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Chapter 6

“I’m sorry that was… wrong. I shouldn’t have... please don’t report me” JC begged when he realized what he did. They had awakened moments before and he realized only now what the consequences could be.  

“Don’t be sorry, I’m not. I like you JC” she reassured him, a little taken aback by his reaction. She thought he would know she wouldn’t do that but maybe he was just scared and she understood that.  

“But you can’t! I’m a slave and you are a princess! We can’t be together, you can’t like me!”  

“I know” she said sadly.  

“But I do,” she said almost inaudible, ducking her head.  

“JC I don’t regret what we did, do you?” she asked looking him straight in the eye.  

“No” he admitted shyly.  

“Then why does it have to be wrong if we don’t regret it?”  

“Just because we both don’t regret it doesn’t mean it’s right”  

“I know,” she sighed.  

“You’re right…. but I don’t want to….”  

“I know, I don’t want to either. I want to keep seeing you” he said shyly.  

“I do too,” she agreed smiling slightly.  

“We’ll find a way ok? You’re still working in the castle right?”  


“Then we’ll find a way JC, we will” she said grasping his hand before leaning in for a kiss.  


“Daddy?” Katherine sauntered to her father, obviously she wanted something.  

“Yes sweetie?” he asked a little suspicious.  

“Do you remember you told me you would find a prince for me when the time is right?” she asked obviously going somewhere with her question.  

“Yes I remember” he said looking at his daughter.  

“What about in the mean time?” she asked innocently.  

“What do you mean sweetie?”  

“Well I know I’m supposed to marry a prince and I’ll do that when the time is right, right?”  


“But what happens till then? I have to wait till that time comes. I would rather have some fun instead of waiting around and doing nothing”  

“Well you can do that”  

“I want to have some fun …..with someone” she said playing with the cords on her dress not really comfortable asking her father for this.  

“Ooh,” her dad replied understanding what she meant.  

“That can be arranged” he agreed easily, he’d never have agreed if Samantha had asked this.  

“Did you have someone in mind?” he asked smiling a little at her nervousness.  

“Yeah actually I have”  

“What’s his name?” he asked curiously.  

“JC. JC Chasez” she stated, certain of her choice.  

“You’re really sure you want him?” he asked just to make sure.  

“Yes” she confirmed.  

“He IS a slave” the King informed her.  

“Daddy I want him!” she whined like a little kid because by her opinion it took a little too long.  

“Alright! Sweetie if you want him he’s yours alright? But remember he’s a slave, don’t forget the rules alright?” she nodded looking at her father with her big blue eyes.  

“Alright, go to your room I’ll send someone over to go look for him and send him to your room ok sweetheart?”  

“Yes daddy” she hopped away satisfied how her plan worked out.  


“Sam? Where were you last night?” her father asked, seeing Sam slip into her room just after noon. He’d been looking all over for her.  

“I was at my favorite spot…” she answered not wanting to say where that special spot was.  

“Why did you flee away?” he asked, he knew she always went to that spot when she wanted to run away from something.  

“I just needed to be alone” she said knowing her father was angry with her, she left the Prince alone.  

“You left the Prince alone” he said accusingly.  

“I know, I’m sorry” she apologized.  

“It’s ok sweetie. Were you there… at your special spot all night?” he asked a little suspicious and Sam hoped he wouldn’t see she was lying,  

“Yes, I was thinking and I fell asleep. But what about Prince William?” she asked changing the subject quickly, not giving the King time to think about her answer.  

“I send him home, said you weren’t feeling well. He likes you, you know?” the King said proudly while Sam tried to smile.  

“He’ll be back in a few months once the wedding has been settled. It will give you some time to adjust to the idea of becoming a wife” her father said in a slight comforting tone.  

“Ooh ok” Sam said a little relieved he was gone and that she still had a few months to herself before she had to get married. She decided to enjoy that time since it would never be the same again once she married Prince William. Her life would be changed forever.  


“JC!” Mr. Norton called for him. JC winced automatically thinking he was in trouble for seeing Sam. They’d been caught!  

“Don’t worry you’re not in trouble” Mr. Norton said immediately as JC entered Mr. Norton’s office and cautiously took a seat.  

“I’ve got a new job for you” Mr. Norton informed him. JC was happy and scared at the same time. The good part was that Mr. Morris couldn’t get to him anymore, punish him for things he didn’t do. The bad part was that maybe this job would be even worse.  

“What kind of new job?” he asked fearful of the answer.  

“I thought you would like it, no more running around with supplies etc…. Anyway Princess Katherine will fill you in on the job”  

“Princess Katherine?” he gasped.  

“Yes, now go she’s expecting you” he said ushering him out of the room.  

“Yes sir” JC said stumbling out of the room.  

“Ooh and JC?” Mr. Norton called after him.  

“Don’t screw it up” he warned, JC nodded in agreement and left the room not knowing what to expect from his new ‘job’. What kind of job could Princess Katherine possibly have for him?  


He was standing outside of Princess Katherine’s door, wondering whether or not to go in. He didn’t want to go in, he had no idea what would be waiting for him once he did but he knew he had to. You can’t ignore an order from the princess so he reluctantly knocked on the door.  

“Enter!” she yelled excited knowing who the person was who was knocking.  

“You called, princess?” he asked while bowing his head once he opened the door, standing in the doorway. 

“Yes, come in” she ordered. He nodded in response and stepped aside so he could close the door behind him.  

“Come over here” she ordered. JC did as he was told and crossed the room slowly. He halted in front of her bed, she was lying on it and looked seductively. What does she want from me? He asked himself, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the answer.  

“Yes princess?” he asked hoping to find out what she had in store for him.  

“Alright….” she trailed off, jumping off of the bed and standing in front of him, looking him straight in the eye. He kept his eyes to the floor as he waited for her to continue.  

“I asked my father to let you come up so I could …. have some fun” she said with a grin which he didn’t see of course. JC’s eyes bulged out. ‘What the hell was she planning? And what did she mean by ‘having fun’  

“Excuse me?” he choked.  

“Who said you could talk?” she snapped.  

“No one” he whispered afraid of disobeying a princess. She could get him into a lot of trouble. She could and she definitely would.  

“Good answer!” she mocked.  

“Now, I think you might be curious at what your job is going to be…” she trailed off once again and JC just nodded in response this time.  

“I am your job” she whispered in his ear, causing JC to shudder at the closeness of the princess and the words she spoke. This didn’t sound good he thought.  

“You will please me, in every way possible. Doesn’t matter what I want, you will give it to me without protest, you understand?”  

“Yes princess” he whispered once again like he’d lost his voice.  

“And mainly the thing that I want… would be you” she said tracing a finger over his chest. She placed a finger under his chin to lift his head up to meet her gaze but his eyes didn’t meet hers.  

“Look at me” she commanded and so he did. She leaned in closer and pressed her lips on his, he didn’t know what was happening and pulled away in reflex, jerking away from her lips and taking a step back.  

“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?” she bulged, pissed at his reaction. 

“Do you think you have a choice in this?! I don’t think so!” she answered her own question. She took a step towards him and whispered in his ear,  

“I saw you by the lake Saturday evening…. I don’t think my father will approve of the little scene I witnessed” JC’s head jerked up in shock. She saw them? Ooh no, this was bad.  

“I could easily tell someone…” she stated and JC’s _expression turned from shock to fear. If she’d tell someone, anyone, he’d be dead. A slave and a princess would never be accepted and of course he would get the blame for it.  

“.. but I won’t. At least not yet, not as long as you’ll obey me and you’ll never see my sister again” she ordered in a calm tone of voice. She knew exactly what she was doing, she’d planned this and JC felt miserable, his world came crashing down for the second time in a short period of time.  

He finally found someone he felt save with. He felt happy when he was around Samantha and he could definitely use that in his current position. He’d felt so miserable when he came here and then he met Sam. She’d made things much easier for him. She didn’t change his work or made it easier to deal with Morris but just the prospect of seeing her; got him through the day and in that prospective she helped him out a lot. More than she probably knew. Now he felt even worse than when he first entered the palace.  

“I won’t” he said reluctantly, dropping his head in defeat.  

“Good. I’ll try to keep my mouth shut then” she said wickedly. He nodded in response while she moved closer again. Leaning in for a kiss, just before their lips touched he pulled back again.  

“Wait!” he said as a last attempt to stop her, thinking of a reason why she should stop but he never got the chance to say it. She put her hands on her hips, eyeing JC.  

“Do I need to call for the guards?” she sneered exasperated while turning around.  

“No, no please don’t” he pleaded quickly, moving towards her to stop her from going to the door.  

“Are you going to behave?” she asked severely.  

“Do I have a choice?” he blurted.  

“No” she said angrily, shocked at his reply. ‘That was what I was afraid of’ he thought but said,  

“Ok” while he slumped in defeat. More or less allowing Katherine to do whatever she wanted and she did…

< Punishable Love >