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Chapter 13

“Let’s celebrate you living here” Louisa suggested happily, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. Josh cringed; he couldn’t help it. What was there to celebrate?

“Why?” Josh asked before he could stop himself. He was immediately met with Louisa’s frown, accompanied with a hard glare.

“I mean, how?” Louisa’s smile returned. She leaned in slowly, covering the small space between them in a slow pace. Her lips touched his softly, caressing his lips like they never did; not recently anyway.

“You’re so sweet” she whispered against his lips.

“You taste so sweet” she added before leaning in again, kissing him in an almost lovingly way. Josh went along with it, he held her around the waist and kissed her back, mostly anyway. When she was like this he reminded him of the girl he’d met months prior but she would say or do something and the image was broken. He would remember her true nature and the struggle to force himself to do what she wanted began all over again.

“Let’s have a romantic night in our room” she proposed, kissing his neck.

“Have a candle lit diner, watch a romantic movie” she continued, kissing his throat and going up.

“Make love” she finished, a plan to initiate her bedroom as theirs as she kissed him on the lips.

Josh’s eyes widened as Louisa continued kissing his lips, slipping her tongue inside. He no longer participated, he was processing this new demand. Sure he could not refuse, he didn’t have a right to but he wondered how far the demands could go. Probably as far as she wanted, he didn’t get anything more; only the safety of his brother. But he wouldn’t go against her now; they’d beat him up. They’d honestly hurt him and Josh didn’t dare to disobey.

“Let’s go upstairs” she whispered against his lips before taking his hand gently, positioning herself against his side.

Josh didn’t react he was still processing the news. His steps faltered but Louisa ignored it and tugged on his hand. They soon reached the top floor. Josh had no idea how they ever got here and all he wanted was to leave. Louisa opened the door and tugged Josh in behind her.

“You’re all mine tonight”


Josh woke up early the next morning, looking around the room; his room, their room. He couldn’t believe he’d done this.

Wasn’t this rape or something?

Or couldn’t a woman rape a man?

Josh wasn’t sure; he knew it was against his will, he knew she’d forced him into it so it had to be some kind of rape. Or was it a deal, it was apart of the deal; please Louisa and Justin would stay unharmed.

Was he a whore then?

No he didn’t get anything in return except the safety of his brother. Whores got money. He didn’t know what to make of it and it really didn’t matter either. It didn’t help. He felt like shit.

They’d only slept together a few times, in the first period of their relationship when they were in love and a few times in between either to get Louisa off of his back or to prove to himself that he still loved her.

He looked down at the woman in his arms or who’d snuggled in his arms. He checked if she was really still fast asleep, seeing she was he took the opportunity. Josh slipped out from underneath the blankets, settling his forced girlfriend on the bed, hoping she wouldn’t wake up. He needed to get away, he felt filthy, he needed to take a shower. Louisa would find him anyway so why bother waking her up? He would risk her not wanting him to go so he slipped into the bathroom and quickly stepped in the shower, hoping he would be able to finish the shower without Louisa bothering him.


“This is nice” Louisa commented as they got dressed together.

Josh had quickly taken his shower to make the chance that Louisa would join him as limited as possible. She woke up when he’d walked back into the bedroom and had smiled happily at him; probably happy she’d gotten her way. They’d snuggled in bed for a while, of course on her request before deciding to get dressed.

“I love waking up with you” Louisa smiled. Josh forced a smile on his face. It was sweet she enjoyed this but knowing Louisa she only loved the fact that she’d gotten him this far.

“I love getting up together, you belong here Josh” Louisa said meaningful. Josh stopped tying his shoe, eyeing her. It might sound simple but the statement meant so much more. More than he wanted it to mean. He looked like a sad puppy but Louisa ignored it.

“What makes you say that?” Josh asked softly.

“You just do, you belong with me” Josh’s miserable expression grew.

“Louisa” he said softly.

“What are you planning with this?” he dared to ask. Sure it would be fun for her for a while but it would have to end sometime. Right? Even though she didn’t see it now, there would come a time she would realize this was too weird and she would let him go. This wouldn’t be able to go on forever.

“With what?” she asked a little confused.

“Holding me here” Josh whispered, his shoe still untied. He had other fish to fry.

“I don’t know. You don’t know what the future holds. For now I love you and I want you here, with me. We’ll see what will happen in the future” she answered, avoiding how he’d said she was holding him here. She was but she was obviously not in a bad mood because normally she would have bitten his head off; not now though. The answer however wasn’t better, he almost wished she would have bitten his head off because she didn’t clear anything up. Maybe he could have lived with this if she would have given him a time frame. He wouldn’t enjoy it but at least he would know it would end someday. With an open window like this it was unsure when this would end, if it would ever end.

“Is this really how you want this?” he asked softly but incredulously.

How you could want love like this?

“Yes, I love you Josh. We could have a wonderful time together if you’d just give it a chance”

“I tried but it didn’t work out. It wasn’t meant to be”

“We can make it meant to be” Louisa argued.

“No we can’t. Why can’t you just accept it?” he asked softly, yelling or accusing her wouldn’t help him anyway.

“I want to make this work, we can make it work” she started firmly.

“We will make it work”


Louisa wanted to make it work and with the threat against Justin, Josh was not going to argue with her. Not anytime soon anyway.

Everything was settling now. Josh had packed his clothes and other personal items and had taken them to his new home. Justin had moved into his apartment and Josh was ready for work again. He’d spend the week packing and unpacking, then spend the rest of the time with Louisa. He could use some distraction.

He also wanted to check on his brother, see how he was doing since he hadn’t had time to call. He decided to drop by after work, forgetting the fact that he was no longer alone, people were waiting for him now and dangerous people that was.


Josh still having the key let himself in, he chuckled as he saw his younger brother sprawled out on the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table, remote in hand.

“I see you settled in quite well”

Justin jumped at the voice as he’d been on the verge of sleep. Honestly he was still afraid; he pretended it was nothing to get beat up but he’d been seriously frightened.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you” Josh apologized, seeing his brother’s alarmed reaction.

Justin sat up a little. “It’s okay”

Josh smiled and plumped down on the couch next to Justin.

“You settled in?”

“Almost, thanks for letting me live here” Justin thanked him a little later. Josh smiled.

“You’re welcome although I should say thank you too”


“I didn’t know what to do with this place. I mean I didn’t want to get rid of it but paying rent when you don’t live here would be a shame” Justin smiled understandingly although Josh saw something else.

“What’s wrong, Justy?” Justin shrugged, brushing it off.

“What?” Josh persisted.

Justin sighed, giving in.

“I still don’t understand why you moved in with her”

It was Josh’s turn to sigh.

“I already explained this to you”

“I know but it’s weird”

“Not it’s not, people move in together all the time”

“You know what forget it, forget I asked!” Justin stood suddenly, the patronizing answer making him angry.

“Justin,” Josh called. Justin stopped but didn’t turn around. “We’re just trying this out, see if it works”

“Is it?”

“I don’t know… yet”

They were both silent. After a few minutes Josh got up.

“I should go…” he still couldn’t say go home. He was home.

Justin nodded slowly. “Kay”

“Hey you free on Wednesday?” Josh asked suddenly, he hadn’t seen his brother that much lately, at least not the way they used to. Louisa took up a lot of his time and a fun night with his brother was just what he needed.

“Um… I guess, why?”

“What do you say I come over, we watch a movie, eat a little pizza, have a few beers, just hang out”

Justin beamed. “Cool” He always enjoyed hanging out with his big brother. He still felt cool and important when Josh wanted to hang out with him. Josh smiled back happily.

“Alright, see ya then, bye”

“ Bye!” Justin closed the door behind him, locking it.


As soon as Josh stepped onto the doormat, the door flew open and he was pulled in roughly. The door closed and before he knew it he was pinned up against it.

“Where were you?” Dan in his face again. Dan in his face with a similar question.

“I… I was with Justin” A similar answer to a similar question.


“I… I just wanted to see how he was doing” Josh answered, knowing better than to answer the question with a question.

“We were waiting for you with diner”

“Oh. I’m sorry” he said genuinely. It was rude to keep people waiting, although he hadn’t known they’d been waiting, it was rude nevertheless.

“You finish work at 6, you come home at 6.30, we eat at 6.30. It’s almost 7.30!” Dan said as if it was a major issue. Actually to him it was; a sign of disobedience.

“Alright” Josh exclaimed, wrong move. Dan grasped his chin painfully.

“You will call and you will tell us if and when you’re gone. More importantly you tell us when you’ll be back, understood?”

“Yes” Josh answered. He hadn’t known he was expected to call when he would be home. He wasn’t used to this living together yet and it slipped his mind; he’d been living on his own for over four years and these particular rules that were attached to living together were unexpected and definitely unwanted. They made him want to move out of there quicker than lightning.

“Good. Then…” he said stepping back.

“Louisa is waiting for you”

Josh nodded then shuffled past him. When he reached the staircase he suddenly turned, a question on his lips, certain he would have to ask this too.

“Um Dan?”

“Yes” Dan acknowledged as he spun towards the young man.

“I was wondering if I could um spend some time with my brother” he asked questionably.

“When?” Dan asked simply, inwardly smirking he’d gotten him this far.

“Wednesday?” Josh asked once again in an uncertain tone of voice.


“After work, till I don’t know past midnight?”

“You’re learning Josh, good” Dan smirked satisfied.

“Then can I go?” he felt like a teenager; begging his mother let him go out.

Dan shrugged. “Fine with me, run it past Louisa though, you’re her boyfriend”

Josh nodded.

“Okay, thank you” he said sincerely. Dan nodded still smiling broadly. Josh turned back towards the staircase and climbed the steps slowly, with reluctance as always.


“Louisa?” Josh asked cautiously as he pulled back from the kiss. Louisa had put herself in between the wall and her boyfriend, kissing him for minutes on end, enjoying his sweet lips on hers as she was pinned against the wall by her lover.

“What baby?” she asked sweetly, keeping her hands in place, cupping his cheeks.

“I... well I was wondering if you had plans on Wednesday since I would like to go to my brother then”

“I don’t think so” she stated.

“What do you mean?” he asked confused, was she referring to the fact that she had no plans or that he couldn’t go?

“I didn’t have any plans with you Wednesday” she smiled as she leaned in again. Josh kissed her back, not wanting her to change her mind.

“So… you don’t mind if I go to Justin then?” he asked once she pulled back and stroked his cheek lovingly.

She shook her head no, her eyes focused on her hand caressing his face. Louisa was aware of the fact that she would have to allow him these things once in a while or he’d probably refuse to corporate at all or less easily. She really didn’t want him to be unhappy, she just wanted him.

“We’ll spend the weekend together then?” she asked suggestively but it was already a done deal; it would happen.

“Okay” Josh said, succeeding in keeping the sigh out of his voice. He knew he would have to spend the weekend with her no matter what, even when he wouldn’t get to see Justin, so seeing Justin was an added bonus. He smiled weekly as she continued her make out desire.

< Trapped >