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Chapter 27

“Where are you Josh?” Justin whispered into the phone.

Why didn’t Josh pick up?

He needed him right now but he had no way of reaching him. Josh had reassured him that he could be reached at this phone number but now he wasn’t there when he needed him. He hung up with a dejected sigh as he brushed his tears away. He dialed another number, hoping he could reach someone at this point.


“Chris?” a miserable soft voice called out almost desperately.

“Justin?” Chris asked in return, surprised to hear the scared and almost desperate tone in his friend’s voice.

“What’s wrong kid?” he asked concerned.

“I… I don’t know” Justin said all of a sudden not so sure anymore.

“What do you mean? Something happened?”

“Uh yeah… at least I think it did” Justin said carefully.

“Justin cut the vague answers please and tell me what’s wrong” Chris said gently, he had never been good with patience. Something was obviously wrong and the stalling increased his nerves.

“I think I was kidnapped” Justin answered, his voice wavering.

“What?” Chris exclaimed, taken aback. Justin could really be a drama queen but he could tell this was serious.

“Wait. What do you mean you think?” Chris asked, suddenly realizing how weird Justin’s sentence sounded.

“I mean yesterday when I was studying two guys surprised me in my apartment and the next thing I knew I was tied to a chair with a video camera in my face” Justin explained in fast tempo while Chris listened intently.

“The weirdest thing was that they didn’t do anything to me, they didn’t steal anything and they didn’t make a ransom call. I woke up this afternoon on the couch and that’s it. I don’t understand” Justin said pulling his hand through his hair as he thought about it, over and over again but the situation only confused him more.

“Okay... um, are you home right now?” Chris asked, thinking quickly.

“Yes” Justin answered.

“Okay. Stay where you are, I’m on my way”

“O…okay” Justin said shakily but relieved. Chris hung up quickly, grabbed his coat and car keys and dashed out the door.


In no more than fifteen minutes Chris arrived, knocking impatiently, thinking it had still taken him too long to get here although he’d raced through traffic. Probably not a good example as a cop. But that wasn’t his main concern right now; Justin was.

On the other side of the door, Justin quickly walked to the door as soon as he heard the knock. He still couldn’t help but look through the peephole making sure it really was his friend and no one else. Once he was assured he quickly unlocked the door as he saw Chris waiting impatiently. Chris stepped in and hugged Justin tight.

“You okay?”

Justin nodded, his head on Chris’ shoulder, relieved someone was here to help him figure this out. Also the fact that someone was here made him less nervous and afraid.

“Yeah” he said softly before he pulled back.

“Thanks for coming” Justin smiled gratefully.

“Sure” Chris reassured, of course he would come over, he knew Justin was afraid he could see it in his eyes and he understood. Sure he’d teased Justin a lot over the years but he wouldn’t tease him over something like this. He was too concerned to be making fun of him.

“Where’s Josh?” Chris asked suddenly, realizing Josh wasn’t here.

“You did tell him didn’t you?” Chris asked to make sure, the only way Josh wouldn’t be here was if he didn’t know and then Justin didn’t tell him.

“Are you in more trouble than you let on Justin?” Chris asked straight forward, his voice was almost strict, like a parent’s who suspected that their kid had done something wrong.

“No!” Justin defended.

“I didn’t do anything” Justin said honestly, the fact that Justin eyed Chris was a sign for Chris that his friend was telling him the truth. Justin always looked away when he was lying, well most people did; too ashamed that they were lying to be able to look the other person straight in the eye. But Justin was searching eye contact with his friend, that meant; he was telling the truth.

“Then where is Josh?”

“I don’t know!” Justin said frustrated, even angry.

“You don’t know?” Chris asked incredulously. Justin always knew where his brother was, they checked in a lot, telling each other what they were up to, how things were going and he always knew where he was, not always in detail but he always had an idea.

“I don’t know. He’s probably with Louisa but I’m not sure”

“What do you mean you’re not sure?”

“I called him there, he gave me a phone number but he doesn’t answer it. I can never reach him, not even now when…” Justin said angrily, trailing off softly, when I need him the most. Chris wondered when they changed the kidnapping topic to Josh but allowed his friend to rant about this.

“He just abandons me! I told you he changed… they changed him”

“Justin don’t overreact I’m sure there is a logical explanation, he could just not be home”

“Maybe but he’s been ignoring me for weeks” Justin said dejectedly.

“I’m sure he’s not doing it on purpose, it’s Josh we’re talking about remember?”

Justin sighed but said nothing, he wasn’t sure anymore, of anything.

“Are you sure you were kidnapped?” Chris asked, changing the topic again, Justin was obviously still angry but there was not much Chris could do about this. He’d have to talk it out with his brother.

“Yes” Justin replied, frowning, what did he think I made it up?

“I’m not saying you made it up Justin” Chris reassured, as if he could read his mind. As a cop he was trained to read people. Look for clues as to what they were feeling, nerves, fear… anger.

“I know it sounds weird Chris, I don’t understand either but they did kidnap me and they did tie me to a chair I just don’t understand why” Justin elaborated.

“I know” Chris reassured once again although he didn’t know.

“Do you want me to stay with you?” Chris asked, seeing the fearful look on his friend’s face as he talked about the kidnapping. A kidnapping was not nothing although nothing had happened it was perfectly normal to be afraid. Justin looked at him debating; he didn’t want to be alone but he didn’t want to be a burden to his friend.

“It’s okay to be scared Justin and I really don’t mind” Chris told him, again knowing what Justin was thinking. Justin smiled gratefully.

“Thank you”

“Your welcome”

“You can stay in Josh’s room since he doesn’t care one shit about me anymore” Justin said once again angry, getting back to the Josh topic.

“Justy there will be a good explanation for this” Chris tried to reason.

“Right” Justin said doubtful. He really didn’t know what to think anymore.

Josh had been acting weird for weeks, now that he thought about it; he’d been acting weird for months. He just didn’t understand and although he often acted like nothing could hurt him, Justin was actually pretty insecure. Especially when it came to his big brother. He’d always felt special when his big brother paid attention to him, because how many people could say their big brother actually hung out with them and liked it? It was however sometimes that he felt insecure about whether or not his brother really wanted him around. He’d had that when they were little; when Josh didn’t want to play with him when he asked and wanted his big brother to play with him so badly, when Josh would go to the mall with his friends and Josh didn’t want to have him around because he was too young, when Josh was home with his girlfriend and Josh told him to get out while all Justin wanted was to play with them feeling all grown up but actually having no idea what they were doing.

It had been there when they were little and it was still here now. Not as often and it was totally unconsciously on Josh’s part but it was still there and it were times like these that Justin felt insecure and abandoned by his big brother all over again.

“Now you ready to go to the police?”

“I’m with the police” Justin joked weakly.

“You know what I mean Justin” Chris chuckled lightly. Justin giggled a little.

“What for though? Nothing happened, I’m fine”

“That may be so but you were still kidnapped and we need to report this” Chris urged and Justin wasn’t going to speak against him, he trusted Chris, trusted him to know best.

So he agreed to go, “Kay”


Chris took Justin to the police station and they filed charges.

The police officers questioned him and took his statement. They said they would check into it but Chris had had the strange feeling that they would do nothing. The way they’d asked the questions didn’t seem to be inquiring, they asked because it was procedure not because they were looking for clues. Chris had been first to agree that this was a long shot; Justin hadn’t seen his kidnappers and they hadn’t done anything to him, except kidnap him that was. Chris knew this was a difficult case and he wouldn’t have pounced the officers if they’d said that but they hadn’t.

They’d asked the questions and said they would do their best and something about that statement and the way they’d asked those questions opposed Chris. Something in his gut told him, there was something strange going on. Of course Chris did not know that part of the unit had been aware of the crime before the victim ever came forward and worse; they already knew who was behind it before the crime ever took place.

< Trapped >