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Chapter 10

Almost four months after his girlfriend became his forced girlfriend she dropped a bombshell on him. Josh knew that his feeling, that the past few weeks had been the calm before the storm, had been correct because he now found himself in the storm. No doubt about it.


“Let’s live together” she said spontaneously. Josh’s eyes widened; this was the last thing he wanted.

The storm was here.


“Let’s live together”


“I want you to move in with me”

“But… isn’t it a bit soon?” he hoped to talk her out of this, saying no certainly wouldn’t work and this might. Even if it didn’t he had to try; he didn’t want to move in with her.

“Why would it be soon?”

“We’ve only known each other for six months” Josh told her lightly.

“It doesn’t matter how long we know each other”

“Oh, I think it does”

“I want you to move in with me”

“What if I think it’s too soon?” Josh tried hesitantly.

“I don’t really have to answer that question, do I?” she countered.

“No” he said in a small voice. His shoulders slumped as he stood with his back to the woman he so called loved.

“Where will we live?” he asked defeated.

“Don’t you worry about that, we can live here together, we got plenty of room” she said smiling she got her way.

“Yeah…” The threats had increased and his privileges had decreased. He fought hard against the controlling people but his struggles got weaker, realizing they were futile.

“I think we should move in together as soon as possible”

“When?” he asked, hoping he wouldn’t have to hear the answer.

“Tomorrow” she said determined and he saw there was no chance in changing her mind.

He looked at her with miserable eyes, hoping they would show the message he was afraid to voice but she simply looked away as if she didn’t care. All that mattered to her was him and she didn’t care how she got him even if it was by force.

“I’ll go get some of my stuff” he said meekly, already turning to the door.

“Good,” she said content.

“And tomorrow we’ll get the rest of your stuff”

Josh nodded before he started walking.

“Josh?” she called after him. He turned, waiting till she continued.

“Aren’t we forgetting something?” she asked taunting. Josh sighed involuntarily, hoping she hadn’t heard, he put on a fake smile and walked towards her firmly pressing his lips to hers.

“Good,” she said, “I’ll miss you”

“I’ll miss you too” he mumbled reluctantly and he suddenly couldn’t get to the door fast enough. He needed to get out of that house and he dashed to the front door, sprinting away as fast as he could.


“Go get Josh” Dan instructed some of his men. Josh had left the house a couple of hours ago heading home but he hadn’t returned yet, making Dan very angry.

“Where’s that punk?!” Sam asked when they walked through Josh’s apartment. All the lights were out and it looked like he hadn’t even been here.

“Boss, he’s not here”

“Then keep looking” Dan instructed angrily.


Josh walked aimlessly through the abandoned streets. All the lights in the houses on the block were off. He liked the dark, it seemed to swallow him and he seemed to disappear in the black night. That was exactly what he wanted: disappear.

His mind wondered, thinking about how he met Louisa. He’d started working for the Treydson company, the biggest one in town, three years ago and that’s where he met the incredibly beautiful woman Louisa Treydson. Daughter of the man in charge. Actually formal boss since he died a couple of years ago. However the business still belonged to the family making them rich, powerful and well respected in the community. On one evening, about six months ago, at a party he met the lady he’d seen a few times before and fell in love with her. They started dating and although people thought he was only going out with her for her money, he really loved her for her.

Something changed though. He didn’t like the way she always wanted to have her way but the fact that bugged him the most was that she also always got her way. He got fed up, feeling like a toy that didn’t really mean all that much to her. He was her boyfriend but most of the time he felt more like her servant. For a while he thought it would pass but it only got worse so he decided to end it. However she didn’t agree and again she got her way. She wanted him to stay so she made sure her brother threatened him to stay.

It started as a fairy tale; falling in love with a beautiful rich young woman but it ended in a nightmare. It had been bad enough the past few months, being forced to go out with her was one thing but having to move in with her would be even worse. It was the last thing he wanted.

He stared at his feet as they moved forward, looking at the pavement washing by. So deep in thoughts he didn’t even hear a car pull up beside him. The back doors opened and two men stepped out, walking up to the young man they’d been ordered to find and bring back.

“Sir” one of them addressed Josh and he slowly raised his head, really not caring who was talking to him.

“I think you better come with us” the other one said appearing on his left side. Josh wearily looked at him and saw the man carefully pulling away his jacket to reveal a gun, it glistened in the light of the lamppost. Josh tensed up at the look of the gun.

“Ooh no” he whispered knowing these men were going to take him back to the place he didn’t want to return to. The two men firmly grasped his upper arms while Josh began to struggle.

“No! No! Don’t take me back there please. No!” he yelled frantically while still struggling against the men who were pulling him in the direction of the awaiting car. His struggles were pointless.

The two men were a lot stronger and had him sitting in the car without a lot of trouble. Josh kept thrashing once they were in the car still yelling the word no over and over again. He was determined to put up a fight. He wasn’t going to let these men take him without a fight. Although he knew it was pointless he couldn’t just stop and he didn’t have to. One of the men grasped his wrists and painfully twisted them behind his back with one hand while the other hand moved over his mouth to stop the angry and fearful cries of the young man. The man on the other side grabbed his ankles and held them together to protect himself from the kicking legs occasionally hitting him in the stomach. Josh struggled a while longer then completely stilled his movements when he realized it wasn’t any use and the grip on his ankles and wrists tightened the more he struggled against them. Defeated, he slumped in the grip of the men holding him down. Never noticing they were already driving towards the residence of the Treydson’s.


His stomach was twisting in a knot when he recognized the huge driveway leading up to the Treydson’s home. They stopped in front of the front door. The two men in the front seat stepping out and walking to the right passenger door where the guy, who was still effectively silencing Josh, sat. They opened the door, two hands reached inside and settled in Josh’s armpits while giving the two men in the backseat the signal to release him. In one swift movement the man had Josh pulled out of the car, his legs limply brushing over the two men before his feet rested on solid ground. The man shifted his hands from his armpits to his right bicep while the other man grabbed his left, together they guided a slightly shaking and stumbling Josh to the door. The door swung open at once.

“Special delivery” the man on Josh’s right side snickered.

Josh allowed them to pull him inside and when the hands released him he was pushed in the direction of the bodyguard awaiting his arrival. The same man who’d gotten him from the police station.

“Thank you gentlemen”

Josh vaguely heard in the background as Dan gave the men their money as promised. The man saluted as a way to say you’re welcome before disappearing through the front door, followed moments later by the noise of the engine slowly fading. By that time Josh was already sitting on the sofa in the living room. The bodyguard who’d guided him there, standing in front of him. Dan joined the two and took a seat on the coffee table while dismissing the bodyguard who kept a close eye on the man on the couch. The guy walked around the sofa, standing against the wall, never taking his eyes off of Josh.

“Good to have you back”

Josh glared at him.

“Where did you disappear to?”

“Nowhere” Josh replied dryly, looking away while he crossed his arms over his chest as some sort of protection against the man across from him.

“Why did you let them bring me back here?” Josh asked in a small voice.

“Because you belong here…. with my sister”

“I don’t belong here. I don’t belong to anyone!” he said angrily.

“You do now” Dan said calmly but Josh got angry.

“No I don’t!” he yelled getting up. The bodyguard was there in two steps pushing Josh back down on the sofa.

“You can’t make me. You can’t force me to be here”

“I think we just did” Dan snickered, referring to the four men who’d brought him back here totally against his will. Dan was right. Josh slumped further in his seat, defeated.

“I think you should go to bed. We’ll talk about this tomorrow, after all you live here now” Dan said before walking away in the direction of the bodyguard. Whispering some instruction Josh couldn’t quite make out. It was too far and he wasn’t meant to hear it.

He yelped when a hand firmly grasped his bicep pulling him off of the couch. Josh pulled his arm out of the strong grasp mumbling, “I can walk by myself” before heading towards the steps.

The man following his every move till he was in bed about 15 minutes later. Grateful he was alone when he was laying in the huge bed in the guestroom. It still looked like a suite but he didn’t care about that now. In fact he didn’t care at all. He knew the man had made sure that the window was locked before he stepped outside. He heard the door being locked as well before hearing movement on the hallway. Indicating the man was probably camping outside his door making sure he wouldn’t run off. Josh twisted and turned that night the question.

What am I going to do? constantly replaying in his mind.

What can I do?

He was alone in a huge bedroom, all his exits securely blocked and a huge guy camping in front of his door. Even if he could run away, Justin would pay the price. Feeling defeated for the umpteenth time that day he fell into a restless sleep; his only escape from this nightmare that was becoming worse as time went by.

< Trapped >