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Chapter 38

“Good morning Josh” Dan said when he saw the bundled up figure under the blankets blankly staring back at him.

“How are you feeling this fine morning?” Dan asked with a smug smile on his face. Josh looked away from him, giving him no response while Dan made his way over to the young man. He pulled the blankets off of him and threw them away at the end of the footboard. Josh stared at Dan with weary eyes.

“What do you want?” Josh asked his voice hoarse with sleep.

“You know what I want Josh” Dan stated simply crossing his arms over his chest.

“Leave me alone” Josh said softly, looking away.

“I told you that was not an option, get up right now and get ready, Mr. Daniels will be here any second”

“Fine” Josh grumbled, deciding against picking a fight; he wasn’t in the mood. He slowly sat himself up and stumbled into the bathroom, taking his clothes with him on the way. He came out minutes later and walked with Dan to the living room. Mr. Daniels was already waiting for him; again.

“Good morning” Mr. Daniels said pleasantly.

“Hi” Josh responded but not with a lot of enthusiasm.

“Shall we begin?” he inquired, holding out the suit for the young man to take.

“Sure” Josh said indifferent as he stepped up to the man and took the suit from him. He ignored Dan’s glare and went behind the curtain to get the suit on. As he finished dressing he suddenly realized how close he was to marrying Louisa. He was even trying on the suit he’d wear that day! He suddenly had the urge to tear it off, rip it away but he knew it wouldn’t accomplish anything. He wouldn’t get out of that wedding. Dan wouldn’t let him, he’d force him to get married in his underwear even, Josh was certain of it. No it wouldn’t do him any good but it would certainly feel good.

“Joshua!” Dan called when it all took a little longer than he liked.

Josh sighed heavily but went, they’d trained him to obey orders and Josh was sad to admit that it had worked…


“Justin?” Chris called as he entered the apartment he was still sharing with Justin. Especially after they’d learned Justin was in danger.

“Yeah?” Justin called back, almost running into the living room.

“Sit down” Chris ordered as he shrugged out of his jacket.

“What is it Chris?” Justin questioned curiously but sat down as ordered.

“I did some digging” Chris stated settling opposite of his friend.

“What did you find out?” Justin asked immediately, hearing by the tone in his voice it was something big.

“Did you find anything on Dan? Anything we can use against him? Anything we can use to help Josh?” Justin fired his questions when Chris took a breath.

“Can you take a breath kid?” Chris remarked, getting dizzy from the questions Justin was firing at him. Justin sighed.

“Sorry I just want to help Josh”

Chris smiled reassuringly. “It will be okay kid”

“So you found something?”

Chris nodded. “I did, yes”

“What is it, tell me!” Justin persisted, scooting to the edge of his seat.

“I did some digging and it wasn’t easy; they’d covered it up real nice but as it turns out Dan has a history of this”

“Of what?” Justin asked a little confused. Not sure he wanted to know the answer to his question.

“Of keeping his sister’s boyfriends with her against their will”

“What?” Justin exclaimed astonished. Chris nodded.

“He’s done this before, six times to be precise maybe even more but six was all I could find”

“Shit” Justin breathed.

“How did the others get away? We could use their technique”

“I don’t think they had one”

“What? But then how did they…”

“Get away?” Chris finished.

Justin nodded, a fearful expression in his eyes.

“They didn’t. They were allowed to leave when Louisa didn’t want them anymore”

“Crap” Justin cursed, slamming his fist on the coffee table as the words they didn’t repeated in his head. They didn’t get away.

“And she still wants Josh! She wants to marry him! We got to do something Chris, fast!”

“I know. I’m going to see if I can track down her ex-boyfriends, see if they can give us some useful information” Chris decided, getting up to do just that.

“Wait!” Justin stopped him.

“Can I come?” he asked hopeful.

“It’s better if you don’t”

“But I want to help”

“It will look suspicious, you don’t know if you’re being watched”


Chris took in a breath, damn, he hadn’t been meaning to say that.

“Look if they go through all the trouble to threaten Josh to keep him there it could be a possibility that they are watching you” he told his younger friend gently. He didn’t want to scare him but it was possible.

“You can better stay here Justin, lock the doors and hang tight. Just do what you normally do and let me handle this. I’ll keep you posted” Justin sighed, sitting back down.

“It will be okay Justin” Justin’s concerned blue eyes met his friend’s.

“I hope so” Chris turned to leave but turned suddenly.

“Just, listen, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you” Chris said, it had been going around in his head and he wanted to let Justin know.

“What do you mean?” Justin asked confused.

“You had a feeling something was off but I didn’t listen to you” Justin gave him a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay Chris. I wasn’t sure either”

“You were and as a cop I should have listened to you” Chris still scolded himself for it, if he would have listened they might have been able to do something sooner and it would probably be more effective.

“It’s okay Chris I know I overreact sometimes it has got nothing to with you, doesn’t make you a less good cop. Just promise me you’ll help us, help Josh” Chris smiled gratefully.

“I promise I’ll try”


Louisa was almost bouncing with excitement. This all had been so wonderful. Her wedding was almost planned, there really wasn’t a lot for her to do and she liked it that way. Dan had hired a whole army of people to get Louisa’s dream wedding together while Josh was first getting beat up in the basement and then recovering in another room.

They talked about Louisa’s wishes for the wedding in their rooms on the top floor. She’d met with her wedding planner once Matt had taken Josh with him. Dan had set it up and she’d been so happy with it. They’d started talking and soon the girl, Susan, knew exactly what Louisa wanted. The fact that the groom didn’t participate in the preparations didn’t bother her at all; she was getting well paid and so whatever she wanted it’d go. With all the money they owned they also had the first call to the town’s church. No matter if they’d be booked they’d reschedule for them. They decided to use the house for the party afterwards. All Louisa had to do was pick out a dress, Susan brought along a whole clothing rack of choices. They’d spent a whole day trying them out and it was great fun but that was really all Louisa had to do. She told Susan what she wanted and she’d take care of it all and so it wasn’t strange that the wedding was planned and ready to go in just four weeks.

She was now on her way to Josh; the wedding was getting taken care of and she had free time to spend with her future husband. They’d only have three days before they’d have to part for the traditional ‘not see your bride a day before the wedding or there would be bad luck’ and Louisa intended to hold to that. There was no way she was going to jinx it. Excitedly she stepped into his room, greeting Matt, telling him he could wait outside as she went up to the door of his bedroom, hearing from Matt that Josh was in there. She opened the door without warning and went inside with a big smile.

“Hello my love”…

< Trapped >