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Chapter 37


Josh sat alone and miserable in a jail cell.


A couple days later and still sitting in the same cell, waiting for his trial. He was only half way through the first week and it seemed as if he’d been there for a year. The days just seemed to be twice as long and everyday the same schedule didn’t do much good either. He was bored and he hadn’t slept very well since he came here. Thoughts kept running through his head and the guilt still gnawing at him. He thought about Henry; at least here he was safe, yes he was locked up but he was no longer in pain and the pure terror Henry would make him feel had ceased. He was still scared, since he didn’t know what to expect and wasn’t quite used to his new life yet but the fear was in no way to compare with the absolute terror he felt, the paralyzing fear when Henry’s eyes looked at him with that dark look; pure rage. He guessed Henry already left the country but of course he couldn’t be sure and Henry wouldn’t be stupid to come look for him. He didn’t have to expect Lance to look him up either.


When the clock struck 4 and everyone else filed out to go to the visiting rooms to meet their family or friends, girlfriends or even boyfriends Josh always stayed behind because there was no one who would come to see him.


No one at all.


He waited for his trial and his sentence but he’d only been here for four days and the end was no where in sight. He pulled his knees up to his chest, dropping his head on top of them, closing his eyes briefly.


“Get up” a guard, who suddenly appeared, ordered the boy sitting huddled in the corner.


The guard prepared to open the cell door and Josh lifted his head from his knees and looked up as he heard the distinct sound of rattling keys. Josh released his knees, letting his feet slip to the floor, staring at the man in front of his cell. He sullenly kicked against his bunk bed’s pole.


“Stop that” the guard said firmly, clearly annoyed. Josh kicked once more time before he slowly looked up at the man before him.


“Get up, you have a visitor” the guard repeated, adding a bit more of information but Josh snorted, lowering his eyes.


“You got the wrong guy” he said softly.


“I know who has a visitor alright, get up!” he said, his instruction a little fiercer this time.


Josh hadn’t even noticed it was almost visiting hour again but then again why would he pay attention to that; no one would come for him. Apparently someone had this time and he felt excited and terrified at the same time. Maybe someone did care he thought, someone cared enough to drive out here and to come and visit him. On the other hand he didn’t know who it could be. Could it be Henry? He hoped not, he didn’t think it would be Henry but his stomach still churned at the thought.


The door opening got Josh out of his thoughts and so he slowly got to his feet, shuffling to the guard as he waited impatiently. He got a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket. Josh waited in the doorway of his cell, stretching his arms in front of him so that the guard could cuff him; it was procedure. Josh waited till the man was done then he grabbed Josh’s upper arm and guided him to the visiting room.


The door to the visiting room opened and Josh unconsciously held his breath, preparing himself for whoever would be waiting for him. As he peeked inside, he scanned the room when he spotted his social worker he released the breath he’d been holding. The guard led him to a table and placed him on the bench before he walked back to his post, observing the people in the room.


“I have good news for you Joshua” the woman told her charge with a friendly smile. Mrs. Grandon, who’d visited once before was a nice lady, she was in her late fifties, her graying hair always in a bun on her head. She was the typically granny that you wanted to cuddle up to but she also had strictness about her, it was a fine division. Josh’s lips turned into a small smile.


“What is that Mrs. Grandon?” Josh asked politely, it still surprised her. She’d dealt with a lot of juvenile delinquents, she knew the type and their tricks but Josh just didn’t seem to be the type. Of course from years of experience she also knew that the type didn’t suit everyone but there were always a few typical signs. However Josh was in all those ways different.


“A couple has filed for another trial…” Josh shot up.


“What? I didn’t do anything I swear I didn’t” he defended immediately. He might no longer live with Henry, some things were just hard to forget. Old habits die hard.


“I know Josh. I said I had good news didn’t I?” she answered calmly to his panicky reply.


Josh nodded timidly, slumping back in his seat.


“But how can another trial be good?” he asked tentatively soft, nervously fingering the cuffs.


“They asked for this because they want to take you in” she explained.


“They want … what?”


“They want you to come live with them”


“But… what… do they know…?”


“Yes, they know”


“But then why…?” Josh asked still he didn’t believe someone would take him in.


“Are you sure?”


“Yes. The trial is in two days and if it goes well you can go home with them straight away”


Josh sat dumbfounded. “Who… who wants to take me in?” Mrs. Grandon checked her papers, finding the right one she read the name out loud.


“Mr. and Mrs. Harless”


“But… I don’t know anyone by that name” Josh revealed.


“Are you sure?”


Josh nodded. “Yes”


“They said they knew you”


“Oh” Josh breathed; he really didn’t know anyone by that name he knew it for sure.


“Do you want to live with them?” Mrs. Grandon asked gently. Josh thought it over; what if these were friends of Henry, what if they would hand him over to Henry.


No he couldn’t have that.


He didn’t want that.


“No” he said firmly. Mrs. Grandon was shocked by his answer; how many kids wouldn’t have jumped at the chance to get out of here.


“But Josh. You do understand that you’ll have to stay here then for the rest of the time, do you?”


Josh met her eyes, his wide liquid blue eyes meeting hers. He nodded yes. He wanted to get out of here yes but not if it could mean that he would end up, back with Henry. He’d rather stay here for the rest of his life than to go back to Henry.


Mrs. Grandon eyed him, taking a wild guess she asked. “Are you afraid you won’t like them?”


It had happened before; kids who were afraid of strangers treating them badly, most of these kids had already been treated badly. It was all they knew, afraid everyone was the same. Josh nodded timidly. It wasn’t exactly the same but she was warm.


“What if I told you that you can see them before the trial and then if you don’t like them you can tell me and I’ll try to find someone else. Would that make you feel better?” she asked gently.


Josh bit his thumb nail, thinking it over. He could give it a shot, if he recognized them he could tell her he didn’t want it afterwards. He knew he shouldn’t just blow this off this easily, not that many people were lining up to take in a juvenile delinquent.


He nodded. “Ok”


“Good” Mrs. Grandon smiled.


“I’ll see you at the court house then”


“Yes ma’am” he agreed.     




They seemed nice, friendly, loving. Maybe they didn’t have anything to do with Henry. This were decent people, sure Henry didn’t know any decent people. Maybe it was alright. Mrs. Grandon assured him that if there was any trouble he could call her and that he didn’t have to worry. She didn’t say this to a lot of her charges but Josh clearly needed to hear it and when she said, “It will be ok” she really believed that it would be ok.


“You want to take me in?” Josh asked hesitantly, staring disbelievingly at the man in front of him.


The man nodded friendly. “Yes son”




“We want to help you… our son wants to help you” Now Josh got suspicious.


“Who is your son?”


“I am” a voice answered Josh’s question.


He spun around swiftly and came to face… Justin Timberlake.


Justin wore a small smile on his face and stood in the doorway of the small conference room they’d been directed to.


“What? You?” Josh gasped shocked.


“Yes me” Justin responded, closing the door as he stepped up to Josh. No wonder he hadn’t known it would be Justin; the name was different.


“I got my father’s name. Mom and dad divorced and when she married Paul she took his name. I’m sorry if that confused you” Justin explained as if he could see right through him. Josh shook his head; he didn’t know what to think anymore.


“Could you excuse us for a moment, we’ll be out in just a minute” Mrs. Grandon spoke on behalf of Josh seeing the confused and shocked expression on his face. Mr. and Mrs. Harless turned towards the door, taking their son with them as they walked ahead to the court room.


“Josh?” Mrs. Grandon addressed her charge.


“Are you ok?” Josh nodded without looking at her.


“They… they want to take me in?” he asked to make sure.


“Yes Josh they want you to come live with them”


“Are you sure?” Josh asked for the millionth time. He was so relieved it weren’t friends of Henry wanting to take him back to his step father.


“Yes Josh, I am very sure. Now look at me son” she addressed him. Josh slowly turned to meet her eyes.


“Do you want to live with them?” she asked straight forward, staring directly into those rare shade of blue eyes.


“I… I guess” Josh stumbled over his words.


“Yes or no?” she asked directly, she needed to know now. Josh hesitated he didn’t want to live with Justin. He hated Justin didn’t he? On the other hand he most certainly didn’t want to stay at the detention center for three more weeks. At least with Justin he would be free.


“Ok” he finally agreed. It couldn’t be worse than living with Henry or living here.


“Yes?” Mrs. Grandon asked once more to be sure.


“Yes” he confirmed.


< Don’t Hurt Me >