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Chapter 20

His cheek stung as he was pushed on the couch.

“You betrayed my trust Josh” Louisa scolded him.

She’d slapped him, he was so shocked, so shocked she even had it in her to slap him. Dan always took care of him when he’d done something that went against their agreements but this time obviously Louisa felt he’d gone against their agreement.

“I allowed you time for yourself because I thought you needed it and now you do something like this? You defy Matt?” Louisa ranted, she didn’t seem to be a big a threat as Dan was. Matt had filled her in and guided him upstairs to face Louisa who was obviously not happy.

“Louisa I’m sorry I just…” Josh tried.

“You blew it Josh and I’ll think again before I let you out of the house”

Josh hung his head, she was talking as if she would lock him up in a golden cage. Too late, he was already locked up.

“Now there is the little problem that I’ll have to tell my brother about this”

“No don’t” Josh jumped up suddenly. Louisa startled a little but recovered quickly.

“Why wouldn’t I?” she challenged.

“Because I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry it just… slipped out”

“Hmm” she hummed as she contemplated whether or not she should accept his apology.

“Okay I’ll give you a chance to make me… forget this ever happened” she said seductively, pulling him closer by the shirt. He knew what she wanted him to do as they destined for the king sized bed in the middle of the bedroom.

“Make love to me” she whispered. “And you better mean it” she added still in hushed tones but with a little more edge to it.

He knew what she wanted; they’d made love quite a few times since he’d moved in but they both knew he did anything but enjoy it. She seemed oblivious to it most of the times but a few times she wanted to see a smile on his face. He could barely form it and he now knew that if he would satisfy Louisa, make sure she saw he was enjoying it, she wouldn’t tell her brother about what had happened and that would save Justin. He knew exactly what she wanted and if that would save Justin that was exactly what he was going to give to her. He pulled her closer, brought his lips to hers, kissing her deeply and passionately before he lowered her on the bed…


Louisa was friendlier after he’d pleased her. She’d obviously enjoyed herself and she’d rewarded him with the fact that she hadn’t told her brother about the incident. Or actually she had told him, only she had convinced him to not do anything about it. She’d taken care of it and he’d believed her and Dan hadn’t done anything to Josh or his brother, reluctantly but he hadn’t; he’d do anything for Louisa.

Louisa was pleased with Josh and she touched and caressed him often. Josh could stand it for a few days, he was still afraid Dan would hurt Justin but after those few days Josh had enough. They were sitting on the bed and Louisa scooted closer, gently cupping his cheek in her hand. He turned his head away from her as soon as her hand made contact with his cheek. She reached out touching the right side of his face but he pulled away instantly. She pulled both hands away in shock. He was still avoiding eye contact. She grasped his chin forcing him to look at her.

“You better not make me mad” she warned. And this time when she planted a kiss on him, he didn’t pull away.

“Please” he whispered the moment they came up for air. Louisa was kissing him thoroughly, he’d tried to stop it before it started by being defiant but it hadn’t worked, he was going to try again. He was going for a different approach though; begging.

“Please Louisa” he repeated when he caught her eyes.

“Please what?” she asked a little annoyed but curious too.

“Please let me go” he started. Her eyes clouded but Josh continued.

“Please. I don’t love you anymore and you know it. You can’t hold me here against my will and expect me to love you again. I don’t love you anymore” he said, he kept his tone soft. He wouldn’t accomplish anything by yelling. Louisa would just get angry and he wanted her to be reasonable.

“We’re not holding you here. You’re free to go…” she said calmly, ignoring how he’d said he didn’t love her anymore. He eyed her suspiciously, she was being reasonable but was it the truth? He was missing something, overlooking something.

“Okay, then I’m leaving” he said softly, almost afraid to hope as he got off the bed and headed for the door.

“Just think about your little brother before you do walk out on me” she called after him, evil in her voice. He froze and turned slowly. I knew it!


What a joke!

He knew there was a catch, something that he was missing. Loosing all control over his anger. This was it he had enough. He moved quickly to where she was standing and grabbed her by the arms roughly.

“Listen” he hissed.

“I do not love you anymore! Except it and get over it. I’ll never love you again no matter how hard you try or force me. I DON’T LOVE YOU” he shouted. She hardly seemed affected by his rant and responded calmly.

“You don’t have a fucking choice! You dumbass”

Josh’s eyes darkened, fury building inside of him and he released her suddenly, but instead of giving into his urges of punching her he turned quickly and walked away.


Josh dashed through the hallways, going down the stairs and turning right immediately. He flew inside the umpteenth room he passed and relaxed when it seemed to be a storage room. Clothes thrown on one side, there were a few paintings standing against the walls and a lot of stuff was scattered around the room; lamps, a dresser and a lot of boxes. Josh sat behind the stack of boxes. Hugging his knees to his chest, resting his head on top of his knees and breathing heavily.

He was so sick of this. So sick of Louisa and her games, so sick of Dan and his threats. He didn’t want to do it anymore. For a moment he’d believed Louisa would really take pity on him and let him go; just like that and he’d had hope for a split second. He realized there was no hope, Louisa knew no mercy and she would not let him go. His hope had been shattered many times since he got involved with Louisa and he’d felt defeated many times as well. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He just didn’t know. He suddenly felt exhausted and he let himself rest against the boxes, slipping into oblivion; he fell asleep.


“What’s wrong sis?” Dan asked his sister as she came in his room with a pout on her face. Louisa sighed dramatically.

“Is it Josh?” Louisa nodded miserably.

“He’s angry and he’s unkind to me. He doesn’t want to love me” she complained as if it was strange he wouldn’t. As if it was ridiculous he was fighting this.

“I should have punished him after the mall incident” Dan said regretful.

“But it was fun” she smirked.

“I know but you can’t let him get away with things like that. You see he’ll continue to try you out”

“He’s not trying me out he’s just angry and disobedient almost the whole time” she whined.

“Do you think he needs a lesson?” Dan asked with a smirk.

Louisa nodded, still pouting.

“Consider it done” he told her. She got up smiling, walking over to her brother to give him a peck on the cheek.

“Thank you”

< Trapped >