in a cold empty jail cell. His back against the wall as he sat on the small bed, hugging his knees to his chest.


It was Sunday. Josh had already spent the night here so he knew it was Sunday, he however had no idea what time it was exactly. They’d taken away his watch and other personal belongings when they’d brought him in. He’d already been interrogated about the robbery the day before and he’d confessed. It didn’t do him any good if he lied about it. Sure he could deny it, pin it all on Henry but what good would it do him? Although he’d in fact been forced into this it did not at all change the fact that he’d robbed Lance’s house. The prove was there; the ring. Josh was convinced going to trial would be a waste of time. It would be better to confess, accept the consequences. The sooner he did the time, the sooner he could start anew and now with Henry no where around he could maybe start it right.


Although he’d confessed they’d still asked him if his stepfather, who’d disappeared suspiciously, knew anything about what Josh had done. This time he lied, he told them Henry hadn’t known, that it was all him because Josh had not forgotten the threats Henry had made when he spoke about dobbing him in. Henry had warned him never to say his name, never dob him in or it would haunt him for the rest of his life and Josh didn’t dare to dob him in. He didn’t want to find out if the threat was meant, if he would follow through on it. He probably would, knowing Henry. He always kept up his threats, so Josh lied. The officers had nodded but they still had wanted to talk to Henry, Josh however didn’t know where they could find him and they send out an APB to question him.


They’d brought Josh to the court house only hours later for his first arraignment. The police officer that led the case had informed the judge there was no one to claim Josh and so logically the judge decided that he should be brought to a juvenile detention center.


They certainly didn’t waste any time and that same night he found himself in another cell at the juvenile detention center just outside of town. It didn’t seem to be very bad, the police station had been worse but nevertheless it was still a cell, he was still locked up and although it was a little different, it didn’t change anything. He’d have to stay here till his next trial, which wasn’t for another four weeks! He had a feeling that these four weeks would seem the longest four weeks ever. And it probably wouldn’t be over then since he didn’t expect the judge to acquit him. He figured the judge would convict him then, hand out whatever kind of punishment would be waiting for him. He anticipated more detention time so after these dreading four weeks he would probably find himself back in the same cell as he was in now at the juvenile detention center. At least that’s what he expected, otherwise he really had no clue. He didn’t care really anyway because where would he go and what would he do if they by some miracle would actually release him?


He slid sideways, lowering his head onto his pillow but still hugging his knees to his chest. Tomorrow was Monday. A school day but he wouldn’t be going, at least not to his school. He’d caught something about the juvenile detention center having their own school program when they’d brought him in so he figured he would have to go there tomorrow. 


He wondered if they would miss him at his own school tomorrow. He wondered if they would know what he’d done. He wondered if Lance would tell them. He wondered if anyone would care he’d been arrested. He wondered if anyone would think about him. He wondered if his teachers would even notice he wasn’t there.


They probably wouldn’t.


No one probably would, no one would miss him.


No one cared.


He squeezed his eyes shut, fighting the tears but failing miserably.


< Don’t Hurt Me >