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Chapter 5

“Hey dude” Justin said bursting through the door, Josh absentmindedly waved at him while he continued to stare at the TV.

It seemed like a Saturday thing, once in a while when neither had dates they hung out together. Today was that day.

Justin took little notice of his brother’s greeting and went straight to the refrigerator. Eyeing the food inside before deciding to make a turkey sandwich, he grabbed a few items from the refrigerator before closing it and pulled a plate from the cupboard overhead. Once he finished making the sandwich he plumped down on the couch beside Josh, taking the remote from his hand while he took a bite out of his sandwich.

Josh slowly turned his attention to his younger brother once he noticed Justin took the remote control without asking.

“Justin what are you doing?” Josh asked annoyed by the fact he changed stations, it wasn’t like he was really watching TV but it was a matter of principle. He also noticed that Justin was eating his food, which he didn’t mind either but was once again a matter of principle.

“Eating” he said with a mouth full of turkey sandwich.

“What are you eating?” Josh asked again, putting emphasis on his first word.

“Food?” he offered knowing full well that Josh was referring to the fact that is was his food but he decided to pretend he didn’t have a clue what his brother was talking about, knowing that would annoy by the way Justin was looking at him that he knew exactly what he was talking about.

“Your food” Justin said with a smirk. Josh shook his head and sighed but couldn’t help the smile that slowly spread across his face.

“You’re hopeless” Josh said while he ruffled Justin’s hair knowing he hated that.

“Hey!” Justin yelled twisting his head to avoid Josh’s hand. Josh stood up and crossed the room to the small kitchen seeing the counter full of items Justin had used to make his sandwich, he’d made a mess and if there was anything Josh couldn’t stand it was a messy kitchen, especially when Justin had made the mess.

“Justin what is this?” Josh asked, resting one hand on his hip, the other one pointing out the items on the counter.

“Uh it looks like food” Justin answered after he’d twisted his head to see what Josh was referring to.

“Your food” he quickly added when he caught Josh’s glare.

“I’ll clean it up al’ight” Justin defended, focusing his attention on the TV once again.

“Yeah you better” Josh said while he grabbed his drink and the plate Justin had left.

“Here use a plate” Josh said pushing the plate in Justin’s hands before he sat down beside him.

“I rather eat without a plate” he said setting it on the table in front of them.

“Well I rather not share my food” Josh countered.

“I’ll use the plate” Justin amended quickly, bending forward to grab the plate before placing it under his chin to catch the crumbs coming from his sandwich.

“How’s your roommate?” Josh asked, Justin had left once he’d taken his test and was now back with his annoying roommate, at least that’s what he called it.

“He’s okay, he didn’t even notice I was gone!” Justin exclaimed indignantly. Josh chuckled, which earned him a slap on his arm but instead of silencing him, the chuckle turned into a giggle. Justin used to tease him with his giggle, saying he giggled like a girl but Justin wasn’t up to the argument that would follow so he sat back till Josh was finished.

They watched TV in silence for a while before the phone startled the two young men slumped on the couch, Justin nudged Josh, who was half asleep, in the side. Josh groaned while he slowly opened his eyes and reached for the phone, since he was closest to it and it was after all his apartment and therefore his phone.

“Hello?” he questioned groggily, fumbling with the phone a little in his haste and his still half-sleeping state.

“Hi sweetie it’s me” a female voice said happily on the other end of the line. Josh frowned at the response, he couldn’t make out who it was, his sleepy mind wasn’t really working with him.

“Excuse me?” he said before clearing his throat.

“You don’t know who I am” the voice said but this time with a whine in it and he also recognized a hint of anger in the female voice. Josh rubbed his hands over his tired face.

“You know I…” he started a little annoyed, thinking some kids were playing a trick on him but his words caught in his throat when it finally hit him to whom the voice belonged.

“Louisa,” he said softly into the horn while he turned his back towards Justin, he felt Justin’s eyes on him but he ignored him. Too curious for his own good. “I’m sorry”

“What were you doing baby?” she asked with a certain sweetness in her voice that made Josh roll his eyes.

“I was almost asleep” he responded with a weary sigh.

“Well I’m sorry I woke you up!” she said angrily at the tone in his voice.

Josh didn’t know what to say, he did want to let her know that she was kind of interrupting and that he didn’t feel like talking or pretending to enjoy it. He could act he enjoyed it when he was awake but he had been on the verge of drifting off to a nice and safe world called dreamland and he didn’t like the fact that Louisa had interrupted his trip.

“Do you want to come over?” she asked a few moments later, the sweetness was back in her voice and Josh couldn’t help but wince at the question.

That’s the last thing I want, I want to sleep!

“I was just about to go to bed” Josh tried to protest but Louisa again wanted to have her way.

“I think you should come over” she said in a harsh voice and it surprised Josh how quickly her tone of voice could change, one moment her tone was so sweet it almost gave him a toothache, the next moment she was barking instructions and she demanded he’d obey them, the underlining threat apparent in her voice.

“Kay” he agreed reluctantly, hoping his annoyance wouldn’t come through in his voice, vaguely aware of the fact she’d said he should come over. That hadn’t happened before but he shrugged it off he was too tired to analyze what this could mean. He figured she was probably too tired to come herself and wanted him to do the extra work of coming over.

“Make it quick” she said this time without emotion in her voice and before Josh had the chance to answer he was met with a dial tone.

“Okay sweetie I’ll see you in a little bit” he said into the horn although the receiver had already hung up, he wanted to make sure Justin wouldn’t get suspicious but he felt ridiculous nevertheless. He carefully put the phone down and turned towards Justin who was looking at him questioningly.

“I thought you were tired?” he asked looking him over.

“I am but Louisa asked if I wanted to come over…” he said letting his sentence trail, hoping he didn’t have to explain anything else.

“So you’re just going to jump up and go?” Justin asked incredulously while he watched as Josh got up and went over to his bedroom door.

“Yeah, I don’t mind, I like to spend time with her” he said, wincing at the lie all the while hoping Justin wouldn’t see right through him, the fact that Justin wasn’t able to see his face helped Josh’s statement.

“I thought you wanted to break up with her” Justin recalled, not understanding why he was still with her in the first place. Justin had never liked Louisa, they’d only met a couple of times but he wasn’t very fond of her and didn’t understand what Josh saw in her.

“I changed my mind” Josh replied not wanting to go further with his explanation. He couldn’t tell Justin why he’d suddenly changed his mind, he didn’t want to scare him. He didn’t want to tell his kid brother he could be in danger just because he’d picked the wrong girl to go out with. He would deal with this; he would make sure Dan and Louisa would see how ridiculous this was and he would make sure they would drop the deal and more importantly their threat. He wasn’t going to scare Justin for nothing.

Justin shook his head, then shrugged although he wasn’t entirely convinced. Josh had been acting a little strange lately, like his body was there but his mind was someplace else. Of course Justin couldn’t know what had caused it, it started a few weeks ago and Justin knew Josh was going to break up with Louisa but instead he came back simply telling Justin he’d changed his mind and to let it go. Justin hadn’t asked, he’d let it go like Josh had asked him but he had a bad feeling about it all together.

He shook his head once again as he stood up and walked towards the kitchen grabbing another drink while Josh came out of his bedroom pulling a shirt over his head. When his head reappeared from underneath the cloth he saw Justin looking at him.

“You can stay if you want, don’t know when I’ll be back” he said while he grabbed his keys and put on his jacket. Justin nodded in response while he sat back on the couch.

“Don’t eat all my food!” Josh called before he stepped outside and closed the door behind him, Justin snickered at the comment before settling in on the couch.


“Hello Josh” Dan said friendly when one of Dan’s men lead Josh to the living room.

“Hi” Josh said carefully while he sat down in the chair Dan offered.

“I’m glad you came, my sister is expecting you” Dan said while he instructed one of his men to tell Louisa her boyfriend had arrived. Josh winced when he heard the word boyfriend come out of Dan’s mouth but put up a fake smile when he caught Dan’s eyes on him.

“How are you doing Josh?” Dan asked, making small talk but it was more to bug Josh and to make sure he still knew what they expected of him. Josh once again winced before answering,

“I’m okay” he said not really convinced by his own words, sure he was okay when he wasn’t with Louisa!

“Good…. good” Dan said slowly, nodding to underline his words.

“Hope you still remember our agreement” Dan said with a little smile, Josh looked him over.

Their agreement? He thought, more like their threat! He would stay with Louisa and they wouldn’t harm his brother wasn’t exactly an agreement, it was more like blackmail than anything else.

“Yes sir” Josh said nevertheless while he downcasted his glance, he didn’t want to risk Justin getting hurt so he played along. They were talking about Louisa’s feelings while Justin was in danger physically. No matter what he did, they could do far worse.

“I’m glad to hear that” Dan said with a snicker while he picked up the newspaper, which he’d put on his lap when Josh had entered the room, leaving Josh with his own thoughts while he waited for Louisa to come down.

“Hey I’m glad you came” Louisa said happily while she walked towards Josh who simply nodded. When she reached him he reluctantly and carefully leaned in for a kiss.

“Let’s go upstairs” she said before she grasped his hand and pulled him along towards the stairs.

“You want to watch a movie?” she asked once they reached her apartment on the top floor.

Every time she took him upstairs, which she didn’t do often, he was amazed by the beauty. And no room was a disappointment, since it were actually a few rooms that she could call her own. Louisa had a whole apartment, twice the size of his own, on the top floor of the Treydson’s house and it was all designed in her exquisite taste. When you opened the door you walked into the living room with an adjacent kitchen behind it. Only a waist high bar separated the two rooms. Through the portal, which was again beautifully decorated in the finest details, on your right, you entered the bedroom. It had a king sized bed and it resembled very much the bed of a princess. On the far end, there was the walk-in closet. There was also a sofa and just like in the living room a TV set with all the extras. He imagined you could live here without ever needing to go out. But he really didn’t want to be here, he wanted to get out. He wanted to sleep.

“Sure” he shrugged.

Louisa crossed the living room to the bedroom, stopping by the dresser next to the TV on the way to pick a movie. She put the movie in the VCR before taking Josh with her to the bed. They scooted on the bed and Louisa nestled herself in Josh’s arms, resting her head on his chest, playing with his hair with one hand while she pressed play with the other. Josh waited patiently till Louisa was comfortable then closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep as yet.

< Trapped >