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Chapter 29

Justin was still worrying a week later, now maybe more than ever because Josh was not the kind of guy to just disappear. Josh still hadn’t called him back.

Justin was really angry at him, he felt like Josh had abandoned him but at the same time he still worried. He was mad yes but Josh was still his brother. He wondered what was going on with him. Josh had made some strange decisions lately and it was not him.

He’d asked Chris if he could ask around a bit, find out where his brother was exactly and what he was doing but Chris didn’t get far, he’d been to his work. The Treydson company; he’d asked around and all the employee’s had been able to tell Chris was that Josh had quit his job suddenly. They’d also heard he’d done it so he could spend day and night with his girlfriend; the sister of the boss. They didn’t think he’d planned to leave but he’d seemed pretty happy at the time.

Chris really hadn’t wanted to tell Justin; he’d been living with him for a week and he’d seen how Justin had gone from worry to anger. He seemed to get angrier as the days went by without a word from his brother and the news he’d heard that Josh was happy to leave his work to move in with Louisa wouldn’t do Justin’s anger any good.

Eventually Justin had demanded that Chris should tell whatever he knew and Justin had spent the next half hour throwing things around in his room. When the sound stopped, Chris dared to check in, to see if Justin’s room really looked like a tornado had went through, he sure had heard it. He found Justin on the floor, softly crying and it reminded Chris so much of the young boy he used to be. It was something that had amazed Chris about Justin right away; you would think that with looks like Justin’s a boy would become very arrogant and cocky but Justin was neither. He was more insecure than you would ever think and afraid of people not liking him. It was just in his nature and the idea that his own brother didn’t like him anymore and wanted to ignore him, hurt more than anything. He’d hidden his fear and pain by being angry the past week but it finally caught up with him.

Chris tried everything to comfort him, producing all kinds of excuses and Justin had nodded but Chris could tell he hadn’t believed it at all. Justin was convinced his brother ignored and put him off, keeping him at bay, because he had other people who cared about him now; rich people and they seemed more important to Josh than his own brother.


Of course Justin had no idea what was really going on. He had no way of knowing how utterly miserable Josh was and how desperately Josh wanted to call him. Josh, however, didn’t dare to ask if he could call his brother. He didn’t want to direct Dan’s negative attention to his brother. He might have had a hang over but Josh remembered every word of the threat Dan had shot his way that morning; “one more disobedient act from you and your brother will wish he was never related to you.”

He was so afraid that if he would start the conversation about calling his brother he would loose his patience and that he would somehow make Dan angry. Dan would certainly make him pay and he would go after Justin.

No matter how it hurt to not be able to call him, although he wanted to so desperately, he didn’t ask because he rather had that he was hurting himself than that Dan was hurting his brother. He could not stand the thought.

And he wouldn’t risk it.


Dan was pleased; it had been three weeks since the drinking episode with Josh. Although Josh didn’t look very vivid he was obedient; he did what they asked and that was all Dan cared about. Louisa was still very happy with him and as long as that was the case he really didn’t care about Josh’s feelings. Josh actually should be happy Dan had decided to let the drunken episode slip after a yelling. He could have very well sent a few men after Justin but he hadn’t. He’d done his good deed.

Josh was obedient these days simply because he no longer cared. Louisa demanded a lot of things and he did them, he hardly felt anything these days and he was immune to her caresses and touches. He felt like a zombie, empty inside and he no longer had a purpose in life. Everyone needed a purpose in life, you’ll get miserable without it and Josh was getting more miserable by the day.

Louisa however was enjoying her trained puppy. He did what she wanted without questions these days and he was almost like a life-sized doll that followed her every command. He was there when she needed him, when she wanted him to be there and when she wanted to be alone he left without protest. It was wonderful and lately she’d been thinking about something that would make this whole thing perfect. One more thing that was missing; something she’d been dreaming about since she was a kid and the beauty was that all she had to do was yell and Dan would take care of it. Her life was perfect.

Justin’s life was anything but perfect. Josh was still on his mind; he felt safe with Chris and he loved Chris; he was a good friend. But… he wasn’t Josh. He could not get over the fact that Josh had simply abandoned him without so much as calling. Josh had told Justin nothing and that hurt. He too walked around like a zombie; Chris noticed and he was worried but he had no clue to make it better. Neither had Justin, he couldn’t reach his brother and although he was angry at him, Justin was missing his brother more every day.

Chris did what he could to try to justify Josh’s actions but he could see it wasn’t working and Justin was getting more worried by the day. He’d tried to comfort Justin but it was no use. He wished he could do more for Justin but there was not a lot he could do. He’d asked around but he hadn’t found any answers and the answer he had found hadn’t helped Justin in the least bit. The only thing that could help him was his brother explaining everything and Chris hoped that Josh really did have a good explanation for this or it would kill Justin.

< Trapped >