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Chapter 2

Josh managed to put up with her for almost two weeks, but no he didn’t love Louisa, he used to like her when they first went out but there was no question of love and there never would be.

He tried to make it work, heaven only knows why, but he tried, he tried to give her another chance, tried to see her like he saw her two months ago when they first started dating but it failed. Not even because of him; he adapted to her more than enough it was Louisa who didn’t yield an inch. She always wanted to have her way and he wasn’t going to let her control everything they did. Justin had advised him to think it over in a few weeks and he had.

Just like a few weeks ago, before he talked to Dan, he knew he didn’t love Louisa and he knew he didn’t want to be with her anymore.

He was going to end it tonight and for good this time.


“Look Louisa this really isn’t working, I’m sorry, I tried but I have to go” Josh said quickly before leaving her little apartment on the third floor of the huge house where the Treydson’s lived.

“Josh wait!” Louisa called after him but he ignored it, he ran down the stairs, flew down the corridor towards the front door. At the end of the corridor, a door opened and Dan appeared. When Josh rushed out of her ‘apartment’ she’d quickly called Dan’s office telling him to stop Josh from leaving. Josh stopped once he reached Dan.

“I tried but it’s not working so I’m just gonna go” he informed the man, he didn’t get a response.

“Okay... well good…. bye!” Josh said before he hurried past the man. Dan however stopped him, grabbing his arm.

“Come on” he said ushering him into his office.

Josh reluctantly followed him, leave you idiot! But before he had a chance to listen to that inner voice he was already standing inside Dan’s office.

“Okay listen, let’s make a deal” Dan started, pushing Josh to a seat. Josh looked at Dan as he sat down on his desk in front of him, Josh nervously clasped his hands together while Dan folded his arms over his chest, taking in the young man in front of him.

So Louisa wanted this man he thought, He was handsome he had to give him that but…

“What kind of deal?” Josh interrupted Dan’s thoughts but he quickly recovered.

“Yes, the deal…. you like money kid?” Josh stared at him his face scrunched up in confusion.

“Uh… I guess” he shrugged, what did this have to do with anything?

“Okay look, my sister whishes to be with you and I’m willing to do what it takes to grant that wish; name your price” Dan said simply, he didn’t even flinch when the words left his mouth, he didn’t falter or choke. Josh just sat there dumbfounded not sure if he’d heard this correctly.

“You’re willing to pay me for going out with your sister?” Josh repeated, making sure he’d heard it right.

Dan simply nodded, a small grin already passing his features; I got him he thought, no one could resist money, the proper amount anyway. But then he didn’t know Josh very well; he didn’t like her anymore, he couldn’t pay me enough to go out with his sister Josh thought as he shook his head no, not only that; getting paid to be her boyfriend was wrong and he wouldn’t fall for it. Some rich people thought everything was for sale, well tough I’m not Josh thought.

“I’m sorry I’m not interested” he said, he shook his head once more with the answer he gave before he stood up to leave.

“Whoa, whoa wait! Didn’t you hear what I just said?” Dan asked startled this boy didn’t fall for the ‘anything you want’ line while he stood up himself.

“I heard you but I don’t want your money, buy her a teddy bear or something” Josh said dismissing the idea while he turned and started walking towards the exit of Dan’s office. In other circumstances Dan would have thought Josh’s teddy bear comment was funny but not now.

“Look smart ass, no one leaves my sister unless she wants them to” Dan said as he grabbed Josh and shoved him against the wall. His hands fisted in the boy’s shirt as he pinned him against the wall.

“You’re not leaving her” he stated, pushing him against the wall with each word.

“Yes I am!” Josh yelled shoving Dan out of the way, Dan lost his balance and fell backwards onto the floor.

“Josh” he warned but Josh couldn’t care less, screw him and his stupid money.

“Everything okay boss?” a head peeked around the doorframe before Josh could reach it.

“Ah Ben get in here!” Dan said motioning for his man to come in while he scrambled to his feet.

Josh stopped dead in his tracks as the man came in to the room and shut the door firmly behind him. Ben blocked the exit for Josh to give his boss time to get back on his feet. Josh stared the man up and down; he was muscular and tall, looking down at him with a scrutinizing gaze that made Josh shudder and wish he’d have shoved Dan aside sooner so he’d be on his way home, away from this place.

“Josh, sit” Dan instructed while he walked towards his desk. He turned around slowly as Dan addressed him. Josh eyed him wearily but slowly walked towards the chair he’d occupied minutes earlier. He sank into the chair, his leg jiggling while biting his nails from nerves, he suddenly felt like he had a reason to be nervous.

“So you don’t want the money”

“No” he stated determined while firmly shaking his head, bringing his hand down; forcing himself to end the nail biting.

“Then what do you want? Power? Better position at the company? Nice car?” Dan suggested, listing off the options.

“I want to go home” Josh told him, staring directly at Dan. Dan sighed, looking up at the ceiling, rubbing his finger over his chin in thought.

“Okay” Dan said determined with a quick nod, locking eyes with Josh suddenly.

“Okay what?” Josh asked, confused.

“I can go home?” Josh tried but Dan looked as if he hadn’t heard one word. In fact he was eyeing Josh, staring at him as if he was looking through him. Josh nervously brought his hand back to his lips and out of habit resumed his nail biting. Dan finally blinked, snapping out of his daze, a plan in his head.

“What was you brother’s name again?”

Josh stilled his nail biting at once, staring at Dan, taken aback by the sudden change of conversation and that there still was one.

“Uh… Justin” he answered, his face scrunched up in confusion.

“Okay, well here’s the deal; you stay with my sister, don’t hurt her just make her happy…”

Josh didn’t like the start of the sentence.

“And I won’t have to hurt your brother” Dan stated simply, once again he didn’t flinch or anything.

Josh didn’t like how the sentence started and he most definitely hated the way it ended. He sat dumbfounded for a second, his eyes growing like sausages, shaking his head while he managed to say,

“Uh... ex… excuse me… what?!”

“Your brother, Justin...” he paused to let it sink in, “won’t get hurt as long as you don’t hurt my sister”

“You… you can’t be serious!” Josh exclaimed but Dan didn’t look like he was joking.

“In fact I am, I told you before I’d do whatever it takes to make sure my sister’s wish would be fulfilled and if this is what it takes…”

“But you can’t do that! You won’t get away with it!” he said panicking, his voice was cracking and he knew it but he couldn’t stop it; he was scared and furious at the same time.

“You see that’s where you’re wrong, I will. I got contacts everywhere…. even with the police” he informed the youngster with a smirk on his face.

“I wouldn’t try to ask them for help, they can’t help you. They won’t believe your story and you know that would be breaking our deal so I won’t do that if I were you, unless you want me to break my end of the deal” he taunted.

“What a little money can do” he said with a wink.

“Dan, you can’t be serious!” Josh exclaimed once again, hoping this was a sick joke.

“This is a joke right?”

It wasn’t.

Dan shook his head no.

“I think we established by now that I am serious” he responded as he got up.

“Go home Josh, go home and think about this. Make a choice” Dan said, pulling Josh up, snickering at his own comment and Josh flinched.

A choice? A choice?! His mind repeated, he didn’t have a choice and Dan knew it; asshole!

If only I’d walked away when I had the chance, Josh thought.

“Why would you do this?” Josh asked all of a sudden, unmoving.

“Do what?”

“Go this far, just to get me?” he asked incredulously.

“You know Josh, my sister wants you and I don’t care why or how but she will get you”

“Even if you ruin an innocent’s live?” he shot back.

“Now Josh, don’t go all melodramatic on me, I won’t have to ruin his life if you make the right decision. So go home and make the right decision” he said with a smirk, pushing Josh towards the exit, Ben stepped aside to let them through. Josh let Dan guide him, he didn’t know where he was anymore. He vaguely heard Dan’s last words,

“It’s up to you Josh and remember my warning” Dan finished before he opened the front door and pushed him out. Josh turned back, trying to let it all sink in, he was met with a smile from Dan before the door closed in his face. He stared at it for several moments before he turned and walked away.

Shit! he cursed, What do I do now?


“Dan!” Louisa called from the living room.

“Yes?” he asked walking into the living room, sitting beside his sister.

“Is he staying?” she asked hopefully.

“Yes he is” Dan nodded, his sister smiled and he smiled with her, happy with the way the conversation had ended.

Dan had thought Josh would have gone for the money. Surprisingly he had turned it down; it didn’t matter to Dan, the money would be spend on bodyguards and his contacts instead. It didn’t matter to him; as long as he saw the happy smile of his sister he couldn’t care less. He’d made a promise to himself; whatever his sister wanted he would get it for her. One way or another; he’d kept his promise many times over the last few years and he had again today when he’d forced Josh to stay with his sister.

“Where is he?” she asked, interrupting his thoughts.

“He went home but he’ll be back. Just give him time to process what happened today… he’ll be back”

“You didn’t threaten him did you?” his sister asked, knowing how her brother could be, she didn’t care either, as long as she got what she wanted. She was that spoiled.

Her brother’s chuckle told her everything she needed to know and she smiled with him.


“Ben!” Dan yelled, when he closed the door of his office, leaving his sister in the living room watching TV. He needed to take repercussions right away in case the young man decided to go to the police right away.

“Call Ed” he instructed when the man poked his head around the corner.

“Yes boss”

“Tell him to look out for a young fella called Joshua Chasez, have him contact me when he appears at the police station”

“Yes boss, right away” Ben nodded.

“Oh! And send him a photo of the boy, Louisa will have one” he called after him.

Ben nodded again, then left the office to make the call. Dan turned in his chair, his back to the door and smiled to himself; he would get what he wanted once again.


“So you broke up with her?” Justin asked a few days later.

Justin had known Josh went to see Louisa two days ago; telling her it was over but Josh didn’t seem happy about the break-up or at least relieved it was over. Justin found that strange because two days ago he was certain he would break up with her but Justin knew Josh would still be nervous to actually do it, he’d expected Josh to be relieved, maybe even happy but he was neither. It looked a lot like two weeks ago he thought.

“Uh… no” Josh said, avoiding eye contact, pretending to be busy, papers he’d rearranged about 5 times now.

“Why not Josh?” Justin asked gently, something was wrong.

“I… I don’t know… I think I do like her” he lied, he didn’t know what to say at this point and the lie came easiest.

“Josh” Justin sighed.

“We’ve been over this!” he said warily, letting his head fall back to the edge of the couch. Sometimes he didn’t understand his brother.

“I know” Josh sighed, leaving the papers for what they were and joining Justin on the couch.

“I just… let me figure this out okay” Josh asked pleadingly, asking his brother not to get involved; for real. He really didn’t want Justin to get involved in this.

“Okay” Justin relented, not all that convinced he was okay and that he knew what he was doing but Justin let it go.

“Thanks” Josh said simply, before letting his head fall back to the edge of the couch as well. Justin turned on the TV, channel hopping while Josh closed his eyes tightly willing away Dan’s words; you don’t hurt my sister and I won’t hurt your brother.

He shook his head; it was not real, it couldn’t be and he choose to ignore it. He reopened his eyes and watched TV with his brother; Dan just couldn’t be serious, he just couldn’t.

< Trapped >