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Chapter 9


The weeks dragged on but something was different in Wilkinson’s High school and everyone definitely noticed the change; the new boy was hanging out with the outcast. People looked at them strangely as they walked down the hall, they whispered and they talked behind their backs but Lance didn’t even see it and Josh tried to ignore it. He was used to it by now.


Josh and Lance not only hung out together during school but also sometimes outside of school. Although they had fun, they were both still hesitant. Josh was still expecting Lance to demand something, to tell him what he really wanted from him, although the feeling got less it still wouldn’t go away completely. He was still suspicious because of what people had done to him in the past. Lance also trusted Josh more and more but warnings from Justin and practically the whole school still kept him on his toes. He didn’t want to be but he couldn’t help it. He felt bad but he tried to reassure himself that there was nothing wrong with protecting yourself.


However Lance was still not any closer to finding out what Josh’s reason where for breaking into his house or the theft business all together. He didn’t want to push Josh away by jumping him, demanding information.


He wanted to earn his trust and he wanted Josh to tell him voluntarily.


He wanted Josh to tell him what his life was really like and what the story was behind all those emotions that Lance kept seeing in those rare shade of blue eyes.




“You want to come with me for lunch?” Lance invited him after the bell rang, students already filing out of the classroom. Josh looked at him as if he just grew an extra head.


“What?” Lance asked, seeing the look on Josh’s face.


“It’s getting colder outside, you shouldn’t sit there in the cold all the time” Lance said a bit concerned. He didn’t know why Josh always sat outside on the same bench, even though it was freezing Josh would still sit outside. Josh stared at his shoes, hoping to avoid the question.


“Come sit with me, inside” Lance invited.


“No that’s ok” Josh dismissed, he didn’t want to get into this.


“What do you mean?”


“Lance it’s fine, I like it outside”


“No you don’t you’re always freezing” Lance countered, he’d seen how Josh shivered in class at the start, always after lunch, especially the last week since it was getting colder. Josh couldn’t argue with that, Lance was right he was freezing. It was getting colder outside and his jacket didn’t protect him against the bleak breeze. He didn’t want to lie to Lance so he said nothing.


“Just join me” Lance urged, unaware of the unspoken agreement Josh had with the rest of the students. 


“Lance no it’s ok, I’m fine” Josh denied, he wanted to come yes but he had a certain agreement to think about.


The most popular guy in school and Josh had come to an agreement; Josh stayed away from the school building when he didn’t need to be there during class and they stayed away from him. They practically banned him from the cafeteria if he didn’t need to be there. Josh didn’t know if really everybody was ok with that or if they even knew this agreement existed but he didn’t want to get in their way. At school he was safe from physical pain and if he had to freeze to keep it that way then so be it. 


“No man, you’re not and you’re coming with me” Lance told him, he had enough of Josh’s denying and lies. He was freezing and Lance saw it clearly, he wouldn’t take no for an answer and so he practically dragged Josh with him to the cafeteria.


“Lance” Josh addressed him, hoping he could stop him but Lance ignored him, just pulled him along. When they got to the cafeteria Josh felt everyone’s eyes on him, he ducked his head automatically as he was lead to a table. Lance sat down at Justin’s table who stared at him openmouthed. Josh was still staring at the floor, shuffling from one foot onto the other, as he was still standing next to the table. He couldn’t leave because then Lance would start asking question; questions he did not want to answer.


“Have a seat Josh” Lance offered.


Justin’s eyes almost popped out of his head, “Lance, what the fuck are you doing?” Justin hissed at him as Tom, Gary and Andrew shifted away from the two but mainly from Josh.


“I’m inviting him to sit with us what does it look like I’m doing?” Lance countered.


“Fuck Lance, are you looking for trouble or something?”


“Sit down Josh” Lance told him again, Josh was still standing next to their table, unknowing of what to do. He wanted to stay, sit with Lance but what about the agreement?


“You all act as if I just started world war 3”


“Well you might as well have” Justin hissed.


“Go away Josh” Justin told him harshly.


Josh nodded, a bit sad and relieved at the same time as he spun around to leave. Lance however caught his wrist before he could.


“Fucking what’s the matter with you?!” Lance hissed as he pulled Josh into a seat next to him. Josh let him, a bit reluctant but also very grateful plumping down in his seat next to Lance.


“He’s staying here, it’s fucking freezing outside. You want to let him sit there and get hypothermia?”


“It’s not that bad Lance”


“The fuck it is, he is staying here and if you don’t like it; you go sit outside in the freezing cold, see if you like it!” Lance argued. He was sick of this attitude, what was wrong with this school?


Very agitated he got out his lunch and started eating. Justin mumbled something under his breath but didn’t get up and Josh sat by a little lost. He knew they were all staring at him but he just ducked his head a bit, trying to protect himself somewhat. He also stared at Lance, he was grateful for him, he was always very nice to him even fought for him but if it all would make a difference Josh just didn’t know. There were a lot of people that hated him and Lance just couldn’t take them all on, it was impossible not to mention unfair. This was not Lance’s problem, it was his own problem but Lance made it his, he probably didn’t know what he was getting himself into.   




Lance and Josh walked out of the cafeteria together, Justin had already made his exit. Tom, Gary and Andrew had shifted further and further away from them till Lance was sick of it and told them to just leave, which they did. Justin had stayed longer but since the first bell had already rang and most kids had already scrambled off towards class the cafeteria was now pretty much empty.


Finally Josh and Lance had stood up as well but they were not the only ones. Brad and a group of friends blocked the exit, Josh tugged on Lance’s sleeve, trying to warn him but Lance didn’t listen.


“Would you mind stepping out of my way please?” Lance asked politely, waiting patiently. Brad laughed loudly, his lackeys following.


“No” he stated simply as he stopped laughing. Josh was half cowering behind Lance who seemed to be so brave and confident. Brad stalked to Josh, stopping next to him he threw an arm around Josh’s shoulders who slightly jumped. Brad sniggered and pulled him towards him.


“What are you doing here Josh?” Brad asked seriously as he felt Josh quivering under his arm.


“I… I… I’m not…” Josh stuttered, his gaze flying from Brad to Lance and back.


“He was sitting with me” Lance interrupted, stepping towards Brad confidently.


“Stay out of it, this is between Josh and me. I thought we had an understanding Joshy” Brad told Lance before he turned back towards Josh, asking him the question as he pretended to feel betrayed.


“I... I know… but” Josh still stuttered, he was petrified.


“What exactly is that understanding?” Lance interfered.


“Joshy, you wanna tell your boyfriend what we agreed to?” Brad asked evilly, humiliating Josh once again as he pulled Josh tighter, intimidating him. Lance ignored the boyfriend comment, just focused on what the understanding was.


Josh’s eyes darted away from Lance, they focused on the floor, as he shook his head no, barely noticeable.


“Josh and I agreed that he would stay outside during lunch” Brad told him without even flinching.


Brad seemed to be the representative for the whole senior year class maybe even the whole school. Maybe not everyone agreed with him but they didn’t dare argue with him, he was the most popular, well known guy. His height and the fact that he was older made most of the younger kids, shut up and swallow whatever he said. He came up with the rule that Josh couldn’t come to the cafeteria and everyone followed. Lance however almost attacked him.


“What?! But it’s freezing outside!” Lance argued.


“So?” Brad asked bored. Lance’s mouth dropped open.


“What do you mean so? It’s freezing, why do you want him to stay outside?” Lance asked, not understanding.


Brad smiled, “Because that’s his place”


“That’s not up to you to decide” Lance told him smartly.


“Lance…” Josh called for him, begging him to be quiet, Lance didn’t understand what he was doing. But Lance ignored him, he continued to stare at Brad, demanding a response from him. Brad shoved Josh backwards before stalking towards Lance, hoping to frighten him but Lance was not scared. Not at all.


“It is. Maybe I should teach you some of the ground rules in this school” Brad threatened but Lance was still not afraid.


“No, what you should do is leave Josh alone. He has a right to be in here just like you” Lance told him. Brad’s eyes angered.


“You don’t know what you’re talking about boy” Brad said as he grabbed Lance, the start of a fight. But Lance was quicker, two quick moves of his hand and Brad was on the floor, groaning in pain.


Josh’s eyes grew wide as he saw a big strong boy like Brad laying on the floor after two moves of Lance’s hand. Lance who was obviously slimmer and shorter than Brad. Lance then eyed Brad’s lackeys who were still effectively blocking the exit. One look was enough and they soon moved aside, not in the mood for the same treatment as their leader had gotten. Lance smiled satisfied.


“Come on Josh, let’s go to class” Lance called. Josh shook himself out of the shock and quickly shuffled towards Lance. They walked out of the cafeteria, Lance confidently but Josh kept looking back to make sure the lackeys didn’t come after them after all. When he was sure they weren’t he turned to Lance.


“How did you do that?” Josh asked truly amazed.


“I watched a lot of the Karate Kid” Lance shrugged.


“Lance” Josh addressed him seriously.


“I have a black belt in Karate” Lance confessed with a grin. Josh actually chuckled with the confession.


“Thanks” Josh thanked him, shamefully, wishing he could have done that himself.


“You’re welcome” Lance said, happy Josh could finally smile.


They walked to class together, relieved and satisfied.


< Don’t Hurt Me >