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Chapter 36

When he came to he was alone in the room, he moaned softly as it hurt to even open his eyes. He was still in the damn light but relieved he was alone. He couldn’t move and so he decided to stay put, it wasn’t really a decision it was necessity. He felt himself slipping back into the blessing of feeling nothing and he surrendered to the blackness that threatened to overtake him once again.


“Wakey wakey” a voice taunted softly above him. Josh slowly surfaced consciousness and was met with Matt’s smiling face. He tried again to scoot away but was again unsuccessful. He was still aching all over and he just prayed Matt would leave him alone today.

“Matt… please” he croaked, his mouth dry and his jaw stiff.

“What?” Matt growled.

“Please don’t… hit me… again” Josh managed.

“Why wouldn’t I? You dared to trick me, you should learn your lesson, why shouldn’t I teach you a lesson?” Matt asked angrily.

“I’m… sorry I tricked… you. I just… wanted to be alone… for a while” Josh told him hoarsely, closing his eyes in pain. Just breathing hurt.

“You were alone, you wanna stay down here for a while longer and be… alone?” Matt taunted.

“No… not anymore” Josh replied desperately, pleading.

“Hmm… we’ll see” Matt hummed, thinking it over, then shrugging. It wasn’t his call to make but it was fun to torture him a little, after all he’d deserved it.

Before Josh knew it he was alone again. He couldn’t believe Matt would leave him here, well he better believe it because he had left him here once again. Josh closed his eyes and rested his head against the cool cement of the basement floor. He wanted to fall asleep again but he was afraid he couldn’t; his stomach rumbled loudly and his mouth was cork dry. His eye caught a plate and a bowl; his diner. But it seemed so far away. It was only two yards but it seemed the distance between the US and Europe. He knew he’d have to get there because he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep otherwise.

He slowly stretched his legs and pushed himself off carefully; his arms were still tied behind his back so they wouldn’t be of any use at all. He pushed off of the floor, scooting himself a little closer to his destination but it scraped his legs and side as he moved. He ignored it, it was one or the other. Bit by bit Josh moved to the bowl and plate, moving eight inches every five minutes. He needed to rest in between and bite back the pain with every little bit of movement. Just a little longer, he urged himself, a little further. He came closer and closer and finally, he had no idea how long it had taken him but he reached the bowl and the plate. He bend his head towards the bread and ate it quickly, then slurping up the water like a dog. It would have been humiliating if he weren’t so damn thirsty. As soon as it was gone Josh dropped his head to the floor, panting with exertion and finally closing his eyes.


“Do you think he’s learned his lesson?” Dan asked his employee with a smirk.

“Oh I believe so yes” Matt reassured with a joyful smile. He’d informed his boss of what he’d done to the boy and Dan had surely enjoyed the story. Matt had done a good job and he believed Josh was ready to come upstairs.

“Good, we’ll get him later” Dan informed his employee.



Josh slowly opened his eyes. The pain seemed less but it was premature. He tried to move a little and the pain shot through him like a bolt of electricity. He startled as he heard the door open. He heard two pair of feet on the stairs and soon met their owners. Matt and Dan.

“Hello Joshua” Dan greeted pleasantly. Josh ignored him, he turned his head the other way.

“Not very polite are we? I said hello Joshua” Dan demanded suddenly. Josh thought it was better to answer him, he didn’t want another beating.

“Hi” he answered softly. Josh could almost feel the conceited look on Dan’s face.

“Good” Dan nodded.

“Did you learn your lesson Josh?” Dan asked him another question and Josh wondered why they couldn’t just leave him alone.

“Yes… sir” Josh responded with a wince.

Dan nodded again. “I might agree”

“Matt help our guest up, will you” Dan asked rhetorically.

“It will be my pleasure” Matt smirked as he harshly reached out to pull Josh up. Josh moaned loudly once again as Matt pulled him to a standing position. Josh couldn’t keep himself up and was now grateful for the restraining hand on his bicep.

“Now Josh I hope you learned your lesson for real because Matt hates to get double crossed. I would think again before you even think about doing it again because I won’t give him a time frame then” Dan warned.

Josh nodded that he understood although he could hardly make himself hear the words. He was so exhausted. The fear, the pain, sleeping on the floor. He knew there was a cot for him to use but he’d been too exhausted and in too much pain to get himself up and on the cot. It hadn’t done his already cramped muscles a lot of good though. His arms had been strained in this position for days and they were almost numb. He was afraid of the pain when they would finally release him but he didn’t get any time to think about it.

Matt pulled him along to the stairs and they went up to the main floor. Matt and Dan made him climb more stairs though and he just prayed he wouldn’t have to climb all of them, all the way to the third floor. They didn’t; they turned left on the first floor and halted in front of the umpteenth door. Josh wasn’t counting, he was more trying not to stumble and fall. He did stumble but Matt prevented him from falling down. Dan opened the door and walked in, leaving Matt to follow with Josh which he soon did. Josh numbly looked around a bit. It was a fairly big room, not as big as Louisa’s suit but more luxurious than the basement. It had a living room, where they were now standing in, a bed room and a bathroom, basically everything he needed.

“What do you think?” Dan asked as he spun towards the slumped figure in Matt’s hand.

“Why… why am I… here?” Josh asked slowly and painfully. It still hurt to breathe, talking was worse.

“You’ll be staying here for a little while, till the wedding” Dan informed him and Josh, no matter how hurt, cringed at the words.

“Why?” he breathed.

“Why not... leave me in the… basement” he mumbled bitterly.

“Now Josh, I can’t let you marry my sister like this now can I?” he asked rhetorically as he led the way to the bedroom. Matt followed and guided Josh to the bed. He finally took out the key that would release his hands from the handcuffs. Josh bit his lip hard as his arms fell in front of him. He yelled loudly on the inside, not wanting to give these two men the satisfaction of his pain. He took quite some time, which they allowed, to let the pain cease before he stepped up to the bed. He needed to lay down.

“Why not?” Josh still asked although softly, cringing as he lowered himself on the bed and lay down. It hurt.

“Now now Josh, I don’t want you to marry my sister like this. All banged up and chafed wrists. Here you can rest, heal and get ready to marry her” Dan beamed, happy this was all working out according to plan. The wedding was just three weeks away, plenty of time for Josh to get better and marry his sister in good health. Or at least in smooth features.

“I’ll never be ready for that” Josh mumbled to himself as he painfully rolled onto his side.

“What did you say?” Dan demanded suddenly, he’d caught something and he dared Josh to say it again.

“Nothing” Josh said dejectedly.

“Good. Rest up and get gorgeous” Dan smirked before he left the room.

Get gorgeous, Josh frowned. Weirdo.

He left it, he was too tired and his stomach hurt, it was stinging and he knew that if he could just sleep it would all be okay. Sleep on a soft surface. He knew Matt was sitting opposite of the bed, watching him but he knew he didn’t have to be afraid anymore because Dan wouldn’t let Matt beat him up again. Dan wouldn’t let him marry his sister in this condition. No he didn’t have to fear him but he was still uncomfortable, for exactly five seconds. Uncomfortable or not, nothing could keep him from taking himself to a place where he wouldn’t feel his aching body. The only way was to sleep and he craved it. It didn’t take long till he was snoring lightly, forgotten all about the man who was still watching him from the other side of the room.


“Chris what are we going to do? It’s been a week and we’re no closer to helping him!” Justin exclaimed worriedly.

“Relax kid” Chris soothed but Justin was done with that. Chris had tried that and had succeeded the past week, ever since Josh had come by but Justin was beyond that now. He needed to know that they were going to help his brother, he needed to know this would work.

“Don’t tell me to relax! Don’t fucking tell me to relax!” Justin lashed out at his friend. Chris understood the reaction but still took a step back.

“Relaxing isn’t going to help Josh” he whispered almost defeated. Chris noticed.

“Hey, don’t give up just yet. I haven’t tried everything”

“Like what?”

“I called my partner and asked him to check a few things but he hasn’t called me back yet”

“Is that a good or a bad thing?” Justin asked, not certain if he should hope or not.

“I don’t know” Chris admitted. “It could go either way” Justin sighed, falling back on the couch, letting his head fall back to the edge of the couch.

“This is hopeless isn’t it?” he asked softly, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

“Justin we’ll help him, I’ll do everything I can. Listen, I’ll call Fred again and otherwise I’ll go down there myself okay?” he said, not ready to give up and wanting Justin to feel the same.

“It will be okay”

Justin smiled a little, thankful at least for the fact that Chris was helping him. If he didn’t have Chris here with him, he hadn’t known what to do. Chris had called his partner at the police station in the next town and asked him to do some digging. He knew going to this town’s police station would be the wrong move. Chris trusted his partner Fred but he hadn’t called him yet. He was willing to go to him but he really didn’t feel comfortable leaving Justin here so he’d waited.

“I’ll call him right now okay?”

“Okay” Justin agreed softly.

“Thank you” Chris smiled back, determined to help them. He’d call Fred right away and see if he had any ideas how to handle this, if he didn’t he was going to call a few more people himself.

They couldn’t all have fallen for Treydson’s money, it just couldn’t and he would search for those independent ones, he had to for Justin and especially for Josh.


Josh recovered quickly. He was out of bed and walking around, around his own room, listlessly after a week. The bruise on his face, the only one that showed was almost gone and also the chafed wrists were almost healed due to the cream the doctor had prescribed him.

Dan had let a doctor come in, his personal physician to check Josh. He wasn’t going to take any chances concerning his future brother in law because Louisa would never forgive him. The man told Dan that he wasn’t seriously injured, Matt really knew how to make someone hurt without damaging anything. The doctor had given him something for the injuries that showed and told him it all would heal with time. Josh hadn’t said anything but Dan had thanked the man and led him out of the room. The cream and the rest had helped because Josh sure looked better, Dan could see he was still hurting a bit but he just smirked. It was good because it would remind him of what he’d done and what he shouldn’t do again in the future.

All in all Dan was happy; everything was going according to plan. Another two weeks and his sister would have her true wish come true.

< Trapped >