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Chapter 38


The trial went quickly. Mrs. Grandon spoke on Josh’s behalf telling the court that Josh agreed to go live with Mr. and Mrs. Harless. The judge asked the couple for their motives, they were given quickly and clearly. The judge moved on to the papers; both Mr. and Mrs. Harless signed the papers, officially making them responsible for Josh.


“I’ll release Joshua Chasez in the custody of Mr. and Mrs. Harless. Next case” the judge rapped his gavel, closing the case.


Josh was now free to leave with Justin’s family. He thanked Mrs. Grandon who after shaking hands with Mr. and Mrs. Harless took off to her next charge.




Josh shuffled from foot to foot, his hands shoved deeply in his pockets and his head ducked as he stood in front of Justin and his family.


“I’m Mr. Harless but you can call me Paul” Paul introduced himself, a kind voice addressing him, stretching his hand towards Josh. Josh peered up shyly, staring at the hand for a few seconds before he took it.


“I’m Josh” he replied.


“And I’m Lynn” Lynn joined the introduction, taking Josh’s hand as soon as Paul released.


“And I’m Justin” Justin joked, gaining a small smile from Josh.


“Good now that we all now each other; let’s go home” Paul suggested.


“O..ok” Josh agreed, more at ease but he’d always been shy in front of strangers. Before his mom died that was, when Henry made him steal Josh was always on his guard; snarling and growling at everybody just so they would stay away from him. It had worked… up until Lance at least. Some ending that had. He shook his head, clearing it of it’s thoughts as he followed the couple out to the car, walking beside Justin quietly.




“Do you sleep on your right side or your left?”


Josh was a little taken aback; not only by the question but that Justin was speaking to him in general. The car ride home had been silent at least for his and Justin’s part. Justin’s parents had talked about things but Justin hadn’t said a word and Josh certainly didn’t want to start. He had a lot of questions but figured if Justin didn’t address him he could wait.


Diner hadn’t been much different; they’d made small talk but Justin never directly talked to him making Josh wonder why he’d convinced his parents to take him in, in the first place. Justin however did have a lot of questions, he wanted to ask Josh about his suspicions but it was too much too soon. It would be too overwhelming for him and he didn’t want Josh to close off. Justin at least wanted to talk to him privately so he’d waited. Except for the “Come on” after watching TV when Justin noticed how tired Josh looked, Justin hadn’t said anything else to him so Josh was quite startled he would start now.


“What… why?”


“Do you sleep on your right side or you left?” Justin repeated.


“Uh... right side I guess” Josh answered.


“Why?” he added confused, what kind of question is that?


“Lay down on the bed” Justin instructed. Josh eyed him suspiciously, what was his plan? His features were harder and Josh didn’t know what to expect, actually he was scared.


“It’s bedtime” Justin elaborated seeing the look in Josh’s eyes. He hesitated for a brief second.


“Or would you rather sleep on the floor?” Justin asked him, not unfriendly. Josh quickly made his decision and climbed in bed, laying down on his right side as he followed Justin with his eyes. He saw him walking over to a drawer, he took something out but Josh couldn’t see what it was. He watched as Justin walked towards him.


“Give me your right hand” he instructed and Josh did, tentatively. Justin grabbed the slim wrist with his left hand before producing a pair of handcuffs from behind his back. He snapped it on and cuffed the other end to the iron pole that ran from the headboard to the foot of the bed. Josh looked at it, hurt and miserable.


“Why…?” Josh asked softly.


“I’m sorry but I don’t trust you. I convinced my parents to let you come here and they trust me but they are still responsible for you and I don’t trust you, not yet anyway” Justin told him, it wasn’t a mean voice, no accusations just simply the truth but it hurt nevertheless. Justin pulled the blankets over the cuffed boy.


“Get some sleep Josh, goodnight” he said softly before he turned away and left the room, turning out the light leaving Josh alone in the bedroom.


He rolled onto his back and looked around the dark room. A single tear slid down his cheek and he blinked to force back the rest of the tears he knew were waiting for release. He looked down at his hand; cuffed to the bed. He knew Justin had every right to distrust him but it didn’t hurt any less. He rolled back onto his side, the handcuffs jingling as they moved against the steal of the bedside pole. He wrapped his other hand around it, checking it before deciding against it. He curled into a ball under the safe and warm blankets, a few tears he couldn’t hold back escaping as he heard, assumingly, Justin walking around in the room next to his.




Josh slowly opened his eyes, blinking to get his vision clear, taking a few seconds before he remembered where he was and what he was doing here. He stretched and rolled over; his eyes falling on a piece of paper. He stretched his free, left, hand towards it grasping it and holding it in front of his eyes to read.




I went to school. I’ll be back around 3, don’t go anywhere.




“Great” he mumbled as he placed the note back on the nightstand.


He sat up a little as he saw the note was not the only thing that had been placed on the night stand. There was a plate with a sandwich and a glass of milk on the side, the remote control on the other side. All within his reach, considering his restrained position. He glanced at the clock; 12.13. It was already noon but Josh felt as if he’d only been asleep for a few minutes. The lack of sleep from the past few days, his worries and guilt trip finally catching up with him; he lazily fell back in his pillows. He was out like a light in mere seconds.


< Don’t Hurt Me >