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Chapter 46


One step inside the school and Mr. Henman was there, “Mr. Chasez. My office” he ordered, pointing over his shoulder, not waiting for Josh to start walking. He walked out ahead and left the door open.


Josh sighed and nodded although Mr. Henman could no longer see him.


Justin squeezed his hand discretely, “You’ll be ok?”


Josh smiled a small smile as he nodded.


“Do you want me to come with you?” he offered as Lance stayed behind a bit. Josh shook his head.


“No that’s ok. Just… will you wait for me… please?” he asked shyly, eyeing both Justin and Lance. He was met with two friendly smiles. Justin and Lance shared a look before Justin answered.


“Of course”


Josh nodded. “Thanks” he said with a small smile before he hitched his bag further onto his shoulder, released Justin’s hand and turned around to walk to Mr. Henman’s office. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d been there. Mr. Henman had seemed to have it out for him since the first wallet he’d stolen. Josh couldn’t really blame him but if he only knew. He wondered what he knew now and if he would uphold his word; give him detention.


“Joshua” Mr. Henman sighed as Josh walked in, “Have a seat” he offered, gesturing to the chair he’d sat in during every talk they’d had. Josh closed the door, let his backpack slip from his shoulder and land at his feet as he sat himself down. The man stared down at him for quite some time, Josh felt it, his leg started bouncing and he started chewing his nails, nervous ticks he’d always had. He knew the man was looking at him and he felt highly uncomfortable; he however didn’t know the man was looking at him with compassion in his eyes. Mr. Henman shook his head, sitting down himself.


“Joshua, I heard what happened” Josh glanced up briefly, pausing the nail biting and stilling his leg for a moment.


“Oh” he said softly before both nervous ticks continued.


“Mrs. Harless called me last Friday. She told me about the things that have happened…” he paused, tilting his head to get Josh to meet his eyes but the boy was too nervous.


“You’re living with them now. Your stepfather is out of the picture?” Josh snapped up this time at the mention of his stepfather.


“Yes” he said softly.


“I hope everything will be better from now on” Mr. Henman started; deciding to not further discuss all the things that had happened. It really wasn’t necessary to bring everything up again; not to mention the fact that he was in a way to blame for it. If he’d looked better, investigated better; he would have found out about Josh’s situation and he could have helped him. Of course Mr. Henman didn’t want to admit this and he thought Josh should be glad he was willing to forget what had happened. Mr. Henman also remembered what he’d said to him about the detention; he was willing to let that go, he thought that was quite a big thing.


“We’ll forget what’s happened and start anew” Mr. Henman offered.


Josh once again snapped up, “Are you serious?”


“Uh-huh” Mr. Henman nodded, pleased Josh went for it. He’d leave Josh alone, it was only four months till graduation and Mr. Henman didn’t want any trouble. And now that Josh was in a different environment maybe he wouldn’t steal again. It usually wasn’t the boy himself it was his surroundings and now that had changed maybe his criminal behavior would change as well. If this was the case he really wouldn’t have to bother him again but if he did decide to steal again Mr. Henman would be on his case, once again.


“Thank you” Josh said, ducking his head. He was surprised Mr. Henman didn’t bring up the detention he was sure he was here for but apparently Mr. Henman had other ideas and Josh was more than happy about that.


“And I’m sorry” Josh added. Mr. Henman’s features were friendlier for a moment.


“You’re excused” Mr. Henman said, calling him back however when Josh was standing ready to leave.


“I’m willing to start anew but I suggest you don’t do anything to make me regret this, understood?”


Josh sighed, “Yes sir”


Mr. Henman nodded, giving him permission to leave, for real now.


Josh was shocked the man suggested to start anew but with that last comment Josh knew he wasn’t really planning on doing so. Maybe he wouldn’t be on his case that much anymore but Josh knew from that last comment that the second something would go missing again; he would be the first one sitting in Mr. Henman’s office explaining himself. He guessed he couldn’t really expect Mr. Henman to forget everything, not after all the things he’d stolen and all the things he’d done but he wished it could be different. That Mr. Henman was in some way to blame for everything that had happened never crossed his mind. He sighed once more; vowing to himself that if he did get called into Mr. Henman’s office again he would be innocent. He met Justin and Lance outside, waiting as promised, walking with them to their first period.




Josh wasn’t really listening to the conversation between Justin and Lance. They were talking about something but he had no clue what the topic was. He stared straight ahead, without actually seeing anything as he thought about the day thus far. It had been ok, better than he’d anticipated really. Brad had eyed him a couple of times during class but he hadn’t said a word yet. It had gone better than expected with Mr. Henman, he was relieved Brad hadn’t hassled him and there was still no sign of Mr. Zaggery.


Josh hadn’t eaten yet; he wasn’t hungry. He didn’t notice Justin’s concerned glance nor Lance’s questionable look. They let him be, Josh had been staring off for almost thirty minutes, he’d told them what had happened with Mr. Henman but didn’t join in the conversation, however both Lance and Justin left him alone for a while. When the bell rang Josh slowly focused on his sandwich, stuffing it back in his backpack untouched before he got up.


Just two more hours to go and Josh just hoped they would be as peaceful as the past four. He knew he was again not being realistic since it was after all Monday. And yes, tomorrow would suck because they had English first period but he first had to get through today’s English class which was only 1 class away. Brad hadn’t said anything thus far, just glared at him, with both Justin and Lance around it was harder for Brad to get to him, but he knew that Brad and Mr. Zaggery would both get their shot at him later and he tried to both somewhat enjoy the peace of this class as he prepared himself for the next.




“So they released you?” Mr. Zaggery smirked as he walked towards Josh who was sitting behind Lance. Justin in the next row, directly to his left. It was 6th period; English class and there he went again; it was the same routine.


Josh had missed Mr. Zaggery’s smirk when he’d walked in behind Justin, wanting to sneak in without being seen but Mr. Zaggery always had an eye out for him, in a negative sense of way. The bell rung only minutes ago, the door had been closed and it was time for Mr. Zaggery’s comment of the day.


Josh shrank in his chair as he prayed it would be over soon. Justin’s fury rising.


“Not for long though, right?” Mr. Zaggery continued, coming closer. Josh sank further in his seat and kept quiet.


“Finally got caught. You really broke the law this time…”


“The law sucks if it allows criminals to be in the same room as us” Brad added. Mr. Zaggery smirked at Brad’s comment, continuing while Justin felt his anger boiling to an almost unrepressive temperature.


“You’ll go to jail this time? I bet you are… do you know how they treat thieves. I don’t think…”


“Shut the fuck up!” a roar went through the classroom, accompanied by two hands banging loudly on the tabletop, silencing Mr. Zaggery at once.


Josh peeked up carefully but he didn’t need to see who’d stopped Mr. Zaggery, he didn’t need to see the face to know his savior; Justin. He’d risen from his seat and was angrily glaring at his teacher, panting with fury. Justin didn’t know how he’d managed to keep his mouth shut for so long. When Mr. Zaggery verbally attacked Josh Justin knew he had to stop him and since it was now quiet he concluded; he’d succeeded.


“What did you say to me, Mr. Timberlake?” Mr. Zaggery asked shocked as he turned towards his other student in the next row.


“I said, shut the fuck up” Justin repeated easily, without hesitation. Mr. Zaggery was fuming but sighed.


“Now Timberlake, I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that and I suggest you sit down, this has got nothing to do with you” Mr. Zaggery said calmly, talking some sense into the young man but Justin had always been stubborn.


“The hell it does! I’ve been keeping my mouth shut for far too long. This has gotta stop! You have absolutely NO right to speak to Josh that way! I will not stand for it anymore and I won’t keep my mouth shut any longer so YOU better take a seat ‘cause there’s a lot more where this came from” Justin told him, breathing heavily from exertion and anger.


The whole class was silent, shocked the pretty much quiet kid had the nerve to tell Mr. Zaggery off. Not even Brad said a word; they all looked from Justin to Mr. Zaggery and back, waiting for a response, curious what would happen now. Mr. Zaggery shook his head mentally, getting his wits back; he was taken aback for a few short minutes but he was back now.


“Thank you for your show, Mr. Timberlake. Sit down now and stay after class. I want to have a word with you” Mr. Zaggery said strictly.


“Gladly” Justin countered before sitting down.


The verbal attack didn’t continue, Mr. Zaggery started his class; everyone still stunned in silence and a bit disappointed they wouldn’t witness this scene as Mr. Zaggery handed out the next book they would have to read.


As he went around with the books, Josh glanced to Justin, mouthing thank you.


Justin smiled back, mouthing back your welcome, but he also saw the anxiety in Josh’s eyes; scared Justin would get himself in trouble, with a small smile Justin reassured Josh that he knew what he was doing. Justin caught Lance’s gaze out of the corner of his eye. As Josh already focused on the book he’d received Lance nodded his approval, the message; good job clearly written in his eyes. Justin focused on his book with a big smile, glad Lance was behind him. He knew Lance would have done the same thing, if he hadn’t stepped in that second; Lance would have the next.


They were through with shutting up; they both cared for Josh and Mr. Zaggery hurting him deliberately was just not acceptable anymore.




“You wanted to talk to me, sir?” Justin asked sarcastically after everyone left the classroom; including Josh who he’d given another reassuring smile before Lance walked away with him. Another encouraging glance from Lance over Josh’s head and Justin had nodded once; he knew what he was doing. They’d left and closed the door.


“Listen punk, I think I need to remind you who you’re talking to. If you want to study journalism or whatever it is that you want to do I do believe a high English grade is required” Mr. Zaggery didn’t waste any time; he was furious. Justin shook his head.


“Are you threatening me?” he challenged. Mr. Zaggery smirked but he didn’t answer. Justin’s anger boiled up again but he contained it; rage made you blind; he needed to keep it together.


“I wouldn’t threaten me if I were you,” Justin warned. “You see two can play that game”


“Really?” Mr. Zaggery asked challenging, still full of confidence.


“Yes” Justin said determined.


“What you did to Josh is low. You don’t know anything about him and you need to fucking leave him alone, you hear me?” Justin demanded, making sure not to touch Mr. Zaggery, although he wanted nothing more than to punch him, if he did all his cards were blown. No fighting was not the answer; he needed to play it cool. Mr. Zaggery’s smirk stayed in place.


“He does not deserve your shit”


Mr. Zaggery chuckled. Justin’s features darkened.


“Are you some sort of sicko? You get off on hurting him? Stop. Bothering. Him” Justin pressed out in anger.


Mr. Zaggery shrugged, “He’s my student”


“Oh you want to play it like that… ok fine with me. You got two options” Justin started; it was no use talking sense into the man; it was time for actions.


“Oh I do?”


“One” Justin ignored him completely.


“You leave Josh alone for good meaning you quit” Mr. Zaggery laughed.


“Or you decide to stay; fine with me but then I will file a complaint with the school board, telling them how you harass your students” he finished, crossing his arms over his chest, waiting for response, as he looked at Mr. Zaggery satisfied; his smile had disappeared.


“Don’t think I won’t ‘cause I will and there are a lot of people who will back me up on my complaint. You can chose to quit out of free will and keep your face, you might be able to find another job; somewhere far away, or I can report you and you’ll never be able to teach anywhere else. Your choice” Justin smirked.


“Either way; you leave Josh alone” Mr. Zaggery knew Justin had enough witnesses, knew he held the cards. He’d just never thought anyone would stick up for Josh. It had started small, a comment here and there, taking advantage of the fact that all his student already despised Josh but over the years it had gotten bigger, the insults had gotten harsher and more frequently. However by then everyone was used to it and it seemed they didn’t care. He’d never thought anyone would bother to stand up for him.


“You…” he started angrily but Justin cut him off.


“No. You! You went too far this time Mr. Zaggery” Justin said angrily, pointing a finger in his teacher’s direction. He took a deep breath, composing himself again.


“Goodbye, Mr. Zaggery” he said sarcastically before he calmly walked out the door.


Outside he took a deep breath, he’d been scared it wouldn’t work but he’d won. A huge smile spread over his face and he didn’t waste any time; he quickly went in search of Josh and Lance.




“How did it go?” Lance asked immediately once he spotted his curly headed friend walking towards them.


“Good” Justin smiled.


“He won’t bother you again” he said to Josh. Josh smiled hesitantly; he couldn’t believe it.


“You sure?” he asked softly.


“Yes” Justin said determined.


“What makes you so sure, what did you say to him?” Lance inquired.


“I just told him to leave you alone”


“And he agreed?” Josh asked incredulously.


“Not right away no but he’s not the only one who has a few tricks up his sleeve” Justin smiled.


“Tricks? What tricks?” Josh asked nervously.


“He had the nerve to threaten me… I just gave him a taste of his own medicine” Lance nudged Josh who ducked his head.


“He threatened me too” Josh revealed, he’d told Lance at the time but he’d never told Justin. Justin’s eyes clouded but when he met Josh’s concerned eyes a smile broke onto his face and he wrapped an arm around Josh’s shoulders.


“It’s over now Josh” Justin reassured him.


“He won’t bother you again, I promise” Josh nodded, trusting Justin as Lance and Justin once again exchanged glances; good job.


< Don’t Hurt Me >