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Chapter 24

Josh was laying on the king sized bed, his hands folded behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. He had nothing better to do; Louisa was at the beauty shop, getting a pedicure, manicure or whatever and other than that no one needed him. He should probably enjoy the fact that he was alone for a while but he was just so bored. The phone rang and Josh looked sideways at the phone. He hadn’t heard from Justin in weeks, it was the first time the phone even rang. He rolled over, sitting up and he picked up.

“Hello?” he answered tentatively, not comfortable with answering the phone. It could be someone he didn’t want to talk to.

“Where the hell have you been?! I haven’t heard from you in weeks!” Justin accused immediately as Josh greeted the caller. Josh was stunned into silence.


“I was worried sick. I tried to call you and you didn’t pick up! You said I could reach you on this phone number! You never picked up you jerk! I thought I’d come by, see if you’re still present on this planet and some doorman tells me you’re busy! Busy!! How can you be too busy for your own brother who you’ve been ignoring for weeks! I finally get you on the phone and you saw what? As if nothing happened, as if you got no clue?! What the fuck is going on with you Josh?!” Justin ranted angrily.

It was mostly the worrying; he hadn’t heard from Josh in weeks and they used to visit or at least talk to each other every day.

Josh was shell shocked. He hadn’t gotten permission to speak with him, he hadn’t gotten permission to visit him and he realized he’d almost drowned in his sulking. He’d almost forgot that although Justin pretended like he never worried; he often did. The same way Josh worried about him, equal if not more. He hadn’t known Justin had been so worried and what?

Did he say he called? How come they never told me?

Did he say he dropped by? How come I never knew?

He got it in a flash. They’d deliberately kept this from him. The rage built within him.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know!”

“You didn’t know?” Justin asked incredulously and Josh could almost see the deep frown.

“Justin there is something I have to tell you” Suddenly all his instincts screamed at him to come clean. It was the only way to make Justin understand.

“You got to he…”

The phone went dead.

“..lp me” Josh ripped the phone away from his ear and stared at the phone in his hand.

No sound, what happened?

He heard shuffling behind him and he spun his head swiftly, seeing Matt with the plug in his hand; holding it up clearly while Dan stood a few feet from the bed with an angry scowl on his face.

Josh’s features turned from shock to fear and then the fury kicked in. He lunged at Dan, his fists clenched and he threw a punch at the man he hated more than anything. He hit him hard and Dan was too shocked to pull back, giving Josh some more time to take his anger out on the man who’d created it. He punched Dan again, hard and this time he went down. Matt was there just in time before Josh could lunge himself at the man on the floor, ready for round two. Matt grabbed Josh around the waist with ease, lifting him up from the ground. But that didn’t stop Josh’s temper tantrum, he fought against air. He kicked forward and tried to hit the bodyguard’s legs so he would release him and the first few seconds his arms were flaying too but Matt soon got a grip on them. The boy’s kicks weren’t really painful so he waited a minute and as expected; the boy became still. Dan slowly stood, probing the flesh on his cheekbone while snapping his jaw back in place.

“You are so going to pay for this” Dan growled as he came closer. He punched Josh in the stomach twice, then hit his face twice as well.

“You’ll pay” he stated, nodding to Matt before he left the room.

Matt walked with Josh still secured to his chest, although he was now completely still from the punches he’d endured, to a dresser next to the portal. He rummaged around and soon found what he’d been looking for. A pair of handcuffs was snapped around Josh’s wrists as they were forced behind his back. It all went without much protest or difficulty and soon Josh was tossed on the bed. A rope was tied around his ankles and his right ankle was secured to the bed frame then a piece of duct tape was used to cover his mouth.

In less than five minutes Josh was laying on his side, on the bed, completely helpless. He watched with fearful eyes as Matt waved at him with mock before leaving the room. Josh swallowed hard, forcing himself to stay calm, if he started crying he would choke. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. After a few minutes he had it under control and he brought his head up a bit, looking down at his feet before trying to see his arms. He tugged his hands apart trying to find some leverage but no such luck. The rope around his ankles was tight as well and the cuff around his ankle surely kept him secured to the bed till they would come and get him. He plumped back down tiredly, his muscles ached already and he felt a bruise coming up on his face, two actually.

He thought about Justin; he’d been so close to telling him, he could have helped but it was too late now. Josh was scared. Scared for himself but mainly for Justin because all his mistakes would be taken out on Justin. Scared because he’d done a lot of stupid things already but nothing came even close to what he’d done this time.

Scared because he’d thought things had been bad before but this, this was definitely worse.


“I can’t believe that punk fucking punched me” Dan growled, pacing with a bag of ice to his face.

“It’s ok boss, he’s tied up”

“Good” Dan nodded. He suddenly threw the bag of ice aside and sat down, his head tilted upwards, gaze losing its focus; there comes another plan.

“Matt?” Dan addressed his right hand with an evil smirk.

“Yeah boss?”

“Get a few men together, we’re going to pay the little brother a visit; give the aggressive boy upstairs a serious scare. We’ll see if he’ll still like to put up a struggle after this”


“Hello Joshua” Dan sauntered into the room showingly, Matt right behind him. Josh’s head snapped up and his eyes widened. As Dan approached Josh shook his head more frantic and tried to scoot away from him. He couldn’t get far though. Dan ripped the tape from his victims mouth in one go, earning him a serious yelp from Josh but Dan just smirked.

“I’m… I’m…s..s.. sorry… please... please… don’t…” Josh stuttered apologetically, the pleading heartbreaking but Dan just smiled.

“Don’t what Josh?” he challenged. Now that the tape was gone Josh allowed himself to cry; he couldn’t stop it.

“Please” he said simply but it wasn’t simple; he was begging.

“You know Josh” Dan started. Josh watched him with terrified eyes.

“I was shocked. I came up here to check on you and I hear you’re talking to your brother and not just talking, see I could have lived with that, no you were about to tell him about our deal”

Josh squeezed his eyes shut, tears escaping.

“I’d be really glad we caught you in time because what if you would have told him? It wouldn’t have been nice for him you know… I could…”

“Stop! Please Dan don’t I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking! Don’t hurt him, I beg you”

“Hmmm” Dan honestly seemed to ponder the request and Josh dared to hope, it was no use though.

“We’ll see. First we gotta take care of something else; your brother is probably wondering what’s happened to you and to make sure he won’t send a search party we’re gonna call him again” Josh’s eyes lit up slightly.

“I wrote down the things you can say, I wouldn’t diverge from these sentences if I were you” Dan warned.

“I’ll give you a little time to look at it so you can say the lines more natural and then we’ll call your brother” Dan smirked, laying a piece of paper with instructions before him. Dan started for the portal, going into the living room to watch a little TV. Josh frowned as the bodyguard didn’t follow him.

“Oh one more thing; Matt will stay with you from now on. He’s your new best friend” Dan beamed. He’d decided a closer look on Josh was necessary and so Matt was now assigned to watch him 24/7.

“Get working on those lines”

Josh looked at Matt who smiled brightly, Josh quickly shifted his gaze, letting it fall on the paper in front of him, forcing himself to memorize the lines.


“Time to call” Dan announced as he turned off the TV. Josh looked fearfully but Dan ignored him. He took the phone, plugged it in and set it on the bed as Matt uncuffed Josh’s ankle and sat him up straight, on the edge of the bed. His arms still cuffed behind his back let him know who was in charge; as if he would forget. Matt sat beside him and drew his gun.

“Just so you know; no tricks” Dan warned.

“I won’t kill you but I’ll hurt you” Matt added.

“Good, time to call and assure your bother” Dan announced as he dialed the number Josh gave him before pushing the speaker button so they could all listen. Justin picked up at the second ring, letting Josh know he’d been anxiously waiting for his call.


“It’s me” Josh said knowing Justin would recognize him.

“Josh! What happened?” Justin exclaimed, relieved Josh called back. He’d tried to call the house several times but all he got was the message that the number he was trying to call could not be reached, increasing his nerves. Josh felt the gun press into his side as Justin asked his question, the paper with the things he was allowed to say shoved in front of his face.

“There was a technical problem with the phones”

Justin didn’t respond right away, making Josh nervous, he hoped he’d convinced his brother and that it would do a little damage control. He hoped that if he got this right Dan would forgive him for punching him, he hoped he wouldn’t go after Justin so he had to make it sound convincing. He still hated lying to his brother but it was once again for his own good, he wondered when that became okay. He’d often told Justin that lying was wrong, even when it was for your own good but he seemed to be going against his own believes more and more all because of Dan.

“Oh” Justin finally answered. Josh could hear Justin wasn’t totally convinced but Dan didn’t know him like Josh knew him and he still hoped Dan wouldn’t notice the doubtful tone in his brother’s voice.

“What were you trying to tell me before?”

“What do you mean?” Josh asked, playing dumb as he felt the hand around his bicep tighten.

“Before the phone went dead you said I have to… what do I have to?” Justin inquired, the tone of voice Josh had used had him seriously worried and curious. The statement seemed to be big but before the real statement came the phone had been cut off, leaving Justin with an enormous amount of worry and curiosity.

“Um…” Josh hesitated a second too long, the hand tightened once more, forcing him to respond.

“You have to… understand I got a lot to do” he finished the sentence quickly.

“Like what?” Justin challenged.

“Well… I’m just doing stuff for Louisa and just around the house. I like it” Josh lied through his teeth, ignoring Dan’s smirk.

“Josh what were you trying to tell me before?” Justin persisted, this had not been it, Justin could feel it. Josh felt the gun press hard in his side.

“That… that I’m sorry. It’s really nothing just busy that’s all” Josh once again lied, as he tried to scoot away from the barrel that was painfully buried in his side.

“Fine” Justin grumbled; he didn’t believe him. Josh once again felt the gun press into his side.

“Justin,” Josh sighed. “I’m sorry”

“Sure” Justin answered stubbornly in monotone.

“I really am” more emotion.

“I love you” he added, he needed to say this, he didn’t care about the looks he was being given. Justin sighed but responded.

“I love you too” Josh still heard he was upset and not totally convinced.

“I’ll talk to you later bye”

“Bye” Justin said softly, disappointed. Josh also heard a hint of anger in his voice but he knew Dan wouldn’t be able to detect it; he knew his brother really well, that was the only reason why he heard it.

Dan confirmed his thoughts when he said, “Good”

Dan didn’t know Justin was still angry and probably didn’t really believe a word he’d said. Josh felt bad but there was nothing he could do, he knew he should be happy he’d been able to pretend everything was fine to Justin and even more important; that Dan didn’t know about Justin’s true feelings.

Dan unplugged the phone again while Matt put away his gun. Josh waited for what would come next. Josh debated to ask Dan whether or not they were cool, debated to plead with him not to hurt Justin but he was afraid he would make him remember. Dan might have forgotten about it and if he would bring it up again he would remind Dan of the big mistake he’d made and the threat Dan had outed. No Josh decided to keep quiet, hoping against hope that Dan wouldn’t go after his brother. Dan left the room with the phone after speaking to Matt.

Once the door shut Matt uncuffed Josh. Josh stayed still, he didn’t dare to move a muscle and Matt smirked inwardly. Once he was freed he expected Matt to leave the room but the big man walked to the opposite side of the bed and sat down in a chair, directly facing Josh. Josh didn’t know what to think about this. Was he going to watch me like that the whole time? I hope not. It made him nervous, really nervous. He scooted to the center of the bed and laid down, letting his limbs rest from the strain of the ropes and handcuffs he’d worn before.

Matt stayed with him for hours, even watched him eat. Josh tried to ignore it but it was not working, it unnerved him. When the clock struck nine Matt stood and walked over to the bed Josh was still laying on. Josh sat up in an instant, alarmed as the big man came closer. Matt let out an amused chuckle which made Josh jump. Matt however didn’t say anything to reassure the boy, he didn’t care. He grabbed the ankle cuff that was still attached to the bed and put it around Josh’s right ankle. Josh watched the big man’s movements with surprise. He hadn’t been expecting this. Matt finally left the room with a knowing smirk and Josh couldn’t help but pull on the ankle cuff that kept him chained to the bed. The knowing smirk had sent shivers down his spine and Josh got suspicious; this couldn’t be all of it right?

This couldn’t be his punishment, could it?

Matt had been assigned to watch him and he was now cuffed to the bed, which hadn’t happened before but he’d punched Dan! They’d beat Justin up for a lot less than that. Josh had no way of knowing what they were planning to do and he prayed he’d be lucky, he prayed Justin wouldn’t get hurt but he’d seriously lost control over his rage and he really didn’t dare to hope, he knew it would be false.

< Trapped >