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Part 5

They had exactly two weeks left before they’d drive to Washington and get on the plane to their new, once again temporary home. Justin tried to enjoy every second he spend with Josh but when he got home he went silent. He hardly said anything unless his mom or dad asked him a question directly. Even then he answered quietly. Lynn tried her best to cheer him up but she knew there was nothing she could do.


“Baby, I’m sorry but you know your father is needed in Jackson” Lynn tried once again to cheer him up, to make him feel better but Justin just wouldn’t let her.

“But that doesn’t mean we have to come along” he argued, although knowing damn well that it did in fact mean they had to come along. At least that’s what they’d always done and they weren’t planning on doing it differently.

“Yes it does” his mother countered.

“No it doesn’t!” he argued once again, however fiercer this time.

Lynn basically felt all her patience fly out the window. No matter how many times she’d tried to cheer him up in the last week it never worked and slowly she got sick of his attitude because no matter how hard she tried he wouldn’t accept or even appreciate her efforts. She’d been sympathetic but this was it.

“We’re going to Jackson and that’s the end of it” she said angrily, her eyes widened and eyebrows raised to show her son that she wasn’t kidding around. Justin got the message, surely knowing that he shouldn’t push it any further and therefore he shut his mouth, his gaze darkened before he turned on his heel and disappeared upstairs.


“Justin, shouldn’t you start packing?” Lynn asked gently as she came into his room next day.

She’d left him alone the previous day but after having had some time to cool down herself she once again went to check on him. She found her son, laying face down on his bed. They only had five days till they’d drive to the airport and although she didn’t need to help Justin pack, sadly he knew how to pack, he was almost a professional packer, but he didn’t seem to want to pack and only five days left she knew he had to get a move on even though his room was anything but full. Justin shook his head.

“No” he grumbled.

Lynn sighed, Justin had never reacted well to a move and how could she expect him to? However she had never experienced this before. He’d never reacted this badly.

“Justin Randall Timberlake, you’re attitude is really starting to tick me off” Lynn told her son angrily. He hadn’t even apologized for yesterday’s outburst and she’d probably let him get away with his behavior for too long already. Justin didn’t even look up.

“You better look at me young man” she warned. Justin knew that tone of voice, she definitely wasn’t happy and therefore he sat up a little and looked at his mother.

“I know you’re feeling miserable Justin but I won’t allow you to take it out on us, now you owe me an apology and I suggest you change your attitude if you don’t want to be grounded in the last week here” Lynn scolded her son. She understood why he reacted this way but she wouldn’t stand for his attitude, it was unacceptable. Justin perked up.

“What?! You can’t ground me!” he argued. Lynn raised her eyebrows, a silent warning not to try because she meant it. Justin slumped, knowing he was behaving badly but he already felt so miserable and he wasn’t even away from Josh yet, he was afraid of what he’d feel when they were apart.

“I’m sorry mom” he mumbled, feeling a little bad for taking it out on his mother. Lynn nodded once.

“Apology accepted, just don’t make it so hard on yourself baby” she advised gently, she was only trying to help.

Justin nodded although knowing he wasn’t the one who made this so hard. He however knew it wasn’t smart to say it so he kept his mouth shut. She half turned to the door and turned to leave.

“Don’t forget to pack” she half reminded, half warned him.

Justin nodded but once the door closed he couldn’t help but say,



“Did you start packing already?” Josh asked sadly as they lay down on the couch. Josh wrapped his arms around his boyfriend tightly, they didn’t have much time left. He hadn’t anticipated the time frame between the call and the actual move. He hadn’t thought they would be so close together.

“No” Justin said softly.

“Why not?” Josh asked.

“Don’t want to talk about it” Justin denied, still softly as he shook his head.

“But it’s in four days shouldn’t you start?” Josh asked, if it were him he would have started already.

“I know how to pack alright! I’ve done it a million times before and I’ll get it done!” he lashed out suddenly, his mother had told him the same thing and he hadn’t come here to hear it again.

“I’m sorry” Josh said softly, hurt in his voice. Justin noticed it immediately and the anger drained from his body.

“No, it’s not your fault” he said shamefully before turning around, looking his boyfriend in the eye.

“I shouldn’t have said it Josh, I’m sorry” he apologized. Josh appreciated it but he understood. He wasn’t the one leaving again. He knew how hard it was for him.

“It’s okay” he whispered before drawing him closer, kissing him sweetly.

“I don’t want to fight with you, not when we have so little time...” Justin said softly, once they pulled back.

“Shh” Josh shushed him.

“Let’s not think about it okay?” Josh suggested, he knew the move was on both their minds but they could at least try to forget it.

“Okay” Justin suggested, allowing Josh to kiss him again. For as long as they could.


Three days till they’d have to leave and Justin finally started packing, after another warning from his mother;

“It doesn’t mean we’re staying if you’re not finished packing”

“Whatever” He’d mumbled. But Lynn had been angry.

“Start packing today Justin, I mean it, today or we leave it here”

Justin had scowled at her but had started nevertheless. He knew that it wouldn’t mean they’d stay if he didn’t pack but it was once again that actually packing would make the moving real.

In anger he threw his stuff in the first box, not caring where it landed, he taped the box in a haste and pushed it away but his anger soon turned into sadness and he sank onto his knees, dropped his head in his hands and sobbed once again. This was exactly what he’d been trying to avoid. He knew it for sure now; he was never going to make friends again because indeed it was no use and it fucking hurt.


Josh went upstairs, storming to his room and slamming the door shut. As he came inside he grabbed the first thing that came within reach; schoolbooks. He grabbed them in anger and flung them to the opposite side of the room, hearing them hit the wall and land on the floor with a loud thud.

Josh looked at it, standing completely still and feeling extremely devastated. He knew this would happen, dammit! He knew Justin would have to move sooner or later, hell he even warned him about it.

But did he listen?

Of course not!

He was so fucking attracted to that boy he wouldn’t have been able to leave him alone even if he’d have to leave the next day. They’d gotten so close when Justin had finally let him in, he loved Justin and he knew Justin felt the same way about him but their relationship was doomed from the start. They’d both known they’d have to settle for a short but passionate relationship and Josh had thought that he could handle it, that he’d set his mind to it but now that the moment was here he realized he’d done no such thing. He realized he’d done everything he could to push the thoughts and information away, he’d done everything to make sure he wouldn’t have to think about the fact that no matter how wonderful their relationship was, it wouldn’t last.

However it was no longer possible to push those thoughts away because this would be the end of their relationship and as he sank to his knees and quietly sobbed into his hands Josh realized he also hadn’t realized it would hurt this much.


Ceremonial Justin grabbed the last item in his room; the map. He rolled it out on the floor, grabbing the pen out of the last box and marking the twenty-third city; Baltimore, Maryland. He sadly overlooked the map for a few seconds before he rolled it up again, putting a rubber band around it before dumping it in the last box. He closed the box, picked it up from the floor, looked around the room once more before closing the door; closing yet another chapter in his life and leaving another city, with people he cared about, behind.


“Could we please leave it at this?” Justin asked with misty eyes as they stood at Josh’s front door, Justin almost ready to leave. It was the last night, their last night. Everything was packed and ready to go but Justin wasn’t. Never.

“What?” Josh questioned confused, scared Justin was suggesting to leave their relationship at this, to let it end here.

“Could you please not come to see me off tomorrow?” Justin requested, looking down at his hands not wanting to see the hurt on his boyfriend’s face.

“Why?” Josh asked softly, indeed hurt but relieved it wasn’t what he’d been thinking.

“It hurts too much Josh” Justin whispered.

“Please?” he begged.

Josh sighed, tears building in his eyes. However he accepted, Justin meant so much to him although he didn’t understand how Justin could think it would hurt less if they left it at this.

“Okay” he agreed nevertheless. Justin lunged at him, hugging him tightly, till he almost couldn’t breathe but Josh didn’t care, he just held him with the exact same force. They only pulled back a little to kiss, almost desperately.

“I love you Josh” Justin revealed suddenly. Josh was a little shocked.

“I’m sorry if that complicates it but I couldn’t leave without saying that” Justin added in a rush. Josh smiled sadly.

“I love you too” Justin smiled back.

“We’ll write and call and as soon as I can, I’ll visit” Justin told him.

Justin had given Josh his address in Jackson, Mississippi and they’d promised to write and call. However Justin didn’t know if they could keep it up. He’d made a pact to write before but after a while the letters just stopped and his fate was ever the same, he’d lost another friend. Therefore this really felt like goodbye, for good.

Josh nodded. “We will” He drew him back in the hug, kissing Justin once more before they slowly released each other.

“Bye” Justin whispered as he walked backwards, tears welling in his eyes.

This was the end.

“Bye” Josh returned, waving a little, tears in his eyes as well as he watched how Justin turned and suddenly ran, dragging this out hurt too much. Josh watched him go, whispering after him as another tear tracked down his cheek.

“Bye Justin”


“Justin!” a voice yelled and Justin turned. Happy and sad at the same time as he saw his boyfriend running up to him. They hugged instantly and although Justin had requested for Josh to stay away he was so glad to see him, just once more.

“Josh what are you doing here? You should be in school” Justin scolded.

“I don’t care, I’m not letting you leave without saying goodbye”

“We already said goodbye” Justin reminded him although he really didn’t mind he was here.

“I’m sorry, I said I wouldn’t come but I just... I needed to see you... once more” Josh apologized.

When he’d gotten ready for school he knew that he wouldn’t see Justin there. Josh knew Justin would leave for the airport at 10.30 and after his English class he just knew he had to see him, once more. As soon as class let out for the first break of the day he quickly ran out the doors. His urge to see Justin again, pushing him to run as fast as he could.

Justin nodded in understanding. “I’m glad you came Josh” Justin said with a small smile, slightly staring up at his love.

“You’re not mad?” Josh asked to make sure. He knew Justin had asked him not to come but he just couldn’t fight the urge. Justin smiled reassuringly.

“No” he said shaking his head. Josh stepped closer, hugging him close, putting his head on Justin’s shoulder as Justin buried his face in Josh’s chest.

“I’m really going to miss you Justin, I’ll never forget you” Josh whispered softly as Justin felt the tears building in his eyes at the same time feeling his neck go damp from Josh’s tears.

“I’m really going to miss you too. I’ll never forget you, thank you so much for making me so happy” Justin’s voice was soft but Josh heard every word and he pulled back a little. He smiled as their eyes locked.

“Thanks for letting me” Justin smiled back weakly.

“I love you” Josh whispered kissing him slowly and passionately. He didn’t care they were in the middle of the street nor that Justin’s parents were nearby, watching. Justin didn’t seem to care either, in fact he didn’t even seem to notice as he returned Josh’s words and kissed him back just as passionately.

“I guess we’re ready to go” Justin told Josh what he already knew but what they both so desperately wanted to forget when they finally pulled back, noticing just now that his parents were waiting for him.

“Yeah” Josh acknowledged sadly.

“Bye Josh” Justin said miserably, not even bothering to fight against his tears.

“Bye” Josh whispered, just as sadly, cupping both Justin’s cheeks and bringing him closer so their lips met in a final kiss.

“We’ll write” he promised again.

“We will” Justin nodded, the tears a constant stream down his cheeks. However they couldn’t let go of each other. Josh still cupped Justin’s face in the palm of his hands and Justin in his turn held onto Josh’s hands that were lovingly holding his face as both boys’ eyes leaked tears.

“Justin it’s time to go” his mother announced finally, seeing how the two weren’t planning on letting go of each other. She didn’t want to be mean but they’d miss their flight this way.

Justin nodded, brushing away the tears a bit. He once again hugged Josh tight, kissed him once more before he walked to the car, his hand in Josh’s. Josh opened the door for him, Justin got in but immediately grasped Josh’s hand again through the window that was rolled down. Josh closed the door but stayed where he was; they held hands and looked at each other.

“Take care of yourself Justin” Josh whispered with a weak smile.

“You too Josh” Justin returned, still caressing his boyfriend’s hands for as long as it were possible.

As the car started and slowly pulled away from the curb, their entwined hands slowly lost their grip on one another. Justin turned to stare out the back window, watching how Josh stood on the curb miserably. He swiped at his eyes as he watched how Josh disappeared in the distance, turning into a dot before he lost sight of him altogether.

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