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Chapter 19

Josh didn’t even get a chance to properly say goodbye to all the people he’d worked with for years. It wasn’t that he needed to but it was principle. Dan released him that same day and so without knowing it then; Wednesday had been his last day at work.

One day of staying home and he already missed his work. The first day had been spent in bed, the whole day Louisa had laid in his arms and she’d loved it. However the next day she had a lunch appointment or something and she left him at home, waiting for her. Louisa didn’t have a job, she didn’t need it but that didn’t mean she was home at all times. She had a lot of people to see and she was away quite often, during the day that was. When she got home he was needed again, making Josh feel more and more like a puppy waiting for his owner to come home and demand his attention. He really didn’t have anything to do when she was out and he was bored out of his mind.

After a few days however Dan sought him out. Josh was totally shocked when Dan told him he was allowed to go see his brother now. It had been weeks since he’d been allowed to go see Justin and Josh wondered if they’d noticed how utterly miserable he felt being cooped up in this house. Or maybe they’d only been concerned Justin would get suspicious if they didn’t allow him this. Either way Josh didn’t care; he would get a distraction from this boring existence and whatever reason, he really didn’t give a damn.


“You did what?” Justin exclaimed as he heard the news.

“I quit my job” Josh repeated, cringing on the inside.

“What on earth for, I thought you loved that job” Justin asked, he didn’t believe this.

“I did, not a lot but I did like it but I… don’t need it anymore”

“Because you live with Louisa now?” Justin asked, anger in voice as he frowned deeply.

“Yes I don’t need the money” Josh answered honestly; he didn’t need the money but he wanted that job. He would have done it for nothing if it meant he could leave the house more often.

“I can’t believe this” Justin told him, shaking his head.


“I can’t believe you quit your job to be with her” Justin expressed his feelings. It was what he’d been thinking for quite some time; he didn’t understand why Josh did all those things for her. He never seemed happy about it but he still did it.

“I like it,” Josh said simply.

Justin continued to shake his head.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner it was sort of an impulsive thing”

“Right” Justin said.

“I should go, Louisa is waiting for me” Josh excused himself although the tone in Justin’s voice ate at him.

“Sure” Justin responded.

“I’ll be back soon, we’ll do something fun okay?”

“Sure” he said smiling a little but there wasn’t the normal enthusiasm behind it.

“Kay, well take care, bye” Josh hugged Justin before moving outside.

Justin watched him go. “Bye”


Justin wasn’t angry, not really he was more worried than anything else. He just didn’t understand his brother lately. He’d wanted to leave her than he’d changed his mind, twice. He moved in with her suddenly. He didn’t come to visit as often, suddenly he was too busy and now he’d quit his job.

What next?

The whole situation felt wrong, the whole thing didn’t add up and the worst thing was that he’d had this feeling for months. It had grown, it had never lessened or even gone away but there was nothing that confirmed his suspicion. Nothing that could help him figure this out. Josh always avoided the question, went around them not to answer and Chris didn’t seem to see how things were. Some part of Justin said that Chris didn’t see what he saw, he couldn’t really because he hadn’t been involved but Justin wished he would have been. Chris would be able to help him if he would have been here from the beginning but it wasn’t fair to Chris. Justin knew Chris had come here to get a little bit of peace and quiet and now he was telling him about all his suspicions. He knew it wasn’t fair but he had nowhere else to go with this.

Unfortunately in the end there was nothing Justin could do. If he tried to ask Josh he ducked the issue and so he never got anywhere. He simply didn’t know what was going on and nothing he could do to find out. He didn’t know for sure if there was something wrong and that made him question himself. He didn’t want to but he couldn’t help it since nobody seemed to see there was something not right. He felt helpless, almost useless and that made him angry.


Three weeks passed by like this. Josh stayed home, doing absolutely nothing but what Louisa demanded of him. When she was around he spent time with her, he had to, but when she was gone Dan sometimes allowed him to go see Justin. It was only when Louisa had left the house that he was able to go and although it helped to pass the hours somewhat Josh still thought he had way too much time on his hands nowadays. He knew he’d go crazy like this. Justin was the only person that connected him to a normal life.

This was not normal, he was a prisoner and over the weeks he got madder and madder. Mad at the people who’d made him one. He’d always been an independent guy, he knew what he wanted and how to get it. He took good care of himself and his little brother, at some times, and he just wasn’t made for this. He thought no one was but certainly not him. He was not the type to depend on someone. He was not the type who needed someone else to make his choices. He was not the type who you could tell what to do. He was not the type who you could tell how to live and he was certainly not the type who you could tell what to feel. These people thought they could.

They thought they could steer him, tell him how to act and how to feel. They even thought they could own him. Own him as if they’d bought him in a store. Program him as if he were a machine you could customize to your own needs. Order him around as if they’d bought a slave. Keep him inside as if he were a prisoner.

They acted as if they had a right to treat him this way. They acted as if there was nothing wrong with what they were doing. They acted as if his feelings didn’t matter a damn thing. They acted as if he didn’t have feelings. The more he thought about it, and he had a lot of time to think these days, the angrier he got. He knew he couldn’t let go of his anger because the only people who would suffer were himself and his brother. But the more days passed the harder it got to hold it back.


“Come here baby” Louisa invited him over as she opened her arms for him. He stayed where he was, what did she think? I’m not a damn dog.

“You come here” he countered. He couldn’t help it, before he knew he’d said it and he was met with a frown, then a hard glare.

“I said come here Josh” she repeated as if talking to a dog. Maybe she thought that was what he was; her dog, her property.

“I’m not your lapdog, if you want me in your arms you come to me. You got legs just like me” he told her. He didn’t know where this was coming from, well he knew of course but it seemed that the filter in his mouth, keeping him from saying these things had melted away. All the words he’d been holding in spilled out and he didn’t think there was anything he could do to stop it. He didn’t even know if he wanted to do something that would stop it.

“I wouldn’t push it Josh” she warned.

“Come here, now” she demanded. There was nothing in her tone that gave room for argument and he suddenly remembered what was at stake. It had seemed erased from his mind, as if he didn’t know why he was even here. He remembered now and he knew he really shouldn’t push it so he went to her. Went to her like the dog he was. He automatically wrapped his arms around her, hoping to make her forget the temporary disobedience. He felt her slowly respond to the hug and he knew she’d forgotten his slip up as she whispered in his ear.

“Good boy”


“Can I go now?” he asked irritated a few days later and he was once again arguing with Louisa. He had to get out of the house for a while. Justin was probably in class so he couldn’t go to him but he just wanted to get away. He could feel himself getting angry again and he needed to control it before he’d say something he’d truly regret.

“Um okay, where are you going?” she asked.

“Shopping” he said short with her.

“Can I come?” she asked excitedly.

“No I’d rather not”

“Why not?” she asked insulted.

“I’d like some time for myself… if that’s okay with you. If you allow me” he asked wincing at the weak tone in his voice but he figured if he’d be nice to her she’d agree easier. He hoped that if he would be nice to her she’d agree to let him do something on his own. He was desperate for some time alone so he put on his best behavior to convince her.

She was shocked for a moment but said, “Okay hold on”

Louisa walked away quickly, looking for her brother, walking back with instructions ten minutes later.

“Okay you can go” Josh was delighted he got some time alone. It didn’t last long though.

“Matt will come with you”

“What?” he asked in disbelief. She stared at him while calling for Matt.

Dan had told her to not let him go out alone if he wasn’t going to Justin. Dan had told her to send Matt with Josh.

“How is that time for myself with him following me?”

“He’ll keep some distance but he has to go for the credit cards” she assured him like that made a difference.

Josh knew the credit cards were a lie. He wasn’t planning on buying anything he just wanted to go. Josh didn’t care about the money, the mall was, as crazy as it sounded, a good place to be alone but Louisa ruined the plan when she sent Matt along with him. Supposedly for the money but Josh knew it was more for the security; to keep an eye on him.


“Do you want to get out of the house?” she sneered.


“Then you can either satisfy with Matt following you or you can not go at all. Your choice” she said awaiting his answer by crossing her arms over her chest.

“Fine” he agreed already walking towards the front door.


Josh was happy he could walk around the mall, he hadn’t been there in some time. At least not doing things he wanted, going where he pleased. He’d accompanied Louisa a few times but he was only there to follow her around. She wanted to show him off, showing that he trailed behind her, that she had a good boyfriend. He’d hated it but let it go.

This time however he could visit the stores he wanted and he happily took advantage of that. He wasn’t really planning on buying anything he just wanted to make sure that the time he was alone would be as long as possible.

Who knew when he’d get a chance to be alone again?

So to stall time and make it last forever he looked through clothing racks he didn’t even like and took his time examining every single piece of clothing before going to the next store doing the exact same thing. They were at the umpteenth store when Matt ruined his fun and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Let’s go” he instructed.

“I’m not done yet” Josh told him as if he had anything to say about this.

“Did I make it sound like a request?” he hissed into his ear.

“We’re leaving now” he said leaving no room for an argument but Josh did it anyway. He figured Matt couldn’t force him to leave in a store full of people.

“No and for once you can’t make me”

Matt looked him straight in the eye. Josh got scared by just looking at him but he wasn’t going to let him win. Not this time.

“What are you going to do make a scene in the middle of the store? Not a very good idea now is it?” Josh challenged. He knew he’d overstepped his boundaries when he met Matt’s angry glare.

“Listen kid, I’m only saying this once. You get your scrawny butt out of this store right now and maybe just maybe I won’t kill once we get home”

Josh was numb, he felt glued to the floor. The grip on Josh’s arm had increased and Josh blinked as the words slowly sunk in.

“I’d suggest you do it fast” Matt warned when Josh still hadn’t moved. Slowly Josh was able to move his feet in the direction of the door with Matt still speaking in hushed but harsh tones.

“I won’t be so nice when we get back and I’m sure Dan won’t be either once he hears about this” Josh almost flew to the car, not daring to slow his pace with Matt so close on his heels, behind him. Matt shoved him inside before he got in himself and drove them home.

“That was a very wrong move”

< Trapped >