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Part 3

“Don’t” Justin refused, turning away from Josh.

It was a little over a month after Justin had finally let Josh in, really let him in by inviting him over to his house. Since then he’d invited his friend over a lot more and they’d gotten closer, a lot closer, maybe too close but Josh wasn’t complaining and neither was Justin. He’d let Josh come closer, he’d even allowed it when their friendship slowly turned into something more; when their hands would brush against each other, when Josh touched his arm gently or his arm went around his waist or shoulders in something more than a friendly way. They’d both felt the attraction and Josh thought they were ready for the next step. However for Justin this went too far; it would make it official, it would seal the deal and so he’d quickly spun away from him when Josh’s lips had made their way to his.

“Why won’t you let me come close?” Josh asked finally, a little exasperated. He’d thought they were finally okay. Justin had let him in but apparently he hadn’t. Not really anyway.

“Because it’s no use!” Justin countered, almost in tears.

“I already told you! My dad gets transferred a lot, we move at least once every six months. It’s no use making friends... or more” he added with a sad smile, eyes watering, knowing what Josh had tried to do and frankly he felt the same way but he’d lost friends and it had hurt but loosing a boyfriend was different. He hadn’t done that before and he didn’t want to. Loosing friends was bad enough.

“We’ll move again in a few months and I’ll never see you again. I’ve had to start over so many times... made new friends but I never saw them again. I never saw any of them again, I’ve never had a friend for more than six months and I don’t want to do it anymore. I don’t want to loose another friend I just... I can’t” he sniffed explaining.

Josh gently tugged him closer, he’d been a little angry when Justin rejected him again but he couldn’t stay mad, he wrapped his arms around him.

“It’ll be okay” he whispered in his ear. Justin joined in the hug, hiding his face in Josh’s neck as he sniffled.

“I don’t want to move anymore” he told him softly, his voice muffled against Josh’s chest.

“I know” Josh acknowledged.

“But you can’t shut yourself off. You can’t stop living” Josh tried carefully still holding Justin, comforting him the best way he could. Justin nodded slowly to Josh’s relieve.

“I don’t want to loose you” he whispered in contradiction. Because he did like Josh, a lot, he was just afraid of loosing him because there was no doubt in his mind whether or not he liked Josh enough to let him in. Just the hurt he knew would come with it, was holding him back. Because if loosing friends hurt, loosing a boyfriend would be even worse and he was afraid.

“I know, I don’t want to loose you either” Josh agreed sadly, knowing now that it was a big possibility that they would loose each other despite what they wanted.

Josh slowly pulled back, following his feelings and instincts as he slowly leaned in, kissing Justin softly and gently.

This time Justin didn’t pull back.


Just like when Josh had just convinced him to be friends they hung out, they enjoyed themselves and they had fun. However this time; it was different. Better different. They were not only friends but it went further than that. The things they did were the same however not quite. Justin allowed him to hold hands, lightly touching and after their recent conversation; even kissing.


“Allow me” Josh said as he paid for both tickets as the cashier told them the price for the two tickets. It was Saturday night, their first night out as a couple. They’d gone to movies as friends and they’d spend a few nights on Josh’s couch watching movies as a couple but this was new and they were both very excited, however also a bit nervous. Justin smiled shyly.

“Mr. Charmer” Justin accused him with a smile but allowed Josh to pay for him. However when they got to the popcorn Justin told him that he would pay for this.

Josh returned Justin’s comment with a smile. “Mr. Charmer”

Justin smiled back happily before grabbing the popcorn and drinks. They went to the theatre and settled themselves in the back corner. They soon also settled themselves in each other’s arms. Justin snuggled close to Josh, he felt so safe with him and he didn’t care about the other people in the theatre. This was the north; people didn’t care he told himself. In comparison to the south where being gay in high school could be lethal. It wasn’t totally excepted here either but people pretty much left you alone or so he’d learned from Josh.

The movie started but Justin wasn’t really watching, he couldn’t help but keep stealing kisses from his boyfriend. He’d never had a boyfriend before and this was all new to him. He however enjoyed every second of it and he was planning to keep enjoying it.

They were so good together; they understood each other. Josh understood how it affected Justin to move so much. Basically because they could talk about anything. Justin really felt like he could share his feelings with Josh and vice versa. It just worked. Josh had convinced him that he shouldn’t let the fact that he’d move again get in the way of his happiness and he realized Josh was right. He was grateful that Josh had convinced him, had made him see that separating yourself from everyone didn’t protect you and if it did, a little, it certainly didn’t make you happy either.

He grasped Josh’s hand lightly, weaving their fingers together. He was thankful he hadn’t let his fear of getting hurt get in the way of this. He hadn’t let it get in the way and he wouldn’t, not as long as he had Josh.


A few months went by. Josh and Justin enjoyed each other fully. They were so happy, especially Justin who often felt like he lived in the movies or TV-shows he’d watched so often by lack of something real. He’d never thought to be so happy actually he never thought anyone could be as happy as they’d show in movies and on TV, let alone him but it was true. He was just as happy, if not more and all because he had Josh in his life. He could even make himself forget that it wouldn’t be permanently. He could make himself forget that the next move was looming over him, it was like an earthquake; you knew it would happen, you just didn’t know when. However this time he didn’t want to know because he wanted to enjoy every second as it could be the last in this town, with Josh.

< Life On The Move >