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Chapter 17

Justin wobbled to the door, tired as hell. He’d been studying for days on end. He opened the door with his head down, gazing up once the door was completely open. Surprise and happiness crossed his features.

“Chris!” he exclaimed, lunging at the man with a bright smile on his face.

“Hey infant” Chris greeted as he hugged Justin back.

“Didn’t change a bit huh old man”

“Nope not a bit” Chris grinned.

“I’m glad”

“Dude! Did you get taller on me?” Chris suddenly asked, taking a step back from Justin to check him over.

Justin grinned.

“You got taller!”

“Are you gonna come in or what?” Justin teased.

Chris shrugged. “Sure. So you live here now?”

“Yeah… how did you find out by the way?”

“Your roommate told me” Chris explained.


“So where’s Josh?” Chris asked after checking the room and seeing no sign of him.

“I don’t know,” Justin answered with a sigh. Chris frowned. “I think he’s with Louisa”

“Louisa?” Chris repeated.

“His girlfriend” Justin said in a funny voice, a scowl on his face.

“And you’re happy with it?” Chris frowned.

“Not really… anyway how are you doing officer?”

Chris grinned, noticing the subject change but letting it go; Justin had never been good with talking about something when he wasn’t ready to talk, he would tell him what was wrong in his own time.

“Good, on a break actually” Chris replied, sitting down on the couch while Justin walked to the fridge getting them something to drink. Justin turned suddenly though at the information.

“You? On a break?”

Chris grinned. “Hard to believe huh?”

“Very, you did nothing for a long time but once you started…”

“I haven’t stopped I know” Chris finished nodding.

“Just I thought I needed to, can’t always work now can I?”

Justin smiled as he shook his head and handed him his drink. “How long is your break?”

“I took up all my vacations days so three months”

“Wow” Justin said amazed, plumping down on the couch next to Chris, wishing he could have a three month break from everything, especially these tests that seemed never ending.

“I saved for a while”

“Good thinking”

“Thank you” Chris smiled, before really looking at Justin, examining him.

“You look tired” he noted.

“Thanks” Justin snorted.

“You busy?”

“Busy studying yeah” Justin said, rubbing a tired hand over his face.

“You just woke up then?”

“Yeah” he nodded, letting his hand drop to his side.

“What do you say to a little one on one game?” Chris asked.

“Basketball?” Justin asked incredulously.

“Of course!”

“Chris I’m tired and I got more studying to do” he whined, declining; he wasn’t in the mood for basketball.

“Oh you big whine baby, get changed it’ll be good for ya”

Justin still didn’t look convinced.

“You scared you’ll loose?” Chris challenged, knowing that would do the trick.

“Of course not!” Justin jumped up and charged to his bedroom, changing quickly. Only minutes he walked back out.

“Let’s go old man, you gotta keep up now” Justin said as he walked to the front door in a straight line, a basketball tucked under his right arm. Chris grinned, shaking his head as he stood and followed.

“Too easy”


They had their one on one game, it was actually how their friendship had started; basketball. About eight years ago Chris at 17 used to play basketball with his friends in the park. They went there every day after school.

Around summer vacation a young kid, named Justin, showed up on the court or at least on the sidelines; watching them. Most of the times he was alone, with a basketball tucked under his arm as he stared at the older kids playing their game. Sometimes an older boy was with him, an older boy he’d soon gotten to know as Justin’s older brother; Josh. After a few weeks of staring, twelve-year-old Justin, stepped up to them and asked if he could join their game. They’d looked at the short kid and told him no; he was too young. Justin however had been persistent, he’d really wanted to play with them but the older kids had not been pleased with that. They even chased him away one day and when Justin dared to come back after almost a week they were ready to chase him away again but Chris had intervened. He’d told them to lay off; he was just a kid. Chris had left his friends and had taken Justin to another basketball court where they’d played basketball together. They’d played basketball together ever since and they became good friends, despite their age difference.

“Ha beat you old man and you thought I was scared I’d loose” Justin said victoriously as they bounded back inside. Chris smiled; he remembered the sweet, eager but oh so determined teenager that had been practically bouncing on the sidelines, wanting to be apart of the older kids game.

“Yeah yeah, it’s only ‘cause you’re taller”

Justin laughed. “You keep saying that to yourself”

“I will” Chris said, sticking his nose in the air in mock arrogance. Justin laughed harder before getting two bottles of water out of the fridge, handing one to Chris as he plumped on the couch.

“I’m glad you’re back, I haven’t done that in a while, Josh really is no competition” he smirked but it somehow wasn’t a real smile Chris could see. Chris could also see that something was still bothering his friend. Justin had never been good with hiding the way he felt, at least not to people he cared about. Chris knew however that Justin would tell him what was wrong when he was ready. He would tell him in his own time.


Guess that didn’t take long, a few days later Chris and Justin were on the couch watching a basketball game, something he couldn’t really do with Josh who was more into movies, Chris was more for sports. Justin was apparently ready to talk and Chris was there to listen.

“I’m glad you’re here” he started.

“Me too infant” Justin scowled but Chris just laughed. Finally Justin couldn’t hold it in any longer either, he smiled too; Chris always had that affect on him and Justin was glad it hadn’t changed. He hadn’t seen Chris in a while. He’d gotten a job offer, last year, in the next town and had taken it. The job was great but busy and he didn’t have a lot of free time. He’d taken a few months off; he needed to recharge and he wanted to visit some friends, Justin being one of them, and family.

“Can… can I talk to you?” Justin asked.

“Sure Justy, what’s up?” Chris asked a little concerned about the seriousness in his friend’s voice.

“I just um…” Justin started slowly, he then turned fully towards his friend.

“I’m kind of worried about Josh” he outed. He’d been worried for some time now. He’d confronted Louisa with his thoughts and she’d brushed them off, then Josh himself told him there was nothing wrong but it all still bothered him. Lately Josh hadn’t responded to his phone calls all that much, he hadn’t dropped by as frequently and he was just different and Justin was worried. He was glad Chris was here, maybe he could help him.

“You getting your brother’s father feelings?” Chris teased.

“Shut up Chris, I’m serious” Justin countered annoyed.

“What do you mean?” Chris asked seriously, he could tell the difference between a friendly annoyed snarl and a real one and this was certainly the latter.

“I’m worried about him”

“You said that but why?”

“Because I don’t trust the girl he’s dating” Justin admitted.

“Why not?”

“She’s just so possessive, he’s even living with her now. Josh wouldn’t do that so hastily. It’s not like him, he always needs time, he wants to be safe and eight months is not safe enough for him, three years isn’t even enough!” he ranted; it just wasn’t like Josh to do this.

“A little jealous are we?” Chris smirked.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Justin snapped.

“He’s spending more time with her than with you” Chris noted.

“Chris,” Justin said calmly. “Josh is my brother, not my boyfriend”

“Dude I know” Chris laughed.

“Then stop acting like he is”

“You stop” Chris countered.

“Look Chris I’m not jealous something’s wrong”

“What is?”

“I don’t know, something about the whole situation. It just… it gives me a bad feeling”

“Then talk to Josh about it” Chris advised.

“He’ll just brush it off, act like nothing’s wrong” Justin said angrily.

“Well maybe nothing is wrong. Told you before you have a lively imagination kid” Chris said smiling. Although he’s a cop he couldn’t always assume the bad he’d go nuts and besides Justin had always been a drama queen. They all knew it.

“It’s more than that”

“You’re probably just reading too much into this”

Justin shook his head, “I don’t know… maybe”

< Trapped >