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Chapter 39

Josh stared at his reflection, checking his suit, checking if everything was in place and ready to go. He knew they’d come get him soon.

It was the big day. Louisa’s big day. Josh knew she looked forward to it. They’d spend a few days together and Louisa had almost been bouncing. She really hadn’t been in a bad mood and allowed Josh quite a lot in those short few days. However the only thing he wasn’t allowed and wanted more than anything was to talk to Justin. Josh had no idea what was going on.

Were they really planning something to help him get away or was it really impossible?

Dan had informed him that he couldn’t talk to Justin or anyone he knew before the wedding vows were exchanged. Josh had nodded; of course, what else was there to say but he was worried sick, worried that whatever his brother was planning, if he was even planning something in the first place, wouldn’t work and that he would really have to marry her. He told himself that Justin would think of something, he had to, it was his only rescue.

What a mess you made, Chasez he scolded himself as he stared at the reflection of a miserable man.

“Please don’t abandon me Justin” Josh whispered upward before a knock on the door startled him…


“Oh my God Chris what the hell took you so long!” Justin exclaimed, Josh would get married, today and it had seemed like Chris had disappeared. Justin couldn’t be more relieved to see his friend, he’d been ready to go to the church and get Josh but this was better. He just prayed Chris had a plan.

“Come on, we gotta move now” Chris urged. Justin was ready in no time and flew down the stairs behind Chris.

“I found one of the boyfriends,” Chris said, as soon as they were in the car, speeding through traffic.

“And he was held for three months till Louisa decided he wasn’t the one and they let him go. They tied him up in the basement, beat him up and threatened to hurt his sister”

“Oh my” Justin gasped.

“Yes, he pressed charges but the police never did anything. I called the FBI because there are more guys involved in this but I only found one. They’ll search for the other as soon as Josh is safe” Chris explained as he sped towards the church. It wasn’t hard to find out where the wedding would take place, it was all over town.

“Ooh God I hope we’re not too late”


“Josh come, it’s time” Matt instructed as he opened the door to the dressing room his charge was in.

Josh nodded in affirmation, straightening his tie one last time before spinning and walking towards Matt. He walked out in front of the big man, Matt guided him the whole way to the altar; nothing was going to go wrong now. They’d come too far to let it get ruined now. They came in through the back door of the church, walking towards his place, feeling as if he were walking towards his execution.

Josh quickly scanned the room; Justin still wasn’t here. Please let him be on time, just this once I’ll never complain about him being late again.

People smiled at him as he took his place by the altar. People he’d never seen before and people he didn’t want to see. He wanted to leave but suddenly Matt came up behind him, functioning as his best man; Dan’s orders. Matt clapped him on the back and Josh jumped a little.

“No tricks” Matt warned, whispering in his ear. Josh didn’t have time to react, apparently Louisa was ready.

Music filled the church, the traditional music that guided a bride to the altar. The guests stood and turned to the big wooden doors of the church as they opened, revealing a glowing Louisa in a stunning white dress with Dan beside her, ready to give her away to a man she loved. Josh wished he had the option to give her back, get a receipt so he could exchange her but with each step they took they came closer. Josh swallowed hard, forcing back his screams, his tears… his feelings.

Finally they reached him and Dan took Louisa’s hand, placing it in Josh’s, a warning in his eyes. Josh couldn’t help but wonder why no one saw this was completely against his will.

“Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman in holy matrimony” There was a pause as the priest looked between the two people in front of him.

“Is there anyone who believes these two should not be married, please speak now or forever hold your peace”

The church went silent. Josh nervously looked behind him, begging for anyone to speak up.

Just one.


He wondered if it was allowed to object as the groom. He caught Dan’s glare and knew the answer; definitely no. He turned back to the priest, his heart sinking; it was real now. He’d expected Justin to object and then save him but he hadn’t and now it was too late.

He would get married to Louisa.

He would belong to her for the rest of his life; trapped in her love.

“Take each others right hand” the priest instructed and they did. Well Louisa did. This was never how he’d imagined his wedding would be he thought sadly.

“Elouisa Maria Treydson, do you promise to love and cherish Joshua Scott Chasez, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?”

Louisa looked happily, eyeing him as she answered. “I do”

Josh closed his eyes knowing it was now his turn.

“Joshua Scott Chasez, do you promise to love and cherish Elouisa Maria Treydson, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?”

Josh looked at Louisa, seeing her hopeful look, he looked at Dan seeing his warningful glare, he looked at all the people in the crowd seeing their expecting glances and finally he looked at the huge church doors which were still closed and didn’t seem to ever open again. He tore his gaze away from those doors and looked back at the priest as he waited for his answer.

“Uh-hum” Josh coughed, buying time, his freedom.

“I… um… I…”

< Trapped >