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Chapter 8 

Weeks went by and Justin beamed every time he made it to Josh and back without getting caught. His father was beginning to back off more and more. He didn’t question James any longer and he didn’t talk to Justin anymore every time he got home. These days he simply welcomed him back before he went back to work. Justin always disappeared upstairs happily he’d made it yet once again.  


“I so love that fish” Josh said when he looked from his fishbowl to the beauty in his arms, kissing the top of his head in endearment. Thursday had arrived again and although he still missed the feeling of Justin during the week at least he didn’t have to go completely without him since they used the beepers. It was like a gift from God and Josh was so happy he spotted them in that shop, making their lives a little better during the lonely days of the week. Justin smiled,  

“I’m glad you like it” he said as he closed his eyes for a second. When he reopened them he realized he hadn’t closed his eyes for just a second, it was in fact half an hour.  

“Oh shit!” Justin exclaimed as he looked at his watch.  

“I’m late!” he said in a panic as he lunged for the door, stopping to kiss Josh quickly before pulling the door open and running down the stairwell, outside and back to school, hoping James was late just this once. 


Justin speeded, running harder than he’d ever done, please let him be late, his mind constantly begged. He was almost at school, almost. He ran to the gates, stopping dead in his tracks as he saw James standing next to the car.  

Justin slowly walked towards the car, “James I…” he started.  

“Get in the car, Mr. Timberlake” James instructed, he obviously didn’t want to hear his explanation, it wasn’t his job. Justin shuffled to the car, opening the back seat and climbing in.  

“James please… I just… we went to his house because we forgot some books we needed” Justin explained as he sat and watched James get in as well. James didn’t say anything however.  

“Please don’t tell my father, I beg you not to tell him” Justin pleaded, if his father found out it was over.  

“I’m not going to tell him” James simply stated.  

“Yyyou’re … not?” Justin asked taken aback.  

Could it be that simple?  

People always said he was convincing but not THAT convincing right?  

“No, I’m not, but you are” James told him while starting the car.  

“No! I’m not going to tell him” Justin argued.  

“Truth always comes out Justin, always”  

“Well not this time” Justin said stubbornly.  

“If you don’t then I will and I think he would rather hear it from you than from me”  

“But I don’t want to tell him, there is nothing to tell!” Justin denied.  

“I think there is, you know there is. You came from the side of downtown New York while the boy you’re tutoring lives on the opposite side, not only that; you were supposed to tutor him at school. Now I don’t want to jump to conclusion, I don’t have the right but your father does have that right” James said, looking at his young passenger through the rear view mirror. They were nearing the house and Justin was starting to panic.  

“Please don’t tell my father, can we keep this between us?” Justin pleaded, as a last attempt to make sure his father wouldn’t find out about this. James didn’t answer, he parked the car and walked inside the house. Justin following quickly, running into Louise as he entered the house.  

“What’s going on here?” Louise asked as he took in the worried look of his charge.  

“James is going to tell on me! Please make him stop, change his mind” Justin pleaded with his friend, Louise.  

“Calm down, youngster, calm down” Louise hushed the young boy who was wild with fear.  

“James, exactly what are you going to tell Mr. Timberlake?” Louise asked calmly, not knowing what was going on while Justin stood by helpless. James halted and turned towards the pair.  

“I’m going to tell him, his son didn’t come out of the school building today but from the side of the city” James informed his colleague.  

“Do you think he needs to know everything?” Louise asked, knowing the consequences for the violation, not wanting to see Justin suffer again.  

“No, but I think he’ll want to know his son came from downtown New York” James denied, believing it was his job to inform his boss about this.  

“But the kid is fine, nothing happened, he’s safe why would you want to cause him a lot of trouble?” Louise asked.  

“Please James, please don’t tell him” Justin pleaded safely standing behind Louise. James had helped him out before, Justin knew he had no right to ask him to put his job on the line again but he still had to try. James sighed, he’d never agreed with the way Justin was brought up but it was his job that was on the line here and he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. He already did that once and he wasn’t planning on doing it a second time but when he saw the pleading face of his charge he couldn’t help himself.  

“One condition” James said, caving in slightly, taking repercussion to save his own skin if this ever got out.  

“Anything!” Justin exclaimed, willing to give into anything if he would just not say anything to his father.  

“If this comes out and it always does because the truth always comes out…” he paused hoping to change Justin’s mind by letting him tell his father himself, but he had no idea what was at stake. Justin listened, urging him to continue, to know what his condition was, what it would take for his driver to shut up.  

“I will not take the blame for it. You make sure I’ll keep my job when this does come out” James told the young boy.  

“I’ll take total blame for it, IF it comes out” Justin promised quickly. James was still hesitant and Justin noticed it.  

“Louise will be the witness of this. I swear I won’t get you involved in this. You have my word” Justin said as he extended his hand. James took it,  

“Alright. I won’t say anything then” Justin smiled gratefully.  

“Thank you. Thank you so much!”  

“Sure kid, just don’t let it happen again, alright?”  

“Alright” Justin nodded quickly. Oh no, he would never be this stupid again, at least the getting caught part because he couldn’t and didn’t want to change the rest.  


As Justin walked away to his room, he wondered how long this would continue to go alright. James had warned him the truth would always come out.  

Justin didn’t want to believe it but it had been close this time, so close….

< Unwanted Son-In-Law >