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Chapter 30

“What’s up sis?” Dan asked his sister who was staring at her food with a fork limply in her hand.

“Nothing” she shrugged.

“Josh has been giving you trouble? I’ll do something about that right away” he asked then drew his own conclusions.

“No! No he’s okay. But it’s um… It IS okay what we’re doing isn’t it?” she asked.

No Josh was okay, he was meeker than a dog, a beaten dog.

“Of course it is” Dan said firmly, frowning at his sister’s doubtful question.

“You love him he belongs to you. You can have anything and anyone you want” he convinced her.

She nodded furiously in response, convinced her brother was right. Actually she knew it wasn’t wrong what they were doing but once in a while she reflected her actions. It were tiny bits of guilt.

“Don’t ever doubt that alright?”

“Uh-huh” silence filled the room.

“Dan, I want to marry him” she blurted. She’d been dreaming about marrying a handsome guy, a guy who was all hers, it would make her already perfect life better than anything she’d ever dreamt about. Dan stared at her, taken aback but suddenly a huge smile crossed his face.

“Sure! Congratulations” he exclaimed, getting out of his chair and hugging her tight.

“He hasn’t said yes yet” she said mischievously. They shared a look before they burst out laughing.

“My little sister is getting married…” he said.

“If mom and dad were alive to see this they’d be so proud”

Ever since they’re mom and dad died Dan made it his top priority to make his sister happy. Anything she wanted he got it for her and with all the money their parents had left them nobody ever refused them anything up until Josh. Dan wasn’t going to allow him to refuse however. He’d make sure he did what Louisa wanted, no one refused her anything or rejected her.

No one.


“Josh” Dan called, jogging up to him.

“What?” he asked exasperated; Louisa had just kicked him out of the room, she needed time alone and so he’d left. He enjoyed those times alone as much as he could, it was the only thing to look forward to but he wasn’t leaving one to have to talk to another.

“Hey watch it!” Dan warned.

Did this guy ever stop threatening me? Josh wondered. He sighed, momentarily closing his eyes before looking at the man in front of him.

“What?” he asked again, a little more gentle this time.

“Congratulations” he said extending his hand for Josh to shake. Josh’s eyebrows furrowed.

“With what?” he asked in confusion.

“Your future marriage” Dan answered with an immense smile.

“Excuse me, my what?” he asked his confusion growing.

“You’re marriage”

“What the hell are you talking about Dan?” Josh asked, getting a little angry now.

“Louisa wants to be Mrs. Chasez and guess what?”

Josh cocked his head waiting for him to continue.

“You’re going to grant her her wish”

“What?” Josh exclaimed.

“You’re gonna marry my sister and you’re going to make her happy” he instructed.

“What?!” Josh exclaimed a little more fiercely.

“Have you got some sort of listening disorder?” Dan snarled back.

“You’re going to marry my sister you’re going to make her happy” he repeated harshly.

“What about making myself happy?” Josh asked softly, dropping his head sadly.

“Do I really have to answer that?” Dan asked rhetorically, giving Josh his answer who sighed and dropped his gaze.

“No,” he said dismissively.

“You already made it perfectly clear you don’t want me to be happy. You wouldn’t force me to stay if you did” he said miserably.

“Sir” he said sarcastically through gritted teeth.

“Josh I want my sister to be happy. I’m sorry if that doesn’t make you happy” Dan said in what almost sounded like an apology but Josh knew better.

“No you’re not” he said disgusted.

“No actually I’m not” he snickered.

Josh looked away the information he just got slowly sinking in. The fog of ignorance he’d been trapped in for the past weeks slowly lifting up. Obeying her every command was one thing but marrying her and letting her command him legally was a whole different ball game.

Not to mention it was something he would never get out of.

“Listen,” Dan said shaking him a little to get his attention.

“Now that’s settled. All you have to do is propose”

“What?! You not only force me to marry her but I have to ask her too?!” Josh asked incredulously, this was getting worse by the minute.

“Yeah” Dan replied simply, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“I have to propose to her for a marriage I don’t want?” he continued. Dan grabbed him by the throat and pushed him up against the wall, squeezing his neck a little, cutting off his air supply for a moment or two.

“Yes. And you’ll never say that you don’t want this marriage to her. Never, do I make myself clear?” Dan demanded, squeezing once again for effect, releasing him so he could answer him.

“Yes” he choked out in a gasp for air.

“Good” Dan said satisfied before stepping back.

“Make it something special alright” Dan said patting him on the shoulder before turning to leave.

“Yeah” Josh croaked trying to hold back his tears. Tears of anger and fear. Fear for his brother. He was still in danger and he couldn’t do a thing to help him except obey. It seemed the hardest job he’d ever had and he wanted to disappear, leave the girl he hated because of all her greediness and her brother who kept forcing him to do whatever they wanted by threatening someone he really loved.

“Good” Dan said with a smirk patting his cheek.

“Now get to work you have a proposal to prepare for” Dan said before walking away turning once more.

“Don’t you dare to disappoint her” he said while warningly pointing his index finger in Josh’s direction. Josh shook his head almost unnoticeable.

“I won’t” he said dejectedly and fell back against the wall. He slid down till he was sitting on the cold marble floor. His face turned upward with his eyes closed. Silent tears slowly tracked their way down his face.

He was trapped and if he did what Dan told him to do; he’d be trapped for life.


“I’ve got a feeling he’s going to try something” Dan said lounging in his chair, stroking his beard absentmindedly.

“Don’t let him out of your sight”

“Yes sir” Matt said obediently.

“Go find Josh and keep an eye on him, he’s not allowed to talk to Justin so keep him away from the phones and when he’s with my sister; you keep watch at a distance”

“Yes sir” Matt said, spinning on his heel, turning to go find Josh.


Josh had found a new hiding place in the times Louisa didn’t want to see him and he knew Matt was aware of his hide out place but he kept outside, knowing there were no windows in the particular room, there was no way to escape and no way he could contact anyone. He was safe there and Matt didn’t find it necessary to breathe down his neck. Matt was good at what he did and he could keep an eye on him from a little distance.

Josh was alone in the room and although he knew he was being watched he felt at ease in this room; as far as that was possible. He bit his nails as he thought about what Dan had said, had demanded really; he wanted him to marry his sister. How could they ask this from me? And I’m supposed to make it nice, damn how am I ever going to do that? How could I ever make it sound like I mean it? He knew he never could, he could propose yes but he could not make himself sound like he wanted her to say yes. As if he was nervous. He just couldn’t but he was pretty certain Louisa didn’t care, as long as he asked and she could say yes and they could get married she really didn’t care he supposed.

Josh spent quite some time in his new hide out place and it was in one of those hours he’d thought over this situation that he came to the conclusion that he really needed to tell Justin. He thought about his little brother every day and knew he must be worried sick.

It was almost two weeks after Dan had informed him he was to get married that he came up with his plan. He’d thought it over a lot; had weighed the risks and after a week he came to a decision; he had to ask for help and he had to do it now. Once he was married to Louisa there would be no turning back. He hadn’t wanted to ask Justin for help because he didn’t want to bring him into this. He didn’t want him to get involved but he realized Justin was already involved he just didn’t know it himself. He was sure this was his only chance. The cops were no option since they were all puppets of the rich family Treydson and so if he wanted help his only option was Justin. Now he knew he couldn’t just walk over to him, he knew they watched him like a hawk so he spent another good week thinking over possibilities as to how he could escape this prison. How he could escape Matt and his watchful eye. He had come up with a plan and now he needed to carry it out.

It wasn’t going to be easy but he had to, it was his only chance...

< Trapped >