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9 ˝ Hours

By:  Christina


Lizbeth sighed as she grabbed champagne from the bar. As she thanked the bartender, she felt a hand on the bare part of her back.


“Lizby, you look ravishing,” a male voice said from behind her. She immediately recognized the voice and whipped around.


“Alan! Ahh…I missed you! Thanks…you look good too! Excited about your big night?” she exclaimed, giving him a hug.


“Terrified…there are so many critics here!” Alan replied, scanning the room with his eyes.


“Just calm down. Your work is amazing, you’re amazing, the reviews will be amazing,” she whispered into his ear as she pushed him towards the front of the room, “and now I gotta go make a speech to introduce your amazing ass…wish me luck!”


“Luck,” he mumbled as he wiped the sweat from his palms off on his slacks. She made her way to the podium and tapped the microphone lightly.


“Good evening everyone. The artist we’re featuring tonight is an extraordinary man with an extraordinary gift.” As she opened her mouth to continue, her eyes glanced up to the entrance of the gallery. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw the man enter. It was Justin Timberlake and he was staring at her too. Her mind went completely blank until she heard a whisper to her right.


“Lizbeth…what’s wrong? Do you need me to finish?” her boss asked from beside her. She regained her thoughts and shook her head no, but kept her eyes locked on this gorgeous man as she continued.


“His…His paintings capture the splendor and true innocence of the world and he is truly the only one of his kind. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Alan Andrews and his magnificent works of art,” she proclaimed, raising her glass and pushing the red button on the podium. All at once, the paintings in the gallery were revealed. Alan made his way onto the stage and gave a quick thank you speech before heading back to the bar. Lizbeth escorted herself to the bathroom. She stared at her reflection in the mirror for a good three or so minutes before being satisfied with the way she looked, glad she had decided to wear her ‘little black dress’ after all. Damn, he looked sexy…but what the hell was he doing here? She decided she didn’t care…he was here, period. As she exited the bathroom and made her way back over to the bar to find Alan, she heard something drop, but dismissed it.


“Miss…miss.” She heard someone call from behind her. She turned around and met face to face with Justin. She didn’t say anything, couldn’t say anything.


“You dropped this…” he told her as he held up her necklace.


“Thank you so much! I didn’t realize it had fallen off,” she replied, rubbing the bare spot on her neck. Her eyes wandered from his face to his upper body. Realizing what she was doing, she shook her head, knocking herself out of the daze she was in. He handed her the necklace.


“Thank you again,” she said, trying the put the necklace on, without any luck.


“Here,” he spoke, extending his hand, “I’ll help you.” She smiled and handed him the necklace. Lifting her hair, she felt his breath and fingertips on her neck as he attached the clasp. She shivered and turned around to face him.


“Just got a cold chill,” she explained, rubbing her arms. His eyes wandered down to her breasts and she glanced down as well. Her nipples were as hard as ice and she immediately looked back up at him. She didn’t try to cover her breasts up, just kept her gaze on him as he smirked. Yeah…he really gets a kick out of this. You can look all you want to. She was about to speak again until she heard Alan.


“Justin! Man, I didn’t know you were coming…what a surprise!” Alan exclaimed, giving Justin a big hug.


“Anything for you man…I couldn’t miss your big debut!” Justin replied, patting him on the back.


“Lizbeth, you know Justin?” Alan asked, putting his attention on her.


“Just met. We hadn’t had the pleasure of exchanging names just yet,” she informed him as she extended her hand out to Justin’s.


“Lizbeth Andrews…” she spoke as their hands met.


“Justin,” he said, still holding her hand, “Andrews? Alan did you get married and not tell me?”


“No no no. This is my little sister…I told you about her,” Alan explained. She elbowed him.


“Ok…you’re twenty-two, so not exactly ‘little’ but you’re still my little sister!” he said, rubbing his ribs, “You two have fun and chat…I gotta go sell some paintings.”


“So…how do you know Alan?” she asked as they sat down at the bar.


“We met about a year ago. I bought a few of his paintings for my house and he personally delivered them. We had a few drinks and the rest is history…” 



About and hour and a half had passed and they were still talking.


“Am I boring you?” Justin asked.


“No, not at all. I’m just ready to leave…I can only stand these gallery parties for so long before I start to go nuts,” she told him. Alan walked over and hugged her from behind.


“You look tired Lizby…why don’t you go home. We’ll hang out some tomorrow before I leave for LA,” Alan spoke.


“Alan, you’re my ride home…remember?” she replied, patting his hand.


“I’ll take you home…I don’t mind,” Justin chimed in. Alan smiled.


“That’s great, thank you J. I’ll see you when I get back in LA,” Alan told him, giving him and Lizbeth a quick hug goodbye.




The drive to her house was silent. When they arrived, she turned her head and met his stare. Oh god.


“Would you like to come in for some coffee?” she questioned bravely.


“No…that’s alright. Thank you, though…I have to wake up early and take care of some promotional stuff,” he replied, glancing away.


“Well…it was really nice meeting you, Justin. If you’re ever back in New York and wanna hang out, give me a call,” she told him. He nodded and she got out of the car and entered her house. Justin started his ignition and glanced at her bedroom window. The blinds were open and he could see her slipping off her dress. Her bra was fully exposed and as she slipped down the remainder of the dress, she walked into the bathroom before he could see anything else.


Lizbeth changed into some pink boy panties and a white tank top. She was just finishing washing her face when there was a knock at the door. Quickly, she finished rinsing and wiped the water off of her face, then slipped on her mid-thigh length camisole. Someone knocked again.


“Coming!” she yelled, making her way to the door, looking through the peephole. What the hell? She opened the door.


“Coffee sounds good,” Justin said from the doorway.


“I don’t have any coffee,” she whispered. He smiled and grabbed her forcefully, kissing her. She reciprocated and let her hand slam the door before he led her to the bedroom. He threw her on the bed and her robe opened, exposing her tank and boy undies. He removed her robe and let his finger trace the outline of her breast through her tank. She moved her hand to undress him, but he grabbed it.


“You stay still…” he demanded, placing her hand on the bed. Bending down, he licked and lightly nibbled at her collarbone before pulling the tank over her head, exposing her breasts. He placed his fingertips lightly on her chin and slowly brought them down, lightly touching every part of her skin, giving her goose bumps. She shivered slightly, still he continued until his fingertips reached her panties. He stuck one finger under the elastic and let it sit there, teasing her. She raised her hips, but nothing. His attention directed back to her upper body and leaned down, putting his mouth above her right nipple, blowing softly. He moved to the left and did the same, teasing her once more. Finally, his mouth went to her breast and she moaned and rubbed her hands over his shaved head, closing her eyes. His tongue circled her nipple and his hand ventured down into her panties. Suddenly, his actions stopped and he removed himself from atop her body. She felt his weight off of her and before she could open her eyes or say a word he spoke.


“Lizbeth, do you trust me?” he asked huskily. She opened her eyes and looked into his. His face was emotionless, but his eyes were sincere. Her lips parted to speak but nothing came out. He spoke again.


“Do you trust me?” She nodded and he bent down to the floor, grabbing the belt from her silk robe. He circled behind her and slipped it over her eyes, tying it in the back. She was blind to his actions but could hear the unbuckling of his belt. Suddenly his hands met her hips and started to pull at her panties. She lifted her hips and allowed them to be taken. Again, there was a long silence and she became uncomfortable, lying on the bed completely naked. She extended her arms and he grabbed them, pulling her upright, to the edge of the bed. He took her hands and placed them on his bare chest. She ran them over his neck, his shoulders, his nipples, and his abs. She focused on every ripple and crevice. Her hands ran back up his body until they met his chin. With one finger, she found his lips and used her other hand to bring his face down to hers. Their lips met and she opened her mouth, letting his tongue enter. At the end of the kiss she bit his lower lip and let her tongue run over it. Her hands reached around to his muscular back and inched lower towards his ass. He had already removed his pants and underwear, and this pleased her. Her hands then moved around to the front and rested on his lower abdomen. There, she stroked her fingertips back and forth. Her head tilted upwards, in the direction of his face and she heard his heavy breathing, which made her smile. She felt his hand on her face and his fingers meet her lips, stroking them. She opened her mouth and took his finger in it, sucking slightly as her hands gripped around his manhood. She stroked it a moment, then laid her body down and spread her legs in front of him.


“Please…” she whispered, reaching for him. He obliged and put his body in between her legs. His mouth kissed the spot under her earlobe.


“I’m going to take care of you Lizbeth,” he whispered in her ear, “I’ll take care of everything you need.” Then, without warning, he entered her. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he slowly moved back and forth. She let her fingertips run along the muscles in his back as they flexed and she realized that having sex blindfolded was an overwhelming sensation. In an instant, he grabbed her hands and held them over her head.


“Lift your hips,” he ordered and she obliged, lifting as high as she could. He was now in her very depths and she became overcome with an intense feeling to watch him. She tried to move her hands to remove the blindfold, but he still held them tightly. Lifting her head up, she found his shoulder with her mouth and moved it up to his ear.


“Please Justin,” she moaned as she licked and nibbled his earlobe, “I want to watch us.” His face turned and his lips met hers. His hands released and went to her breasts, squeezing and tickling. With one hand, she removed the blindfold, and with the other, she held his head as they kissed. Once her sight was regained, her eyes found their way to the place where their bodies combined and she felt her cheeks get flushed with excitement. He continued to move in and out of her and rolled them over so that she was now on top. She stopped her movements and looked at him.


“Lizbeth, I want you to ride me…I want to see myself in you, ok?” he asked, but it was more like an order, rather than a question. She obliged and moved slowly at first, then faster. She grabbed his hands, which were on her thighs, and placed one on her breast and the other to her mouth, sucking on his fingers. For the first time the entire night, he moaned and she smiled, knowing she had finally broken part of him. Taking the initiative, she removed herself from him and before he could say anything, she put his hardness into her mouth. Immediately, he moved himself away from her mouth and she frowned.


“Lizbeth…you will never have to do that with me,” he told her as he laid her down and entered her again, “We need to finish what we started.” Damn, he was sexy. His blue eyes sparkled as he looked into her eyes, before burying his head in her neck. He moaned freely now and she as well as his pace became faster. He was determined on getting her off first, so he held back until he felt her walls clench around him as she climaxed and soon after, he let himself go. When her pleasure subsided, she laid her head on his chest and ran her hand along his abdomen. He softly hummed and her eyes grew heavy. Before long, she was fast asleep.




Lizbeth woke in the morning to the smell of sausage and the noise of the TV. She let her eyes blink for a minute, getting used to the sunlight pouring into her room. Taking the top sheet on her bed, she wrapped it around her naked body and made her way into the kitchen. She rounded the corner and watched him in the kitchen, in his black boxer briefs, watching ESPN as he cooked. She leaned herself against the kitchen table and smiled. Oh damn…look at that cute little ass. She sighed and he directed his attention from the TV to her.


“Good mornin’,” she told him as she smiled. He turned off the stove and made his way over to her without saying a word. With his body inches from hers, he pulled at the sheet around her body. She loosened her grip and let him pull it to the floor. His body moved closer and he lifted her up, placing her on the kitchen table. He removed his boxer briefs and moved in between her legs that hung off of the table. His eyes locked with hers and in an instant, his mouth was on hers, sucking at her lips and tongue. As they continued kissing, he laid her down and positioned himself.


“Good mornin’,” he huffed before entering her. Yes it is. She moaned loudly and grabbed at his back.




After their morning sex session, Justin finished cooking breakfast. As they sat and ate, he paused.




“Yes?” she asked, giving him her full attention.


“Everyday at this time, when I am not with you, I want you to think of me and touch yourself…can you do that?” he questioned, a very serious look on his face. She nodded.




After breakfast, Lizbeth took a shower as Justin finished watching ESPN. When she entered her room, there was one of her outfits placed on the bed. As she ran her hands along the articles of clothing, he wrapped his arms around her from behind. His chin rested on her shoulder as he spoke.


“Lizbeth…I’m going to take care of you. You won’t ever have to cook or clean or get dressed when I’m with you. I’ll cook for you and clean for you and dress you… I’ll take care of it all.” She turned around to face him and kissed him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck.


“Hey…Alan and me are supposed to hang out tonight before he leaves. You wanna come?” she asked after their lips parted. He shook his head no.


“I don’t care what you do during the day, but I want the nights to be for me and you, ok? I want the night to be ours.” She nodded and before she could reply, the phone rang. She ran to get it.


“Hello?” she answered.


“Hey there…we still on for tonight?” Alan asked. Her eyes met with Justin’s.


“No…I’m sorry. Something came up, but don’t worry…I have a feeling that I’ll be visiting LA sometime very soon,” she replied, smiling as Justin kept his stare on her.


The End


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