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By:  Chantal




“Where are you going?” Louisa Treydson asked her boyfriend Joshua Chasez when she caught him ready to leave as she prepared to knock on his door.

“Oh hi,” he responded, a little taking aback, meeting a question as he opened the door.

“I’m going to a game” he answered. She frowned, acting as if she’d forgotten.

“I told you last week” he sighed, a little angry she forgot.

“That’s tonight?”

“Yeah” he replied although he had a fair idea she damn well knew the answer to her own question.

“I was hoping we could go see a movie”

“I got tickets to see the game! I bought those weeks ago”

“Can you just not go? I don’t want you to go” she whined.

“Louisa” he sighed frustrated. She always did this. She always asked him to give up stuff he loved and she would get mad at him when he refused. But he didn’t care this time he’d been looking forward to this for weeks.

“I wanted to do something together…”

“Then come with me” he countered.

“Don’t want to. Can’t we just go to a movie?”

“I don’t feel like watching a movie”

“Please?” she pouted. Josh sighed.

“I want to go to the game” he protested although it was meeker.

“Go some other time I want to go to a movie, come with me please?” she ended in question although when she asked something it never sounded like a question. Josh sighed.

“Fine I’ll come with you” he gave in and almost immediately hated himself for it. He didn’t know why he kept giving in. Every time he let her talk him out of something, he was determined to not let it happen again but it always happened again. She was always able to convince him to do what she wanted.

“Good” she smirked satisfied. He never let her down. Josh smiled back weakly and sighed once again.

“Maybe Justin wants the tickets”

Trapped >