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Chapter 9

Josh found himself ready to enter a club several days later. Of course it had been Louisa’s idea and as always the second she mentioned his brother’s name Josh had agreed to go. They entered the club hand in hand. Josh followed her to a table and they sat down watching the crowd on the dance floor.

“Let’s dance” Louisa said as she grabbed his hand. He followed obediently; he didn’t mind dancing actually he liked dancing, loved it. It was the part that he had to dance with Louisa that he disliked but he followed her out on the dance floor nevertheless.

She moved against him wrapping her arms around his waist, moving on the sound of the music. Josh held her too and moved along with her.

“I need something to drink, you want anything?”

“No thank you baby” she declined with a smile, thrilled he’d asked her. It proved her they were getting somewhere.

“I’ll be right back” he announced.

“You better” she said seductively. Josh smiled a little, satisfying her before turning to the bar; he needed a beer. He made his way through the crowd and ordered his drink upon reaching the bar.

“Hey” a voice greeted him as he waited for his order; it was busy.

“Hi” he said a little shy to the woman who moved closer.

“I’m Lindsey” she introduced herself with a charming smile; she was pretty and nice.

“I’m Josh” he told her with a small smile. She moved closer.

“It’s nice to meet you” Josh looked back over his shoulder seeing how Louisa was dancing with some guy, Josh thought it was all good. She was dancing with someone else then he could talk to someone else.

“Yeah you too. Are you from around here?” he asked casually, inwardly slapping his head; lame! She didn’t seem to mind and they talked for a while. Louisa didn’t seem to miss him and Josh was content with that; hoping she’d found her next victim that would get him off the hook.

Although she’d been dancing with some random guy Josh’s absence didn’t go unnoticed and when the song was finished and he still wasn’t back she let her eyes travel to the bare area; he’d said he’d get a drink. It was there that she found him; talking to another woman!

Josh was starting to enjoy himself when something pressed up against him, well someone.


“Hey babe” she greeted, her arm coming around his waist possessively.

“Hi” Josh said almost regretfully. Lindsey frowned at them but Josh was no longer keeping eye contact; he was looking down at the floor.

“Tell the slut goodbye. Tell her you’re with me” Louisa instructed, whispering in his ear.

He looked at her sideways; what the hell was she thinking?! She’d been dancing with some guy and that was fine but he wasn’t even allowed to simply talk to someone?

“Think about your little brother babe” she whispered in his ear and Josh’s eyes grew. Lindsey noticed; she wondered what kind of weird scene was going on here.

“I’m sorry Lindsey, I’m with her” Lindsey frowned; what the hell? But she shook her head and left; weirdoes.


“What exactly were you doing?” Louisa demanded after she’d pulled him outside.

“I was just talking to her!”

“She was coming on to you!”

“Louisa we were just talking” he sighed.

“Didn’t look like it to me, she was almost on top of you”

This was ridiculous Lindsey had not been almost on top of him, far from it they’d just been talking to each other.

“What about that guy that was all over you?!” he countered.

“I was just dancing with him”

“And I was just talking to her!”

“Well I don’t want you to!” she countered.

“What?” he asked shocked.

“Why is it okay for you to dance with someone but it isn’t okay for me to talk to someone?!”

“Because I set the rules” she snarled.

“And I don’t have a little brother to protect”

How fucking unfair was this?! Well Louisa was unfair but this was ridiculous. However once again; if it kept Justin safe he would do it and Louisa knew this, which was his ruin. She smirked, knowing from the look in his eyes that he’d accepted her rules, which were becoming clearer and seemingly stricter everyday. He’d given up fighting and she’d won once again.

That was all it took lately; mention his brother’s name once and she had Josh wrapped around her little finger.


Another week later Louisa showed up with two tickets to a dance show in the theatre. She sure kept him busy and he didn’t enjoy it but this time Josh didn’t mind.

He’d always been a fan of dance and he loved watching it and although Justin had teased him with this numerous of times when they grew up and even now it always popped up somewhere Josh didn’t like it any less. In fact he still loved it and thought that this might be the only good thing about dating Louisa since with her name and reputation they were able to get good seats. At least Louisa told him it were good seats. Josh marveled when he saw the tickets and for once didn’t mind dressing up or showing up for their date.

Louisa pulled up in her limo for the ‘big’ city as they lived in a suburb of Boston. It was a nice town, not too crowded but not too quiet, Josh had lived here all his life but going to Boston once in a while was a treat as well. Josh met her outside; of course required to say how nice she looked but she really did look nice. She complimented him on his suit and then they stepped inside the limo, taking them to the theatre.

Louisa scooted close and he put an arm around her; too excited to let a stupid thing as refusing to hold her ruin the evening. She would make him hold her in the end anyway so best to just do it already. She didn’t kiss or touch him however; her outfit and make-up were perfect at the moment and she didn’t want to ruin that. On the way back though she resolved with a smile. She snuggled closer to Josh as the car took them closer to the theatre.

Dan had warned Josh about going away for the night and how he shouldn’t try anything or he would regret it but Josh wasn’t planning on doing anything except enjoy the show.

And he did; he enjoyed the show immensely. The dancers were great, the choreography was amazing and just the whole show was mind-blowing.

“Could you get me a drink please? I’m going to powder my nose” Louisa asked in the small break.

To his own surprise he actually said, “Sure” he could tell Louisa was just as surprised as he was. Sure he’d eventually do what she told him but this went really easily.

He smiled a little and waited till she turned away from him before walking to the bar and ordering champagne. For a split second he wondered how far he could get if he left now. Not far he figured. Even if he ran, Justin wouldn’t be safe so it was no use. He’d known that before the thought crossed his mind but for some reason it still came to mind.

The glasses were placed in front of him getting him out of his thoughts. He sipped his own champagne as he waited for Louisa to return. He didn’t really like champagne but he knew Louisa hated to drink alone. To save himself from those useless arguments which he would loose anyway he’d ordered the second glass for himself. Louisa came back only minutes later and they drank their champagne together before moving into the big auditorium when the sound came through the speakers; indicating the show was about to start again for the second part.

Louisa snuggled against him once they were back inside the limo. She obviously wanted to kiss a bit and so it happened. Josh participated in the kissing, more than usual and Louisa was more than satisfied. He was coming around, she thought. But Josh only participated because the night had been too good to let it get ruined now.

Finally they pulled up at his building. He made a move to get out but Louisa stopped him. She pressed her lips over his, kissing him longer before pulling back just a few millimeters.

“You were a good boy tonight Josh. I enjoyed it” Louisa whispered against his lips.

“I liked the night too” he said, part of it was true anyway. It had almost been a normal date. Josh assumed this was the closest they would ever come to a normal date.

“I’m glad” she smiled.

“Call me tomorrow” she requested but it wasn’t really a request. He answered nevertheless.

“I will” he then got out of the car and walked inside. Louisa settled back in her seat; satisfied. He was finally coming around.


He was finally coming around or he’d just accepted the rules and was settling down. Although Louisa was pleased to see he was coming around it didn’t really matter to her. Of course she preferred to be with him because they both wanted to but if that wouldn’t work, she and her brother wouldn’t hesitate to use force in order to get what they wanted. However the fact that he seemed to come around would make this a lot easier on all of the parties involved, especially Josh’s and he finally seemed to realize this.


“Mr. Treydson wants to see you” Josh’s boss informed him, one of the many people that were in charge under Dan, the owner.

“Yes sir” he said as he got up, although he couldn’t help but grow fearful.

Dan only spoke to him when he’d done something wrong and although his last date with Louisa, to the dance piece, had been successful you never knew what to expect with that man. Dreadfully he got in the elevator and rode up to the 9th floor; where the big shots were located. Before he started dating Louisa he’d never even been there, in the three years he’d worked there, and now it was the second time in a few short months.

“I heard you behaved like a gentleman” Dan began. Josh couldn’t help but look confused.

“Excuse me?”

“The dance thing on Friday…” Dan elaborated, waiting till Josh understood what he was talking about before continuing.

“Louisa said you behaved like a gentleman” he repeated his earlier statement. Josh nervously shifted in his seat.

“Yes sir” Josh said shyly, ducking his head.

“Good” Dan smirked; maybe Louisa had been right to think he was finally coming around. He still needed to stay on his toes though; you never know.

“See Josh, it really isn’t so hard to behave yourself. It works better for everyone involved. My sister is happy which makes me happy. I won’t have to take my anger out on your brother which makes him happy and that will make you happy; everybody wins” Dan summed up, ending with a satisfied smile. The same one Louisa had worn after the dance piece.

Josh smiled too, awkwardly though, still it sounded like he was the loser. That was because he was; he had the short stick.

“I’m glad you’re finally seeing things my way, believe me it’s a lot easier on all of us” he added.

Josh nodded but didn’t meet Dan’s eyes. He was afraid he would attack him and that wouldn’t exactly be seeing things his way, now would it? He thought angrily.

“Then back to work” Dan smiled as he stood, walking Josh out.

“Yes sir” Josh sighed as he got up, walking in front of Dan to the exit. Josh opened the door and stepped out, he was met with Dan’s smiling face before the door closed in front of him. Josh sighed heavily before walking to the elevator dejectedly. He snorted.

Seeing things his way, asshole.


“Josh what’s going on with you lately?” Justin asked when they were on the couch after a long week. Justin had listened to his brother’s rattling about the dance piece he’d seen the week before and now that he was finally finished Justin took his opportunity.

“Nothing” Josh mumbled tiredly.

“Are you sure?” Justin asked a little worried. Usually Josh was the one worried about him but Justin had the feeling he needed to be worried this time.

“Yes of course”

“I just… what’s going on with you lately?” Justin asked softly.

“Nothing much” Josh said, wincing inwardly at the lie that left his mouth.

“Josh” Justin sighed tiredly. His voice held a bit of a warning tone of voice; a tone that could never be found in Justin’s voice, especially not when he was talking to his older brother.

“What Justin?” Josh asked a little annoyed; he was glad Justin noticed something was wrong but he couldn’t really tell him.

“Nothing forget it. I only want to help” Justin huffed; that was more like his kid brother Josh thought.

“I know Justin, thank you but I don’t need… any help” Josh reassured. He couldn’t help but pause when he told Justin he didn’t need any help. He did need help! Desperately but not Justin’s help. It would bring him in even more danger so he lied. It hurt him but he lied. Again. Justin accepted with a small smile but something bugged him; something felt wrong.

“If you do need help you know you can ask me right? I’m an adult now you can ask me for help”

“I know”

“Promise me you will because I know you, you Big Mister Stubborn” Josh sighed.

“I promise” he promised, although he knew he was already breaking that promise before the words left his mouth.


In order to protect Justin, Josh did what they asked. He knew they were serious and therefore he needed to be careful. He didn’t want Justin to get hurt and so for weeks on end Josh had let them control him. He’d let Dan tell him what to do, he’d let Louisa lead him to wherever she wanted to go and he’d let Justin believe everything was fine although Justin noticed something strange in his brother’s behavior. Josh hated himself for giving in this easily but he would do nothing that could get Justin hurt.

It became harder though as time went on; Louisa demanded more of him, her tone of voice was mostly demanding which really didn’t motivate him and Dan got more and more on Josh’s nerves than ever.

He knew that him behaving himself was the calm before the storm; he feared to get into the storm but he knew it would happen.

Things just couldn’t keep going the way they were.

It just couldn’t.

< Trapped >