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Chapter 36


Justin came home later than usual. He’d shot some hoops in the backyard to clear his head; it always worked and he really needed it this time. He let the conversations and images of the last weeks go through his head. He thought about Josh’s betrayal, Lance’s anger, Josh’s bruises and his excuses. He thought about it all, he’d even walked by Josh’s house on the way home, peering inside; noticing the empty spots he’d frowned. He decided to go home and shoot some hoops then, to sort out the ideas in his head.


After his shower he plumped down on his bed, his curls still wet but plumping down on his pillow anyway, something he wouldn’t have done if his mind wasn’t still so full because he hated laying down on a wet pillow. However he didn’t care now. He lost himself in his thoughts once again, thinking about Lance and Josh.


Lance had been so sure Josh was innocent, that he didn’t do all those things because he wanted to and Justin had told him he only wanted to see that. That it was all in Lance’s head. However now it was reverse; Josh had betrayed Lance and he no longer trusted Josh, who could blame him? Justin however, wasn’t so sure about his black-white scenario. Josh was, is a thief but Justin now had a weird feeling; a feeling that something just wasn’t adding up.


The last few weeks passed by again and… he shot up right.


His eyes wide, realization sinking in. The pieces of the puzzle slowly fell into place.


Josh’s ever sad features, his scary stepfather, he hadn’t thought about it at the time but suddenly that angry man and those… bruises clicked; it couldn’t be a coincidence. He gasped and covered his mouth, shaking his head in disbelief, fighting against his own thoughts but it was the only explanation that made sense. He mentally hit himself in the head for not thinking about it sooner; it seemed so… logical now but abuse… it wasn’t something you would assume right away. He thought about the bruises Josh had always tried to cover up, that scared expression in Josh’s eyes when he’d cornered him at Lance’s house and finally the empty house with no sign of Josh’s stepfather.


Maybe Lance had been right all along, maybe Josh really didn’t do all that because he wanted to. Maybe he had no choice, maybe he had to, was forced into it. But there really was no way of knowing for sure; the only one who could tell him the truth and confirm his suspicions was… Josh.




“I’ve come to see Joshua Chasez” Justin said confidently to the officer behind the desk.


“And your name is?” the officer inquired peering over the rim of his glasses.


“Justin Timberlake, sir”


The officer nodded before going into the back, returning moments later glancing at the papers in his hand.


“Mr. Chasez has been taken to the juvenile detention center just outside of town”


“What? Why?” Justin exclaimed, cursing himself for not coming sooner, now it might be too late. The officer looked questionably.


“Says here he confessed to robbery”


“What about posting bail and stuff? I want to bail him out” Justin asked confused; so he’d seen a couple of movies but he really had no idea how it really worked.


“Mr. Chasez is underage therefore they didn’t set bail. Only two options; foster home or juvenile detention center. No one came to claim him and so they took him to the juvenile detention center till he’ll get his trial” the officer explained the young boy.


“When is his trial?”


The officer looked pointedly, raising his eyebrows and his eyes widening: it was not allowed to hand out personal information.


“Please?” Justin added.


The officer sighed, checked the papers again then answered. “Four weeks from now”


“Great. Now what?” Justin asked. The officer sighed.


“I mean will he have to stay there for four weeks?” Justin asked, noticing the man’s irritation.


“Yes” he nodded once.


“How can I talk to him?” Justin fired another question. The officer sighed heavily this time.


“I’m sorry, please just help me… please?” Justin requested, apologizing. The man once again sighed; it was pretty quiet, this late afternoon, and this boy really seemed to want answers, he wouldn’t back down easily.


“Ok. You can visit him. They have visiting hours”


Justin bit his lip, he would speak to him then yes but would it be enough to get Josh to tell him everything he wanted to know. He doubted it.


“What if I want to talk to him longer?” he asked cautiously, squeezing his eyes, hoping the man wouldn’t get angry now.


“You can’t, visiting hours is all you get”


“But you said something about foster homes. What if I want to take him in?”


“Are you 21?”




“Then you can’t”


Justin’s shoulders slumped in disappointment.


“Ok. Thank you for your time” Justin said politely, disappointment clearly in his voice. The officer felt bad, there was another option.


“Hey kid” he called after the young boy.


“Yes?” Justin asked hopefully, turning around.


“Ask your parents, if they agree you can take him”


“How do I do that?” Justin asked, his eyes shining with hope as he walked back to the desk.


The man sighed but began to explain nevertheless, this young man was definitely determined.  




“Where have you been?” Lynn asked curiously as the back door slammed shut later that evening.


“I went to the police station” Justin told her. Lynn raised her eyebrows.


“I didn’t do anything” Justin informed immediately when he caught her questionably look.


“I just… I want to talk to you guys about something. Where is dad?” Justin asked, looking towards the living room.


“He’s reading the paper, why?”


“I need to ask you both” Justin told her, guiding her to the kitchen table, settling her down before he went off to get his father. Moments later Justin came back in the kitchen, guiding Paul to another chair before he sat down opposite of his parents.


“What’s wrong Justin?” Lynn asked worriedly, Justin had never sat them down before except the time when he’d told them he was gay. It was a bit of a shock but actually Lynn had already known. She wondered what he had to tell her now.


“You didn’t get anyone pregnant did you?” Lynn asked suspiciously.


“Mom I’m gay” Justin reminded her pointedly. Paul looked at her as well, she shrugged.


“It could happen”


Justin sighed. “Right, but I want to talk to you guys about something”


“Then what is it?”


“There was this boy in my class…”


“Was?” Lynn questioned.


“Yes, was. He’s in trouble”


“How in trouble?” Paul asked this time.


“He’s in jail” He eyed both his parents, it hadn’t scared them off.


“Is that why you went to the police station?” Lynn asked.


“Yes I went there to see him and to well… bail him out but they said he was no longer there. They took him to the juvenile detention center ‘cause he has no one”


“What do you mean he has no one?” Lynn asked confused.


“There was no one who came to claim him at his arraignment, he has no where to go”


“So they took him to this detention center?” Paul asked, gesturing.


“Yes, but I want to talk to him and the police officer said that if I found him a home they would release him…” Justin informed them, hoping they got the hint.


“And…?” Lynn asked, having a fair idea where her son was going with this but needing to be sure.


“And I hoped that we could offer him a home” he finished slowly but determined.


“Justin” Lynn sighed.


“What exactly has this boy done?” Paul asked.


“He was arrested for robbery” Justin replied reluctantly, hoping that this wouldn’t change anything.


“You want us to take in a thief?” Paul asked.


Justin nodded.


Paul and Lynn shared a look and when they fixed their gaze back on their son Justin saw the answer would be negative.


“I will take total responsibility for him. I really want to talk to him and it really doesn’t have to be forever, it can be temporarily as well” he rattled, offering at the end hoping this could change the answer for the better.


“Why can’t you just drop by there?” Paul asked confused.


“I could… but it won’t be enough time and I don’t think he’ll just blurt out whatever happened just like that”


“What happened when?” Paul inquired.


Justin sighed, he had to tell them about Lance but he could see they were debating it, when he would tell them about Lance they would dismiss his idea immediately. But he still had to tell them.


“He robbed Lance’s house”


“He what?” Lynn gasped.


“He robbed him but I don’t think it’s what it looks like”


“Justin we can’t just take him in, what if he flees or robs us too?” Lynn asked gently.


“I really don’t think he would do that but if he does I’ll cover it. I swear. I’ll take total responsibility for him I just… I really think he needs someone”


“Justin?” Lynn persisted, knowing the look in her son’s eyes. Justin sighed; his mother knew him too well.


“His stepfather hurts him, really hurts him. I saw what he did… I mean what I think he did” Justin caved, telling them what was on his mind. Justin swallowed.


“And I think the robbery’s have something to do with that” he added. Lynn’s hand covered her mouth in shock and Paul’s gaze was fixed straight ahead; thinking.




“Dad?” he addressed his parents, looking at both of them in turn.


“Ok” Paul agreed. Lynn met her husband’s eyes, nodding her head she agreed as well.


“Oh thank you so much!” Justin exclaimed, jumping up freezing in mid air when Paul warned him.


“We agree, he can come and live here for a while but be careful. You still don’t know the full story he could still be planning something”


“Ok dad. I will” 


< Don’t Hurt Me >