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Chapter 34

Two days later, it was a Saturday afternoon and they’d woken up about half an hour ago, there was a rumble at the door. Louisa had snuggled in his arms and they’d been laying like that for a while now. Louisa called that whoever it was could come in with a pleased smile on her face.

“I apologize for disturbing you miss but I’ll have to take him with me now” Matt said politely. Josh’s eyes widened in fear; this was it. It was Matt’s turn to have his way with him, he knew Matt was majorly pissed with him for tricking him and he didn’t want to think about the things he was going to do. Louisa pouted his way but Matt just smiled pleasantly.

“Your brother’s instructions, he’ll inform you of the events”

“Okay” Louisa accepted.

Josh’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets; she agreed to something?

Hell must have frozen over.

“Let’s go” Matt instructed Josh who was still safely tucked away behind Louisa. Matt smirked as he caught the fear in Josh’s eyes; good he should be scared. Josh reached for his underwear without having to come out of bed and he quickly slipped into them before getting up from under the covers and dressing fully. Matt’s smirk widened but Josh ignored it, standing with his back to him. He didn’t even bother to pull a hand through his hair as he slowly, dreadfully walked to Matt in the doorway.

“Sweetie” Louisa called for him, forcing Josh to turn back around. She motioned him over seductively with her index finger and he sighed but went. She clutched the sheets around her body as she pulled him closer with one hand and pressed her lips to his in a lustful kiss. When she released him, she sent him a pleased smile before falling back against the pillows.

Josh turned miserably and walked once again to Matt. He walked out ahead of him, Matt allowing Josh to go first while he passed a smile to Louisa before closing the door. As soon as the door was closed, a strong hand wrapped itself around Josh’s right bicep and forcefully pulled him towards the owner of the hand.

“You’ll pay Josh” Matt whispered in his ear.

“You thought you could trick me and you’ll pay for that” Matt told him again as he pulled him along. Matt knew where he was going to take him too, he’d discussed it with Dan and he was fine with his plan. It was all set up for him. Matt dragged Josh all the way down the stairs and Josh was getting really nervous, he was almost panicking.

“Where… where are we going?” he dared to ask when they passed the stairs and the offices.

“You’ll see” Matt told him evilly.

Josh shuddered, wondering what would be awaiting him. They finally halted in front of a door. It looked like all the other doors in the house but once it opened Josh saw this was a door not like any other. There was a flight of stairs behind the door and it was dark in whatever lay beneath it. Matt descended the stairs and Josh had little choice but to follow. Matt flicked on the light as they reached the bottom one and it bathed the small room in a bright light.

Josh’s eyes widened; it was a normal basement but the room was small compared to the rest of the house; 4x3 meters. The stairs were against the shortest wall, leading up to the door they’d just passed through. Four meters of concrete wall was in front of him. A small cot sat to the left in the corner, there was a desk on the right side and a small table halfway to his right. Also a closet and a dresser stood against the right wall. However what caught his eye and made them widen was the chair in the center of the room. A small bag sat next to it and Josh knew this was bad news.

Matt dragged Josh with him and once again there was no reason to try to get away. Soon he was sitting in the chair, his big blue eyes filled with fear and automatically his hand came up to his mouth, chewing his nails as the big angry man stared down on him.

“Don’t move an inch” Matt instructed after a few moments of taking in the boy’s fear. Josh didn’t dare to disobey.

Matt moved towards the bag, bending to pick it up and Josh followed his every move. He heard the familiar jingle of something in the bag and knew what it was; handcuffs. Matt was going to tie him up. Panic gripped him but it wasn’t enough to get him to move. He knew there was nothing he could do anyway and sadly he hung his head, dropping his hand to his side as Matt came up behind him. Matt reached for his arms and Josh allowed them to be drawn behind his back. He felt the cold of the handcuffs on his wrist and the restraining feeling as the other was forced to meet it. A piece of rope was wrapped around his ankles and tied off to the foot of chair. Another rope was tied around his waist, keeping him to the chair and a final one was wound around his upper chest. He didn’t have much leeway he realized and sadly he stared up at Matt who was now hovering over him; satisfied.

“You took advantage of my boss’ hospitality so for a little while you’ll be staying here, with me” he smiled evilly once again enjoying the look of pure terror on Josh’s face.

“If you behave we might, after a while, move you back up but don’t count on it” he smirked. He loved his job.

“You dared to run away from me!” Matt accused.

“You shouldn’t have tricked me. I’ll make sure you regret even thinking about it” Matt told him and Josh anxiously waited what would happen next. He had a feeling Matt was going to beat him up, but surprisingly he didn’t. Matt simply turned and walked towards the stairs. He climbed them quickly, knowing Josh was watching him and disappeared through the door, leaving Josh alone and very uncertain about what would happen to him.

< Trapped >