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Chapter 49




“Son of a bitch, get away from him!”


The shouts slowly seeped into Josh’s ears. He felt his whole body stinging and he knew that he could not be dead.


When you were dead you didn’t feel anything, right?


He slowly opened his eyes, still a bit hazy at first so he closed them again, opening right after in order to focus on the shouts he could still hear. As his gaze finally focused he saw Henry doubled over and Justin with a phone against his ear.


Justin. Justin was here! Josh mentally smiled before he closed his eyes again.


He flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder. “It’s ok, it’s just me Josh” a sweet, gentle voice reassured immediately. Josh opened his eyes and carefully stared up at his savior.


“Are you alright baby?” Justin asked concerned as he stroked his cheek lovingly.


Josh nodded the best way he could.


“You’re alright, you’re going to be ok” Justin reassured once again, continuing to stroke his cheek as he spoke quickly into the phone. Telling whoever he was calling to hurry. Josh closed his eyes at the sweet touch, feeling safe although Henry was only a few yards away.


“I called the cops, I would leave if I were you” Justin threatened as he closed his cell phone. Josh opened his eyes quickly this time; Justin had called the police! He met Henry’s eyes as the man slowly stretched to his full length.


“It’s… over… Henry” Josh coughed, his stomach hit many times over.


“Fine whatever, you just do the time” Henry smirked as he walked towards Josh. Josh following his every move.


“I got my money anyway. I won’t ever have to work again thanks to your buddy. You have fun in jail, maybe I’ll come by and visit you one day” he smirked at the fear in Josh’s eyes.


“If the money ever runs out I’ll know who to turn to” he smirked, he was now hovering over him. Justin was crouched down next to him on the other side, glaring at Henry from his position.


“Fuck off!” Josh spit at him but there was fear in his eyes.


“Goodbye my boy!” Henry smirked, kicking him in the gut before either Josh or Justin could react. Josh gasped, Justin shot up but knelt down again when he saw Josh’s pained expression, he wrapped his arms carefully around the thin brunet’s waist.


“For the good old times” he winked evilly before he quickly got in his car and drove off, leaving Josh behind in pain once again.


The same way he’d left him many times before… but this time he was not alone.


Justin was here to take care of him. 


“Can you stand?” Justin asked concerned. Josh groaned.


“Come on” Justin said before he slowly put one arm around Josh’s back, the other moved under his legs and he slowly lifted Josh up completely, careful not to hurt him anymore as he carried him inside.


“Here you go baby” Justin said softly, placing him on the couch slowly. He brushed Josh’s hair back, kissing his forehead. He sat on the edge of the couch, by his side and carefully took Josh’s hands in his.


“I’m so glad you’re alright” he breathed.


When he’d come home, he’d immediately recognized the man as Henry. It had been dark but the porch light had given him enough light to identify Josh’s stepfather, seeing Josh on the floor; attacked by that asshole Justin had charged towards him and knocked him down.


Josh smiled a small smile.


“I’m so glad… you’re here” he whispered. Justin’s sweet smile sent shivers down his spine and he shivered slightly. Justin thought he was cold and immediately twisted around to grab the blanket from the nearby chair, placing it lovingly over his boyfriend. Justin leaned forward, placing a sweet kiss on Josh’s lips as he leaned back tears were running down Josh’s cheeks.


“What’s wrong?” Justin asked panicking.


Josh’s sobs increased, “I… I… thought… I would… never see…. you… again” he managed in between sobs.


“Oh baby” Justin breathed, leaning in closer, wrapping his arms around the shivering brunet, pulling him close. Josh let himself be held; letting go off his emotions. He’d been so scared; he realized how scared he’d really been when he saw Justin again. Justin continued to hold him close, rocking them both, whispering soothing words into his ear, kissing his cheek over and over again, reassuring him that he was ok; Henry was gone.


Yes, Henry was gone.




“You did good baby, I’m so proud of you” Justin praised when they slowly walked down the steps that lead to the police station. Josh had spent the whole afternoon there with Justin close by his side the whole time.


Ten minutes after the phone call Justin had made to the police they showed up at their house. Justin had informed them what had happened and why he’d called. They immediately went after Henry but just as Justin had suspected; they were too late. At least they hadn’t been able to catch him. The cops had reassured them he wouldn’t get far but Justin really had to see it first.


Two officers came by later and wanted to ask Josh what had happened since Justin couldn’t fill in all the blanks. But Josh was too tired, he was in no shape to answer questions and when Justin told the cops they would come by the next day they’d accepted finally; seeing the young man was too battered to get answers from.


Lynn and Paul walked in just when the cops exited the house and when they saw Josh’s condition they demanded to know what the hell had happened while they’d been away. Justin had explained as best as he could before he tended Josh. He’d gotten him some bags of ice and just stayed with him, kissed away his worries and soothed him till he finally fell asleep. Justin never left his side though, he kept watch and when Josh woke up screaming, bathing in sweat from another nightmare Justin was there. There to comfort him and reassure him that everything would be ok till he fell asleep again.


The police had asked questions about what had happened and Josh slowly told them the truth. With Justin’s encouragement he even revealed Henry had been doing this for quite some time and that that was the reason he’d robbed the house.


He finally told them everything and decided to let Henry take the rap. Henry was responsible and Josh wouldn’t have to be scared anymore. Henry would come no where near this place; every cop was looking for him. He wouldn’t be stupid enough to come back. Josh knew he was still responsible for actually robbing the house but the cops informed him that with this new bit of information he had a good chance of getting a less high punishment. They did however need prove Henry had actually hit him so they took a few pictures of his body.


Justin had been there the whole time, holding his hand and supporting him the whole way, although he was dead tired; he was there for Josh.




Lance heard about what had happened and quickly made his way over there. When Josh and Justin came home from the police station; Lance was there. He hugged Josh close, stepping back quickly, apologizing when he heard Josh’s whimper.


“Are you ok?” Lance asked worriedly.


“I’m ok” Josh smiled reassuringly.


“Oh my God. I can’t believe that asshole came back!” Lance exclaimed.


They both smiled; Lance hardly ever cursed.


“Justin saved me though” Josh said, glancing at Justin who ducked his head shyly.


“I only kicked him” Justin shrugged; not wanting to make a big deal out of this.


“You kept your leg stretched like I told you? Kick and pull back quickly?”


“Yeah” Justin said smiling.


“What?” Josh jumped in, confused.


“Lance taught me a few Karate moves” Justin revealed.


“He said I needed to protect myself… and the people I care about” he added with a loving smile. Josh ducked his head shyly.


“I’ll teach you too” Lance offered.


Josh nodded, “Cool”


“See Josh, you’re safe” Justin whispered coming up behind him, kissing him sweetly. Josh nodded against him, the kiss deepening.


“Guys, uh, remember, about the room thing?”


They ignored him.


< Don’t Hurt Me >