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Chapter 23

“Josh will you sing for me?” Louisa asked, a few miserable days later while they were in bed.

She asked yes, but they both knew it wasn’t a request. He was in no mood to argue or struggle so he just started. He was never in a mood to argue or struggle lately, he wondered if he might have given up completely. She nuzzled against his chest to smell his sweet scent and to feel his chest rumbling as he sang for her. When the song was over he sighed.

“Ever thought of singing professionally?” she asked.

“No” he sighed again.

“Why not?”

“I don’t like the stage besides I’m perfectly happy with what I do… now” There was a slight hesitation in his sentence but she ignored it.

“Please continue”

And so he did. Till a few songs later she was fast asleep on top of him, he shifted and she didn’t even stir.

He slowly moved from underneath her and left the room. Walking down the stairs, he wandered through the house, it probably wouldn’t be appreciated if he left and he had nothing else to do so he just walked through the endless hallways, looking at the paintings on the wall, opening some doors every now and then. He couldn’t suppress his curiosity and he tried, really, but just a quick peek couldn’t hurt right? He wandered into another corridor and he really didn’t know how many. He’d lost count after the tenth or so, he wasn’t really counting anyway just passing time.

He turned the corner and saw Dan charging up to him.

“Where the hell were you?” he barked, quickly moving towards him while Josh stayed put.

“I was just walking around” he replied.

“We’ve been looking all over for you” he said angrily while he grasped his arm, roughly pulling Josh along.

“Let go off me!” he said indignantly.

“You don’t have to treat me like a prisoner. I know the rules”

“I’m glad you do” Dan said with a smirk.

“Finally got it through you thick head huh?” he asked; Josh gritted his teeth, keeping his mouth shut.

“Good” Dan nodded.

“Your presence is requested in the swimming pool. Louisa is waiting for you there so get a move on” he informed Josh.

“Yes sir” he said reluctantly before he turned to leave. Louisa liked to swim, it was one of the reasons he’d started to dislike it.

“Um Josh, the swimming pool is that way” he called after him, pointing in the opposite direction.

A hmph escaped Josh’s lips while he turned. I hate this house, why would you want such a big house? It will take you months to know where everything it! Not to mention if you lost something you’d be looking for it for days.

“Come one I’ll walk you” Dan offered.

“How very friendly of you” Josh mocked.

“Well that’s just the kind of guy I am”

Another hmph escaped, only when people do as you say.


“You two go have fun” Dan said as he walked with Josh to the edge of the swimming pool where Louisa was already lazily floating around.

“I’ll be in my office if you need me” he said to his sister while Josh changed.

They talked for a little longer but Josh ignored the conversation; he didn’t care what they had to say, they were probably mocking him anyway. Josh shivered, he really didn’t want to swim but she did. He didn’t understand why you would go swimming right after waking up. She’d once told him she felt freshened up when she swam after sleeping but he still didn’t understand how it could make you feel good. A shower was nicer but it was Louisa’s call.

Dan left the room as Josh slowly came down the steps, entering the pool. She swam towards him, the water reaching his upper chest, Louisa could barely stand and she was much more comfortable hanging on to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck playing with his hair. He squirmed slightly not wanting her to touch him, he really wasn’t in the mood. She started kissing him anyway. There had been a time when he wanted nothing more than for her to touch him but now he felt nauseous. He resisted the urge to push her away and leave, run like hell. The thought still crossed his mind now and then but he knew it was useless. It wasn’t realistic since sure he probably would make it to the door but the bodyguard and her brother would stop him before he even reached the hallway that led to the front door. That and he was in his swim suit. He surrendered, it wasn’t the smartest move to upset her now.

“Louisa…” he said softly hoping she would stop for a second.

“What’s the matter baby?” she asked sweetly, pulling back but just a little. He rolled his eyes at her. Pretending to be so sweet while she was holding him here against his will.

“Please…” he pleaded looking into her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” she asked innocently.

“You know what’s wrong” he stated.

“Please let me go” he pleaded desperately.

Every now and then he tried his luck again, whenever she was in a good mood he tried to beg her to let him go. It hadn’t worked thus far and it seemed it wouldn’t work this time either. Louisa pulled back, looking at him wide-eyed.

“Do I need to get my brother?” she threatened.

He slumped while whispering, “No”

More or less allowing her to kiss him which she soon did. Josh didn’t struggle, it was pointless.


Josh stopped struggling altogether. He felt defeated and did nothing more than sulking. Everything he came across, everything they demanded of him he took it. He said nothing, he silently obeyed and he slowly slipped further and further away into oblivion.

At first he’d fought hard, he’d struggled against Louisa and Dan but so many things had happened, bad things and they had mostly happened to his little brother. Josh hardly talked to him, he’d last seen him when he picked him up at the police station and he’d only once spoken to him on the phone.

He simply didn’t have the strength to fight anymore. Every time Louisa had wanted something from him, he’d instinctively refused. He’d felt powerful then, thinking he had his own fate in his hands but Dan made him realize that that was not true at all. Dan always did something, something to Justin to force him to listen, something pulled the rug out from underneath him time and time again. He got back on his feet after Dan had beaten the rules into him, had crawled back up after every threat and even when Dan had had Justin beaten Josh somehow managed to overcome it but this time, this time they’d had Justin arrested. Even threatened to make the charges worse next time and Josh just could not gather the strength in order to get up. He could not make himself fight back, he could not make himself to take fate into his own hands or even let himself feel it for a short while.

He really felt like they’d won, they’d broken him, defeated him and he found himself slowly drowning in his sulking.


“If he won’t come to me, I’ll go to him” Justin muttered under his breath as he walked up to the front door of the house his brother now lived in.

It had been weeks since Justin had last talked to his brother. Justin just didn’t understand what was wrong with him. After weeks of trying to reach his brother without success Justin decided to drop by the house to talk to him face to face.

Josh didn’t have a job anymore so what the hell could he be doing all day?

What could possibly be so demanding he couldn’t even call him back for five minutes?

He reached the house and knocked loudly on the big wooden door. It opened not long after, showing a big man Justin had gotten to know as Matt.

“Hello” Matt greeted simply.

“Hi, is Josh around?” Justin asked immediately, he was here for one reason and one reason only; speak to his brother.

“Yes” Matt asked shortly.

“Can I speak with him?” Justin asked impatiently, he was here so get him dammit!

“I’m sorry but Mr. Chasez is too busy right now” Matt answered with a straight face.

“I’m his brother!” Justin exclaimed, not expecting that answer.

“He’s busy” Matt repeated simply.

“How can he be busy, he ain’t got no job!”

“I’ll tell him you dropped by”

“Just tell him I’m here now! He’ll make time for me” Justin countered stubbornly.

“Bye sir” Matt replied calmly.

“Dude!” Justin exclaimed angrily, why wouldn’t he let me pass? Justin debated to try to push past him and run into that house, searching every room till he found his brother but Matt seemed ready if he’d try and he wouldn’t be able to set one foot inside.

“Bye” Matt said again before closing the door in his face.

“Fucking… assholes” Justin mumbled angrily as he turned and left.

< Trapped >