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Chapter 40

Suddenly the doors moved and a voice rang out loudly.

“Stop this wedding!”

Josh smiled despite himself; Justin.

“You can’t object now! Answer the question Josh” Louisa demanded but Josh didn’t listen, not anymore.

“Louisa get your bitchy little hands off of my brother and leave him alone, this all stops now!” Justin yelled, his voice echoing off the walls. Josh’s smile widened as he pulled his hands out of Louisa’s grasp.

“Get them” Justin instructed the numerous of police officers he’d brought along. Chris bringing up the rear. Dan was seething and Louisa was in shock as the officers stormed down the aisle towards them.

The upper hand Josh seemed to have for the first time in months changed drastically and in the blink of an eye. Dan moved quickly; he grabbed the small gun, hidden under his pants leg and grabbed the one closest to him; the man that this was all about; Josh. Dan stepped behind Josh, setting the gun in his neck. A collective gasp could be heard. Justin’s being the loudest.

“Back away!” Dan instructed the police officers who were halfway down the aisle, Dan had moved in front of Louisa with Josh, using him as a shield for the both of them. The priest had already taken cover when the gun appeared; he’d seen it appear and ducked under the altar and the guests had slid to the floor, taking cover behind the church benches.

“Do it or I’ll shoot” he threatened pressing the gun harder into Josh’s neck. Josh closed his eyes tightly, struggling to breathe. The officers backed away slowly, halting about two third from the altar.

“Nobody move or I’ll shoot” he threatened as he took two careful steps to the right, to the back exit. Both Louisa and Josh moved along with him. Josh opened his eyes, searching for his brother. He found him directly in front of him, down the aisle behind the row of cops.

“We’ll leave through the back door, if I see anyone following us I will shoot him!” he barked.

“He will marry my sister” he added as an after thought.

It suddenly went so fast. A yell of protest rung out.


A startled Dan.

The gun went off.

More screams.

Another shot was fired followed by a deep moan…


Josh ran towards Justin who was sprawled out on the floor.

“Oh my God, Justin! Are you okay? Fuck! Justin!” he cried in panic. Justin crawled up, rubbing his head.

“I’m fine” Justin looked around, finally seeing he was laying on the floor.

“How did I end up on the floor?” he wondered. Josh grinned.

“An officer knocked you down when they shot at Dan”

“Oh” Justin breathed but with a frown, still rubbing his head.

“You were in the way, you always are but don’t ever change that” Josh joked. Suddenly getting serious when Justin kept rubbing his head.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not hurt?” Josh asked, helping him up to a sitting position as he checked him over with his hands.

“I’m not hurt thanks to you” Justin smiled, stilling his hand that had been rubbing his skull.

“You scared me half to death!” Josh fussed as he pulled Justin in a tight hug.

“You scared me too Josh” Justin whispered against his shoulder, still in his brother’s tight embrace.

When he’d seen his brother in the hands of Dan, a gun trained on him he’d been scared to death. Then Justin realized Dan was not planning on killing his brother; he was planning on taking him with them to force him to marry Louisa somewhere else!

Once these words seeped in his brain Justin had sprung into action. He’d pushed passed the officers who were blocking his way and stormed towards his brother in need. He wasn’t even half way down the aisle when the gun that had threatened his brother was now trained on him. He’d seen how Dan released the safety pin and in slow motion Dan’s finger went to the trigger. Just as the gun went off, Josh elbowed Dan in the gut; hard and Justin had closed his eyes, anticipating the bullet that would bore into his body. However he hadn’t felt the impact of the bullet, in fact he was still standing. When he’d reopened his eyes he saw Dan doubled over, Louisa in shock behind him and Josh… His eyes had flown around in panic, trying to locate Josh. Finally he’d found him; crouched down to the side, having rolled away as soon as the gun had been fired. The next thing he knew he was on the floor and another gun went off. Justin had been afraid to look, he did however when Josh called his name. He was okay.

“I’m so glad you’re okay!” Josh said relieved more than ever as he rocked them.

“That was a very stupid move Justin! He almost killed you!” Josh scolded.

“I know” Justin said shamefully.

“It was also a very brave move… thank you” Josh said gently.

Justin grinned. “You’re welcome and thank you”

Josh smiled. “Mom and dad would have never forgiven me if I’d let anything happen to their baby”

“Shut up” Justin countered. They joked; trying to ignore the fact they both had been this close to dying and losing a brother.

Josh helped Justin get up, he kept one arm around him to steady him. Josh saw Chris cuffing Louisa; he smiled at Chris as he passed with the prisoner. Louisa glared at Josh the whole way down the aisle till she was led outside. Chris, who led her away, passed by with a smile. Justin smiled back, mouthing thanks, welcome was his reply. Other officers waited for an ambulance to pick up Dan who’d been shot in the leg. Dan was in pain but still managed to glare when they wheeled him past Josh. The two brothers watched how he was wheeled away, still holding onto each other. When Dan was fully out of sight Josh turned to Justin,

“Let’s go home”

< Trapped >