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Chapter 25

Justin threw his pencil down, leaving his essay for what it was heading over to the refrigerator to get something to eat, rubbing his eyes on the way. It was 2am and he was still working but he needed to get the essay done in two days and since he hadn’t done much before he really needed to get on with it. He bend down to take a peek to see if there was anything in the refrigerator that he could eat but came up empty.

“I need to do some shopping” he mumbled to himself while slowly stretching, his breath got caught in his throat when there was a masked man standing in front of him. He opened his mouth to scream but all came out was,


The man had seen that the young man had taken a big breath in preparation to yell but he’d acted quickly, spinning him around and firmly pressing him against his chest while he put his hand over his mouth; silencing him effectively. Justin struggled against the arm pinning him to the man’s chest but there wasn’t much he could do, the man had a good grip on him.

“Let’s go” a second man whispered while motioning for the man holding Justin to approach after he’d checked the hall to make sure there was no one in the hall or the stairs. It was late so the hall as well as the stairs were completely abandoned giving the pair an easy exit to leave with their captive. Justin struggles increased when he realized this wasn’t a robbery like he’d thought, it was a kidnapping; they were going to take him with them. He couldn’t allow them to take him and he thrashed around in the man’s arms, more with his legs than his arms.

“Larry,” the man holding Justin hissed to get the other man’s attention. Larry met him in the middle and hit Justin over the head before he even knew what was happening. Justin immediately lost conscious, going limp in the man’s strong arms. He turned Justin around and swung him over his shoulder quickly walking out the door, down the steps and into the car which was waiting for them, they sped away disappearing into the night.


Justin woke up with a moan, raising his head in the mean time before he looked around. He tried to get his hands in front of him but found out he couldn’t. They were beginning to hurt and he tried to figure out what was wrong with them. He tried once again to get his hands in sight but he felt that something was keeping them in place. He strained against the rope keeping his chest tied to the chair he was sitting in and glanced over his shoulder. He saw his wrists were bound together and that they were bound to the chair. His ankles were also tied together and bound to the chair and a cloth prevented him from speaking.

Where the hell am I?

What happened?

The things of the previous night slowly came back.

How long have I been here?

Where the hell am I?

He jumped at the sound of the door opening….

< Trapped >