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Chapter 48


The smile fell off his face in an instant and he cowered away, back into the house as he tried to close the door. A foot in the door stopped it from closing and Josh released the doorknob, stumbling back inside. The door closed quickly and Josh suddenly spun around to take off towards the backdoor. Fleeing from the situation. But a strong body suddenly blocked his way and grabbed his arm roughly.


“You running away from me boy?” the voice growled angrily.


It was that voice, that cold, harsh, evil and angry voice that kept haunting him. That kept ringing in his ears, that he heard in his sleep.


It was that voice.


Henry’s voice.


“No… no…” Josh stuttered, wincing at the tight grip. Josh was flung onto the couch and Henry was hovering over the terrified teenager in an instant.


“You didn’t think I would give up on you that easily did you?” he asked, pinning Josh to the couch as he put his hands on either side of Josh’s face. Josh shook his head wildly, pushing himself up against the couch.


“You forgot me, boy?” he demanded, slapping Josh’s face harshly. Josh’s eyes welled with tears; he was in total shock and petrified.


This could not be happening; please let this be a dream, he pleaded.


This was not a dream; it was a nightmare; because it was real.


Henry was back.


“You thought I would leave without you?” he asked, bringing his face closer.


“Without you to bring me money?” Henry added, his face now mere centimeters from Josh’s face.


“We still have to talk about you screwing up” he added evilly.


“Please… Henry…” Josh whispered, tears running down his cheeks.


“What?!” Henry yelled, demanding. Josh bit his lip, tears fell down his cheeks and he ducked his head in an attempt to hide his tears from Henry. Josh felt so helpless; he couldn’t beg Henry to let him stay here. Henry would never go for that; what was he still doing here? Josh had thought or actually reassured himself over and over again over the past few weeks that Henry was long gone. He’d told himself Henry had long ago crossed the border and would never hassle him again but here he was; he came back for him.


Unknown to Josh, Henry hadn’t come back; he’d never left. He’d been staying with a friend and actually had kept an eye out for Josh for a while. He’d asked around; his buddies had some information and not long after Henry had found his step-son. He’d been watching Josh for quite some time and had been avoiding the cops mainly, waiting for the opportunity to pick up Josh and drive to Canada to make a new start. Today he’d gotten the opportunity and now here he was. He smirked satisfied as he saw the impact he still had on the teenage boy.


“Good, I’m glad you’re glad to see me” he smiled sarcastically as he stretched up.


Josh was still pressed up against the couch, watching him frantically all the while praying someone would come home soon.






Henry took a step back.


“Get up” he instructed with a hand gesture. Josh’s eyes grew wide as he eyed the strong man in front of him.


“NOW!” Henry bellowed and Josh was on his feet in a matter of seconds. Henry smiled a full smile before he grabbed Josh’s arm.


“Now… say goodbye to your nice house… we’ll be leaving now” Henry said evilly as he started for the front door, pulling Josh along with him.


“What? No!” Josh said quickly but Henry didn’t stop walking.


“Too bad, we’re leaving” Henry said simply.


“No! Stop! I can’t leave! What about the trial?” Josh said panicking as he started to struggle.


“Forget about it, we’ll just go to Canada and start over. All the stuff is in the trunk now come on” Henry said, tugging on his arm a little rougher, opening the front door.


“No! I’m not coming with you” Josh protested for the first time, he had too much to loose this time; he didn’t want to leave and as the intentions of Henry’s visit finally sank in Josh knew he had to put up a fight. He couldn’t just leave with him willingly, not after all the things Lance and Justin had done to help him; he had to fight. He had to help himself. He tried to pull out of Henry’s grasp but some things never changed; Henry was still too strong.


“You ungrateful piece of shit!” Henry growled, backhanding him before dragging him out the door harshly, slamming the door shut behind them.


“I risk my neck especially for you to get you of this trial and this is what I get? Get in the car now!” Henry yelled the last part. Josh cupped his cheek, tears building in his eyes, desperately begging Justin to come home now.


“No!” he yelled back.


“I’m not going. I won’t let Justin take the rap like you did to me! I won’t walk out on this” Josh was completely still in Henry’s grip, he let the words he carried with him for years flow freely and for the first time he did not think about the consequences.


“All you’ve ever done was screw up my life! First with mom, she loved you! But you had to drink and make her unhappy. She fucking died and all you’ve ever done for me since then is make me rob all these people and I’m done with it. I hate you and I hate what you put me through. I was always scared and in pain because of you. I always felt guilty! You even made me betray my only friend!! I don’t care what you do to me. You beat me to death I don’t care but I’m not getting in the car with you! I’m not coming with you so you can make me steal more money. Over my dead body!” Josh yelled determined, seething with anger.


“That can be arranged” Henry growled grabbing Josh with both arms, shaking him roughly before releasing him completely; shoving him to the car. With one punch of Henry’s fist Josh went down; hitting the hard cemented driveway of Justin’s home.


Henry’s fists and feet were flailing all around him; hitting him everywhere. Josh did his best to ward them off but he wasn’t very successful. He protected his head the best way he could, curling into a ball onto the driveway of Justin’s house. Josh thought he was going to die; the blows to his body seemed never ending and when he finally no longer felt the sharp pains shooting through his body with each new blow he knew that that was the end…


< Don’t Hurt Me >