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Chapter 32

It was a Thursday afternoon and Justin had no classes. He was tired and he didn’t feel like doing anything. Usually he’d be out with his friends, shooting some hoops or going to the movies but it all didn’t seem too appealing to him right now. He lay on the couch, an arm over his tired eyes. He knew Chris was somewhere but he ignored him, he didn’t want to hear his excuses, or the excuses he made up for Josh. Justin knew Chris meant well but it wasn’t making him feel better. Nothing was.

A knock on the door startled him, he let the arm drop to his side, staring at the door before he decided to ignore it. Whoever was at the door wouldn’t let himself be ignored however. He knocked again and again, louder and it almost sounded frantic. Justin still ignored it, till he heard his name.


“Josh?” Justin shot up from the couch and opened the door in one go. Josh was leaning with his hand against the doorway, panting severely.

“Josh?” Justin questioned. “What are you doing here?”

“Can… I… come in?” Josh breathed, trying to catch his breath, he’d run all the way over here in one go, not daring to stop once.

Justin forgot his anger and nodded his head; this was strange, just as strange as the past year. He opened the door wider and allowed him in. Chris stumbled in, rubbing his eyes, obviously he’d been asleep and the noise had his curiosity peeked. He saw Josh and his eyes widened.

“Josh!” Chris exclaimed, happy Josh was finally here, he hoped he could take away his brother’s anger and fear. Josh spun towards the voice.

“Chris?” Josh asked as if he wasn’t real.

“What are you doing here man?” he asked but Chris waved him off.

“Long story, you two better talk” he told them, it was important to Justin and Chris knew it so he went to the sink and got Josh a glass of water while Justin and Josh sat down on the couch.

“I… don’t have… a lot… of time” Josh told them, accepting the drink with a grateful smile. He drank the water greedily as Chris took a seat as well.

“Where have you been Josh?” Justin asked when Josh had finally caught his breath and had stopped panting. Josh swallowed, dropping his gaze.

“I’ve been with… Louisa” he answered truthfully, he could hear the hurt tone in his brother’s voice.

“You’ve been with her the whole time?” Justin asked, fighting to stay calm.

Josh nodded.

“And you never bothered to call me? To visit me?” Justin asked, the hurt making way for the anger.

“Justin I…”

“You weren’t here when I got beat up” he said in monotone and it was starting to scare Josh. He knew Justin would be angry but he’d hoped that as soon as he would explain it would all be okay but Justin didn’t let him explain.

“Where were you when I got kidnapped and was scared to death?!” he continued. Josh knew Justin felt abandoned and that caused the anger but Justin didn’t know how he had begged Dan to let him go see him.

“Justin you don’t understand…” Josh tried to explain once again but Justin didn’t want to hear it.

“Yeah I think I do!” Justin cut him off.

“They love you don’t they? They’re your family? They want to take care of you?” Justin ranted angrily.

“Justin give me a chance to explain” Josh almost begged, Justin was so angry and it hurt him.

“No! You totally got sucked in your little rich world and forgot about your real family. You weren’t even here when I got kidnapped! You didn’t even pick up the fucking phone! How could you ignore me like that?! How could you?!” Justin’s eyes were like fire, fury burning inside of him.

“Justin please it wasn’t my choice. I swear, I wanted to call you and visit you so fucking bad but they wouldn’t let me. I swear I wanted to come by. I swear! I would never ignore you, you’re my little brother I love you” Josh told him desperately.

Justin was so angry and Josh needed help so bad, if Justin hated him and would send him away he knew he’d kill himself. He knew that if Justin didn’t help him, hated him, there was no point in living anymore. He would not spend the rest of his life with Louisa, he’d rather die and Justin was his only hope. The anger slowly dissipated and Justin looked at his brother, he was near tears, almost begging him to believe him.

“What… what do you mean they wouldn’t let you?” Justin asked, a little calmer. Josh looked up at him, shocked for a moment before he realized that this was his chance and he needed to take it.

“You were right all along” Josh started finally after a deep breath. Justin frowned but listened in silence, so did Chris.

“I wasn’t with Louisa voluntarily, when… when I went over there to break it off last year they… threatened me”

“They did what?” Justin gasped.

“They threatened… to… to hurt you if I hurt her. I thought a few weeks couldn’t hurt but…”

“But…?” Justin asked, his eyes growing wider by the second.

“It didn’t stop, it only got worse, more and more weeks passed. They told me not to go to the police but after a while I had to go. I thought… it couldn’t hurt so… I went. But they knew me at the police station and they called for Dan and then… they hurt you” Josh rattled but ended in a whisper.

“They what?” Justin’s eyebrows furrowed.

“Dan said he’d beat you up” Josh confessed shamefully.

“Oh my God” Justin gasped, his hand coming up to cover his mouth in shock.

“They were the reason… you… you got arrested and they were behind…” Josh told him but he couldn’t continue, however Justin already knew the answer,

“The kidnapping”

“Yes” Josh answered sadly, dropping his head. Chris watched and listened, shock himself.

“Nothing I did was because I wanted to, I had to, they forced me, telling me they would hurt you if I didn’t corporate. I had to move in with her and I had to quit my job. I had to do what they wanted or you’d be in danger” Josh confessed brokenly.

“And you never told me?!” Justin exclaimed suddenly.

“I know I should have told you sooner but I couldn’t! I was so afraid they would hurt you” he said gently but ashamed.

“They did hurt me” Justin countered angrily.

“It could have been worse” Josh told him honestly; it could have been far worse. But Justin didn’t listen.

“You let me believe everything was okay but in fact those guys were after me the whole time!”

“Justin I’m…”

“No save it! I don’t want to hear it” Justin denied, he was going to say he was sorry? What the hell was that good for?! He should have told me.

“Justin please, I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you about this but I thought I made the right decision by not saying anything. I didn’t want to include you in my mess”

“But I was already included!” he yelled.

“I know,” he said brokenly, ducking his head as the first real tears escaped.

“I’m really sorry, I only wanted to protect you” Josh sniffled, he was crying now Justin could see the tears falling from his eyes. Justin had never seen Josh cry, not recently, he hardly ever cried and this was a good sign as any that Josh was heartbroken. Justin pushed away his anger and scooted closer to his brother, hugging him suddenly. Josh quickly fell into the hug and hugged him back.

“You should have told me Josh” Justin whispered in his ear.

“I couldn’t,” Josh whispered back. “I’m sorry”

“It’s okay” Justin told him finally before pulling back.

“I love you Justin” he told his brother.

“I love you too” Justin replied with a small reassuring smile.

“Are you safe now?” Justin asked suddenly, wondering why he could even be here.

“No, they’re probably looking for me already”

“Oh no” Justin gasped.

Josh nodded.

“I need your help Justin” he told him finally, the reason why he’d come here.

“With what?” Justin asked eager to help his brother from this miserable situation.

“Dan wants me to marry Louisa, he’s already got a date” Josh told Justin the latest news.

“He what?”

“I have to marry her and they already know when” Josh repeated sadly.

“But you haven’t asked her!” Justin panicked. “And you don’t have to, do you?”

“Yes I do have to and she’s not going to say no, I have to propose”

“You what?” Justin was really starting to panic.

“Let’s stay calm” Chris intervened for the first time, situations where in people often panicked where his specialty, taken care of it calmly.

“When is the wedding?” he asked Josh calmly.

“In four weeks” Josh answered miserably.

“What?” Justin exclaimed.

“I know, it’s so soon!” Josh cried, facing Justin.

“I can’t marry her or I’ll be stuck forever. I have to find a way, please help me Justin, I’m so trapped I don’t see a way out I need your help” Josh begged again, he needed help so bad.

“What do you want me to do?” Justin cried helplessly; he wanted to help of course! But how? It sounded like Dan had all his basics covered.

“Stop the wedding. Any way you can. And don’t go to the cops. Just stop the wedding. I beg you, please. I know you hate me for not telling you but please hate me later. I can’t do this without your help, please” Josh begged, seriously begged. Justin’s anger had surpassed completely now, he just couldn’t be mad.

“I will. I don’t hate you Josh, I’ll help you. I swear I’ll try” Justin reassured.

“Thank you” Josh cried, hugging his little brother tight. He wiped away his tears and pulled back. He kissed his brother on the forehead before pulling back completely.

“I got to get back” he said suddenly as he got up.

“No you can’t!” Justin protested, jumping up as well.

“I have to or they’ll come after you. Chris keep him safe for me?” Josh pleaded with the man he’d known for years.

“Will do” Chris reassured.

“Thanks for being here for him” Josh expressed his gratitude.

“It’s okay Josh. It’ll work out we’ll do everything we can” Chris reassured once more.

“Thank you” Josh said sincerely, hugging him too.

“Don’t worry Josh, we’ll figure something out” Justin reassured. Josh smiled, despite the moist in his eyes, his kid brother wasn’t as young and dependant as Josh had thought; he was very grateful for that.

“Just be careful. I love you Justin” Josh said meaningful, hugging him once more. He’d never meant the words I love you as much as today.

“I love you too” Justin whispered, watching him go.


Justin plumped on the couch, he buried his face in his hands and the tears fell.

“Why didn’t he tell me?” he whispered through his tears.

“He wanted to protect you” Chris said gently, wrapping Justin in a hug as the young boy cried.

“How are we ever going to get him out of this?” he asked desperately, he’d reassured Josh it would be okay but he wasn’t sure at all.

“I don’t know but we’ll think of something. We’ll do whatever it takes. I swear”

< Trapped >