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Chapter 18

“Dan?” Josh called for attention when he was in front of Dan. He still thought it was weird. Louisa wanted him but Dan took care of everything; not once had Louisa punished him for his actions, not once had Louisa directly informed him of the rules. She’d threatened him sometimes yes but it was more Dan’s daytime job, not Louisa’s. He also had to ask Dan for permission to leave the house, he shook his head mentally; this was a sick situation.

“Yes” Dan simply acknowledged.

“Can I go to Justin after work?” Josh asked carefully, it had been almost a week.

“No” Dan replied almost immediately. Josh’s mouth fell.


“What part of no don’t you understand?” Dan asked bored.

“No, I mean why not?” Josh clarified; he understood the meaning of the word no, probably better than Dan did since a few months ago Dan had completely ignored his negative answer to the question if he wanted to stay with Louisa. He understood the meaning of the word, he just didn’t understand why the answer was no.

“Because I don’t want you to” Dan said as if that was reason enough.


Dan sighed annoyed. “You can visit him when I say you can and now I say you can’t so… you don’t get to visit him”

“B...but why not?” Josh asked once again, totally shocked.

“I already told you and that’s the end of it, you don’t get to visit him for now so leave me alone” Dan demanded. Josh startled at the demanding tone and quickly nodded and left. Dan’s temper could not have led to anything positive.


He was not allowed to go see Justin, what was up with that. Josh tried it again the next day and the day after that. Then it was weekend again and Louisa once again wanted to spend the whole time with him. He had no choice but to obey but first thing Monday morning he was back in front of Dan, asking him if he could maybe visit his brother today. It had now been almost two weeks since he’d seen or spoken to him. But the answer was once again the same; he couldn’t. He’d tried to ask why not but Dan once again held his ground, not to mention his glare and once again Josh eventually backed off to promise himself he would try again the next day, hoping the answer would finally be positive.


“Where have you been?” a very familiar voice asked Josh when he was at work. He was just finishing up a report that was due for the next day when that familiar voice made him look up.

“Justin? What are you doing here?” he asked, a smile surfacing; happy to see his brother again. But Josh could see Justin was not happy. He was kind of angry.

“I came to see if you’re okay” Justin said. He’d decided to drop by himself, if Josh wouldn’t come to him he would go to Josh. His work seemed easiest since he didn’t want to run into that creep of a brother again.

“I am, why wouldn’t I be?” Josh asked, immediately continuing when he saw the look in Justin’s eyes.

“I know I haven’t dropped by or anything but I’ve been busy, I had to finish this” he said gesturing to the report on his desk and the pile of files he still had to go through.

“And Louisa needs attention too” he said as Justin crossed his arms over his chest.

“I’m sorry but I’ll try to come over as soon as possible”

Justin nodded but not wholeheartedly.

“Don’t worry about me okay, that’s my job” Josh teased, earning him a smile from Justin.

“I’ll try”

“Good” Josh nodded.

“Isn’t it time for class?” Josh asked knowingly. Justin huffed.

“Yes but you’re not supposed to know that” Josh laughed.

“Tough ‘cause I do so go” he ushered him out but not before giving him a hug.

“Take care and I will see you soon okay”

“Okay” Justin accepted before walking out the door. Josh sighed; it wouldn’t be long before Justin would really get suspicious; he was not stupid. Dan might think he was but Dan didn’t know one shit about him.

Sooner or later Justin would find out.


“I heard you had a visitor at work” Dan opened the conversation as Josh came home from work, shrugging out of his jacket.

“I had yes” Josh confirmed as he avoided eye contact. He confirmed it although he knew he didn’t have to confirm it, Dan wasn’t looking for a confirmation.

“Don’t you remember that I told you, I didn’t want you seeing him?”

“I do” Josh said softly.

“Then what the hell was he doing there?” Dan asked angrily; to him Josh had disobeyed his orders to stay away from his brother.

“Is it really that weird?” Josh asked in return, angry too.


“That Justin looks me up!” Josh said angrily.

“We hang out often, we talk to each other frequently, now he doesn’t hear from me for almost two weeks. Is it really so weird that he comes to check if I’m okay!”

“Watch it Josh” Dan warned and Josh backed off, silencing. He might have gone too far but he was right, he knew it.

“Okay we wouldn’t want Justin to get suspicious now do we. We’ll figure this out” Dan told Josh. Josh stared suspiciously, mentally saying whatever.

“Oh that reminds me, Louisa had something she wanted to say to you” Dan said changing the subject; he was going to think about it, or not.

“What?” Josh asked.

“Do I look like Louisa?” Dan asked mockingly.

“No” Josh mumbled before turning around to find her.


“Dan told me you wanted to say something to me” Josh said as he came in the room and found Louisa on the couch. She got up and went over to him, hugging him, happy to see him after he’d come back from work.

“Yes” she said as she stepped back but she kept her arms around his waist as she revealed the news.

“I was thinking and well I think you should stop working” Louisa announced. Josh was shocked.

“B…but Dan said…”

“We really don’t need the money; it’s our money anyway so why bother? You live here now so no need to keep your apartment and we’ll take care of you. You really don’t need the job” Louisa cut him off.

“Louisa I….”

“Hush my love” she said lovingly, putting a finger to his lips to silence him. She placed a soft gentle kiss on his lips, wrapping her arms around his waist. He lifted his arms allowing her to embrace him before he slowly dropped his arms carefully onto her shoulders.

“I’d like to keep working” he said softly looking away.

“But what’s the point Josh?”

“It would make me feel happy…. you know useful” his tone was still soft. He wanted to keep working so bad, it was the only reason he got out of the house lately, since going to Justin wasn’t permitted; work was his only refuge.

What if he lost that?

He’d have to stay here twenty-four-seven… with Louisa.

“I can make you feel happy and useful if you stay home” she said wiggling her eyebrow.

“We could spend the whole day in bed now, just you and me” she said nuzzling against his chest, running her hands over his back, sighing contently feeling the muscles tensing but she didn’t care. He’s so gorgeous she thought, closing her eyes.

“Please let me keep working” he whispered under his breath.

“Don’t you want to spend the whole day in bed with me?” she pouted. He forced himself to pull her closer so he wouldn’t have to answer that.

“We’ll have so much fun, you don’t need the job, you’ll stay home with me” she said into his chest and Josh said nothing, he knew better than to argue when she used this tone of voice. He knew in the end it really wasn’t up to him to decide.

It made him angry, very angry that they had the nerve to do this, to after all these months continue to threaten his brother and that they would even go as far as making him quit his job. He suppressed the anger because nothing good would come of it, fortunately they still held all the cards and they had Justin as security.

If they said quit your job, he was acquired to say how soon.

Almost voluntarily sealing his own fate as a prisoner in this house.

< Trapped >