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Unwanted Son-In-Law

By:  Chantal

Chapter 1

“What the hell is this?!” a booming voice startled the two young men on the bed, asleep in each others arms. It was innocent but it certainly didn’t look like it.  

Two pair of eyes fluttered open, Justin’s opening rapidly when he recognized his father in the doorway. He scrambled off the bed, stuttering an explanation, 

“Dad, it’s not what you think…. I... I can... explain” Howard crossed his arms over his chest, trying to prevent the steam from coming out of his ears, his eyebrows raised expectantly. Justin glanced back at Josh before looking at his father. 

“He’s just a friend” Justin said softly, casting his gaze to the floor. Howard glanced over Justin’s shoulder to the young man who was now sitting on the edge of the bed. Howard looked Josh straight in the eye as he calmly said,  

“Justin, I’d like to have a word with you downstairs”  

Justin’s shoulders slumped as he slowly walked towards his father, Josh moved to stand up but stilled halfway when the man said harshly,  

“You stay here” Josh merely nodded as he watched Justin’s apologetic eyes looking at him.  

He gave the younger boy a small smile before he saw him disappearing with his father who shut the door firmly behind them. 


Justin stumbled down the stairs, afraid and nervous. He knew this didn’t look good and his father’s reaction didn’t calm him in the least bit.  

“Who is that boy?” his father asked sternly as they both sat down on opposite couches.  

“That’s Josh” he answered carefully.  

“How do you know him Justin?” Justin was used to the million questions and he knew better than to show annoyance at them so he answered as vaguely as possible,  

“I met him through a friend”  

“Which one?”  

“Joey, he’s in acting class with me” he answered.  

“See I don’t like that boy either” his father told him.  

Justin was attending the best high school in the state, not because he liked it there, not because he felt comfortable there, no simply because his parents could afford it and wanted to show it to the rest of the world.  

It wasn’t an all boy’s school, but no less catholic, not to mention very strict. Just what Justin needed his parents figured but it wasn’t what he needed, not at all.  

Not like they cared, Justin would have rather attended a school where he felt comfortable, where he didn’t feel like he needed to be careful with everything he did or said, where he could make real friends, not friends who were always competing over whose dad got the biggest car, who went away on vacation the furthest or whose house was biggest. Those were the issues at his school and he hated it, they were bickering about who had the most money while there were people who were working their butts off to just get a decent meal, people like Josh. Justin hadn’t met Josh through Joey.  

Although Josh and Joey did know each other, vaguely but still, it was not how Justin had met Josh. He remembered that day very clearly; 

Justin walked away as fast as he could, fed up with the fancy banquet his parents had organized. He ran out of the house and took the first buss towards the city, he needed some real people and simple food, not the fancy but yet disgusting food his parents had at the banquet. He figured they wouldn’t even notice he was missing.  

He sank in the chair and tiredly put his head against the cool glass, closing his eyes for a brief moment. He was startled awake when the buss driver said loudly,  

“Hey kid this is your stop” Justin rose out of his seat and smiled grateful before heading for the mall, he looked at windows not really wanting to go in. He’d been in those stores many times before his parents buying him anything he wanted and that got boring.  

He headed for a deli, it looked cozy and the food lured him in. One long couch lined the wall with small round tables every meter. At the back were some tables with chairs, it all looked very cozy. He could imagine that during the day this place would be packed. It was late now though and the deli was almost empty, he went to the counter looking hungrily at the food displayed before him. He never noticed he was this hungry, he’d skipped the banquet so it was no wonder he was hungry but still.  

The boy who was putting some food on the shelves was standing with his back to him and hadn’t noticed him coming in. Justin discreetly cleared his throat to get his attention, the boy spun around, facing him. Justin’s knees almost gave way as he stared into the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. He took in the face, the slender frame and unconsciously licked his lips. The boy ducked his head a little, peering through his eyelashes at the youngster on the other side of the counter.  

“Can I help you?” he asked politely, with the voice of an angel. Justin gripped the counter, as the boy stared at his hand he managed to say,  

“Uh… y.y.yes” Justin couldn’t remember why he was here, he didn’t even feel the hunger anymore.  

“I can recommend the chocolate donuts, there are our specialty” the boy helped him.  

“S.s.sure, I’ll t.t.take two” Justin managed holding up two shaky fingers. The boy smiled shyly before bending over, taking two donuts out of the showcase, putting them in a bag before going to the cash register. 

“I’ll take a coke too please” Justin said, slightly recovering from the shock. Josh got the coke and handed it over with the bag as Justin put some money in his hand. They’re hands brushing together made both of them blush and duck their heads but they were too embarrassed for themselves they didn’t see the other’s face flush as well.  

“T.t.thanks” Justin managed before taking a seat on one of the couches which were lined up against the side of the deli. He put his food on the table in front of him and slowly started eating while watching the boy without being too obvious about it. He knew he was failing but frankly he didn’t care.  


“Josh get over here now!” a big man had yelled at the boy Justin was admiring and he jumped for him but Josh didn’t seem to be afraid. He just quickly moved towards the man,  

“Yes sir?” he asked respectful.  

“Clean the back then you can go” he instructed.  

“Yes sir” Josh said submissively before disappearing out of Justin’s sight.  


Justin sighed, disappointed he was robbed from his great view all the while trying to think about how long cleaning the back would take. Could he try to time finishing his donuts with that? Pictures of them leaving together going through his head.  

Fifteen minutes later the back door opened and Josh reappeared, he seemed happy Justin was still sitting there of was that just his imagination. Justin quickly pushed the thought away as he saw the man push some cash in Josh’s hand before he ducked under the counter towards the door. Justin quickly got up and went after him.  

When he opened the door and turned right he bumped into a smiling Josh,  

“I was hoping you’d follow me” he said with a twinkle in his eyes. Justin grinned,  

“I was hoping I’d catch you” he said a blush creeping over his cheeks.  

“You want to walk with me to my other job?” Josh asked, staring at the boy, he couldn’t be older than 15 Josh thought, how could someone be so sexy at 15?  

“You got another job?” Justin asked taken aback, he’d never had a job in his life, he was only 15 but he didn’t see the need for a job in the next 10 years either. Not until he finished college and either became a doctor or a lawyer at least that was what his parents wanted. Josh simply nodded,  

“I’m Josh” he introduced himself extending his hand.  

“Justin” he said taking the offered hand. When they made contact they both felt the electricity shoot through them, neither one could deny it.  

Justin had known that he was gay for some time. First he’d blamed the all boy’s school, which had been his previous school but when his parents had set him up with the daughter of some important person and they’d kissed he knew that he wasn’t into girls. He’d known ever since but never told anyone.  

They were both silent as Josh started to walk to the exit of the mall.  

“Is that guy always that mean to you?” Justin asked all of a sudden, he’d witnessed the scene and his curiosity always got the better of him. Something his parents always told him would get him into trouble. Josh shrugged,  

“Most of the time yes. He just thinks he can treat me like that because a) I’m gay and b) I need the job, gets him off or something. I don’t care as long as I get the money” he said with a smile but Justin saw the sadness in his eyes. He didn’t know what he possibly could say about that. Instead of jumping up and down about the being gay part he changed the subject,  

“What’s this other job, you got?”  

“It’s at this nightclub, I work as a waiter there”  

“Cool” Justin commented, always sounded like a cool place, for most part because he wasn’t old enough to get in yet.  

“Yeah, cool” Josh repeated but it was obvious that if he had the choice he wouldn’t be working there.  


They’d talked all the way to the night club and once there Josh wanted Justin to come in with him but Justin had confirmed his earlier thoughts when he said he wasn’t old enough to get in. Josh had smiled at him and had asked if he could see him again, Justin had immediately said yes, how could he have resisted that smile? 

Josh wrote down his phone number before disappearing inside, saying he really needed to get started, Justin had nodded and went to find the nearest buss stop.  

His parents had been mad about him running out on the banquet but he didn’t care, the week he’d been grounded hadn’t been that bad because he thought about Josh every minute of that week. And after the week he’d visited him at the deli and things started from there.  

He thought about how their first date had been; Josh holding his hand, their first kiss…  

“Have you been listening to me Justin?” his father’s strict voice cut through his thoughts.  

“Huh what?” Justin responded distracted, already answering his father’s question with the absent response.  

“I don’t like that boy Justin” his father said, he’d been going on and on how he didn’t like Joey but Justin hadn’t heard one word of it, too deep in his thoughts about Josh.  

“Who?” Justin asked confused.  


“Oh” Justin said thinking he was talking about Josh, he hadn’t officially introduced him to his parents because his father was too busy meeting friends of his. It seemed his parents only had time to punish him, not that the school didn’t do that.  

Although he never introduced Josh it was not the first time he was here. He’d brought Josh back to his place some times when his dad was out or simply didn’t notice but this time he apparently noticed. Justin hadn’t expected his dad to walk in like he did, thinking he’d been too busy working.  

“Where is he from?”  

“Who?” Justin asked, confused.  

“The boy, Justin” his dad sighed,  

“Now pay attention, I’m not going to repeat myself again”  

“His name is Josh and he’s from New York”  

“Yes Justin,” Howard sighed again exasperated, “So are we, which part?”  

“East” Justin mumbled, knowing that was what his father called ‘the bad side of town’ but lying about it was worse.  

“The bad side of town?” his father made his usual comment making Justin want to roll his eyes.  

“You’re bringing him into our house? Do you know how many valuable things we got here not to mention…” Howard rattled concerned.  

“Dad,” Justin interrupted carefully, “He’s my friend, I trust him” Howard watched his son suspiciously,  

“Just a friend?” his father asked, needing a confirmation. No son of his was gay, seeing them together in one bed was enough, imagining them doing more than just laying in that bed made him sick.  

“Yes, just a friend” Justin confirmed hoping he was sounding convincive. His father nodded slowly,  

“Alright, but keep an eye on him, people from that side of town need to be watched” Justin just looked at his father, he trusted Josh but he knew he would never convince his father so instead he asked wearily,  

“Can I go now?”  

“Yes” his father said.  

Justin tried not to run to his room as he still felt his father’s eyes on him. He slowly walked out of the room and once he reached the hallway, out of father’s sight, he flew up the stairs taking them two at a time to get to Josh as quickly as possible.  


“Josh?” Justin called meekly once back in his room, he didn’t get a response.  

“Josh?” he called a little louder starting to move through his bedroom, one departure after another. He was growing frantic, thinking he might have left.  

“Please, no” he whispered as he turned 360 degrees his eyes wondering in search of Josh. He breathed a sigh of relief when he spotted him outside on the balcony. Justin rushed towards it and pulled the doors open, Josh didn’t turn around, he waited.  

“Josh?” Justin addressed him softly as he put his hand on the man’s arm. Josh still didn’t acknowledge him, he stared out in front of him, the beautiful view went unseen. Usually when they stood on this balcony Josh marveled at the sight in front of him but now he didn’t even see it.  

“Josh, please” Justin pleaded softly as he urged Josh to turn towards him.  

“I thought we were more than ‘just friends’ ” Josh said finally acknowledging him, looking him in the eye. Justin’s heart tightened as he saw the hurt in his lover’s eyes.  

“We are, Josh. We are,” Justin assured him,  

“But I could never tell my father that”  

He wrapped his arms around Josh hoping he would forgive him,  

“Please Josh, I’m sorry, please don’t hate me” he said softly trying not to cry. If Josh hated him he would just die, and if he didn’t he would kill himself.  

“I don’t hate you Guppy, I could never hate you” Josh assured the youth in his arms, when did he started loving this kid so much? He knew the answer; the first moment he laid his eyes on him.  

“But you’re mad” Justin observed.  

“Yes I was mad but it’s alright, I understand” Josh said, he’d seen how his ex-boyfriend’s parents had disowned him when he told them he was in love with another man. Josh stood by his love every step of the way but it was too much, the devastation had suddenly gotten the better of him and Josh’s love couldn’t make it better. He’d killed himself and Josh would be damned if he ever let that happen again. He didn’t want that to happen to Justin, never, he loved Justin more than anything and didn’t want him to be as devastated as his ex-boyfriend. Never.  

“I’m sorry” Justin whispered against Josh’s chest.  

“Its ok baby, I understand, I understand” he soothed, holding onto the younger boy for a long time before he pulled back,  

“I have to go” Justin nodded reluctantly, knowing Josh needed to get to his job. He couldn’t be late or he’d be fired and Justin didn’t want to be the cause of that so he kissed him passionately, drawing them closer together before releasing him.  

“I’ll call you” Josh said and with that he was out the door.

Unwanted Son-In-Law >