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Chapter 8


Josh was up early the next morning. The hunger finally forcing him out, he still managed to stay in bed till 7, Henry never wanted to be up before 7 during weekdays and didn’t want Josh to walk around the house either. Another rule, just because he could and another rule Josh had to obey, too afraid of the consequences not to obey.


He quietly shuffled out of his bedroom, tip toeing to the stove. He was so hungry and he craved for some scrambled eggs. He quietly took out the necessary items before bending down for a pan. He made quick work of making himself breakfast. The smell made his stomach rumble loudly and he unconsciously licked his lips. As he spooned the food onto the awaiting plate the bedroom door opened. Josh barely acknowledged it, he was so hungry he only had eyes for the food in front of him. Henry sleepily walked into the living room and adjacent kitchen, smelling the food that lured him out of bed.


“Smells good” Henry commented as he sat down at the kitchen table. Josh spun immediately, a deer caught in the headlight’s look on his face as he gripped the plate tightly when he caught Henry eyeing it. Henry smirked at him.


“Good, give them to me, I’m starving” Henry ordered, motioning for Josh to bring him the food. Josh sighed as he eyed the steaming scrambled eggs, he tightened his hold protectively; he’d made it, it was his food, he was hungry.


How could Henry say he was starving when he knew Josh hadn’t eaten diner?


He was fucking doing it on purpose and Josh had the sudden urge to throw the plate at his stepfather. But as usual in the end; he dismissed the idea. Because they all asked for trouble and trouble meant pain.


So he slowly walked towards Henry and reluctantly handed the plate to him as he smirked satisfied. Josh couldn’t help it when his stomach once again rumbled. Henry laughed heartily.


“This is gonna be good” he smirked before digging in.


Josh watched for a second but soon turned back towards the stove and busied himself with making a new breakfast for himself. The smacking noises of his step father in the background very audible, he was doing it on purpose but Josh tried to ignore it. He quickly finished it off and scooped it on a plate, digging in hungrily, eating it at counter saved him time. He quickly ate, settling his hungry stomach as Henry finished his. The chair scraped across the tile floor as Henry stood up, he smirked as he saw his step-son almost choking down the food. He halted behind him and placed his hand on the boy’s shoulder, squeezing tight.


“Tasty?” Henry taunted.


Josh was stiff from nerves, he nodded carefully, swallowing his last bite he said, “Yes sir”


Henry squeezed tighter making Josh cringe but he fought to stay still. Henry tightened his grip even more, Josh’s face scrunched up in pain but Henry didn’t see it. Josh had his back towards Henry and that made him actually more nervous since now he couldn’t see what his stepfather was planning. Henry wanted a response, a pained cry or anything till he was satisfied so he once again tightened his grip.


“Henry please… you’re hurting me” Josh whispered finally, squirming in the tight grip Henry had on his shoulder.


Henry smirked, he reached his goal.


“You’re a sissy boy” Henry hissed in the boy’s ear and Josh shuddered. Henry squeezed tighter again before spinning, taking Josh with him. He shoved him away, towards his bedroom.


“Go to school, get out of my face”


“Y…yes ssir” Josh said shakily.


He scrambled off quickly, getting ready for school, anything to get out of this man’s way. It was the only way to protect himself since it seemed that every time they were in the same room Henry made it a point to hurt him, didn’t matter whether he really did something wrong or not. He got hurt every time Henry was near and although he hated going to school with all those people that hated him, like his step father did, at least they didn’t hurt him, physical that was. 




“What were you doing with him?” Justin asked Lance the next day as he cornered him by his locker.


“We just hung out” Lance informed his friend nonchalantly.


“Why?” Justin asked.


“Because he’s ok” Lance told him honestly, Justin was acting like Josh was the worlds biggest criminal, actually he acted like Lance had committed a crime by hanging out with him.


“Ok? Right!” Justin snorted.


“He is…”


“A thief!” Justin finished for him, not even giving Lance a chance to finish his sentence.


“So? Ever heard of a second chance?” Lance asked, he was quite sick of Justin telling him Josh was so much trouble, he would only take advantage of him but Justin didn’t see what he saw. It would never occur to Justin that Josh was a person too, yes he might have made some mistakes but that didn’t mean Josh didn’t need the things Justin needed; friends, having fun and to be accepted.


“Ever heard of getting ripped off?” Justin countered, sure Josh was only accepting Lance as his friend so he could rip him off later.


“Come on Justin”


“No, I don’t know why you trust him, he’s nothing but trouble” Justin said determined, shaking his head in denial and disbelief.


“I think it might surprise you”


“Whatever Lance” Justin told him dismissively, Josh was trouble, period.


“Let’s go to class” Justin added.


“Fine” Lance mumbled, giving in but this was far from over.


< Don’t Hurt Me >