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Chapter 22

A week later he held Louisa in his arms again. Or better she’d wormed herself into his arms while he was sitting on the couch. She’d scooted against his side till there was no space between their bodies and then she’d picked up his hand with her left and draped it over her shoulder before snuggling in further. Josh sighed his protest but did nothing.

“Can I ask you something?” Josh asked after a while and Louisa seemed comfortable, all nestled in.

“Uh-huh” she acknowledged.

“Why won’t you let me go?” he asked softly but determined. He knew she’d heard him and he knew it was a risky question that would lead to an even riskier conversation but he just had to. She didn’t answer however and so he was reduced to begging, he didn’t care; if it would mean she’d let him go, he’d do anything. Even begging her.

“Please Louisa, please let me go”

She shook her head against his shoulder but he wasn’t going to let that be the end of it.

“Please I beg you, let me go”

“I can’t” she told him this time. He caught some weakness in that confession and grabbed onto it.

“Yes… yes you can please you deserve so much better. Someone who loves you with all his heart” he tried to make it sound like he was doing her a favor but she didn’t buy it.

“But you’re that person” she told him.

“No I’m not” he argued softly.

“Yes you are” she countered a little more urgent.

“I was never good enough for you Louisa why would I be now?” he asked her still softly.

“You WERE good enough for me and you still are. I love you” she told him, bringing her head up to kiss him lightly. He pulled back suddenly, anger in his voice.

“See that’s the problem!” he saw her darkening expression and took a deep breath, making her angry wouldn’t lead to anything good so he forced his voice back into that soft hurt tone.

“I don’t love you. I’m sorry but I just don’t. Not the way I used to anyway. Please Louisa” he slid off the couch and kneeled in front of her, touching her leg lightly.

“I’m begging you to let me go” he begged staring up at her with pleading eyes.

“I’m begging you” he repeated while dropping his gaze to the floor.

“I can’t let you go and I won’t. I don’t want to” she said determined, not letting him get to her with the way he’d said that and how he was on his knees.

“Why not?” he asked staring at her with watery eyes from his position on the floor.

“Because I love you and I want you!” she said, putting emphasis on her last word.

“What about what I want?” Josh asked almost afraid to hear the answer.

“What about it?” she asked bored.

“You don’t care at all, do you?” he asked, shaking his head as he realized she really didn’t care about what he wanted.

She stared down on him causing him to shudder from the cold and harsh look in her eyes. He used to love her, how could he have ever loved someone like that? She probably never cared about him at all, it was just the thrill of having control over him that attracted her. He had never really been able to resist her or to refuse her anything. He’d loved her and there had been a time when he would have done anything for her. But now all the positive feelings he’d ever felt had gone up in smoke. He loathed her and he still wondered why she wanted him to stay. By the look in her eyes she didn’t really care and it made him stop caring as well.

“Actually no” she answered quite truthfully.

“Why would you right? You can have everything and everyone you want….” he asked sarcastically.

“Exactly! And I want you! So guess what I will have you” she said almost taunting, bringing her face closer to his but he backed away.

“You make me sick!” he spat out moving to stand up straight but she pushed him down as she stood herself.

“Did I say you could stand up?”

“I’m not your puppet. You may force me to stay but you have no control over what I do!! I can stand whenever I want” he said quickly standing up to meet her eyes.

“You thought wrong. Haven’t you figured it out yet?”

“Figured out what?” Josh asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and fear.

“You’re my puppet. I own you, you’re mine so you’ll do as I say. If you don’t agree I’ll just have to ask my brother’s friends to visit that curly headed brother of yours” she said confidently and the threat slipped out easily.

“Why do you always have to threaten me, threaten my brother?!” he asked softly.

“Because you never listen” she snarled. Josh stepped back from the tone in her voice but saw Louisa’s hard features softening a moment later as she stepped up to him, encircling his waist lovingly.

“Listen Josh, you can either keep struggling against it and we’ll do it the hard way or you can accept it and we live a nice life together it’s up to you. Either way you’re staying”


“A party will cheer you up” Louisa said happily, cupping both cheeks with her hands as she sat next to him.

“Doubt it” Josh mumbled.

He’d been sitting on the same spot on the couch for days. Ever since Louisa had left him there, telling him that it didn’t matter what he did, he wouldn’t get to leave. He cried then, as soon as she was out the door he’d dropped himself on the couch and cried. He was out of ideas, out of ideas to convince her to let him go.

If begging didn’t work, what would?

Surely she’d seen how miserable he was, even she couldn’t be that cold but maybe she had seen it and she’d ignored it without trouble. Maybe that was even worse than not seeing it at all. She was deliberately keeping him here, for her fun without even caring how it made him feel. There really was no way out of this. He’d belong to Louisa for the rest of his life. Being her property, her belonging and that made him even more miserable than he already was.

She thought a party could cheer him up, so maybe she had seen he was depressed. There was no way around it, she couldn’t have missed it really but she hadn’t looked enough because a party couldn’t cheer him up. Nothing could, not even the indoor swimming pool where he’d let himself forget why he was here and he’d enjoyed it, forgetting his worries when he’d just moved in but now he could care less. He could care less about everything and he was anything but in a party mood. It was the last thing he needed but it wasn’t about what he needed he realized once again.

“The party is tonight, maybe you can wear your black pants…” she suggested.

“And the white blouse, you look so sexy when you’re all dressed up” she said, scooting closer, running her hands over his back while bringing her lips closer to his. He didn’t utter a word of protest nor agreement.

The only word that came to mind was… whatever.


“Come on baby the guests are arriving” she said when she walked in, he was buttoning his blouse; the white one.

“I’m glad you decided to put this on” she said happily as she walked over to him, taking over his job of buttoning up his blouse.

“What’s there to decide? You threatened my brother it seemed like the best choice if I want to protect him” he mumbled but as she was standing so close she could hear the whole thing. “Don’t say that baby” she said as she finished the last button, kissing him happily as her arms went around his waist.

“Whatever you want” he said rather sarcastically when she pulled back. She smirked.

“What do you think of my dress baby?” she asked as she stepped back, throwing her arms to the side and spinning 360 degrees.

Josh rolled his eyes, why would she ask? I’m forced to say I love it anyway.

“You look nice” he said although it didn’t sound very sincere.

However she did look nice, the dress was beautiful, probably very expensive. The light blue looked great on her. The cleavage was just right and the train was enough to make it look classic without making it uncomfortable. It was tight around the waist, outrunning further downwards and falling in pleats around her ankles. It was a really nice dress but he just couldn’t fake the enthusiasm. She didn’t seem to care though, she knew perfectly well that she looked nice.

“Thank you” she smiled, kissing him again.

“Let’s go downstairs, people will be arriving soon”

He didn’t protest nor argue, letting her guide him downstairs.


Josh soon realized this wasn’t just a party and it certainly wasn’t a party for him. It were all business people, rich ones, coming together to do business in the relaxed atmosphere and camouflage of a party. For Louisa it was more to show off, show off her new boyfriend who was oh so sexy but looked oh so bored and indifferent to it all. Louisa pulled him aside quite a numerous of times to ask him what the hell was wrong with him. He never replied. She ordered him to smile, to look happy but Josh couldn’t and he didn’t want to. When they stepped back into the living room after Louisa’s third warning someone called his name. Josh’s name. He was even more surprised than Louisa and together they turned to the voice.

“David, hi” Josh greeted, the first sign of a smile all evening.

“How are you?”

“I’m good, you? You quit so suddenly” David asked, he’d worked with David on some occasions. He was alright, not exactly his favorite kind of guy but okay.

“Yeah it was kind of unplanned” Josh answered, looking down. Silence fell over hem both and that’s when Louisa stepped in. She scraped her throat discretely making Josh look at her. She urged him to introduce them, which he finally did, getting the message she was sending.

“Oh sorry. Louisa this is David, we worked together sometimes. David this is Louisa my um…” he halted. Louisa nudged him in his side unnoticeable.

“Girlfriend!” he said quickly when he felt the elbow in his side.

“Nice to meet you” they said while they shook hands.

“Josh you’re a very lucky man” David commented.

“And why is that?” Josh asked, truly not knowing what he was referring to.

“With such a beautiful girl on you arm” David explained with a charming smile to Louisa.

“Oh” Josh said, resisting the urge to say, you can have her instead he nodded hoping he looked convinced himself.

“Excuse us” Louisa said before she pulled Josh with her to one of the empty rooms on the first floor. She pushed him inside and closed the door behind her. This was it, he’d been all quiet the whole evening and now this.

“What the hell was that?” she demanded angrily.

Josh ignored her, walking over to the window, standing with his back to her. She was behind him in mere seconds and he certainly felt it. Louisa had his hair in one hand, painfully pulling his head back and his right arm twisted up his back in the other. Louisa held a strong grip on both the arm and the hair as she hissed into his ear,

“Don’t ever do that again. From now on you better smile and look like you’re enjoying yourself and if anyone asks you tell them I’m your girlfriend without hesitation, understand?” she ranted with a few painful tugs on his hair.

“Yes” he choked in a voice filled with pain. Such strength for a rather small woman.

“Good” she said releasing his hair. Josh blinked back the tears from the intense pain of Louisa pulling on his hair. Louisa ironed out her dress, making sure everything was in place before addressing Josh.

“Now let’s get back to the guests shall we?” she asked already heading in the direction of the door.

“Yeah” he said dropping his gaze while walking towards her. He allowed her to link her arm with his before they walked out of the room to join the guests in the living room. Probably never noticing they had been gone for a few minutes.


The party had been a drag, he got pulled from one couple to the next so Louisa could introduce him as her boyfriend. They all eyed him up and down, the women more curious and a definite approving look in their eyes but Josh knew whom he belonged to and he smiled dutifully. Louisa had been pleased with him then and she’d showed it that night but Josh slowly slipped back into oblivion.

It wasn’t till a few days later that he finally found a reason to smile again. Even if it was just a little.

Josh wrapped his arms around himself as he slowly walked to the window. It was snowing. The world looked so peaceful when it was covered in a white layer of snow. It gave his surroundings a somewhat fairytale look. He loved snow, everything looked so beautiful; especially snow that covered the trees looked absolutely magical. It reminded him of happy times when he and Justin would rush out immediately once they saw the first signs of the snow flakes.

“Joshy!!” twelve-year-old Justin yelled in his brother’s ear. The fifteen-year-old boy groaned and rolled over, cracking an eye open.

“What Justin?” Josh sighed.

“It’s snowing!” Justin exclaimed, slightly jumping up and down.

“Come on!” he urged. Josh smiled fully and rubbed his eyes as he sat op and pushed the curtain a little aside. He was greeted with thousands of white snowflakes.

“Come on” Justin repeated as he pushed the blankets off of his brother.

“Give me a minute” Josh yawned before he scooted out of bed. He wobbled to his desk chair and slipped into his clothes with Justin dancing around him to hurry up the whole time.

“Kay done. Let’s go” Josh announced as he pulled a hand through his hair.

Justin bounded down the stairs excitedly, Josh following close behind. Justin shot in his jacket and flew out the door. Once again Josh followed on a somewhat slower pace. He just woke up for God’s sake. But a few minutes later he too stepped out into the backyard. He was however met with a snowball right into his face. He was so shocked, he was frozen in place. He heard Justin laughing loudly and found the culprit. He slowly wiped the snow from his face.

“You’ll pay munchkin” Josh told him and immediately launched himself at Justin. Justin let out a high squeak as he was chased by his older brother. He was closing in on him and a moment later Justin was tackled to the ground with Josh satisfied on top of him.

“I just wanted to wake you!” Justin defended innocently.

“Right kid” Josh smiled, getting a handful of snow and dropping it in his little brother’s hood, shoving it down the back of his jacket. Justin gasped and wiggled, the cold snow melting in his neck and running into his jacket. He pushed Josh off and stood. He jumped up and down to get rid of the cold snow that was already making it’s way down his back spine by standing up. Josh giggled the whole time. When Justin finally got rid of most of the snow he looked at his brother. He smiled wickedly, he had a plan… Josh took off running. Justin now high on his tail.

They wrestled in the snow all day, never getting tired of it, throwing snowballs and at the end making a snowman. Their hands were frozen and noses red but their mother warmed them up with the hot chocolate she always set out for them. Those were the days…

“Josh?” a voice interrupted his thoughts.

“Huh?” he responded absentmindedly. Arms wrapped around his waist from behind and a face pressed in his back. Josh jumped a little, not expecting this. The arms released his waist and Louisa spun around him, wrapping her arms around him once again but now they were facing each other. Josh still stared out the window. Feeling more like a prisoner than ever before.

“Josh you okay?” she asked concerned, she probably wasn’t.

“Uh yeah” he said in monotone still staring out in front of him.

“Hey” she addressed him, grasping his chin, forcing him to look her in the eye.

“What are you doing here?” she asked as a mother would ask her child when he was in trouble.

“Looking out the window, watching the snow” he replied, glancing back to the snow.

“Argh, I hate snow! It’s all so slippery and messy” she whined as she released his chin.

It figures, of course she wouldn’t see the beauty of the snow, she only saw the bad things about it. The bad thing was that the snow probably didn’t listen to her, it didn’t do what she wanted. That’s why she hated it. She couldn’t do much about it anyway, except take her anger out on him.

“I love snow” Josh whispered to himself but Louisa picked up on his mumbled words. She smacked him playfully.

“No you don’t” she told him and then pulled him away from the window. He let himself be pulled and regretfully left the window with the beautiful view. She held his hand and took him downstairs to the living room. There was an island of pillows and blankets in the middle of the room. The TV was on and next to the island of softness was a table with refreshments.

“Take of your shoes” she instructed as she herself took off hers. Then they stepped onto the pillows and snuggled in close. The fire place was crackling and radiated heat. Josh lay silently with Louisa in his arms. This would have been nice if he were holding someone else. He closed his eyes taking him back in time.

“Stay awake silly, the movie hasn’t even started” Louisa smacked him once again playfully but not really. Josh opened his eyes to find Louisa staring up at him. He nodded warily and Louisa settled back in. She really had to have her way all the time, she had to have all control. Well he’d just have to dream with his eyes open then, fine.

He let his mind wonder back to the happy times when he was playing in the snow with his brother. He just wished he could be doing that instead. He wished he could go back in time and do that. He wished he could leave now, get his brother and play in the snow.

No matter how old they were… he wished he had his freedom back.

< Trapped >