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Chapter 21

Justin was bopping his head to the music while tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel on the rhythm of the music. Sirens could be heard behind him and he looked in his rear-view mirror to see a police car behind him. He sighed and pulled over. He turned of the ignition and patiently waited till the officer approached.

What did I do? he wondered while he quickly checked if everything was alright. A tap on the window got him out of his thoughts and he rolled down the window.

“Is there a problem officer?” he asked politely while the officer shone his flashlight in Justin’s face. Justin momentarily squeezed his eyes shut as he was blinded by the flashlight. He then put a hand in front of his face to block the light out of his eyes and opened them slightly.

“Drivers license sir” the officer asked shortly. Justin stretched up, taking out his wallet from his back pocket. He flipped the wallet open and took out the card, handing it to the officer who quickly checked the name and the picture.

Yep right guy he thought before he said, “Sir step out of the car please”

Justin looked at him strangely but did as he was told. He took his keys out of the ignition and opened the door.

“Breathe in this” the officer said while he gave Justin the breathalyzer. Justin did it knowing there was nothing for him to worry about because he hadn’t been drinking. Once he was done he handed the machine to the officer who took one look at the machine before saying,

“Turn around sir, hands on top of the car” he instructed, Justin looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

“What for?” he asked. The officer saw he wasn’t going to do what he’d asked him and started turning him around, he put Justin’s hands on top of the car while he searched him. The officer didn’t answer him till he put cuffs on his prisoner and read him his rights.

“You’re arrested for drunk driving, you have the right….”

Justin was shocked, he hadn’t been drinking how could he think that, how could that machine say he had been drinking. Nevertheless he was guided to the police car and brought down town.


“Alright you just go wait in there for a while” the officer said with no emotion in his voice what so ever while he unlocked the cell door. Justin waited impatiently looking at the few men who were already sitting in the jail cell he was about to be put in. The officer pushed him inside a little rougher than normal maybe and Justin turned immediately.

“Could you take these off please?” he asked somewhat politely referring to the handcuffs he was still wearing.

“Nah” the officer dismissed before he walked away leaving the prisoners alone.

“Hey. HEY!” Justin yelled after him while pulling in vain at his handcuffs.

“Hey kid” a man behind him called. Justin turned slowly resting his back against the bars of the cell.

“What did you do?” the man asked coming towards him, Justin cowered back unconsciously as the man came closer.

“Nothing” Justin answered carefully while eyeing him suspiciously, his fingers fidgeting behind his back. The man laughed at his answer, that was what they all said he thought before he looked at Justin, seeing he’d startled the man when he’d started laughing.

“Relax kid” he said friendly, sure he looked mean and big but he wouldn’t harm anyone, he had just bought drugs at the wrong time.

“Okay so what did they arrest you for?”

“Drunk driving”

“You look pretty sober” the man said, his eyebrows furrowing.

“I AM sober” Justin said a little angry.

“I didn’t drink, I’m not even allowed to” he persisted, he still didn’t understand how a machine could make a huge mistake like that. Not to mention the officer who’d arrested him, sure he’d be able to tell when someone was drunk or not. Not to mention the whole underage thing, it was just weird.

“They must really have something against you then” the guy snickered.

“What do you mean?” Justin asked confused.

“Look all I know is that some people in town…” he said lowering his voice and bending towards Justin to make sure he could not be heard. But he got interrupted when an officer walked in and called for Jefferson. The man immediately shut up and snapped up towards the officer who’d walked in. The officer motioned for the man to walk towards him and he did, looking at Justin the entire time while the officer cuffed him. When the officer led him away, Justin looked the other way not knowing what to think of this.

What did this man mean when he’d said they must really have something against him?

What could he mean by that?

How did he know?

What could they have against him?

And more importantly who were they?

He couldn’t think of anyone who could have anything against him and what would they accomplish by arresting him? What would be the point? He took a seat on one of the wooden benches standing against the wall, sitting uncomfortably with his hands still behind his back, not noticing the two other men who were still in the cell looking at him with a hint of suspicion, fear and confusion in their eyes.


Dan smirked as the phone rang; he knew it was Justin. He knew the reason why he was calling as well. He needed Josh to bail him out and Dan had a plan. He’d ordered Josh upstairs to the couple’s rooms, once he’d finally found Josh that was, stashed away behind the boxes. Actually Matt had found him, asleep and hiding from the world, or more from him but Dan had just smirked before he had Matt guiding Josh back to their room. He’d kept Louisa downstairs for a little while, informing her of his plan. She’d agreed and she was now swimming in the indoor pool while Josh was alone in their bedroom all with a reason. The phone rang again.


Josh jumped when the phone rang. He stared at it as if it would bite him, scared to pick up. Dan hadn’t exactly been friendly to him lately and the last thing he wanted to do now was piss him off even more. Louisa hadn’t been pleased with him either lately and he didn’t want to pick up the phone to hear one of her friends yell at him or worse; act all friendly and overly nice. Because then he would get it from Louisa; she’d be mad he’d come on to her friends although it had clearly been the other way around but that’s not what they would tell her. He didn’t want them both to get angrier with him so he decided to let it ring.

Second ring.

Third ring.

He glanced at the door; whoever was calling was persistent.

Fourth ring.

No one had ever told him he couldn’t pick up the phone.

Fifth ring.

He stretched his hand towards the phone tentatively but got the scare of a lifetime when the answering machine bleeped at him.

“This is Louisa’s answering machine, leave your message at the beep” Josh held his heart; he hadn’t been expecting that.

“Josh?” a questioning voice sounded. Josh’s eyes widened.

“I’m sorry to… um bother you but…” Josh’s hand flew to the phone.

“Justin?” Josh asked surprised.

“Oh I’m glad you’re there” Justin sighed relieved.

“What’s wrong?” Josh asked worried, Justin sounded scared and somewhat ashamed.

“I sort of… got arrested” Josh frowned deeply.

“You what?” he asked unbelievingly. Justin was glad his brother wasn’t yelling at him. He sighed when he figured he would probably save that for when they were face to face; he could already hear the lecture. For now however; Josh was too worried to lecture him.

“I got arrested” Justin repeated with a sigh.

“For what?” Josh questioned.

“I’ll explain later could you just please come and get me?” Justin avoided the question; he just wanted to get out of there.

“I’m on my way” Josh told him quickly.

“Thank you” Justin replied gratefully before the dial tone sounded; Josh was on his way.


Josh flew down the stairs, realizing at the last minute that it wasn’t his call to tell him he could leave. He wondered if he should just go, they couldn’t hurt his brother now anyway but they could later; better to ask. However the decision and searching for Dan weren’t even necessary anymore as Dan waited for him in the hallway.

“Hello Josh, off to such a hurry?” Dan smirked.

“Um yes. Justin called he needs me. Can… can I go?” Josh asked questionably, hoping this would be enough for them to let him go.

“Okay” Dan nodded.

“Don’t stay out too long” Dan added as Josh eyed him strangely. Dan once again had other plans.

“I won’t” Josh reassured still shocked he would let him go this easily.

“Thanks” he said honestly before he flew to the door and left.

Dan smiled fully.

“Oh you’re welcome Josh”


“I’m Josh Chasez, I’m here to get my brother, Justin Chasez” Josh said when he reached the front desk and had the officer’s attention. The cop looked into a pile of papers and eventually found the paper he was looking for.

“Follow me” the officer said before he led the way to a vacant interrogation room.

Josh followed the cop cautiously, last time he’d done that he’d gotten in big trouble with Dan and that little episode caused him to be far more suspicious than ever before. The officer glanced over his shoulder once in a while to make sure Josh was still following him and Josh glanced over his shoulder in his turn. The officer opened a door and motioned Josh in and he slowly walked in glancing back to see if the officer got inside the room as well making sure he wouldn’t get locked in again. But he didn’t, the officer walked inside as well and from a side door an all too familiar guy appeared.

“Hello Josh” Dan greeted with a full smile, Josh stared in shock as the man took a seat across from him while Matt stood behind him. The officer left the room, closing the door behind him on his way out.

“I wasn’t going to report you I swear” Josh defended quickly, wondering how the hell he could have gotten here so fast.

“I know you weren’t, it would be very stupid if you would try that again” Dan said looking the young man over. Josh hadn’t known this was all part of the plan and Dan had Matt drive him to the police station the second Josh was gone.

“I know why you’re here and I’m here to warn you”

“Warn me about what?”

“Warn you that it won’t be drunk driving next time” Josh looked at him, confusion apparent on his face before his eyebrows furrowed in anger.

“You had him arrested?” he asked shooting forward.

“For drunk driving?!” he almost shrieked. Dan looked at him, with a hint of amusement in his eyes as he watched Matt push Josh back in his chair.

“You know how bad jails can be” he threatened.

“No” Josh said fiercely.

“Well your buddy Matt does and it ain’t pretty for little boys like your brother”

“You mean you did….”

“Uh-huh, I had him arrested,” Dan confirmed Josh’s suspicions.

“Why would you do this?” Josh asked softly.

“To teach you a lesson, Louisa was displeased with you…”

“You had him arrested for that?!” Josh exclaimed, just because Louisa wasn’t pleased Dan had him arrested. They were insane.

“Remember Josh” Dan warned suddenly.

“It won’t be drunk driving next time” he threatened again.

“You mean you would…” he asked softly, not daring to finish his sentence.

“Yes I would, if you give me a reason”

“I won’t” Josh said through gritted teeth.

“Good, now go get your brother I believe he’s waiting for you” Dan said with a smile which made Josh want to attack him. He held back though and nodded before standing up and leaving the room.


“Thanks for getting me” Justin said gratefully when he walked beside Josh out of the police station to his car. He’d felt ashamed when he had called his brother, he wished he could have called someone else but he knew Josh would be angrier if he didn’t call him. He still couldn’t face his brother although he hadn’t done anything wrong, Justin didn’t know however that Josh felt the same way, knowing he was the cause of this.

“Where is your car?” Josh asked practically. Justin was taken aback by the question.

“It’s still on the road they arrested me”

“I’ll take you there” Josh said simply. Justin eyed his brother and he cringed. Josh was talking about normal things not to loose his temper and Justin wanted to make it right.

“I know you’re angry and I’m really sorry you had to get me from the police station, I’ll pay you back for the bail money I swear” Justin ranted. Josh eyed his brother, Justin must think he was really upset for not talking to him and Justin was right; Josh was upset but not in the way Justin was thinking.

“Justin I…”

“Josh, before you say anything I didn’t drink. I don’t know how they got that idea but I wasn’t under the influence of alcohol I swear” he said quickly before his brother could scold at him.

“I wasn’t drinking”

Josh nodded, accepting Justin’s excuse because he couldn’t bare to scold at him for something he’d obviously didn’t do and he himself was actually to blame for.

“That’s it?” Justin asked suspiciously and rather surprised.

“Yes,” Josh confirmed.

“I’ve seen you drunk and you’re not drunk, they obviously made a mistake. It will be okay” Josh said comforting; it was true, he could see when Justin was drunk and he obviously wasn’t drunk now so the only way to assure him without revealing everything was to explain it as a mistake and hope Justin would leave it at that. He did; too shocked to question anything. They got in Josh’s car and he drove Justin to his own car. Josh hugged Justin tight before he stepped outside.

“Thanks for bailing me out” he said as he turned back towards Josh.

“Your welcome, be careful alright”

“I will” Justin smiled before closing the door. Josh watched as Justin got in his car and drove off, watching the red lights disappear in the distance.


“Chris what are you doing here?” Justin asked as he walked up to his apartment and found Chris sitting in front of his door.

“Oh hey” Chris greeted, taking Justin’s offered hand to tug him up. Justin opened the door and Chris followed him in.

“You’re late” Chris noted.

“I thought you would have been home sooner”

Justin blushed and quickly spun away from him.

“What?” Chris inquired.

“I got arrested” he admitted.

“You got what?!” Chris exclaimed.

“I got arrested” Justin repeated.

“Why?” Chris asked, his eyebrows raised. Justin wasn’t exactly an angel but getting arrested… that was something totally different.

“They arrested me because they thought I was drunk” Justin answered, cringing once again. Josh hadn’t scolded him, which he still thought was kind of strange but Chris would for sure. Chris had seen too many horrible things caused by people who’d been drinking and driving.


“They thought I was drunk, geez get your ears tested will you”

“Shut up” Chris countered.

“Did you drink anything?” Chris asked, it sounded quite calm but Justin knew better and he answered honestly.

“One beer at diner but that’s hours ago”

“How did they think you were drunk? Didn’t they check it?” Chris asked, furrowing in confusion.

“They did but the machine said I had too much alcohol in my blood”

“That’s weird” Chris commented.

“Yeah” Justin nodded.

“Machines never lie” Chris said thoughtfully.

“It could be a mistake” he added a moment later. He knew the system wasn’t perfect, and everyone made mistakes.

“That’s what Josh said” Justin added, the strange man in jail forgotten.

“It happens and it won’t have too many consequences probably but it’s still strange” Chris thought out loud.



Josh was sitting on the couch in the living room of their apartment, listlessly flipping through the channels but his mind wasn’t on the TV.

Dan had come in only minutes ago and he’d told him Justin wouldn’t have to go to court. He’d made sure there was an error in his case, which meant he couldn’t be prosecuted. It wouldn’t be a big thing if he would get prosecuted but it proved to Josh that Dan really held all the cards. He was more powerful than Josh had thought and it made him miserable. Why hadn’t he applied to a different company years ago? Why the Treydson’s? Why had he met Louisa? Why had he started dating her? And why had he let her order him around in the first place? Why did she love him so much? Why couldn’t she have left him alone? He sighed, he knew this wasn’t going to help. Nothing was going to help.

He was glad Justin wouldn’t get prosecuted and he’d felt so bad when Justin had started apologizing for something he hadn’t done. Justin had been scared he would lecture him but how could he when it was all his fault. He knew he needed to do something, something that would make sure he was free to leave. But what?

What could he do without them hurting his brother?

< Trapped >