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Chapter 37

“Joshua?” Dan called as he entered his more or less prisoner’s room. He met Matt instead.

“Where is Josh, Matt?” Dan asked, not concerned at all; there was nowhere for him to go. He couldn’t disappear.

“He’s in the shower boss, he’ll be out in just a sec” Matt informed his boss.

“Good” Dan nodded before turning towards the guest he’d brought along.

“Mr. Daniels, please take a seat, Joshua will be here in a short while. Can I offer you something to drink in the meantime?” Dan asked politely, waving the man further into the room. The man came in with a shake of his head.

“No thank you, I’m fine” he declined before sitting down in the living room.

“Okay, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll check on Josh. I’ll be right back” Dan excused himself. Mr. Daniels nodded before crossing his legs, setting his case next to the chair he was sitting in.

Dan wandered into the bedroom and adjoining bathroom. He didn’t expect Josh to be in the bedroom but he was; sitting on the bed, idly staring out in front of him.

“What are you waiting for Josh?” Dan asked slightly irritated Josh was deliberately making them wait.

“Nothing” Josh shrugged.

He’d been here a week and a half and he knew the wedding was getting closer, only a week and a half left. He was afraid, afraid Dan’s plan would succeed and so nervous Justin’s wouldn’t. He could only hope and pray Justin and Chris would somehow find a way for him to get out of it but he knew it must be difficult. He was hoping for some kind of miracle and he was afraid it wouldn’t be spend on him.

“Then come on, we’re waiting for you. I hate to wait Joshua and do I really need to go over this again?” Dan warned and threatened in those short few sentences.

“No” Josh denied, shaking his head.

No, Josh didn’t need him to go over this again. He knew what was going to happen now and he knew what was expected of him. Mr. Daniels was a tailor, he did a lot of weddings. He was coming over to customize his suit, the one Dan had had someone buy for him. Josh had been stunned when they showed him the suit and now Mr. Daniels came over to make it look as if the suit was made especially for him. Well actually it was but Josh could care less about the whole thing. It seemed very important to Dan though.

“Good then get a move on” Dan said motioning him to follow which Josh finally did.

“Ah good afternoon” Mr. Daniels acknowledged jumping out of his chair to greet the groom.

“Looking forward to the big day Mr. Chasez?” Mr. Daniels asked friendly.

“Very” Josh said but it came out rather sarcastically and when he saw the frown on Mr. Daniels’ face Josh knew the man had heard it that way too. Josh smiled to fix the frown and it did to some extent.

“Shall we begin?” the man asked, he wasn’t here to judge. Mr. Treydson had paid him a lot of money not to and so he wouldn’t question or judge anything as long as he got the other half of the money he’d been promised.

“Alright” Josh agreed, taking the suit from Mr. Daniels before going behind the changing curtain that had been set up especially for this. Josh came out minutes later, dressed in the black suit. It was a beautiful suit and it looked stunning but Josh didn’t care. He admitted that it was a nice suit. The jacket, pants and the vest were black with a white blouse and a black tie. Mr. Daniels inspected the suit, tugging here and there to see if it fit properly. He started measuring immediately and held the piece of paper nearby. Josh stood still with a bored and indifferent look on his face.

“Turn please” Mr. Daniels’ voice asked.

“Just go around me” Josh countered, he really didn’t want to turn. Dan’s warningful glance made him sigh and turn but ever so slowly. Mr. Daniels continued to tug here and there, check if everything was alright and when he was done he placed the paper on the table to his left and turned to Dan.

“The sleeves are a little too long and it’s a bit wide around the waist, we need to take a little bit off the pants”

“Okay,” Dan nodded.

“If you say so” Mr. Daniels smiled.

“Josh go change” Dan said as if it wasn’t a command.

Josh nodded before stepping off the platform and going behind the curtain, taking the suit off and changing back into his comfortable clothes. He put the suit on the coat hanger and placed it back in the bag he’d gotten it in before walking out with the bag in his hand. Josh walked towards Mr. Daniels who was busily talking to Dan and he simply handed the bag over with a small but friendly smile. Josh walked away without hearing a word that was being said. He really didn’t care, it was not like he had a say in anything anyway so he left the room, going into the bedroom with Matt following right behind him.


“Josh” Dan addressed him a little while after he’d heard a door shut.

“What?” Josh wondered, turning around to face him.

“What the hell is wrong with you” Dan demanded. Josh frowned bitterly. He stood abruptly.

“You want to know what’s wrong with me?” Josh asked incredulously while he inwardly said, what the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you! You’re the one keeping me here against my will!

“No actually I don’t” Dan said with a smirk.

“Listen Josh. Mr. Daniels will come again in a few days to see if the suit fits properly…” Dan started but Josh cut him off rather harshly.

“It’ll fit alright!”

“Don’t you dare use that tone with me” Dan scolded.

“Ah, shut up” Josh said exhausted all of a sudden, exhausted of the threats and the demands. Dan laughed at him, shocked by the response the young man gave, but pushing him up against the wall a moment later; the laughter gone completely.

“Watch it Josh because I might not hurt you but don’t forget about your brother” Dan threatened.

“Just leave me alone” he whispered defeated, slumping in Dan’s grip.

“You will behave yourself Joshua or there will be consequences” Dan cleared.

Josh nodded in understanding.

“And you will behave when Mr. Daniels returns, I don’t want a smart answer from you and you’ll do what he says” Dan told Josh what was expected of him once again.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone? It’ll fit, he took my measurements. I’ll put the damn thing on and marry her but please leave me alone till then” he requested softly.

“No Josh. You don’t set the rules here. You will listen to me; you’ll try the suit on, you’ll listen to Mr. Daniels and no smart answers. You will marry my sister and remember Josh; you are in no position to make demands here, do you understand me?” Dan demanded once again. It was always the same. Josh slowly lifted his head, looking at the man in front of him, sullenly, exhausted and miserably.


“Good boy” Dan mocked, patting his cheek before stepping back and leaving the room.

Josh didn’t respond; he watched him go and then stumbled to his bed. He heaved a sigh as he lay down, laying on his back and his eyes settled on the ceiling above him. He wearily closed his eyes while he prayed, please help me Justin, please get me out of this.

< Trapped >