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Chapter 4

A light knock woke him up from his much needed slumber. It was Saturday and he cursed the idiot that was forcing him to wake up. He knew it couldn’t be early because he’d heard the neighbors leaving already and they never left before eleven, still it was early; for him. He hadn’t really slept well since Dan’s words reached his ears and they’d echoed in his head ever since. He didn’t know if Justin was still here, actually he couldn’t think at all right now. He slowly pushed away the covers and stumbled into the living room, opening the front door as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He was met with stylish blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes; Louisa.

“Good morning” she said, smiling brightly. It were moments like these Josh didn’t know why he’d tried broke up with her; she was friendly, nice and beautiful.

“Aren’t you going to say something?” That’s when he remembered. The almost demanding and patronizing tone of her voice, the almost fire shooting eyes and the smile that was now replaced by a scowl because he didn’t say what she wanted to hear.

“H… hi” he stuttered, a little surprised with this visit and still not completely awake.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” she asked, a little angry already.

“Sure” he said in monotone before stepping aside to let her in. Once he’d closed the door he walked right into Louisa, meeting her lips easily. Surprised was an understatement and he pulled back almost immediately.

“Baby” she whined, making him sigh and lean in again with reluctance, kissing her briefly. He was met with her very satisfied expression when they pulled back. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled herself close to him. Josh barely moved, closing his eyes.

“Josh have you seen my… oh” Justin came into the living room, stopping in his tracks when he saw they had company, frowning when he saw his brother with his eyes closed and Louisa’s arms around him. Louisa turned to him as Josh’s eyes opened, one arm wrapping around her.

“Hi” Justin greeted awkwardly.

“Hey” she grinned back. Josh swallowed.

“Justin you remember Louisa. Louisa my brother Justin”

“Right” Justin said. Louisa nodded, silence regained the room. Justin’s eyebrows rose.

“Okay… ‘scuse me” he said before he turned back and went back to his room, he was packing; time to go back to his own apartment. He’d had his test and he didn’t want to bother Josh any longer although he knew Josh didn’t see him as a burden. Louisa hit Josh’s upper arm, Josh jumped a little looking confused.

“You could act a little happier” she scolded. Josh sighed.

“Louisa, why exactly are you here?” Josh asked warily but somewhat afraid.

“I came to visit my boyfriend” she said with a smile, wrapping her arms around Josh’s neck. Josh stepped back, straining his neck against the hold she had on him.

“I don’t think so” he said calmly grasping her hands and breaking the circle of her arms around his neck before slightly pushing them away from his body. She retracted her arms at once, her eyes narrowing.

“I do think so”

“Can you please leave” Josh asked quite politely. Louisa ignored him, stepping up to him, wrapping one arm around his waist while the other slipped underneath his shirt. Josh jumped a little but Louisa was stronger than you would imagine by looking at her. She stretched up towards him a little and let her tongue swipe over his lips.

“You know what to do Josh” she said softly, sweetly as if she were whispering words of love to him. She ran her tongue over his lips once more.

“Do what you have to do” she whispered against his lips, sucking on his lower lip now.

“Just… don’t hurt me” she ended in a whisper as she swiped her tongue over his lips again. Josh’s eyes widened.

She knew!

Don’t hurt me? Half of the threat Dan had used, she used it coincidently? It was too big of a coincidence; she knew! She knew about the threat, she knew what Dan expected of him and she probably knew what the other end of the deal was. Josh had thought Dan did this behind her back but now it was even worse; they were in this together!

“Hmm. You taste good, even in the morning” she told him softly, before softly kissing him. And for the first time with his brother in mind; he let her.

“Josh?” Justin called, a while later, appearing with his bags in the living room.

“Yeah?” he acknowledged, looking up from where they were settled on the couch; Louisa had settled herself against Josh’s side and he had let her.

“I got everything, I’m gonna go home” he informed him, not really comfortable with Louisa there but he ignored her.

“Oh yeah” Josh nodded, pushing Louisa away gently before getting up. He walked to his brother, hugging him maybe a bit tighter than usual but he couldn’t help it.

“Take care” Josh said seriously; this also was a normal thing to say but it seemed more serious now, it meant more as he said it.

Justin nodded, “I will”

“Later dude” Justin waved once before grabbing his bags and going out the door. Josh closed the door after seeing him walk to the stairs and turned back to Louisa who was smirking at him. He couldn’t help but shudder before he settled back in his place; exactly where Louisa wanted him.

“Can I ask you something?” Josh asked hesitantly some time later, the new information he’d gotten still fresh on his mind; making him nervous.

Louisa nodded. “What?”

“You wouldn’t really hurt my brother would you?” he asked a bit fierce, the anger coming through but it was still softly said.

Finally Louisa shook her head, “No”

Josh breathed a sigh of relief. “I knew you would come to your sen…”

“But my brother would”

“No,” Josh gasped. Louisa didn’t respond, still had her head on his chest.

“He wouldn’t!” Josh challenged.

“Feel free to try him… I wouldn’t recommend it though” She propped herself up, crawling up so she was laying on top of him, her face only inches from his.

“I really like you Josh, you’re sweet, kind… cute” she whispered, tracing a finger over his lips before her lips took over, kissing him hungrily.

“And mine”


“I should go” she finally said, it seemed like ages but it was only two hours.

Josh nodded. “Okay” he hoped he didn’t sound too happy to get rid of her. She grabbed her coat, placing it over her arm before stretching up to give Josh a goodbye kiss. He participated; he was almost getting rid of her.

“See you soon baby, don’t do anything to hurt me babe…” she winked, the true meaning of the sentence not lost on Josh.

“I’ll call you”


And she did call. Numerous of times. And all the calls were the same; she would start sweetly, greeting him in a happy tone of voice, then the question came if he wanted to come over, go out or if she could come over. It was usually her coming over or they went out; she didn’t ask him to come to her house. Josh didn’t know why, he only knew, after a few weeks of these phone calls, that it really wasn’t a question, her tone always changed to a somewhat demanding tone of voice when the question came up and he wondered why she even called to ask; she knew the answer anyway. Nevertheless she did and they got together, doing what she wanted to do.

Justin was never in any real danger. Josh did what Louisa asked of him and Justin remained unharmed. The things she asked from him weren’t all that bad, they just went out on dates and although he didn’t particularly like it he thought why risk it? so he easily gave in to Louisa’s wishes. She just wanted to spend time with him and she never went further than kissing. Josh didn’t really mind and it wasn’t worth the risk of refusing because Louisa wasn’t a bad kisser but it wasn’t something he enjoyed either.

Although he went along with it he still thought this was a mistake, a misunderstanding because this really couldn’t be happening to him and they couldn’t really mean this. Josh still thought they’d gone temporarily insane and that they would eventually come to their senses. He hoped they would come to their senses, better sooner than later. He counted on them, especially Louisa to see what exactly she was doing and more importantly call it off. He counted on her to end this ridiculous deal and once she would they would break up as friends, no harm done.

But Josh didn’t know that Louisa was fully aware of what she was doing and the moment he was hoping for would never come.

< Trapped >