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Love To Hate

By:  Chantal


“Ah Justin! Get in here” Mr. Andrews urged, a stressed tone in his voice. Justin nodded his yes sir as he quickly stepped inside.


“Mr. Chasez is staying here for a while as of tonight and I’m letting you be his personal assistant on behalf of this hotel. You’ll be at his back and call while he’s staying with us. This is an important job Justin, Mr. Chasez is a very important customer”


“Yes sir, thank you sir” Justin said although he wasn’t totally happy with the job. He did like to help people but he didn’t want to be their slave and he had a feeling Mr. Chasez would make him one, nevertheless he thanked for the honor.


“Oh and Justin,” Mr. Andrews called after him. Justin turned towards his boss expectantly.


“Don’t let him wait, he hates to wait”


“No sir” Justin reassured before he left his boss’ office and went to the lobby where he would be awaiting Mr. Chasez’s arrival.




Justin leaped to his feet as a black stretched limo pulled up in front of the hotel. The driver of the vehicle stepped out and went to open the back door for his charge. A tall, handsome brunet stepped out elegantly. He clutched his top design jacket close to his chest and stepped away from the car. The driver closed the door after him and as the young man walked up to the hotel the driver went to open the trunk to get the luggage of his passenger out of the car. Justin met him at the door, recognizing the young man with the blue eyes and brown hair immediately as Joshua Chasez.


“Good afternoon Mr. Chasez, welcome to the Hilton Hotel if you would follow me I’ll escort you to your suite” Justin told him politely, he must have said this a million times but this time it had to be perfect. Everything had been taken care off so the young man wouldn’t have to wait for anything. His boss had told him he could guide Mr. Chasez to his room immediately and so he did. A small entourage followed the young man, his team of people plus a few bell boys who dragged the young man’s luggage with them.


“We reserved the finest suit for you and your entourage will be in the suit next to yours. It has the best view and the finest décor. I hope that everything is to your liking” Justin told him as they stepped inside the elevator, he smiled his charming smile as he looked at the young man next to him. Josh was inspecting his nails and occasionally bringing one to his mouth to chew it before holding it in view for his own inspection. A piece of gum visibly danced around in his mouth as he nonchalantly leaned against the railing of the elevator taking them to the top floor.


“I’ve been here before you know” Josh told him smartly with a smug grin on his face. He just couldn’t help himself. He would always get these young boys as his assistant. He figured it was probably because they couldn’t say no. They were still working their way up and this was an important job, he was more than aware of that. Therefore they took a lot more from him than an old hand. Josh always liked to test these boys; see how far he could go and with most of them the answer was; far. Once he’d even made a boy cry. The boy was so desperate to satisfy his important customer, afraid he would get kicked out if he didn’t. Josh faked his unhappiness about everything the boy did and he’d ran away crying, at loss what to do. Josh had apologized later; he wasn’t a bad guy, just a bored guy. His father was a big shot and Josh was very important for him. When he didn’t have time to open a gallery or a museum’s latest wing Josh would get that task but it wasn’t like a full time job. He got the assistants; managing his calendar, the stylists; making sure he looked exquisite, the manager; booking appointments and the hairdresser for free. It was included in the job all for one purpose; making sure his father’s image wouldn’t get ruined.


Oh! And he forgot about Mr. Jacobs. Josh hated the man but his father demanded he went with his son everywhere he went. Josh saw him as his babysitter; the man who had the task his father had failed to fulfill; teach him some manners and give him some good morals. Josh didn’t like the man and he mostly ignored or challenged him.


A man on Justin’s left scraped his throat discretely and Justin looked at him momentarily before he saw Josh’s smile slide of his face. Till Justin’s surprise Josh bend forward and dropped his gum in the little trashcan in the corner of the elevator next to the man that had called him back. The man watched satisfied but scowled when Josh looked at the man pointedly. Justin pretended he hadn’t seen anything but he’d seen enough to know that the man was probably there to keep the young man in line and that Josh wasn’t happy about that.


The bell dinged indicating they’d reached the top floor, Justin held the doors open for his charge with a smile before stepping out himself.


“Follow me Mr. Chasez” Justin said politely, taking off to his right. He stopped in front of room number 1005 and used the card to open the door. It swung open instantly and he once again held the door open for Josh who stepped inside with a lazy grin on his face. Josh gazed around the room for a moment before instantly walking off towards the bedroom, having a fair idea where it was, leaving Justin behind with Mr. Jacobs.


“Joshua!” Mr. Jacobs called after him.


No response.


Justin stared at the floor a little embarrassed he was witnessing this scene, he felt bad for Mr. Jacobs as the young man deliberately disobeyed him.


“Joshua Scott!” Mr. Jacobs warned sternly.


“Yehes?” Josh sung in a childish tone of voice.


“Get back here, young man” Mr. Jacobs said, leaving no room for an argument and soon after Josh appeared, poking his head in the room cautiously but with a big grin on his face.


“I will not tolerate this behavior Joshua, you’re father has left me with some special instructions and I don’t like…” Mr. Jacobs started rambling but Josh stopped listening after the first word. It was always the same but he didn’t care.


They got interrupted when a bellboy cautiously peered inside and knocked on the open door. Justin turned at the sound and when he noticed the bellboys he motioned them in. He ordered them to leave the things they carried at the door, in the small hallway as both Mr. Jacobs and Josh watched them. Mr. Jacobs with a scowl on his face and Josh with a grin. When the bellboys left, Mr. Jacobs turned back towards Josh and continued his rambling.


“I don’t appreciate you disobeying me Joshua, you know better than that and I won’t have…” Josh looked at him, his expression bored.


“Can you please leave, Mr. Jacobs” Josh interrupted him bluntly. He was not in the mood for this and this lecture didn’t seem to end. Mr. Jacobs glared at him and with a scowl on his face he said,


“I will inform your father about this Joshua and I don’t think he’ll be pleased”


He didn’t even bother to wait for Josh to respond as he turned stiffly and rushed passed Justin out the door, almost slamming the door behind him. Josh watched him go, not the least bit disturbed, in fact he was even giggling. Justin turned his attention from the door back to Josh. The door where he’d seen Mr. Jacobs storm through just moments ago. He eyed the young man; he didn’t even seem to be bothered by the threat Mr. Jacobs had thrown in his direction. At least Justin thought it was meant as a threat. But Josh didn’t seem to care, in fact he seemed amused by the whole situation. Justin tried not to judge him, after all he didn’t know what had happened before but it was hard not to. Still giggling Josh wandered off in the direction of the bedroom leaving Justin standing there without a clue as what to do.


He could go after him but that would be rude, he could also keep standing here but that would be stupid, he could also…


“Bring my suitcases in, will ya?” the request came and made the decision for him, but to say he was happy with the request would be a lie. There were at least half a dozen suitcases standing in front of him, excluding loose items that had been put next to them. Justin sighed, picking up the first suitcase as he called,


“Yes sir”


He entered the bedroom where he found the young man lounging on his bed, the remarkable blue eyes staring back at him and a smug smile tugging at his lips. Justin produced a friendly smile as he set the suitcase down.


“Where would you like it, sir?”


“In the closet” Josh told him, folding his hands behind his head as he looked Justin up and down.


“The clothes that is, the empty suitcase should go in the closet by the front door” Josh clarified with a smile as Justin groaned inwardly.


This fucker expected him to unpack his things!


He was certainly not expecting that.


Great, just great.


“Yes sir” Justin told him, although he’d have rather said; fuck off but he guessed it was a part of his job, guessed being the keyword. He never usually had to do this but then again he never used to serve an important client like Mr. Chasez. He wondered if Mr. Andrews knew this dude was going to be so much work; he probably did. Mr. Andrews had never really liked him and besides he couldn’t have turned the job down. It would mean the end of his job here at the hotel if he did. So he sighed inwardly and began his task. Justin placed the suitcase on the table at the end of bed and opened it. He took some things out, showed them to Josh for inspection and then brought them to the designated place before going back to the suitcase and repeating his previous actions with Josh staring at him the whole time.




Item after item passed through his hands and suitcase after suitcase got emptied, leaving the 6 empty suitcases waiting for Justin to take them to the hall closet. After doing so he looked at Josh, trying to read his face; would he be satisfied with his work?


He had to be!


“Anything else sir?” Justin asked the young man, clasping his hands behind his back as he slightly swayed back and forth. Josh shook his head before he surveyed the room,


“No I think that will be all” he told him simply.


“Alright, if you need me just call the front desk and I’ll be right up” Justin told him with a charming smile before he turned to leave. He was almost at the door when Josh called after him,




Justin turned, facing the young man.


“You want to stay for a while?” Josh invited suddenly as his eyes traveled over Justin’s body.


“Well…um I got work to do” Justin declined, squirming somewhat in the rich boy’s intent gaze. Josh jumped off the bed suddenly and Justin fought against taking a step back. Josh strode towards him cockily, leaning in close, planting one hand just above Justin’s right shoulder, pinning him to the wall, while the other one hung nonchalantly against his lean body.


“I thought I was your job” he whispered seductively. Justin tried to twist away, uncomfortable by the closeness of his ‘job’.


“I kinda like you” Josh told him huskily, so sure of himself, as he brought his face closer to Justin’s till they were almost touching. Josh hovering over him although he was remarkable smaller. Justin twisted away completely, spinning around Josh before their lips could meet.


“I gotta go” Justin told him in a hurry before he rushed out the door.


Josh heard the door close moments later and sighed, letting all the air out of his lungs at once, slumping against the wall as he brought his hand up to trace a finger over his lips…. so close.




The nerve of that guy!


Seducing him while he was working, asshole.


He was just so cocky and so full of himself. He thought he had a right to do that to him just because he was rich and he was his servant.


Screw him!


Justin hated rich boys especially stuck up rich boys thinking they knew it all and could pull off everything. Josh was probably only a couple of years older than him but just because he could pay for this suit and had Justin wade him on hand and foot he thought he was better than him, because he was his servant. He was too rich for his own good, too self confident and cocky beyond belief.


But he’d already said that….


What was he trying to prove?


Was he trying to convince himself he wasn’t attracted to that majorly smug young man?


Was he trying to tell his heart it wasn’t allowed to beat a mile a minute when the confident man came near?


Was he trying to tell his stomach to keep the butterflies away, with force if necessary?


What exactly was he trying to say?


Joshua Chasez was off limits. He was rich, cocky, not to mention his job and if Mr. Andrews would ever find out he was dead meat.


Dead meat.


He would get fired. He couldn’t let him kiss him…. he didn’t even like him, he was just too cocky, self confident and that smug smile of his…. no.




He didn’t like him….


He didn’t like those types…


But he was so sexy…..




Justin wearily walked in the next day. He was dead tired, he hadn’t been able to sleep except for the last two hours before his alarm clock bleared him awake. He’d tossed and turned all night, thinking about the almost kiss between the smug rich boy and himself. He wondered why Josh never called him back after he’d rushed out so quickly. He worried about Josh being angry with him since he could probably loose his job over this but he figured the man wasn’t angry since when he passed by Mr. Andrews on his way in the man had just smiled and made no comment about any trouble with Mr. Chasez.


He’d also spend more than half the night trying to convince himself he wasn’t attracted to this man.


He hated him!


He wasn’t attracted to him!


He wouldn’t let himself fall for this guy, he’d had his heart broken more times than he could count and this party wasn’t exactly recommended so he decided to keep his distance. He was angry at himself for being so weak and he was angry at Josh for making him weak.




Josh walked around his suit, inspecting his ‘toys’ for a hundredth time. Till his annoyance he’d woken up early. He never woke up early! But just now he didn’t need it, he did. He was so bored. When Justin had rushed out the day before he’d spent the rest of the day lazing around, sleeping and avoiding his ‘nanny’. He’d succeeded; Mr. Jacobs hadn’t returned after the first time Josh had told him to screw off and he was satisfied he’d done it. Although he knew he would get a lecture from his father he didn’t really care because he was twenty now and there wasn’t really much that his dad could do, ground him certainly wasn’t an option and his father needed him, Josh knew this but all too well, unfortunately for Mr. Jacobs.


He purposely hadn’t called Justin to come up; he’d decided to leave him alone for a while, that would be best. The bad thing was that he really didn’t have anything to do and he was fucking bored. He’d walked around in his suit for numerous times and well he’d seen everything by now. He was sick of the suit. Josh plumped down on his bed, bored out of his mind. An evil smile passed his features as he leaned over and quickly dialed.


Ten minutes later he stood beside his bed;


“You rang sir?” Justin forced out through gritted teeth as he pushed the scowl off of his face. He was angry and weak but he would do his job no matter what. Josh smiled at him satisfied, he lazily folded his arms under his head and nonchalantly leaned against the headboard.


“I’m in the mood for some coke” Josh told him lazily.


“Coming up right away sir” Justin told him, bowing slightly before he turned to leave.


“Oh!” Josh called after him. Justin scrunched up his face in annoyance when he heard the call. He turned around, wiping the look off of his face as he met Josh’s eyes.


“Yes sir?” he asked politely.


“I don’t know… I’m not really in the mood for coke on second thought”


“What would you like sir?”


“Hmmm tea?”


“Very well sir”


“No…” Josh said a little whine in his voice. Justin turned again, his eyebrows raised expectantly but he quickly forced them back down.


“Yes sir?”


“Coffee. Yeah coffee, coffee would be good”


“Coming up sir” Justin told him, fighting against his irritation coming out. As he turned away from the young man his scowl appeared, mumbling ‘asshole’ he left the room. Josh sniggered as Justin left the room, the sniggers turned into giggles soon and he smiled at the picture in his head, the angry uniformed boy.




“Here you go sir, one coffee” Justin said about ten minutes later. He had to go down the whole way to the kitchen to get the coffee himself; he’d been released from all his normal duties to totally focus on their important young guest. He knew this was an honor, they wouldn’t just give you this opportunity; it proved they trusted him but he hated the job already and he’d began praying the boy would leave soon. Josh said nothing, not a thank you or anything but then again; Josh didn’t have to be polite, Justin did. Josh sipped his coffee, his face scrunched up as he swallowed and Justin’s face turned into a scowl.


“This tastes weird, bring me another one” Josh told him as he lazily leaned back in his pillows. Justin tried hard not to yell at him as he bend forward and picked up the cup of coffee.


“Yes sir, right away” Justin said politely, well he hoped it sounded politely because frankly he wasn’t sure. If it sounded anything like he was feeling… not good. He scurried off quickly, down to the kitchen of the hotel to get another cup of coffee.




Another ten minutes later Justin was once again presenting Josh a cup of coffee. He waited expectantly as Josh sipped his coffee again. As he swallowed his face scrunched up again and Justin’s face fell.


What the hell was wrong now? 


“It’s just … weird….. like… yeah” Josh told him.


“I don’t really like normal coffee” Josh told him innocently, shrugging as the sentence left his mouth.


Then why the hell did you let me get it?


Twice! Justin’s mind screamed but he swallowed his words; he just tried to smile.


“Be a good boy and get me a Chocolate Praline Mocha from Starbucks will you?” Josh asked him in a patronizing tone of voice.


“Right away sir” Justin told Josh through gritted teeth. He quickly turned and walked away, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. He needed to get away from Josh or he could not be held responsible for his actions.


How could he ever have been attracted to him?


He wanted to pounce on the man, the nerve!


He strode to the elevator and pushed the elevator button with a little more force than was necessary.


Josh was left behind, giggling as he watched the boy go. This was fun, he was cute. It was funny to watch that boy run around just for him, it turned him on. He loved guys in uniforms and Justin’s was majorly sexy.




Justin came back half an hour later; since he had to run to the nearest Starbucks and get his sire a special coffee. Josh was waiting for him with a big grin on his face. He tasted it and nodded,


“Good coffee, thanks”


Justin almost fell over, did this asshole say what he thought he said?




Yes he did….


Oh my... surprise of the century!


Justin smiled a bit. “You’re welcome”


Josh stood up all of a sudden but Justin stood his ground. No way was he going to let Josh get to him again. Josh walked towards him, half expecting him to step away but he didn’t move an inch. When he was close enough and Justin still hadn’t moved away; Josh attacked Justin’s lips and kissed him quickly at first than slower. The kiss as rough as he dared at that point. Justin pushed away finally, totally shocked he would try again.


“What did you do that for?”


“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first time I saw you” Josh said longingly as he leaned in again but Justin pushed him away.


“Fuck off!” Justin told him.


“Tsk, tsk, tsk” Josh scoffed.


“Is that how you talk to your boss these days?” Josh told him provokingly. Justin glared at him.


“You’re not my boss” He was intolerable.


“Maybe not directly but my father pays the owner of this hotel and that man pays you so technically I pay you and when you look at it that way; I am your boss” Josh finished with a smug smile on his face and Justin actually debated to punch it off of his face. But in the end he didn’t, he just continued to glare at him.


“Fuck off” he told him again. Josh liked it; the kid got spunk, not a lot of people dared to talk back to him, most of them where too busy kissing his butt.


“I like your spunk”


“I don’t like your attitude” Justin countered angrily.


He was so stuck up, cocky and just ugh!


He was terrible!


He sighed, he was fucking gorgeous and sexy….


Josh laughed in his face as he leaned back, turning away from Justin as he walked away.


“Right” Josh said before giggling.


“You’re an asshole, Chasez!” Justin yelled at him, letting all his anger out he continued to yell at him.


“My coffee tastes funny well boohoo! What kind of problem is that? You’re life will be ruined now!” Justin mocked.


“What kind of shitty problem is that? Maybe you don’t see real problems some people have to deal with from your thrown!”


“And what is it with stuffing a dozen people in a room that’s half the size of your suit for one?! You should find a real job sometime! Fucker!”


“Are you done now?” Josh asked calmly although he was impressed by the courage this boy showed by yelling at the son of the big shot.


“No!” he yelled back, turning slight to leave before changing his mind, remembering something.


“You’re a stuck up little rich boy, threatening with what your father could do to me! HA! Are you not man enough to do it yourself? You afraid Joshy? Huh?” Justin challenged.


Josh launched himself at him, tackled him which landed them on the floor. Josh on top of Justin, who was totally caught of guard by this attack and the attack of Josh’s lips on his. Their lips met, crushing their mouths almost painful but neither felt it they were too busy struggling for control, fighting to be in charge as they ripped away each other’s clothing….




“You rang sir?” Justin asked as he came up to Josh’s suit, the next day.


“What took you so long, boy?” Josh asked angrily.


“I was busy fucker” Justin countered.


“Don’t let me wait, servant. I hate to wait”


“Whatever” Justin shrugged nonchalantly. Josh stepped towards him, encircling him hungrily.


“Sexy uniform” he whispered huskily as he pinched Justin’s buttock. Justin yelped and jumped forward not at all expecting that.


“Stay away from me, rich boy” Justin said with a scowl on his face.


“Go to my room and get on the bed, slave” Josh told him huskily, leaning in close.


“Fuck off, Mr. Chasez” Justin countered, challenging him with his eyes as he showingly sat down in the nearest chair.


“Oh I would do it if I were you after all I do pay your check” Josh told him smugly.


“Screw you” Justin bit back but he stayed seated.


“What did I hear you say Justin?” Mr. Andrews startled the both of them as he came in through the still half open door with a scowl on his face. Justin leaped to his feet immediately and hit himself in the head for not closing the door.


“Nothing sir” Justin told him, putting his head up proudly, confidently.


“Can I talk to you for a second Justin?” Mr. Andrews asked him through gritted teeth and Justin knew he was in trouble.


“Yes sir, right away” Justin said obedient as he followed Mr. Andrews back out of the suit. Mr. Andrews closed the door as Justin stepped out.


“Would you mind explaining to me what I just heard, Mr. Timberlake?” Mr. Andrews asked Justin with eyes that looked right through him, disapproving and strict. The title, Mr. Timberlake, meant trouble and Justin knew it. He was torn, he couldn’t really explain, either way he was screwed.


“I’m sorry, sir” Justin told him as he looked him in the eye, hoping that would save him although he knew it wouldn’t. He bowed his head in respect as Mr. Andrews continued to glare at him.


“Did I or did I not hear you say; screw you to our most important customer?”


“Mr. Andrews I…”


“Yes or no Justin”


“If I said no would you believe me?” Justin tried hopeful.


“Don’t push it Mr. Timberlake!” Mr. Andrews said firmly. Mr. Andrews calmed himself somewhat while Justin wisely kept his mouth shut, only talking when it was asked of him.


“So you did?” Mr. Andrews asked, referring to his previous question.


Justin hung his head, “Yes sir”


“That’s unacceptable Justin, pack your stuff you’re fired” Mr. Andrews said before he turned to leave. Justin’s head shot up.


“Sir, please, I didn’t mean it. I slipped up I’m sorry. It won’t happen again I swear” Justin begged, forcing him to turn back around.


“I know it won’t happen again because you’re fired”


“Please sir, don’t fire me. I want this job…. I need this job”


“Then I suggest you think about what you say next time. Didn’t I warn you about your temper, Mr. Timberlake?”


“Yes sir, you did” Justin answered reluctantly.


“Control that temper of yours Mr. Timberlake”


He’d heard that line so many times before; in high school, during college and at numerous jobs but he couldn’t help it. He wasn’t a violent man it was just when things bugged him or irritated him it was hard to keep the words that were lingering inside. And he usually lost that battle. He didn’t mean to snap at them, telling people what he thought was sometimes a good habit but in times like this it was his worst.


“Sir please….”


“Goodbye Justin” Mr. Andrews said firmly before attempting to walk away. The door of the suit opening and a brown haired head poking out stopped him though.


“Excuse me,”


“Yes Mr. Chasez?” Mr. Andrews said friendly all of sudden after wiping the scowl off his face at once as he turned towards his customer.


“I provoked him” Josh told the man.


“Excuse me sir?” Mr. Andrews said a bit confused.


“I provoked him into saying that. It was my own fault and I disserved it” Josh elaborated.


“I’m afraid I don’t understand Mr. Chasez”


“I’m asking you not to fire him over this, it wasn’t his fault, it was mine” Josh said simply.


“I’m sorry Mr. Chasez but his behavior is not accepted in this hotel I would have thought you would agree with that. I’ll get you another assistant, one that is much more to your liking” Mr. Andrews said as he shot Justin a glare and Justin immediately dropped his gaze to the floor as he caught the man’s look.


“I don’t want another one, I want him and if I don’t get him I’ll be forced to go to another hotel where they do grant my wishes” Mr. Andrews quickly changed his decision, of course he didn’t want to be the cause of loosing such and important client such as Mr. Chasez.


“No need to do that Mr. Chasez. Justin you can stay but don’t let me hear those words coming out of your mouth again no matter how much Mr. Chasez provokes you” Mr. Andrews told Justin with a glare before he glanced over at Josh with a the somewhat gentler look.


“Yes sir” Justin nodded.


“Thank you sir” Justin smiled gratefully as he watched Mr. Andrews walk away down the hall. He waited till he was sure Mr. Andrews was in the elevator and there for could no longer hear him before he stepped inside Josh’s suite, passing his smug smile on the way in. Josh crossed his arms over his chest showingly as Justin turned from closing the door after his boss.


“Don’t even think about it” Justin told Josh immediately.


“Think about what?” Josh asked innocently with a smug smile.


“You owe me, slave boy”


“Fuck off, sucker” Justin countered.


“Oh that’s where you’re wrong… I think it’s you who’s going to suck” Josh grabbed Justin and pulled him to the bedroom.


“You got a lot of payback to do…” ………




Justin got up and got dressed, Josh slid out from under the sheets to take a shower. It had been a long night with Justin doing a lot of making up.


“We’ll do this again real soon, slave boy” Josh told him with a confident wink as he walked away towards the bathroom.


“Bite me, asshole” Justin called after him but they both knew they would soon do this again and they would both like it, love it actually because there really is a fine line between love and hate….


The End


Tell Chantal what you thought of this story!