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Chapter 3

“Justin? Justin Chasez?” an unfamiliar guy asked.

“Yes, do I know you?” Justin asked in return, he’d never seen this guy before; how does he know my name?

“I’m Dan,” the unfamiliar guy introduced himself, no recognition dawned on Justin.

“Dan Treydson” he added when he saw the confused look on the boy’s face.

“Oh, wait I recognize that name” Justin said, he tilted his head while he gazed at the sky; thinking the answer would come from there. Dan decided to help him a little.

“I’m Louisa’s brother”

“Oh right! She’s dating…. my brother” Justin said, pausing for a brief moment when the word ‘dating’ left his mouth.

What did this guy want? he asked himself, he looked too smooth, too self-confident.

Oh! Stop it Justin, he’s probably just being nice he told himself but he didn’t really believe it.

“He told me a lot about you, kid” Dan told Justin, the tone in his voice made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, no this dude was bad news.

“He did?” Justin asked with a hint of suspicion in his voice, nope he didn’t like the guy.

“Yeah,” Dan confirmed with a smile.

“Anyway tell him I said hi, okay? I’ll see you around”

“Okay” Justin said slowly while he turned and watched the man’s back as he walked away. Justin shook his head, clearing his head; he had a test in a couple of days, a major one, no time for other stuff. He hoisted his backpack higher on his shoulder before he walked towards the school library.


“Josh, can I crash here for a while?” Justin asked once the door opened and his brother stood in the doorway.

Josh sighed, “Sure why?”

“My roommate is a pain in the butt!” he exclaimed while he pushed himself past Josh.

“Even worse than you?” Josh asked and Justin could hear the smile in his voice.

“Yes!” he replied scowling.

“I don’t believe it!” he mocked.

“Well believe it. I got a test and he takes no consideration what so ever, he’s damn annoying” he countered.

“You know, now you finally know what it felt like to live with you for years” Josh said with a smirk.

“It’d be good for you to see what you can be like” he teased.

“Josh!” he whined, turning to face his brother who still stood by the door, arms crossed over his chest and a smirk across his face.

“I’m telling mom!” he said as if they were 7 and 10.

“You do that, not much she can do…..” he started, walking towards Justin, putting his face an inch away from Justin’s.

“….from Europe” he finished, a smug expression painted on his face. Their parents moved to Europe when Justin was ready for college, they’d always wanted to move to Europe but they didn’t want to put their kid’s through a big change like that. When Justin was old enough to move out on his own they’d packed their bags and two months later they left for Europe, France to be exact.

“Hmph” Justin scowled, which made Josh roll his eyes at him. Sometimes Justin could act like the biggest baby, at 20. Their mother often let him get away with it, saying he was and always would be the youngest but now that their parents lived in Europe Justin didn’t have the support of his mother and Josh refused to fall for his baby act, he simply wasn’t buying it.

“Do you want to stay here or not?” Josh asked, raising his eyebrows and cocking his head to the side. Justin always thought he looked so much like their dad, in a scary way, when he did that.

“Yes” he grumbled, annoyed Josh had won this argument.

“Fine, just get your junk out of the way, throw it in the guest room or something. I don’t want to break my neck falling over one of your shoes” he said pointing towards the bags Justin had set down in the middle of the room.

“Yes dad” he mocked, picking up his backs. Josh lunged for him and Justin high tailed out of the room, towards the guestroom at the end of the hall with a high squeak, dragging his bag with him. Josh stopped running when Justin was halfway and just laughed at him, a moment later Justin came back out of the room still giggling. He followed Josh back to the living room and sat down on the couch.

“Oh! You know I met some dude yesterday” Justin said as the thought popped in his head, he’d been meaning to tell Josh of his little run in with his girlfriend’s brother but simply forgot.

“I thought you liked girls” Josh said confused while he walked towards the refrigerator and grabbed a few drinks.

“Dork! I do, it wasn’t like that, idiot” Justin responded, Josh snickered as he walked towards Justin.

“It was Louisa’s brother, Dan or something” Josh froze at the mention of his name, his hand extended still holding the coke can out for Justin to take. Justin grabbed it out of his hand.

“Yo! Dude you okay?” Justin asked waving a hand in front of his brother’s face.

“Uh, yeah… I’m fine… uh..” he coughed.

“What did he say?” he asked trying to sound nonchalant while he moved to sit in one of the chairs.

“He told me to say hi” Justin answered while he opened the coke can, not seeing the concerned look that passed Josh’s features.

“Oh,” Josh simply said.

“Yeah, it was really weird, what a scary dude… anyway I think I better start studying, I’ll see you later” he waved it off, getting up from the couch before walking towards his temporary room at the end of the hallway.

“Yeah…” Josh said absentmindedly, thoughts flew through his mind, he suddenly jumped up.

“Justy, I gotta go pick something up, I’ll be back later!” he yelled before he grabbed his jacket and flew out the door, not even waiting for Justin’s reply.


“Oh, Josh how nice of you to visit us” Dan said sweetly when he opened the door, he’d seen Josh walk up and knew exactly why he was there.

“Asshole! You leave him alone!” Josh spat at him pushing him inside.

“Now that isn’t very nice, I was just trying to get to know him” Dan said innocently letting himself be pushed.

“You know just in case…”

“You leave him alone! You hear me? Don’t go near him again!” Josh ordered grabbing Dan’s expansive jacket, pulling him closer so they were face to face.

“Now Josh I don’t think you’re in a position to be giving orders” he said pushing Josh away from him. Josh glared at him, his teeth pressed together in anger.

“Stay. Away. From him” he said, teeth pressed together in anger.

“Depends on you Josh” Dan simply said.

“You know I gave you a choice a week ago and since I didn’t hear from you I thought I’d check what’s going on” Josh’s face fell as he understood Dan’s plan. Dan sought out his brother and had him pass the message, he knew Josh would understand and would come to him, to tell him to stay away from his brother.

And I fell for it, he thought. Stupid!

“You know I don’t like being ignored and Louisa missed you” he informed the young man.

“I wasn’t… I wasn’t ignoring you…. I was uh…. thinking” he offered as an excuse when in fact he’d been dreading. He’d been dreading to give him his answer, of course there wasn’t really a decision to make but he’d been trying to hold it off for as long as possible. When the days went by and he still hadn’t heard from Dan or Louisa he thought, they’d come to their senses. It was just a moment of craziness he figured but now it was once again proven that it wasn’t.

“Oh!” Dan exclaimed like he suddenly understood.

“Yeah I know it was a very difficult decision to make” he mocked.

“So what did you decide?”

Josh didn’t respond, he continued to glare at the man because once he agreed there was no turning back although there had been no turning back ever since the choice was first revealed.

“Do you want me to let some of my good friends visit your brother? Huh? Is that what you want?”

“No!” Josh yelled, panic in his eyes.

“No” he repeated softer this time.

“You know now that you’re here, you could spend some time with my sister. You know make up for the time you weren’t here the past week” he challenged.

Josh knew what he had to say, the words just got stuck in his throat so he settled for a simple nod. Dan smiled satisfied with the answer as he led Josh towards the stairs.

“Can I call my brother I’ll be home later? I told him I’d only be gone for a little while” he asked cautiously.

“Yeah sure, I’m not a bad person, wouldn’t want him to worry about you now do we?” Dan said with a voice filled with amusement.

“No,” Josh said in a small voice.

“Good, go up to Louisa and you can call in her room” he informed Josh while he gave him a little push towards the stairs.

“Okay” Josh replied while he slowly started up the stairs. Dan watched him go, another smile crossed his face, he’d smiled a lot since this boy came into their lives and he wasn’t about to give up on him. Not anytime soon anyway.


“You just got home?” Justin frowned as he grabbed a drink from the refrigerator.

“Uh, yeah” Josh responded hesitantly, turning his back on Justin as he shrugged out of his jacket.

“I thought you’d only be gone for a little while?”

“Yeah so?”

“It’s been three hours Josh, where were you?”

“Since when did you become my mother?”

“Josh,” Justin sighed. “I’m just asking”

“If you must know I was with Louisa”


“Oh?” Josh frowned.

“Yeah oh”


“Nothing” Justin denied.

“Justin!” Josh warned.

“I just think it’s a little strange; you don’t like her and you still hang out with her”

“I never said I didn’t like her” Josh muttered.

“Yeah you did” Justin said seriously.

“I can change my mind” Josh countered.

“Maybe” Justin said doubtfully.

“Justin” Josh whined; he knew Justin was right he just couldn’t have Justin being suspicious.


“Ugh” Josh said frustrated.

“What’s going on Josh?” Justin asked seriously.

“What do you mean?”

“I can see there is something going on. Something is frustrating you, you always act childishly when you’re frustrated”

“No I don’t” Josh countered childishly, proving Justin point. Justin crossed his arms pointedly.

“I just… I hate it that I can’t… figure out what I feel” Josh gave in, telling Justin something but it wasn’t the truth. Somewhere the truth transformed in a lie and he knew it had been on purpose. He just didn’t want to tell Justin, he didn’t want him to get hurt. Justin eyed him for a long time; making Josh feel as if he didn’t believe him. Finally he said.

“You just have to trust your instincts” Josh sighed.

“I know. Why can’t you just tell me what I feel… what to do” Josh said, mumbling the last part; he really wished Justin could help him but in fact he needed to help Justin. Justin chuckled.

“I know”

“Why can’t you?” Josh asked suddenly, Justin was baffled for a moment then remembered the request from Josh a few days earlier.

“You asked me to let you figure it out so I will, just be careful”

“I will” Josh mumbled. keep you safe.

< Trapped >