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Chapter 35

The light was so bright, it shone down on him and it almost hurt his eyes. Josh tried to move a little but like he’d discovered before; he couldn’t. He stilled his movements, knowing they were futile but he felt so helpless. He had no clue what would happen to him and it drove him nuts. All the questions he had went without answers. The worst thing was that he now had time to think about them. When he’d been with Louisa for a few days there had been a lot of questions going through his mind as well but he hadn’t had time to think about them. Now that he was alone and obviously not going anywhere, all the questions had free play to go through his head and he did not like it.

What am I doing here?

Why am I in the basement?

Why am I tied up?

What is Matt going to do?

Does Dan know about this?

Of course he knew, how could he not!

But what was going to happen?

It was only the tip of the iceberg; Josh had tons of other questions that also wouldn’t get answered any time soon.


Josh woke up to someone cracking his knuckles. He slowly opened his eyes, focusing in on the big man directly in front of him. He startled and tried to get away from him but then he remembered he was still tied to the chair. He barely registered the two other men behind Matt, smirking in the same evil way. He didn’t really know how long he’d been here but he figured a while since his limbs were seriously cramped. He must have been here a while he was sure. Unknown to Josh he’d been there for exactly two days, it was now Tuesday and Matt had left him for two days.

Although Josh didn’t know exactly how long he’d been there, he knew exactly what had happened since he got here.

Matt silently walked over to him, a bowl of water in his right hand. Josh figured it was for him to drink. He was pretty thirsty but he was afraid of Matt. He stalked towards the young boy and stood directly in front of him. Matt grabbed his throat harshly and pushed his head back. Matt pushed so hard Josh was afraid he would snap his neck in two but that wasn’t Matt’s intention. Josh felt something against his lips and opened them automatically, the water gulped in but it went too fast. Josh tried to twist away, to swallow the water first before he took in more but Matt didn’t allow it. He poured the water in his mouth in one go and Josh was forced to keep up, reducing to more than half of the water to soak his shirt and end around him on the floor instead of in his mouth. He spluttered against the last bit and managed to get a few swallows of water to somehow satisfy his dry mouth. Josh gasped as soon as he’d swallowed the last bit and Matt released his neck. He shook his head to get rid of the water on his face and coughed a few times. Some of the water had, in desperation of air, gone down the wrong tube, almost suffocating him. Matt soon reappeared, stuffing a cloth in his mouth before closing it off with a piece of tape. Matt tightened the ropes around Josh’s ankles and upper body while Josh coughed in his gag. He then watched helplessly how Matt once again disappeared upstairs, leaving him to his fate.

The next time Matt faced him he had a chunk of bread in his hand and the bowl from the day before in the other. Josh realized he was really hungry, his stomach rumbling as soon as he saw the bread in front of his eyes. Matt smirked when Josh looked at the bread desperately. Matt balanced both items on his left hand and pulled away the tape with his right. He pulled the cloth out of Josh’s mouth and Josh automatically licked his lips. Matt walked over to the small table to his right and placed the bowl of water on it. He walked with the small bit of bread to Josh and pushed his head back once again. He forced the bread in Josh’s mouth and Josh chewed and swallowed as fast as he could. Matt then went to get the bowl of water and poured it once again, in one go down his throat. The same thing happened as the day before and before Matt left he pulled the ropes tighter yet again, making Josh wince this time. His limbs had been forced in this position for too long and it didn’t seem to end soon. The gag was once again in his mouth and he silently watched Matt leave, wondering why he was doing this.

As Matt once again cracked his knuckles Josh startled out of his thoughts and stared up at the big man. Josh saw in his eyes that Matt was ready for revenge. He ripped away the tape and threw away the gag. Matt then moved around him to release the ropes and they all fell away but Josh wasn’t able to move any more than when he was tied up. Matt soon appeared in front of him again and grabbed his still damp shirt, pulling him upright. Josh moaned loudly as his limbs were stretched after days of sitting in the same position while Matt pulled the chair out of the way. Matt pushed him away and Josh stumbled, he would have fallen if the two men weren’t there to catch him. They each grabbed an arm and Josh hung limply in their grip. Matt stepped up to him, watching the almost limp figure waiting for his punishment.

Josh stared frightened as Matt approached and before he had time to react Matt had bored his fist in Josh’s stomach. Josh doubled over immediately but the two men holding him pulled him up right after. The second blow hit his stomach and although he was more prepared for it there was no way of protecting himself with his arms still tied behind his back and the two strong men firmly holding onto them.

Oh Josh understood now that Matt was pissed, he’d been holding it in for a while now and now that he had Josh in front of him he totally let go. He totally beat him up, he hit his stomach over and over again and then signaled the men to release him. Josh felt himself falling but it seemed to take forever till his body hit the floor. He hardly felt it due to the blows. He lay on the floor unmoving and Matt took a final round, this time using his feet before he ended it with a forceful blow to his face and Josh blacked out.

< Trapped >