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Chapter 6

“What do you have over my brother?” Justin confronted Louisa as they both sat in the living room of Josh’s apartment.

Louisa had once again invited herself over this Friday night while Justin had been looking forward to a nice quiet evening with his brother. Justin had been anything but pleased when he’d found Louisa on the doorstep about an hour into their first movie. She had obviously expected someone else at the door and had showed it but Justin wouldn’t back down that easily. Josh had intervened and suggested they all sat down to watch the movie. Both Justin and Louisa had been discontent with that idea but there was nothing Josh could do to make it better. He didn’t want to send Justin away and he couldn’t send Louisa away; therefore they’d both have to live with it.

Justin had watched the scenes between his brother and his girlfriend and had frowned all the way. She’d almost succeeded in convincing Josh to watch another movie while Justin and Josh had been there earlier and were more than halfway through this one. Finally she’d backed down but it had taken a lot of persuasion from Josh and Justin didn’t like it one bit. Justin knew for sure that if he’d been the one who’d wanted to change movies Josh would have simply said no and expected him to agree to that but Justin hadn’t heard him say no to Louisa. Actually he’d been very cautious and it caused a frown on Justin’s face.

They’d just finished the first movie and Josh had excused himself to go to the bathroom. Justin had thought about what he’d seen during the last part of the movie and according to him there was only one explanation for his brother’s behavior. Now that he came to think of it, this hadn’t just been a one time thing, it had been going on for a few weeks. Justin had been watching them and he noticed how Josh reacted to Louisa’s advances, he’d seen it every time they were together. Justin saw Josh didn’t like it but he still allowed her to touch him.

“Excuse me?” Louisa asked astonished, pretending to be shocked.

“What do you have over him?” Justin repeated simply but he was seething with anger; Louisa had something over him or Josh would have been long gone; he knew that much.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she denied, a hand on her chest offended he would suggest such a thing. She stood up to go find Josh.

“Yes you do” Justin countered, grabbing her arm quickly to prevent her from leaving.

“Let go of me” she gritted out. Justin stared into her cold hard eyes… he let go.

“What do you have over him, Louisa?” Justin asked again.

“You’re not making sense”

“Yes I am, you have something, something to keep him… I know he wanted to break up with you twice and both times he came back; still with you. What did you say to him?”

“That is none of your business!” she said her voice rising an octave in anger.

“The hell it is; he’s miserable! He doesn’t want to be with you anymore, I can see it”

“Maybe you don’t know your brother as well as you think you do” Louisa said simply before quickly walking away, in search of Josh.


“What did you tell Justin?” Dan asked angrily when Josh came over the next day, waving him over. Josh sighed.

“Now what?”

“Hey!” Dan warned. “Don’t take that tone with me”

“You’re not my father” Josh mumbled but Dan heard it and punched him hard, in the stomach. Josh gasped. Not just from the pain but mostly from shock. Dan had never hit him before. It was the first time that he deliberately hurt him with his fists and it was something Josh had not anticipated. Dan had threatened quite a lot over the past few weeks but he’d never laid a finger on him; this time however, he’d obviously not liked his mouthy answer and he let Josh know this by punching him.

“Don’t speak to me that way” Dan warned again, this time Josh said nothing.

“What did you tell Justin?” Dan repeated his question.

“When?” Josh asked softly, not totally successful in getting the air back in his lungs.

“He suspects something, now what I’m wondering is what did you say to make him suspicious”

“I said nothing” Josh groaned as he slowly stretched up again, still rubbing his stomach.

“What did he say?” Josh asked intrigued.

Justin had said something?

Justin suspected something?

That was a good thing… right?

“Doesn’t matter, I’d make sure your little brother gets reassured that you’re alright and perfectly happy with Louisa”

Josh stared, wondering why he would do that when it was obviously a lie.

“Because if you don’t Louisa will think you don’t love her…”

Josh still stared; it was still a lie.

“She’d feel hurt and remember when Louisa would get hurt….” Dan trialed off, knowing Josh could finish it in his head.

When Louisa would get hurt… Justin would get hurt.


“Justin?” Josh started hesitantly, he didn’t quite know how to start. He was afraid his brother would see right through him when he’d tell him he was happy with Louisa. He was afraid Justin would know immediately that he was lying.

“Hmm?” Justin acknowledged, looking up at Josh. He was once again hanging out here; Josh knew Justin should be in his own home but he just enjoyed the company. They both did.

“Louisa um… told me something…” Josh started, scraping his throat.

“What?” Justin asked, his eyebrows furrowed, having an idea where this was going.

“You said some things to her…” he hinted. Justin looked away, a slight blush covering his cheeks.


“Why?” Josh asked simply.

“I couldn’t help it!” he defended a little.

“She was crawling all over you and I know I shouldn’t have said anything but… I couldn’t help it”

Josh smiled a small smile, touched Justin wanted to stand up for him although he couldn’t really help him.

“I know you told me you wanted to figure this out yourself and I’m sorry I just… couldn’t help it”

Another smile from Josh. “I know you mean well” Josh reassured.

“Are you… happy with her?” Justin asked.

“Because it doesn’t look like it”

Josh swallowed. “Yeah I am”

“Are you sure? Are you sure, you aren’t in any trouble I should know about?”

Josh swallowed again, harder this time and with all the convincing strength he had he answered.

“I’m sure”

He cringed inwardly, he was lying straight to his face but he was afraid. Afraid of Dan because if he told Justin he was in trouble Justin would storm to the police station or worse he would storm to the Treydson’s house and teach them a lesson which would never work and he would end up getting hurt. Josh couldn’t take that risk and so he lied. Lied straight to his face.

“She doesn’t hold anything over your head?”

“No. She doesn’t”


It all wasn’t so bad, at least relatively, sure they threatened him and yes that was bad but Dan hadn’t actually done anything to him or his brother. Dan had punched him and that had taken him by surprise, yes, but he was still sure, at least he wanted to be sure that it was a misunderstanding.

He was still waiting for Dan and Louisa to come to their senses and say; ‘I’m sorry it was all a misunderstanding, we won’t harm you or you’re brother if you choose to leave now’ that was like the dream scenario in this but it hadn’t happened thus far.

All Louisa had done thus far was call him every other two days and asked well more like demanded he came over which he reluctantly did. Other than those visits they really didn’t demand all that much from him, they let him be most of the time and even better; they let Justin be. But what Josh didn’t know that it wouldn’t get better.

In fact, after a month of meeting Louisa when she called for him, the situation he found himself in would change suddenly and change for the worse.

< Trapped >